First Contact, July 20th 2011, 6:45 AM

Story by MrFox on SoFurry

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#4 of First Contact

Warning! DO NOT READ if you do not like Cock Vore!

July 20th 2011, 6:45 AM

Pat awoke to the painful throb of his cock. It had been hard all night and he had been dreaming some pretty weird dreams. Images of huge muscular men doing unnatural things to him swam through his head while he pulled himself out of his pillows.

After a very long shower Pat was finally soft again, but he had discovered something strange while he showered. At first he hadn't thought it was possible, but his cock seemed bigger! Not only was it bigger but the shape of his cockhead had changed. A strange flap of skin was growing from the top of his cockhead and it had already covered most of his head. He could pull the skin taunt while he was soft and it made his cock look all funny shaped.

When he finally made it downstairs Pat was surprised to find his dad sitting with three strange men dressed in slacks and button up shirts in his living room. ".. and that's why we think we need someone to stay here with you folks" the smaller man said and gestured to the two larger males sitting beside him on the couch.

"Why do I get the feeling you don't trust us?" Brian asked and frowned at him.

"It's just a precaution while we remove the... remains... from your property" He replied and smiled a practiced polite smile.

"Whatever" Brian said and noticed Pat was standing in the door to the living room. "Oh, this is my son Pat" Brian said and gestured for his son to come join them.

Pat sad down in the chair beside his dad. He was pretty uninterested in the conversation, but something was bugging him. The man sitting to the right of the apparent leader of the group was giving him a strange look. Pat couldn't help but look at him too. He was a pretty big guy with sandy blond hair. He looked pretty buff under that suit shirt he wore and from the looks of it the other guy across the couch from him was in good shape too. Pat's cock stirred in his pants, but somehow he forced himself to calm down. His momentary slip though made the blond haired man raise his eyebrow as he observed a noticeable movement in Pat's pants.

After excusing himself Pat went upstairs to hide. Eventually the visitors all left and Pat was alone again. It was a good thing too because Pat was getting hungry, but not in the normal way.

Pat took the last of the chicken up to his room and into his bathroom. After removing his pants and underwear Pat was surprised to see his cock was already hard. What happened next though was almost too weird for the young man. As his cock seemed to harden more and more the skin of his cockhead began to stretch. In a few short moments a fleshy red tube pushed out the top of Pat's cock and into the air. It was a good three inches long bringing Pat's cock to a new grand total of eleven inches.

Just like before a low growl came from his cock as the top of the tube opened like a mouth and a huge glob of pre slid out. Pat was shocked, but he couldn't help pulling out a chicken leg and lowering it to the hungry mouth of his cock. Unlike last time though his cock seemed to almost stretch out with a life of its own, and the mouth of the tube opened to reveal a row of sharp pointed teeth that bit into the chicken leg and slowly pulled it into the tube like throat.

The pleasure was insane, but this time Pat didn't stop at one chicken leg. He fed his hungry cock the last leg and the four wings that remained inside the bucket. Each mind bending pleasurable moment made him wonder if this was a bad thing at all. Once the chicken was gone Pat sighed and looked down at his cock. It was a good thing he had taken his pants off because the bathroom floor was covered with thick gooey slime and his balls had swollen to three times their normal size. The pre had oozed down Pat's cock, balls, and down most of his legs. He didn't care though because the pleasure and warmth in his massively engorged ball sac was making him almost sleepy with pleasure.

Pat was only distantly aware of the almost primal need to find a safe place to unload his massive load of cum. The bathroom wouldn't do, no, Pat didn't want to waste all this amazing cum by blowing it down the drain! Pat stumbled through his room towards his closet. He had always been bad at hanging up clothes so there wasn't hardly anything in the closet at all. It was a nice walk in closet too so there was lots of room for him as he dropped to his knees and his still rigidly hard cock began to spasm uncontrollably.

Pat could see his reflection in the mirror across from the door to the closet where he sat on his knees. Pat's cock started by shooting a huge glob of cum that hit the back wall of the closet and stuck there like glue. As Pat pumped out more and more cum the strange structure began to grow. After a few moments of adding girth the cum tube became pretty rigid except for the liquid being pumped through its length. Pat watched in mute pleasure as the cum tube began to ooze thick milky paste like cum out the end where it contacted with the wall.

A strange musky smell began to fill the small room as more and more cum was spread onto the wall. The whole experience felt like it took hours, but really it was just five short minutes. When it was done the end of the white cum tube popped off and fell to the ground. Pat was pleased to find that his balls were no longer the size of small cantaloupes and that they would indeed fit back into his pants.

The red fleshy tube seemed to retreat back into his cock, and if he hadn't had the weird skin growing on his head his cock would almost look normal. The skin almost made Pat look like he was uncircumcised, but it was strangely thick. He noticed that the sides of his cock almost looked like they had bands under his skin. At first they looked strange, but then Pat realized that they must be the source of his cock's ability to move. With some experimenting he found that he could almost control the new muscles. It felt oddly good to move his cock around, but it raised the new question, why wasn't his cock going soft?

Being able to move his cock around like an extra arm was handy and all, plus it felt pretty damn good, but eventually Pat would need to fit back into his pants. After some more experimentation he discovered that he could push and pull the fleshy red tube in and out of his cock. It was like his cock was just a muscular sheath for the red tube. Kind of like a throat! Hiding a flexible eight inch hard on was more difficult than Pat had thought. As lewd as it made him look he couldn't do much about the huge bulge in the front of his pants. Pat had to admit though it was pretty damn hot.

Night fell quickly over the house. Pat decided to go to bed even though his dad wasn't home yet. Maybe this would all blow over and tomorrow he could start thinking about what he was going to do about his newly improved cock and it's strange abilities. The heady warmth of having blown such a massive load and the fact that for once Pat wasn't hungry lulled the young man to sleep.

As he slept his cock writhed in his underwear. Being contained was uncomfortable for the muscular appendage and through the night every hour or so the whole cock would clench and flex as the bands of muscle inside it grew ever so slightly larger. The extra growth added both height and width to Pat's cock and by the time morning came along he had grown another inch larger and about a quarter inch thicker.