The Camping Trip - The Appetizer

Story by Vorinclex on SoFurry

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#2 of The Camping Trip

AN: you go! The next chapter! Hope you guys like it! Comment, rate, whatever!

I awoke on my own, before my dad did. At first I was confused, not remembering exactly where I was. But then I recognized the motel room we were in, and last night came rushing back. I had sucked off my father. And he knew it. I looked over at him as I gently sat up in the bed. He was facing away from me, still asleep. As I pulled off the covers to get out, his perfectly sculpted ass came into view. Almost like some sick instinct, my mouth began to water. He rolled over in his sleep, and as he did so, his fat dick fell limply onto his thigh. It was like it was beckoning to me, begging me to grab it again, to stuff it into my muzzle as I had last night. I started salivating profusely, and I stood up quickly. My muggy morning mind told me to get to the bathroom before my dad woke up, as though my absence might dampen his inevitable anger.

Ignoring my raging erection that resulted from seeing my father naked yet again, I tried to remember exactly how he had reacted last night. He hadn't seemed too angry. But then, he might have just been tired, from both his orgasm and the time of night. I shook my head, tip-toeing to the bathroom to shower.

My hand was on the handle when I heard his voice, exactly as it was last night.


I winced. I guess he'd woken up just in time to catch me. I didn't know quite what to make of it without seeing his face, so I shamefully turned to face him. He was lying on the bed, his legs still under the covers, propping himself up on his elbows. I resisted the urge to stare at his crotch, looking at his face instead. He barely glanced at my erection which was pointing right at him before uttering a stern, "Come here."

I sniffed, sitting on the edge of the bed, as far away from him as possible. He just stared at me. "We have to talk."

The tears were returning. I was scared. I knew I was in trouble for what I did, and I could understand why. He would probably never trust me again, and the next week would be hell for the both of us.

He took a deep breath. "What did you do last night?"

"Dad, please, I'm sorry... I know I--"

"Just tell me, Luke. I don't want to play games, and I want to be sure that I didn't just imagine it."

My breath came in the short gasps that came with my crying. "I...I su..." I mumbled off something unintelligible, knowing I couldn't bring myself to say it aloud.

"What?" He was serious. I was in trouble, and I was just making it worse.

"I sucked your cock! I got you hard, sucked you off, and then swallowed when you came! And I'm sorry!"

He just leaned back, looking incredulous. "Lucas...I just...why? I mean...why?!" He covered his face in his paws, rubbing as though he was stressed. Why wouldn't he be?

"I...I don't want to say..." I whispered.

He raised his voice. "Damn it, Lucas, you had my fucking dick in your mouth, now tell me what possessed you to do that!"

It was the swearing that scared me the most. He never swore unless it was serious. I broke down. I had successfully destroyed our relationship, and this conversation was just breaking the pieces even more. I started crying, hard. Hard enough that I couldn't answer him, even if I wanted to. I thought he'd hate me by now. So I was pretty surprised when the bed shifted and his arms wrapped around me. I hugged him hard, crying into his neck. "Dad...I'm sorry...don't...don't hate me..."

"Oh...sweetheart..." he whispered.

I looked up at him. He'd never called me that before. That was the kind of sugary pet name he reserved for mom. I had no idea how to respond.

"Were you just horny, or was it something more?" he asked.

I just leaned into him, loving his naked body while I could. "It's more than that...Dad, I...I think I love you...more than I should..."

He nodded. "That's what I thought it was...Lucas, this is a problem. A big problem."

"I know, and I'm sorry! I can't help it! I just...It's been so hard for me to--"

"No," he said. "That's not quite what I meant." He looked down into my eyes. "How are we going to keep this from your mother from now on?"

I didn't have enough time to ask what he meant before he suddenly moved down, kissing me hard. I wasn't sure what was happening, but I was not complaining. I kissed him back, and he forced his tongue into my mouth. It was large and strong, and I moaned like a bitch while our tongues wrestled. I felt his dick harden between our bodies, and he pressed his waist into mine. It was a good minute of making out before we separated.

"Dad...what're you--"

"Quiet," he said, slowly pushing me off the bed. I landed on the carpet, on my knees. He moved forward and sat in front of me, his hard cock swinging like a baseball bat. "Now, be a good boy and suck your daddy's cock. Make me cum again."

I gaped. "Dad, are you serious?"

He grinned, gesturing to his crotch. "Do I look like I'm joking?"

I shook my head.

"Then get to work." He pushed his throbbing dick into my face, rubbing it on my cheeks. "Open up start sucking, son."

I didn't need any more encouragement. He held his dick by the base and waited, looking at me expectantly. I opened my mouth and dived, stuffing my muzzle full with his fat length. He moaned out loud, squeezing my shoulder.

"Oh, FUCK, boy. Yes...fucking yes..."

His words turned me on. I was making him say those things. I, his son, was making him feel this good. I bobbed my head quickly, slurping loudly and hungrily on the cock in my mouth. My saliva dripped down the length and into his pubic fur. I sucked as hard as I could, wanting nothing more at this moment than to make my dad orgasm. I wanted him to cum inside me again.

He kept moaning out dirty encouragements while I worked. "God, that's so good...You like daddy's cock, don't you? Oh, fuck..."

I thought he was getting close, so I tried to slow down. I wanted this to last, in case it was the last time it happened. He apparently had other plans. "Don't slow down, son, just make me cum. I'm so fucking close..."

He took my head in his paws and pulled me deep onto his cock. I gagged, and he pulled out for a moment before thrusting back in. I gagged again, but he just kept fucking my face without mercy. It was scary, but I loved every second of it. "Oh fuck, here it comes..."

I took a deep breath just in time for him to pull me all the way down, my chin in his balls. He let out a great cry as he came. I could feel his hot cum being pumped right into my gullet. Tears started to run down my face from the strain of holding my head down for him, and he pulled out enough to cum into my mouth. A couple final spurts of his potent sperm landed on my tongue as his body spasmed from the force of his orgasm.

He pulled out completely, his wet, spent cock dripping a few drops of cum onto the carpet. I swallowed the load in my mouth and gasped, trying to catch my breath. Dad fell backwards onto the bed, panting with exhaustion. "That was fucking great, son."

I crawled up and laid next to him, draping my legs over his. He grinned at me as my hard cock rubbed against his thighs. "So...I'm not in trouble?"

He sighed. "Not now, I guess. But you will be if you don't promise to do that every day."

My heart leapt into my throat. " liked it that much?"

"Lucas, the two best blowjobs I've ever received in my life have been from you. Just now and last night." He rolled over on top of me, smiling. "So yeah. I liked it that much."

"Really?" I was elated. Being told that I was good at sucking dick by my own father seemed a little surreal, but incredibly satisfying.

"Hell yeah. That's what kept me from getting angry when you woke me up," he smirked down at me, leaning down to affectionately nuzzle my face.

I laughed. "Are you serious?"

"Yep. You might not be very experienced or skilled, but goddamn, you're eager. I'll be honest. It fucking turns me on how much you love my cock. Seeing you go at it like that last night...god...that was the best orgasm I'd had in months..."

I frowned slightly. "...I don't have skill?"

He chuckled. "You just need practice. And don't worry; I plan on giving you a lot of practice. But you didn't just go through the motions, like a lot of girls do. Like your mother did. You were really hungry for my dick weren't you?"

"I wanted it more than anything."

He grinded his crotch into mine, grinning as I moaned. I still hadn't cum, after all. "That's what made me cum so much. You wanted it, and I gave it."

I licked his lips. "I'm glad I could help, Dad."

"That's another thing."

I perked up my ears. "Hm?"

"From now on, whenever we do this, because you know we will, I want you to call me Daddy. I think that turns me on too. And I think I'll enjoy being reminded that it's my son I'm fucking with."

That led me to another thought. Blood rushed to my face, and I blurted out the question without thinking. "Would you fuck me, Daddy?"

His eyes widened, and he looked down at me. " really want that? You want me have sex with you?"

I nodded slowly. "I'd love that. More than anything."

He looked straight at me. "God know what? I'll consider it. I'm not sure about you losing your virginity to me, but..." He smiled again. "You never know. Hell, we've already gone this far, and that only took one night. And the thought does appeal to me a bit."

"Dad, what about mom? This is going to change things."

He paused and sighed. Then he squeezed me tightly and licked my neck. "Your mother and I...things haven't been the best in bed for a while now. I still love her, don't get me wrong. But...she hasn't wanted any of me in THAT way for months. That's...part of why I'm going along with this."

"What about all those raunchy stories you were going to tell me?"

"You mean from back before you were born?"

"Dad...are you for real? That long?"

"A kid in the family tends to kill a lot of sexual tension, you know."

I grinned. "Not this kid."

He reached down and grabbed my erection, pumping it tenderly. "Not anymore, anyway," he whispered in my ear. I giggled. He gave my cock a soft squeeze. "You're getting to be a good size. I bet you'll be as big as me when you're older."

I gasped softly. "Why don't you get a closer look?"

He looked at me knowingly. "I've got a better idea. How about a shower? You're such a dirty boy, after all."

I blushed. My dad's dirty talk was apparently very effective on me. My dick throbbed in his paw, and he let it drop to my stomach. Before I could get up, though, he held my thighs down and gave my hard shaft a single long, firm lick. I moaned like I was in heat, loving the ribbon of flesh on my length. "Oh that again..."

He grinned. "Since you asked so nicely...but only one more time." He cupped his wide tongue around my cock, surrounding it with moisture. Then he dragged it up my cock at a torturously slow pace, making me writhe beneath his touch.

My voice went up an octave. "Oh, Daddy! Yes!"

He pulled off, leaving me panting on the bed. When he stood up, I saw that licking my dick had made him hard again, his enormous cock curving slightly downward from its own weight. I'll never understand how my mom could have resisted that perfect specimen of male sex, but I never could.

"Come on," he said, pointing to the bathroom door. "You need a shower."

I got up, walking to the bathroom. As I opened the door, he grabbed my ass and squeezed it, licking the back of one of my ears. "Such a cute little butt..."

I retaliated by reaching back and grabbing his dick again. "Such a delicious monster cock."

He pulled open the shower curtain, stepping inside. "Jesus, Lucas. Hearing you talk like that makes my balls ache."

He turned on the water, his cock bobbing up and down with every move he made. I stepped inside the shower as well, moving to one side. I watched as the water cascaded down onto my dad's naked body. I was blissfully enraptured by the image of absolute beauty before me: my father, naked, wet, and erect. He saw me staring and grinned. "What?"

"I just hope you realize that you're the most beautiful man I've ever seen."

I actually saw him blush. "Am I really?"

I stepped towards him. "Really. And, at the risk of ruining the moment, I want you to know that I love you." He knew what I meant.

My dad wrapped his big, strong arms around me, pulling me to him. Our hard cocks rubbed together, making me moan again. He held my face in his paws, making me look at him. "I love you too, son. I always will."

Then we kissed. I considered it our first real kiss. Long and tender, erotic and loving. Our tongues intertwined again, but without the intense sexual force from before. He was kissing me like I was his I was his mate. I almost cried from the intimacy of the moment. He put his paw on the back of my head, cradling me lovingly. I whimpered softly in his grasp, loving every moment.

Eventually, he pulled away, gazing into my eyes. Water ran down our bodies, making them slick. Dad grinned. "You ready?"

I nodded, grinning as well. "I'm ready, Daddy."

He put his paws on my shoulders and turned me around, making me face the tile wall of the shower. Then he pushed me forward gently, pressing my face and chest against the wall. The cool tiles made me shiver. My dad rubbed his paws all over my wet back, tenderly feeling every inch of me. When he reached my butt, he excitedly massaged my ass cheeks, sliding his fingers all over my crack and taint. I groaned softly from the sensation.

"You're Daddy's little dirty boy, aren't you? You're my little fucking whore, aren't you?"

I was a little taken aback for a moment. I turned my head to look at my dad, surprised at his choice of words. But as soon as I saw his face, I could tell that he wasn't serious. He was just getting into the moment. I decided to play along.

"Oh Daddy, yes...I'm your little slut. Come on, have your way with your slutty little faggot son!" I panted eagerly for him, working it up for him as best I could.

He apparently liked it, because I saw him shudder. "Christ, baby...I love that so much..."

While my stomach filled with butterflies from his flattery, he got down onto his knees and spread my ass apart.

"Such a hot little ass..." he whispered loudly enough for me to hear. "Fuck, I need this so badly..."

"So what are you waiting for? I'm all yours," I said.

He made a noise that was halfway between a growl and a bark, and then he shoved his face into my ass. I moaned, receiving my very first rimjob from my apparently very experienced father. He pushed his thick tongue deep into me, licking all over my most secret places, sending shivers of pleasure up my spine. I'd never expected this to feel so good.

"Oh..." I cooed softly. "Oh yes..."

He ate my ass out with a wild abandon, as though he was starving for it. He knew exactly what he was looking for, it seemed, and he found it quickly. His tongue was long enough that he could reach my prostate, and he did. I moaned again, much louder than before, as he began licking powerfully at my g-spot. I tried to take a free hand to grasp my dripping cock, desperate to masturbate. But Dad stopped me, grasping my wandering paw and directing it back to the wall. I wasn't allowed to touch myself. As soon as I put my paw back on the wall, he started lick, if possible, even harder. It was hard for me to remain standing, the pleasure was so great.

I was panting hard. And my voice just kept getting higher, until I sounded like a slutty little girl. I couldn't help it, though. My father was on his knees with his tongue in my ass. And he was doing a very, very good job.

"Oh Daddy, yes...don't stop...please don't stop..."

Much to my dismay, he stopped. He pulled away from my ass, giving my hole a few good licks before looking up at me. "Like that?"

"God, Daddy...I was so close, why'd you stop?" I whined.

He chuckled, gesturing for me to turn around and face him. "So I could do this."

Without another word, he engulfed my entire erection in his muzzle. I was certain that the neighboring rooms heard my cry of pleasure. I reached up and held my dad's face, not wasting any time. I was so close, I didn't want and tender ministrations or more teasing. I just started liberally fucking my dad's face. He lifted his tongue, so my cock wedged itself over and over between it and the roof of his mouth. It felt like heaven.

I gave out a quick, "Gonna cum," before thrusting one final time into his mouth, hilting myself completely. It felt as though my orgasm rode itself out for hours, and I groaned in bliss as I ejaculated into my father's muzzle. He licked every inch of my length in his mouth while I came, pleasuring me to my limit.

After a few seconds, the post-orgasm exhaustion hit me, and I tried to pull out. But my dad held me there, his paws pressing my ass to keep me from pulling from his muzzle. I held his face while he continued to suckle my rapidly softening cock. He played with it with his tongue, and I gazed down to enjoy the spectacle. The sight of my dad sucking me off was ridiculously hot. After about a minute of the blissful sucking, Dad pulled off, my limp cock falling onto my ballsac.

"Shit, Dad," I grinned. "That was fucking awesome."

He stood up, smiling widely. "It sure was." He must have swallowed while I came, a thought that would have turned me on again if I hadn't been spent. He shoved his tongue into my mouth again, and I could taste my cum on it.

He pulled off quickly. "And now I believe it's my turn," he said, grasping his cock.

I laughed. "Again?"

He nodded. "Yes, again. I told you you'd get lots of practice, didn't I?"

I smiled. "Yeah, I guess you did." He took my place against the wall, leaning back as he waited for me. I got to my knees eagerly, already hungry again for my father's fat cock.

It swayed in my face, glistening with the water from the shower. Enormous and black, it looked deliciously perfect. I grasped it and started stroking. He let out a soft, "Mmm," while I worked, staring down at me. I held it, drinking in every vein and crevice of his shaft with my eyes. Then I closed my eyes and rubbed it against my face, kissing it, licking it, and worshipping it. I wanted every inch of my face to touch that perfect cock, and I stroked it as I moved it against my cheeks, chin, and forehead.

"Yeah, that's it, baby. Worship my fucking dick. You love it, you little cockslut," he said as he rubbed my ears.

"Yes, Daddy. I want it bad. I fucking love your cock," I panted for him.

"Come on, then. We don't have all day. Suck it. Now." He said the last word with a little wag of his hips, his dick slapping my face.

I smirked. "Yes sir."

I stuck out my tongue and started with a long, slow lick, as he had done to me earlier. I heard him groan, and I licked him again. As my tongue reached the head, and pulled his cock down into my mouth, taking in only an inch or so. I swiveled my tongue all over his cock head, making him moan again. He tried to buck into my mouth, but I pulled off as soon as he did. He looked down at me, his brow furrowing as I shook my head no. I was going to enjoy this.

Once I was sure he would stay still, I moved back in. I took a few more inches in this time, moaning so my mouth and throat would vibrate for him. I pulled off a bit, sucking on his length as I did so, before sliding him back into my mouth. I did this repeatedly, taking in a few more centimeters each time. Dad put a paw on my head, breathing heavily. After a minute or so, I pulled off completely, holding his cock up in my paw. Then I moved to his huge balls, snaking my tongue around them.

"Oooh, that's nice..." he grunted. I took one of the large furry orbs into my mouth, rolling it around on my tongue.

"Try both of them," he encouraged. I did as he said, opening my muzzle wide to fit his full scrotum into it. I tenderly massaged his testicles with my tongue. He moaned contentedly as I sucked. "Yeah, that's it. Suck Daddy's balls."

I let them fall out of my mouth, watching as they slapped back against his thighs. I dropped his dick, and it fell back into my open mouth. As soon as it touched my tongue, I closed my muzzle and started sucking hard.

"Fuck, that's good, son. Look up at me. I want to see your eyes while you suck your dad's cock." I looked up at his face, bobbing my head on his length. He smiled, rubbing my head as I worked. "That's it. Yeah, that's so hot...You like Daddy's cock?"

I moaned around my full muzzle. "Mmm-hmm." His blue eyes stared right down at me, and I shivered in excitement.

"I'm almost there, boy. You just keep working it." He never looked away from me. I guess the sight of his dick in his son's mouth was as hot for him as it was for me.

I reached up and started playing with his balls as I sucked, stuffing my face with as much cock as I could. The water hit my back, and it kept his dick slick enough for me to slide all over. I gently pulled down on his sac as I relaxed my throat and took him all the way in, my nose pressed to his pubic fur.

"Oh shit, son. That's it again..."

I obeyed, pulling off before plunging back in, faster than before. I moaned loudly to make my throat vibrate for him, and he grunted out a loud "Oh, FUCK yeah" in response. I held it for just a few seconds, and then started sucking again, as hard as I could. His breathing became heavier, and I knew he was getting close.

Then, on a whim, and put a paw between his legs and inserted a single finger deep into his ass. I didn't give him time to adjust to the intrusion, instead just stimulating his prostate as much as I could.

"Holy fucking shit," he growled loudly. "I'm cumming, son! Open your mouth and stay still."

He grabbed his cock and pulled out of my muzzle, jacking furiously. I opened my mouth wide, rubbing his thighs with my other paw while he panted. The first shot of cum took me by surprise, but I just held myself still for him. He aimed his cock at my mouth, all of his cum landing on my tongue. I fought the urge to swallow.

When his orgasm ended, he looked down at me, rubbing his softening cock on my face again. "Fuck, that's beautiful. Hold still for a sec." He bent over and stuck his tongue into my open mouth, getting a good lick of his own cum. "Okay. You can swallow now."

I did, coughing a little as I misjudged the size of his load. "God, Dad. I love your cum."

"Heh, I know. That was so fucking hot."

I stood up, rubbing his chest. "Thank you," I said, nuzzling him.

He chuckled. "Lucas, after that blowjob, I should be thanking you. What made you want to stick a finger in my ass?"

I shrugged. "I thought it would make you cum. It worked didn't it?"

"Fuck yeah, it worked. That felt great."

"What made you want to rim me like that?"

"Heh, your mom never let me near her butt. I couldn't pass up rimming a tight little virgin ass like yours." I blushed.

He leaned closer to my ear. "I bet it'll be nice and tight when I fuck it," he whispered.

I quickly looked up at him. "You mean it? You'll--"

"Yeah," he interrupted me. "I'll fuck you. After all we've done now, I've got to." He grinned.

I happily kissed him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He chuckled, his chest rumbling a bit as we made out. He grabbed and squeezed my ass, shoving his tongue in my mouth for the umpteenth time that day.

"I'm so lucky to have such a little cockslut for a son," he said.

"Yeah, and I'm so lucky to have such a big manwhore for a dad."

"Touché. But I think we should actually wash ourselves now, before either of us get turned on again."

"Fat chance of that, Daddy."

I was right. We washed each other, our dicks become hard again as we lathered our bodies. But we just ignored them. Sort of. I couldn't resist sucking my dad's nipples while I washed his chest. He enjoyed it too, his nipples become nice and hard under my tongue.

"Shit, that feels good. If you keep up this awful behavior, I might have to fuck you right here as punishment."

"Really?" I asked excitedly.

"No. Now stop before I change my mind."

I pouted as he turned off the water, grabbing our towels. I stared at our naked reflections as we climbed out of the tub.

"Wait a second, Dad. Don't dry off yet."

He looked at me. "Lucas, we gotta get moving soon. What is it?"

I blushed. "It's just...would you lean your paws on the counter for me?"

He rolled his eyes, grinning. "Just hurry up, whatever it is you want, okay?"

I nodded as he faced the mirror and put his paws on the bathroom counter. I gazed at his perfect ass, getting on my knees again. "I just want a quick taste, okay? I promise."

"Fine. Just a quick taste." He lifted his tail, revealing to me his tight ass hole, clearly every bit as virgin as mine.

"Oh shit..." I whispered.

I spread his big cheeks apart and moved in. I was licking my dad's ass. He grunted above me, moving his legs apart to give me more room. I licked over and over, like his ass was candy. To me, it was much better. His musk was strong, even after the shower, and it was intoxicating.

"That feels really good, Luke...really good..." He dropped to his elbows on the counter. "Go deeper. I want your tongue in my ass."

I obliged, pushing my tongue past his anus and into his anal passage. I ate him out passionately, trying to repeat what he did to me. But my tongue quickly became tired, and I just settled for gently licking at his anal walls and prostate. He gave out quiet little "Oh"s while I worked, tasting every inch of him that I could.

"Alright, that's enough," he said, gently pushing me away.

I whined in protest. "Dad! I wasn't done!"

He turned around, his massive erection bobbing and once again begging for attention from me. "Too bad," he said. "We have to check out soon. Stand up and let's make out one more time, while we're still naked."

I stood, grabbing his ass again as he pressed his body against mine. We kissed again, our tongues battling while our cocks rubbed against each other. It made me so horny, despite the fact that I knew we couldn't do any more than this for now. He rubbed my back with one paw as we kissed, holding my head with the other. I felt luckier than my mom ever was.

"I love you so much," I said as we separated.

"And I love you," he smiled. "Now dry off and get dressed. Checkout ends in 15 minutes."