Queens Blade [Cats & Dogs] - By Request!
So! This is the absolutely FIRST request I have ever written. I journaled about it while I was writing and now here is the finished product! Please remember, this is a request made to me by Mystery-Guy. We worked together...his ideas and my details...to bring this to life. Thank you Mystery-Guy for challenging me with this story!
Queens Blade[Cats & Dogs]
Leina trudged along the path. The narrow dirt trail wound its way among the ancient oaks and scrub trees decorating the face of the Oolong Mountains. She grumbled tiredly as the narrow lane sloped steadily skyward, hopefully leading her over the peak of the mountain and ever closer to her goal in Gynos. The Queens Blade Tournament wasn't scheduled for another six months, but it was going to take nearly all of that to travel to the capital city and face Aldra, the current Queen. Leina shook her head in frustration as she plodded up the path. For days now she had seen nothing but trees, bushes, and the trail leading off into the distance. She reached over her shoulder and settled the sword on her back into a more comfortable position. It had a tendency to ride up on her shoulder blades and pinch between her smooth skin and the pack she carried with all of her supplies. With the sword handled, she ran her thumbs along the edges of her silvery armor, checking for folds in the soft inner padding that would eventually rub her skin raw with all of the movement of walking if left unattended.
The armor was her pride and joy, next to her sword. Thigh-high metallic boots, hinged at the knee and ankle, glinted in the afternoon sun. On her left arm was a long metallic sleeve, nearly identical to her boots, terminated on her bicep, about half the distance between elbow and shoulder. The sleeve was essentially a long metallic glove, hinged at the elbow and sporting a fully articulated "hand" at the end, complete with fingers. The other arm was wrapped in a leather belt, starting at the palm of her hand and winding around her arm, across her shoulder, and loosely encircling her neck before dipping down to attach to her most striking piece of armor, her breastplate. Her plate was definitely customized, formed in a stylized "y" shape with the bottom flaring out to protect her hips. The center covered her stomach and the tops of the "y" each covering the ends of her enormous breasts.
Leina frowned and traced the top of her breastplate with a finger. The silvery armor was embossed with chunky details designed to mimic human anatomy in some sections and give a more artistic license in others. The thickness of the top of her breastplate had a tendency to push the armor back into the soft fullness of her gigantic bust. Of all of her startling feminine features, Leina's bosom was the least suited to combat. Each of the bouncy globes was larger than a man's head, with extra space for his hat. The smooth curves of flesh looked a little squashed behind her armor, which barely covered her areolas. The fem warrior cupped her gigantic orbs long enough to heft them into a more comfortable position behind the breastplate, and then let them fall into position, swaying gently as she walked. Almost as an afterthought, a thin cotton thong, covered by an attached red loincloth, gave her some semblance of modesty, if no real protection. Leina sighed and continued on.
After hours of trudging up the hill, the curvy fighter began to grow impatient once again. She longed for a place to lay her head other than her curled up blanket, or a convenient rock. She also sought the glorious feeling of combat, her sword having spent far too long cooped in its scabbard on her back. Part of the reason the challengers for the title of Queen made the journey on foot was to hone their battle skills against any and all who would face them during the journey. Leina's last battle had been nearly a week prior, against a monk who was definitely more bark than bite. The fat fool had come at her with twin halberds, confident his dual weaponry would vanquish her single sword technique. She had laid him low, disarming first one, then the other halberd and then spanking his bottom with the flat of her blade. Normally, the fem warrior would have taken the male to her bed as her spoils but he turned out to be not only unattractive in appearance, but inside as well, venting his loss at her in a stream of invectives that eventually had her pinning him to the wall with her sword. With the sharp tip poking him in the throat, the monk had shut his mouth and conceded his loss with no more fuss.
Leina bemoaned the monk's appearance as well, having developed an itch in a spot that only a male could scratch. The time since last she lay with a man was even longer than her last few battles, and her needs were making themselves known. Every step up the side of the mountain caused her thong to rub mightily, and every passing moment made her more and more aroused. Leina reached down and tugged the thong down and out away from her crotch. The light breeze that flitted over her mound helped cool her desires somewhat, but it was going to take a man's touch to fully sate her needs. With a deep sigh, she continued up the footpath.
The trail wound around a bend and suddenly opened into a large area filled with buildings. Leina's eyes filled with hope of a warm bed and she ran down the dwindling path to the cobblestone road between two buildings. As she drew closer, the condition of the dwellings became more apparent. The fem warrior stopped and gaped in disappointment at the crumbling structures. The general rundown condition of the homes, the weeds growing through the stoned road, and the lingering emptiness of the village led Leina to conclude that the town had been abandoned for quite some time. She cursed softly as she continued deeper into the village. The prospect of a warm bed and even warmer food had more of an effect on her then she wanted to admit. Even warriors needed to rest well sometimes. As she passed home after abandoned home, she began to wonder what cataclysmic event could have prompted the inhabitants to flee their homes.
Suddenly, the road opened into what could be described as a public square. The open area was meticulously paved with hand cut stone, circling the plaza in a ring formation and gradually constricting to the center to end at an upright, stone arch. As Leina approached the arch, she saw what appeared to be runes carved in the stone surface, starting at the base on one side and flowing up and over the curve to end at the base of the other side. The runes were pictorial, but in a muddling jumble of scenes that didn't make sense to the female warrior. She approached the arch carefully, scanning the open area for any signs of life. When she reached the stone doorway, she marveled at the smooth construction. There were no tools marks of any kind on the unblemished surface. With a hesitant finger, she slowly traced one of the pictures carved into the surface. Without warning, the glyph flared with light and the archway was suddenly filled with a vertical pane of rippling, shiny silver. Leina staggered back from the arch.
Leo was making best speed to leave the Icelarn realm. His encounter yesterday with Hydron had left him weakened but elated. The damnable half-kraken was just another obstacle in his quest to defeat Scion and restore his kingdom of Savalia. He had spent the night huddled around a small fire in the icy wasteland, recovering his strength, and now he bounded across the frozen terrain, leaping frozen fissures with the superior agility granted by his "curse". Leo pulled his lips back into a feline smile, baring his fangs to the cold. This curse had turned out to be quite the blessing, lending him senses and abilities far beyond those of normal man. Now he sped across the wastes, moving fluidly and gracefully as only a half-lion, half-man could. He leapt another fissure and sprinted up a hill made from wind blown ice. At the peak of the mound, the ground suddenly disappeared, leaving nothing for the sure footed warrior to clamber on. With a last second decision, Leo bunched his powerful legs and leapt into the void, aiming for an apparent soft patch of snow in the distance. While he was in midair, a blazing doorway of light appeared, suspended in the air between Leo and his objective. The wily half-human twisted, trying to avoid the glowing portal, but was unable to change his trajectory. With a snarl, he fell into the light.
Leina backed hastily away from the glowing portal. The entire affair reeked of magic, and past experience with the arcane told her that she may be in quite a bit of trouble. A solid wall at her back let her know that she had reached the edge of the plaza, so she crouched in place, drawing her sword and watching the arch intently. To her surprise, the stone doorway flared brightly and disgorged a body! The figure sailed through the archway, which promptly went out, and tucked into a combat roll, coming to rest several feet out on to the square. When the figure stood, Leina gasped.
He was humanoid, standing nearly six and a half feet in height. His features were a strange mix of lion and man, blended into one. A thick, lustrous mane of brown hair framed a face strong with feline features. His ears were large, cupped, and sat high on his head, like a true lion. His broad, flat forehead sloped down to a wide cat muzzle with large nostrils and a black tip. The dense mane trailed down his powerful jaw line and ended below a wide mouth full of cat teeth. The visitor's eyes were set on the sides of his head, but still angled for forward, binocular vision. Each blue tinted orb resided under a strong feline eye ridge, giving him the appearance of a permanent scowl. Leina's eyes widened even further when she observed the rest of his superbly muscled body was covered in a short, blonde pelt, hidden in some places by a tattered red loincloth and a pair of matching red, fold-over boots. She noticed the uniquely shaped belt, complete with a steel "mask" buckle, which held his loincloth in place and two steel manacles, still sporting short links, adorned each wrist. In his left hand he held a simple, yet massive, long sword, which he used to point in Leina's direction.
"You there! What have you done? Where am I and how did I get here?"
Leina stood and slowly began to walk toward the lion man. She couldn't take her eyes off of his body. He looked like a sculpted statue, carved and chiseled anatomy covered in soft fur. As she approached, the creature spotted her bared sword and dropped smoothly into a combat stance.
"Approach no further, female! I am not above fighting a woman!"
Woman indeed! Leo's thoughts raced as he watched the unknown female approach him. The disorienting ride through...whatever that was...and finding himself in this unknown place were taxing his calm. He had scanned his surroundings as soon as he was upright and spotted the scantily clad woman crouched against a far wall. Now she was slowly making her way towards him, a normally delightful prospect if it were not for the sword she wielded. His eyes quickly roamed up and down her form, noting the silvery, barely-there armor and leather straps. He took in her lithe, supple curves, long blond hair, and cherubic face before he let himself glance fully at her most prominent feature, her chest. The woman's breasts were huge, threatening to spill out from behind her narrow breastplate. Leo's mouth started to water at the sight of so much exposed flesh. The female noted his gaze and smiled.
"Don't mind fighting a woman? Good! I've been craving a good tussle!"
Leo automatically started to circle, frowning at the female.
"Are you mad? You brought me here to fight?"
"I didn't mean to bring you here! The portal just turned on when I touched it!"
Leo's eyes flicked to the stone archway and back.
"You don't even know how you brought me here? What kind of sorceress are you?"
The blonde warrior shook her head, nearly smacking herself in the face with the rings at the ends of two long braids.
"I am not a sorceress! I am Leina Vance, heir to the throne of Count Vance and contender for the title of champion Queen!"
"Well then, Leina Vance, know you face Leo, King of Savalia, Bane of Scion, and champion of all humankind!"
The fem warrior came to a halt and cocked her head. She turned her sword and placed it on the stone, point first. Her hands rested loosely on the grip as she addressed him.
"You're a king? How is it that I have never heard of you?"
"I have never heard of a champion Queen either, but that doesn't make me any less of a king."
"You've never heard of the Queen's Blade Tournament?"
"No. In my lands, we don't have time for tournaments. We are too busy trying to survive."
"It doesn't sound pleasant, this place from where you hail."
"It's not. I was just returning from slaying a half-kraken beast called Hydron, before you dragged me from the wastes."
"Like I said before, I didn't drag you here! It was an accident! The thing turned on when I touched a rune!"
"Which rune? Touch it again and send me back."
"I would, if I knew which one I touched."
Leo scowled and gestured towards the archway.
"If you have to touch them all, I will go home."
"I don't think it works that way."
"What? Then how does it work?"
"I don't know! Maybe there are some instructions in one of these buildings."
The lion man turned and looked down the row of dwellings.
"Then I shall search them all if I must."
Leina kicked her sword, causing it to spin up into the air where she could grab the hilt with both hands and point it in his direction.
"Oh no. Before you go anywhere, we have unfinished business."
"Are you serious? What possible gain could you hope to get from a battle with me?"
"Experience, for one, and if I win...I may decide to claim a reward."
Leo looked confused.
"Reward? What type of reward?"
Leina smiled and waggled her eyebrows suggestively. Leo's jaw dropped in surprise.
"Surely you are joking?"
"No. To the winner go the spoils."
Leo rubbed his chin in thought. If he fought this girl, he would have to remember that it wasn't a duel to the death. All of his battles these days were to the death, except for those few rare times when he could train with Mai-Ling, or Kenji. As his eyes traveled up and down her body, he mused that, win or lose, the rewards may be well worth the battle. The lion man twirled his sword and smiled.
"Fine. But if I win, I will claim my own reward, anything I wish."
Leina slashed the air in front of her and smiled back."
"Ooooh, threaten me with a good time? Don't worry, you wont win, so..."
"We'll see."
The pair began to circle each other around the square. Leo couldn't help but admire her foot placement and tightly guarded stance. Her defense was conservative, but still allowed plenty of ways to strike. He stepped forward and slashed low, testing to see if her defense would hold. Leina danced easily over the blow, moving nonchalantly, and returned with a vicious swipe to his head. Leo ducked under the swipe, moving as though it were the most ordinary thing, and backed away. He smiled again as he continued to circle.
"This may well prove better than I thought."
The half-lion leapt suddenly forward, bringing his blade to bear. The ringing clash of steel echoed off the surrounding buildings as the two traded blows. Leo spun and twisted, raining blows on the fem warrior. She countered each and returned some nasty swings of her own. Leo bared his teeth; this was actually starting to get interesting!
Leina blocked yet another incredible series of blows. This guy was good! She ducked, dodged, and deflected strike after strike as she tried desperately to find a hole in his defense. It seemed as though any time she found an opening, he moved to seal it up before she could strike. She was going to have to get a little more creative. Leina twirled away to buy some time and prepared to use her greatest weapon, her agility. With a grunt, she took to the air, hurling herself up over Leo's head, twisting to strike as she went. The surprised male blocked her blow, but gave her an incredulous look as he turned to meet her again.
"Well then...now it gets better."
Leina smiled and dove into a forward roll, aiming a blow at his legs. To her complete amazement, the half-lion launched himself dexterously into the air, completing a full forward flip before landing on his feet. The fem warrior ended her roll on her feet and spun to face Leo, eyes wide in surprise.
"You...you...how did you do that? You didn't even crouch!"
The half-lion just grinned at her.
"Feline reflexes. I don't just look like a lion."
Leo engaged again, parrying and swiping his blade across her field of contact. When she took to the air or dove low, he moved easily to counter, twisting and spiraling in and out of her reach. Leina was starting to feel a little winded, the lion man was countering everything she threw at him. Her agility meant nothing when he could leap and spin even easier than her. She spun again, panting, and took to the air. The half-lion also took to the air, the first time he directly put himself in her path. She readied her sword to strike when she noticed him leaning back as he rose. Before she could decipher this strange maneuver, his foot lashed across sideways and connected with the back of her sword hand, right on the Radian nerve. Her sword spiraled out of her suddenly numb hand and clattered across the square. When she landed, she looked at her hand in wonder and then turned to find herself inches from the tip of Leo's sword. The lion man grinned at her.
"I believe this is a win for me, yes?"
Leina slumped her shoulders.
"Yes. You win."
Leo was ecstatic. The battle had been superb and the young girl made a good show of herself. However, she was only fully human, unable to contend with his enhanced agility and reflexes. It was only a matter of time before she lost the duel. Now the girl stood, weaponless, and waited for Leo to claim his reward. With a sudden surge of hormones, the half-lion warrior scented the air and growled in delight. His eyes traveled up and down her curvy frame, drinking in her lush body and supple form. As the realization of her torso being his to command struck home, Leo's anatomy began to respond spectacularly. He sheathed his sword and began to walk smoothly around her, trailing his fingers over her skin as he inspected her armor. When he was behind her, he stopped and looked closer, fingering the leather straps that criss-crossed her back. With a few quick movements, Leo released the buckles to her breastplate, smiling at her gasp when it fell forward off of her body. Leina's hands automatically jumped to her enormous chest, shielding her breasts from the air. The half-lion wrapped his arms around the girl and gently pried her hands away from her expansive areolas. The position put his broad nose very close to the back of her neck, allowing him to breathe in her scent. He took a long, deep sniff, mouth watering at the strong feminine aroma wafting off of her skin. She was surprisingly clean and fresh, her only scent that which is left behind by a vigorous workout. Leo rumbled his deep base in her ear.
"You smell delicious. Let's find out if that is true..."
The half-lion spun Leina around to face him and closed the distance, his big hand paws dipping down to cup her bottom. With her massive globes pressing against his chest, Leo leaned over and licked her neck, dragging his broad tongue slowly over her skin, marveling in her flavor. Leina gasped again and tilted her head to the side to give him better access. Her eyelids fluttered as he continued to groom her smooth flesh with long strokes of his tongue. He worked his way down over her shoulder, across the tops of her breasts, and ended on one of her expansive nipples. As his rough tongue brushed the erect nub, the fem warrior moaned lustily and buried her fingers in his mane, pulling his head in tight to her chest. Leo gripped her buttocks tightly, rolling the large muscles through his strong hands over and over. He paused his licking and suckled her thumb-thick teat like a newborn kitten drinking at its mother's breast. Leina groaned with her eyes closed and continued to pull him into her massive orb while grinding her pelvis into his hip. Leo let her nipple slip free and dragged his tongue across the twin expanse to slurp the other nub into his mouth. The blonde warrior repeated her earlier motions, pulling the warrior close and rubbing her crotch against him. After a few moments, the lion man released her nub and squatted slowly, licking her skin around the remaining leather straps. He paused briefly at her navel, grazing the tight flesh of her abdomen, and then worked his way down to where her skin met cotton fabric. He slipped his thumbs underneath the thong covering her pert cheeks and slid them around to her hips. He frowned for a split second, remembering a loincloth somewhere, and then noticed the red cloth still attached to the breastplate. With a smile, he hooked his thumbs around the garment and yanked it down to her ankles. Leina "eeked" at the sudden move, and then dutifully stepped back out of the puddled fabric. Without a pause, Leo buried his snout in her mound, dragging his tongue up her shaved slit.
Leina groaned from deep down in her throat. This situation really couldn't have turned out better...except for her loss to the brawny felinoid earlier. With his victory, Leo had taken over and aggressively began his foreplay, leaving the fem warrior no choice but to relax and enjoy the sensations. Fortunately for her, this half-lion warrior was no stranger to the art of pleasing a woman. His gentle licks across her skin with his pebbly, rough tongue had left her flesh tingling and screaming for more. With his sudden removal of her thong eliminating the last barrier she had shielding her intimates, Leo had leaned in and employed that amazing tongue on her labia, causing Leina to go weak in the knees. She mused briefly about her earlier grumblings as she climbed the path to this village, yearning for combat and sex. Oh how her wishes had been answered! Even though she lost, Leina had learned quite a bit from the fight and now her burning loins were enjoying the lion man's attention. She opened her eyes and risked a glance down.
Leo growled hungrily and scooped Leina off her feet, forcing her to perform a sort of slow motion tumble to the paver stones. When she landed on her back, the half-lion warrior spread her legs wide with his hand paws and redoubled his efforts. Within moments, the fem warrior felt tiny jolts of lightning flickering across her spine, signaling an impending climax. Her hips twitched, her breath stuttered, and her juices began to flow in anticipation of her orgasm. Just as she reached the precipice, the lion man stopped and shifted back to his haunches, leaving Leina whining at the stoppage. Leo grasped one of her hands and pulled her to a sitting position. With one hand, he twisted the bizarre, mask-shaped belt buckle at his waist and pulled it to one side. The belt was the attachment point for the tattered red loincloth, so when he tossed it to the side, there was nothing covering his manhood. Leina gasped when she first laid eyes on his erection, enormous in size and covered in some sort of short, rubbery-looking, backward-facing spines. The felinoid rose to his knees and pointed at his throbbing manhood.
"My win...my reward, remember?"
Leina smiled warily and rolled herself over to her hands and knees to face his erection. Closer proximity revealed more details about the lion man's pole and the most notable feature, aside from the impressive size and girth, was the presence of blunt, rubbery spines angled backwards all over the surface of his genitalia. The fem warrior rubbed her hands on the spines, fascinated, causing the feline figure to rumble with pleasure. His big hand on the back of her head had her leaning in to take in the tip of his member.
The head of Leo's manhood filled her mouth, forcing her to open her jaw wide to accommodate his girth. Leina paused, wiggling her tongue across the spines on the bottom of his shaft. The blunted barbs were semi-rigid, able to flex and bend, yet still spring back to their original position. As she gripped his length and pushed him deeper, she could feel the odd protuberances dragging across the insides of her mouth. The tingling sensations from the spines immediately had her wondering what they felt like during sex. As Leo's rod bumped against the back of her throat, Leina's eyes widened when she noticed that she could still fit both hands in the distance between her lips and the base of his pole. She blinked and slowly began to withdrawal, marveling in the feeling of the spines scraping gently across her oral skin. She just had to get this thing inside her! With a start, she realized the barbs were starting to catch on her teeth, so she rolled her lip down over and that just increased the sensations.
Leo struggled not to start purring. The girl had some very good oral skills, adapting her technique to accommodate the uniqueness of his genitals and pushing herself to engulf as much of his length as she could. While he watched, the fem warrior slid her lips down him again and then paused to look up at him. She took a deep breath and then swallowed, driving his shaft down her throat until her nose bumped against the soft fur of his abdomen. Leo grunted in surprise and then felt a subsonic rumble start deep in his chest. Leina played with his testes, rolling the velvet coated orbs in her fingers as her tongue lashed against the bottom of his manhood. When she pulled away, the half-lion purred and gently pushed her back on to the tip. Within minutes, she had a steady rhythm going, powering down his shaft and carefully sucking back on the withdrawal, avoiding the barbs. The feline warrior felt pressure building in his loins, signaling his impending release. Before she had taken two more strokes, Leo pushed the girl away and knelt between her legs.
Leina was primed and ready. She had worked very hard, pleasuring the lion warrior and working around his unique characteristics, now she was anxious to experience how those rubbery barbs were going to feel on the walls of her passage. Leo leaned over her and lined his member up with her drooling slit. He rubbed the tip up and down a few times to wet it, and then pushed the first of several inches past the opening of her passageway. Leina gasped as she was spread wide by the incoming thickness. Leo's length continued to drive up into her, slickened by her own fluids, until the entire thing hilted deep inside. The fem warrior moaned and threw her head back while she clutched at his sides. He was really deep! Those amazing barbs had met little resistance on the way in, rubbing gently on her walls as he filled her. He gave her a few moments to adjust to his size, and then slowly began to pull out. Leina clacked her teeth together as those rubbery spines unfolded and dragged down the lining of her canal, giving her a spastic twitch with sensations unlike anything she had ever felt before. Leo retreated to almost the end of his length and then plunged back in, causing her to dig her fingers into the muscles of his back. Within seconds he was pounding away at her mound in a strong, steady rhythm. The fem warrior felt her climax building again from where it had ebbed earlier as the half-lion continued to thrust in and out of her sex. With pressure building, she cocked her hips and closed her eyes as the feline warrior picked up the pace, panting and grunting his own imminent release.
Leina's orgasm was on the verge, her nerves singing at the precipice of release, when Leo suddenly huffed and pulled out of her passage, spraying his load all over chest and stomach. The female watched the display in shock as spurt after spurt of globby fluid ran down over her mountainous bosom and puddled in her navel. Her body rebelled, shuddering as the release she needed failed to arrive. The half-lion stroked his length, emitting a few final strands, and then leaned back on his haunches, a light smile below his half-lidded eyes. The fem warrior whined quietly, waiting for him to do anything...move, touch her...anything to finish her off. When he picked up his belt and jumped lightly to his feet, she couldn't hide her crushing disappointment.
"Hey! Don't I get to get off?"
Leo paused in the middle of buckling his belt and looked at her quizzically.
"Maybe later. Right now I need to search these buildings for instructions on how to work that portal."
"What do you mean, maybe later!? Why can't you finish me now?"
The half-lion warrior shrugged.
"It was my victory. I was under the impression that it was my reward, not yours."
Leina gaped at him in astonishment. He was taking the "reward" idea to the extreme!
"But...couldn't you help me now? Please?"
"Like I said, maybe later...Unless you plan on going somewhere?"
When the female didn't respond, Leo turned and dashed off between the buildings, leaving Leina lying on her back, covered in a sticky mess. She flopped her head to the stones and sighed heavily, the burning in her loins having doubled now that she didn't get any satisfaction. How could he leave her in the lurch like that? With a heavier sigh, she climbed to her feet and scanned the square. Her eyes fell on a rain barrel snugged against the side of a building. Gathering up her sword and breastplate, she walked over and looked inside, delighted to find it more than half-full. Leina removed her armored gauntlet and leggings, placing them to one side, and then she carefully unwound her leather strap and piled it on top of her armor. The fem warrior dipped her cupped hands in the rain barrel and splashed the water on her naked chest. The cool water gave her a little shock, but she soon was able to scrub all of Leo's contributions from her body. As the water trickled down between her legs, her thoughts returned to the aborted completion of her tryst with Leo. True, it was within his rights to do what he did, according to the agreement, but she couldn't help but feel grumpy at his slight. Her gaze turned to the portal. Maybe if she found him his way home, he would treat her to those lovely penile spines again? She smiled, picked up her sword, and crossed over to the stone archway.
Standing in front of the stone doorway, she leaned over and looked closer at the runes. The glyphs were incredibly complex but soon she was able to narrow the group down to two possible choices. Both runes were in the approximate correct place where she had touched earlier and both had a distinct curl in their makeup that Leina was sure she had traced with her finger when she had summoned Leo to the square. Her eyes flicked back and forth between the ciphers, scouring her memory for the exact one she had caressed. Unable to decide, she picked one and reached for it, hovering her finger above the mark. With a deep breath, she stroked the curve again.
Jon Talbain spun through a series of blazing fast spins and kicks, stretching his legs to their full length and snapping the air with their speed and power. His mind was focused tightly on his practice, each spinning maneuver executed with unflinching precision and agility. Since he had discovered he was a Darkstalker, the inner struggle he fought with himself over his wolf form took nearly everything he had and his continuing mastery of the arts was the only way he could remained focused, and human. Of course human was relative nowadays, with his inability to shed his furry persona. Talbain, or Gallon, as he has been known now, spun through a rising series of spin kicks and scowled as his long flowing tail flicked in the corner of his eye. Someday, he would return to his fully human form, but for now he had to learn how to fight using this body's natural benefits...and its disadvantages. Growling under his breath, Gallon cleared his mind of such depressing thoughts and returned to his katas. He spun low, crouching, and prepared to launch himself backwards to perform a flip kick. As he rose into the air, a silvery, floating panel appeared behind him. Unable to twist away, he fell into the silver, still upside down.
Leina watched as the now-familiar silvery pane filled the stone portal. It shimmered in the air for a few seconds, allowing the fem warrior to move in front and stare hard at the flickering panel. She had no idea if she had found the correct rune because no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't see through the vertical, gleaming wall. As she started to turn to go back to the runes, a large furry body erupted from the archway and slammed into her, upside down. The two went down in a pile of arms and legs, tumbling across the stones of the square. Leina managed to find her feet first, leaping up and brandishing her sword in the visitor's general direction. When the furry body gained his feet, her eyes and mouth snapped open at the sight of him.
He was tall, easily seven feet in height, and humanoid, similar to Leo. Unlike the feline king, this new visitor sported features more akin to a wolf. His body was supremely muscled, but tended toward a lanky, rippling physique as opposed to Leo's blocky form. His fur, as far as Leina could see, was primarily a bluish, steel grey, except for platinum colored "gloves" that extended from elbow to fingertip. A few spots on his chest, a section of his ruff, and what she could see of his feet all were also that same platinum color. As her eyes went to his face, she saw the long expanse of his muzzle was platinum colored, topped with a dark, canine nose. The fur around his face was thick, blending in to a heavy ruff that encircled his neck and cascaded down over his back. Tufts of lighter fur adorned the orbital ridges above his intense, yellow eyes, giving him a permanent, angry scowl. Pointed wolf ears topped his skull and flicked back and forth as he attempted to puzzle out his location. The fem warrior trailed her eyes down over his body, noting the chiseled abs, rippling musculature, and feral, digitigrade legs. He wore clothing, a loose, silky pair of purple pants held in place with a bright yellow sash tied in an elaborate knot. When the wolf figure spotted the sword in Leina's hands, he crouched low and growled, baring large, canine fangs and huge, sharp claws. The female reacted by yelling at the top of her lungs and throwing herself, sword first, at the werewolf.
The wolf man's growl turned into a surprised grunt and he tumbled to one side, avoiding her strike. The fem warrior spun and slashed at him, dancing across the stones. He ducked, leapt, and scrambled backwards as she continued to pursue him around the square. Leina's heart pounded in her chest as she pushed the attack, her mind replaying the feral snarl and flex of those massive claws over and over again. At first she was jubilant, hoping that the sexy wolf creature would provide her with the same entertainment she received from Leo. She had looked him over, idly fantasizing about how he would feel pressed against her, when out of nowhere he had growled and caused the hair on the back of her neck to stand up. In that moment, she decided to attack first, hoping to take him by surprise and negate the apparent effectiveness of those long claws.
As she battled him, Leina couldn't help but marvel at the incredible skill he displayed while avoiding her blade. When she took to the air, he would counter her attacks with acrobatics of his own, forcing her to look for another opening. He burst out into a series of butterfly kicks, compelling her to back away herself, all while staring longingly at his chiseled calves and perfect balance. Every move revealed his muscularity, flexing in concert with his exertions. He took the initiative, slashing at her with his claws and delivering devastating strikes with hands and feet. Leina continued to back away, not used to fighting someone who could press unarmed. She brought her sword up to block an apparent downward blow when he dropped low and tackled her to the ground, knocking the sword free and sending it clattering across the square. The wolf warrior fell between her legs, his stomach pressed against her crotch, and pinned her arms to the side with his huge hands. He leaned in with his lip peeled back and Leina thought that her time had come at last. As she cringed in anticipation of a mauling, the furry combatant stopped, cocked his head to the side, and raised an eyebrow. He took a deep sniff, scenting the air, and gave her a look that was pure confusion.
"Are you...aroused?"
The female gaped at him.
"You can talk?"
"Of course I can talk. I just don't do it when someone is threatening to poke me with a sword!"
"I didn't mean it that way...I just didn't know If you were going to attack me, or what."
"I normally don't just randomly attack people."
The wolf warrior stiffened and looked down at her body.
"Why are you naked?"
Now it was Leina's turn to blush heavily. The adrenaline rush from their battle still had her nerves singing, even though her foe presented less and less of a threat.
"Er...it's a strange story. I wasn't expecting you to come out; I was hoping to find a way to send someone else home."
"Someone else?"
"Yes. There's another warrior here by the name of Leo. He came through the portal earlier. We fought, he won, and when he was done claiming his reward, he left me here to go and seek out any instructions to the gate."
The wolf's eyebrows climbed higher.
"Wait...you fought? And he claimed what?"
"His reward."
"What kind of reward?"
Leina pointedly looked down at her naked body and then back up at the warrior.
"Why do you think I'm naked? The ass got his and then left me here, horny as ever."
The wolf warrior took a long look down at her, noting the massive breasts, the curvy hips, and her flat tummy. He felt something stir right around the region below where his waist pressed into her mound.
"Hmm...technically, I just won our battle. Do I get to claim a reward?"
Leina's face started to twist in shock, but then she began to think. While not what she usually sought, the wolf was a fine specimen of the male variety. His soft fur dragged across her waist, further inspiring her and heightening her desire. Her encounter with Leo had proven that her lover didn't need to necessarily be human for her to enjoy the act. The half-lion had stirred her up quite nicely until his sudden discontinuation of events. She licked her lips and smiled up at the werewolf.
"I suppose. Do I even get to know your name?"
"Jon...Jon Talbain. But you can call me Gallon. And you are...?"
"Leina Vance, heir to the throne of Count Vance."
Gallon resisted the urge to growl with lust. The scent this girl was putting out was overpowering his nose! When he had first viewed her, armed and naked, he had been amazed at her beauty. But the sight of the sword had prompted his baser instincts to react. Her attack had surprised him but he had quickly rallied and managed a victory without the loss of her life. Now she was lying on the ground below him, stinking of raw femininity and talking about claiming his "reward". It had been a long time since he allowed himself to be affected by a female and she was probably one of the most attractive he had seen in a while. He shifted his hands from her wrists to each side of her mountainous chest and leaned in close to her, smiling in her face.
"So...are there rules? What am I allowed to claim?"
The female's smile was sultry and hot.
"To the victor go the spoils. Just about anything you want."
The werewolf lowered himself down until he was nearly nose to nose with her.
"You may regret that statement. It's been years for me..."
"I'll try to act terrified."
Gallon dipped his nose under her chin and brushed his tongue up the soft skin of her throat. Leina closed her eyes and tilted her head back, moaning in passion. The heady scent of her sex wafted even stronger on the air and Gallon felt his manhood react. He licked her ear, her cheek, and then the tip of her nose. He was breathing steadily, deciding what to do next, when she suddenly lunged up and pressed her lips to his. She pushed her tongue into his muzzle, dragging its tip across his fangs, behind his lips, and wrestled with his own lingua. He returned the favor, pressing deep with his much longer organ and swirling around in a deep kiss. The female broke the kiss and looked up at him in amazement.
"Wow! Not bad for a guy with a snout!"
"It's a muzzle. It has all kinds of uses."
"Really? Like what?"
Gallon smirked and shifted his body lower, bringing him nose to nipple with one of her gargantuan breasts. He took the thick nub in his mouth and suckled it gently, rolling the protruding flesh across his tongue and flicking the flat tip. Leina squealed with happiness, sinking her hands into his thick ruff of fur and pulling him tighter to her chest. The wolf warrior continued to suck and moved his paws to where he could gently knead each immense mammary. He massaged her massive orbs, occasionally pinching her exposed nipple with light pressure. The female groaned in ecstasy, hands flexing in his ruff. She pulled her hands free for just a moment and lightly gripped his wrists.
Gallon obliged, increasing his grip on her breasts and caving the skin where he groped her. He flexed his fingers, enjoying the substantial heft of her mighty globes. With each squeeze, Leina moaned her appreciation, pulling his head into her chest. Beneath him, Gallon felt her shift, spreading her legs wider and bending them at the knee to leave her calves in the air. The werewolf smiled around the nipple and suddenly moved downward, breathing his hot exhaust on her skin as he went. The female gasped as he exhaled across her flat belly and came to rest with his cold nose resting against her pudenda. He chuckled softly as he felt her body tense, and then extended his tongue for a preliminary swipe across her warm slit. Leina jumped slightly at the contact and then deflated into a long, drawn out groan. Pleased at her response, and her taste, Gallon buried his tongue in her passage, lapping at her labia and thrusting deep inside her. The female continued to moan, pulling on his head with two big handfuls of his lush head fur. Gallon continued to ply away at her passage until she suddenly arched her back and cried out.
"Finally! Yes!!"
Leina's legs clamped down around his head as she flooded the wolf's mouth with her fluids. Gallon lapped as quickly as he could, trying to drink her in as she twitched and shuddered below him. After a few moments of gasping, the warrior girl relaxed her legs, allowing the werewolf to lift himself up to his knees. His eyes roamed up and down her body as she lay in her own juices. Leina opened her eyes and smiled up at him.
"That was really welcome! What would you like next?"
The huge wolf warrior leapt to his feet, not even bothering to use his hands. With a few deft moves, he untied his yellow sash and let his pants fall to the ground. Leina gasped in awe as the wolf's manhood became revealed.
"Is...is that real?"
"Yes it is."
The werewolf's member was enormous, as long as her arm from the elbow out and at least as thick! Even as she watched, it bobbed gently to the rhythm of his heartbeat and dripped clear fluid on to the ground. Gallon put a hand on his hip and pointed with the other.
"I think you need to take care of this for me."
Leina's mouth moved like a fish gasping in air.
"Um...I don't know if I am going to be able to do that!"
"Hey, you lost fair and square. Now get over here."
The feminine warrior crawled over to him on her hands and knees, stopping at his feet and taking his manhood in hand. Her digits didn't even come close to reaching the entire way around his girth! As she slid her hand up and down his shaft, the anthromorphic wolf rumbled deep in his chest and gently put a hand on the back of her head. Leina took a deep breath and leaned over to take him into her mouth. From the start, it was obvious she was going to have to put in some work if she was going to take him. When his tip hit the back of her throat, there was still plenty of pink shaft left, ready to plunge deep into whatever opening she made available. The fem warrior pulled back off his length with a little pop.
"This is going to suck."
"I thought that would be you."
"Oh funny...Seriously though, what am I supposed to do with this? You're huge!"
Gallon tapped her on the nose with his shaft.
"A true warrior can accomplish amazing feats if they put the power of their mind to the task."
"You're using the warrior's way? Really?"
"It works during combat, why not during pleasure as well?"
Leina studied the enormous erection thoughtfully.
"Ok...let's do this."
Before she could change her mind, the female stuffed his shaft back into her mouth, stopping only when he struck the back of her throat again. She breathed deep, focused a second, and then gulped, letting his massive girth slide down her throat. Gallon could plainly see her neck bulge from his immense intruder. What really shocked him was when her chin pushed up against his furry sack, eliciting a feeling like he had never had before. He closed his eyes for a moment, basking in the feeling of being so deep in the female's mouth. A faint tremble from below caught his attention and he opened his eyes and looked down. The blonde warrior was gamely trying to keep him fully hilted but her reddened face and shuddering chest told him she was running low on air. He gently pushed her off, smiling as she drew in a huge breath and wiped the strands of drool from her chin. She looked at his erection with a cocked eyebrow.
"That wasn't so bad. I won't be able to do that much again, but..."
She leaned in and gobbled him up again, only going about halfway down his shaft this time. As she bobbed her head in a steady cadence, she used both her hands to stroke the remainder of his length, meeting her lips with every movement. Soon Gallon was panting, a familiar tickle starting up in the space between his hips. Leina's hands began to lose their grip on the down stroke, prompting the wolf to look down. Sure enough, the base of his manhood had begun to swell, destined to become a thick, canine knot. He reached down and pushed the female away, receiving a look of confusion for his efforts. The wolf warrior wagged a finger at her.
"Slow down girl. I want to save myself for the main event."
The fem warrior looked at his pole in shock.
"Main event? Surely you're not suggesting..."
"Very much so. I'm definitely claiming my spoils."
Leina looked at him with trepidation, her eyes flitting from his erection to his face and back.
"Um...I'm not sure about this. My mouth is one thing, but this..."
"Oh really? After that little display a minute ago, I don't think you'll have any problem."
"Warriors way? Again?"
"Why not? It seemed to work just fine up to now."
The female warrior gave his member another long look, and then sighed.
"I know I'm going to regret this..."
The werewolf gave her a very big, very feral, grin.
"I'll go slowly."
The big wolf grasped her by the shoulders and laid her gently to the stones. He positioned himself above her and wiggled her legs apart with his knees. When they both looked down, they could see that, despite Gallon holding himself in the air, his manhood still tapped against her mound. Leina opened her mouth to say something, probably an objection, when the werewolf's tip lined up with her slot. He cocked his hips, sinking the first few inches into her sex and robbing her of her voice in one quick move. The blonde warrior's eyes snapped open wide while her breath rushed out through her clenched teeth. The wolf warrior chuckled at the expression on her face and proceeded to start working himself a little deeper. With every tiny increment, the fem warrior would gasp and squeeze his shoulders where her hands rested. Before long, he had a little over half of his entire length buried inside her. Leina's stomach was no longer flat; the clear outline of Gallon's rod was easily discernible in the shape of her abdomen. He paused to allow her some time to adjust, and then started thrusting deeper again. He idly wondered how far he could get before she complained.
Leina was in shock. The big wolf man was halfway buried inside her belly, and there was plenty of him left to go. With every soft thrust, he would slide a little deeper, pushing apart her velvet walls like no other before him. Sure, she had some well endowed lovers in the past but the wolf was the largest she had ever tried to take. Another push and he was three quarters of his length deep, his massive girth stretching her to her absolute limit. The blonde warrior closed her eyes and realized that, while there was some pain, the sensation of being so completely full was actually buffering her arousal. With every movement, all of the little bumps and ridges on his manhood would drag deliciously across every little part of her passageway, stirring her passion. She took a deep breath and tried her best to relax around his pole. To his credit, Gallon was going slowly, allowing her some time to adjust to his size with every push. With a grunt, he thrust forward again and was suddenly further up inside her than any previous lover had ever been. As his beefy rod moved into unexplored territory, the fem warrior felt a familiar tingle start low in the pit of her abdomen. The initial pain and stretching of his intrusion quickly transitioned to a wonderful sense of fullness and heat. A last thrust hilted him inside her, and his tip pressed against her cervix.
Leina looked down between herself and the wolf man. Her stomach bulged slightly along the path of Gallon's length where it was buried inside her. She moved her hands from his shoulders and rubbed the protrusion of her abdomen, feeling with her fingers what she already felt from the inside. The big wolf had paused, watching her rub his member and smiling in enjoyment. He flexed his arms and lowered himself for a kiss. The blonde warrior immediately sank her hands into his furry ruff and hungrily pressed her lips to his. She could feel him pulsing on the inside, throbbing in time to his heartbeat. The very idea that she could feel it caused her muscles to spasm around his girth. The wolf broke their kiss and gasped in surprise.
"Whoa! That felt...good!"
The female arched her back and dragged her fingertips through the fur on his chest, a big smile playing across her features.
"I can't believe you fit...and it feels sooo good!"
"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. It's going to make it easier in a moment."
"Easier for what?"
Gallon suddenly withdrew more than half of his manhood from her and paused. Leina whined at the move, her body suddenly feeling quite empty. She was about to make her protest vocal when he shoved himself back in, filling her to the brim and forcing the air from her lungs. The blonde warrior threw her head back and groaned loudly. The hot spear of flesh between her legs was rubbing places she never even knew she had. Another quick withdrawal, a deep plunge, and soon the anthro wolf was pounding away at her in a steady, powerful rhythm. Leina's massive chest bounced in cadence to his thrusts, forcing the girl to drape her arms across her bust in order to avoid being struck in the face. The incredible sensations of his lovemaking mixed harmoniously with the soft rustle of his fur inside her thighs, the flexing play of his arms against her sides, and the steady tapping of his manly satchel against the pucker of her anus. Within seconds, the tingle in her abdomen blossomed into a full fledged storm of sensation. Her body rode the wave of pleasure, higher and higher, until she balanced precariously on the precipice of an orgasm. Gallon drove home a particularly deep thrust, pausing in her depths, and licked her neck, causing Leina to go over the edge. Her climax was powerful, little pangs of lightning zipping up and down her spine as her innards clenched hard around the wolf's meat, milking him for everything he had. The warrior woman opened her mouth and screamed her pleasure to the sky.
Gallon held himself still, riding out the girl's orgasm as she blasted his senses with her vocal and physical celebration. He still was finding it hard to believe she had taken his entire length. The sensations riding up to his brain from his crotch were rapidly overtaking his considerable mental composure. When he had started to move, he had to focus powerfully to not cum himself only moments after he had started. He was moving steadily, concentrating on not reaching his own climax, when the girl had suddenly contracted around him and screamed. Her orgasm started the eventful process of his own and the base of his shaft began to swell in anticipation. The wolf resumed his motions, watching as the fem warrior, eyes closed, moaned in time to his thrusts. The impending knot on his manhood began to bump against her sex, sending primal signals to his brain.
With considerable self-control, Gallon forced himself to refrain from knotting the girl. He was unsure if she could accommodate the drastically thicker portion of his anatomy and he wanted to be able to get up and move around immediately after this tryst. If he let himself knot her, he would be stuck inside her for up to an hour, a normally pleasant situation but not what he needed right now. He continued to thrust, not nearly as deep due to the swelling he refused to shove into her. Leina continued to have little mini-orgasms, shuddering and whimpering as she pulsed around him. The big wolf man increased his pace, enjoying the rising pressure in his loins. He was panting and grunting above her when, without warning, the pressure peaked, sparking off Gallon's climax. He thrust one more time, struggling mightily to keep his knot out, and then decided it would be safer if he wasn't inside anymore. He pulled free, causing the girl's eyes to fly open, and began to jet his seed all over her body.
His spurts were powerful, sailing all the way up to her face and hair. Leina opened her mouth to protest and a long, sticky rope splattered across her face, stalling her voice as she snapped her mouth shut. More ejaculate sprayed on to her breasts and chest, covering them in a slimy, drippy film. The wolf's orgasm ebbed slowly, his final weak gouts spattering her stomach and pooling in her bellybutton. With a contented sigh, Gallon released his grip on his shaft and leaned back on his haunches. The blonde warrior took a moment to wipe her lips clear and then looked up at him in frustration.
"Why did you do that? I wanted to feel that inside me!"
The wolf warrior shrugged and shook his head.
"I wanted to be able to get up afterward."
"What do you mean?"
"If I wouldn't have pulled out, we would have knotted...and I didn't want that to happen."
"Knotted? What do you mean?"
"How familiar are you with wolf anatomy?"
"Not very. This is actually the first time I ever...uh..."
Gallon smiled and pointed to the base of his flagging erection. The swelling had gone down a little, but it was still more than twice the original girth.
"You see this? It's designed to go inside you, holding you in place during my orgasm and ensuring my seed doesn't escape your body. Once knotted, any attempts to pull out are extremely painful to both parties. You have to wait until the swelling goes down."
Leina's eyes were wide at the deflating knot. The wolf was sure she was wondering what it would feel like to have it locked inside her. She shook her head, clearing out those thoughts, and looked up at the furry warrior.
"Oh. I see. I guess that wouldn't have been the smartest thing to do, now would it?"
Believe me when I say...yes."
The blonde rolled over and stood up shakily. She spread her arms and looked down at her body before turning her eyes back to the furred warrior.
"Gee...were you pent up or something?"
Gallon paused halfway through putting his pants back on.
"I told you it's been years."
"I can believe it."
The fem warrior made her way over to the rain barrel and began dousing herself with water. She glanced over at the werewolf, who was thoughtfully looking down the row of buildings.
"What are you thinking about, Wolfy?"
The canine warrior flinched involuntarily at her sudden pet name.
"Please don't let that name stick...I was considering going after your other friend and helping him find the instructions to the portal."
Leina's eyes flicked guiltily to the stone archway, which the werewolf spotted instantly.
"You know how to operate it?"
The blonde warrior sighed as she continued to clean herself.
"Honestly, I don't. Not really. I was guessing at the rune that originally brought Leo here. I had it narrowed down to two. You popped out of the one I picked, so now I think I know how to get you both home."
"Ah! Excellent! I will go and find this 'Leo' to tell him the news. What does he look like?"
"He's half lion, half man."
Gallon pondered the information for less than a second.
"Should make him easy to identify. Go ahead and get cleaned up...I will be back shortly."
The huge blue-grey form darted off into the buildings, leaving Leina by herself to clean his sticky mess from her body. The terrible part of the whole thing was that she wasn't yet satisfied. As she splashed her chest with the water, she tried to think of a way to get what she wanted.
Leo growled in frustration as yet another empty abode left him with no clues. He was working his way down the row, searching house after house for anything that might help him get home. In the back of his mind, he kept replaying the little sex scene he had earlier with the amazingly endowed female who had brought him here. He knew he was being a bit of an ass by taking his so-called "reward" and not giving her anything in return, but by doing so he was hoping she would be willing to have another go, without the pretext of a duel. He smiled as he imagined what he could and would do, if the opportunity presented itself. He was just getting ready to exit the building when he heard footfalls coming down the street. Before he could move, a deep, masculine voice called out.
"Leo? Are you there?"
Surprised, the lion warrior stepped out into the street and sought out the source of the voice. When he spotted the owner, his eyebrows shot up his forehead.
"Who are you?"
The massive werewolf bowed slightly.
"Greetings. I am Gallon. I have come to find you and inform you that Leina has found the way to send you home."
"Wha? How is that possible? Did she lie when she told me earlier that she didn't know?"
"No. She didn't lie. She experimented with the runes. That is how I came to be here."
The feline warrior looked over the wolf.
"Let me guess...you two fought and then..."
"...and then I claimed my reward, so to speak."
Leo looked at him in disappointment. He had been hoping to have the girl all to himself later, but now this wolf warrior had come along and spoiled his plans.
"Pity...I was hoping for a rematch."
The half wolf cocked his head to the side and grinned as only a canine could.
"Don't put it off yet, warrior. Something tells me she wants a rematch of sorts with both of us."
The half lion smiled back.
"Interesting. Are you willing to share if that is true?"
"Of course. I have no claims to her. She could potentially be a pleasant diversion before I return home."
"Hmm...for me as well. Ok then, shall we go back to the square?"
Gallon held out a huge paw.
"Allies then? For the time being?"
Leo took the offered paw and shook it.
"Allies, yes. Let us go now and we can talk of our worlds on the way."
The wolf warrior nodded and turned to start down the street. The feline warrior fell in step next to the taller wolf and they began to exchange stories as they went.
Leina lay sprawled on the stones in the courtyard. She was still completely naked, having stacked her possessions neatly after cleaning herself from her encounter with Gallon. The blue-grey werewolf had dashed away among the buildings nearly two hours ago, leaving her with far too much time to wait. She had lain down on the stones, bored and horny, to wait for the males' return. Just about the time she was ready to pack up and move on, the sound of voices began to carry in from the street. The blonde warrior stretched out on the ground, raising her arms above her head and pointing her toes. She was fully extended in the middle of her stretch when the two males strolled into the courtyard, side by side. Both of them stopped dead in their tracks and stared as she finished her stretch and rolled on her side to face them. Gallon turned his head and gave a cryptic nod to Leo, smiling broadly. The half lion nodded back and crossed his arms before addressing the girl.
"I am to understand you know now how to send me home?"
"I think I have it figured out."
"Then why are you not doing so, instead of lying naked on the ground?"
"Because I was just thinking...what do I get out of this?"
The feline humanoid gaped at her in surprise.
"Are we going to go through this again?"
The busty blonde sat up and smiled sweetly.
"We aren't going to fight, if that's what you're asking. I am looking for something specific."
Gallon smirked at her words and pointed at both himself and the lion warrior.
"Hah! Will that be one at a time or both together?"
Leina stroked her chin thoughtfully for all of about a second.
"Both together of course."
Gallon cut off in the middle of his snicker with a shocked choking noise.
"Wait, what? Really?"
Leina spread her knees to give the two males an unobstructed view of her crotch.
"Oh yeah. Both of you left me wanting more. Now I want both of you to finish what you started!"
The lion man and the wolf man looked at each other in surprise. Leo turned and looked at the naked girl.
"If we give you what you want, will you send us home?"
"Earn it, and I'll open the door for you."
The feline warrior started across the paved opening, reaching for his belt as he went. He stopped and glanced back at the anthro wolf.
"I believe she said both of us."
Gallon tugged at his yellow sash and started forward.
"Ok, ok, I'm coming."
Leina tittered with happiness and fell backwards unto her back. Leo had the easier garment to remove, so he was first to reach the busty warrior. He dropped to his knees and dragged his rough tongue up her leg, starting at the knee. The female groaned at the contact and spread her legs wide, enticing him to go higher. As the lion warrior worked his way up the female's leg, the wolf man finally shucked his pants, approached the couple, and paused, not sure where to insert himself into the mix. The blonde warrior opened her eyes and spotted him standing over her. She reached up with both hands and made grasping motions at his manhood, panting at the lion warrior's attentions. The wolf knelt down next to her and grinned when she grabbed his growing pink rod with both hands. The fem warrior cupped his shaft and ran her tongue up the bottom, eliciting a groan from the wolf. She continued to lick his member, massaging it and spreading her saliva around with both hands. Soon he was once again sporting an erection of immense proportions, much to Leina's delight. The hefty feel of his manhood in her hands and Leo's rough tongue dragging at her soft petals soon had the fem warrior's hips bucking in anticipation. With a hitch in her breath, the female arched her back and squealed through her teeth as she exploded all over the feline warrior's muzzle. Leo continued to lap up her juices for a few more moments before lifting his head from her mound.
"Mmm...nice taste. Now...on to the next."
The lion warrior rose to his knees and grasped her ankles, twisting her over to her hands and knees. Gallon shuffled himself around until his throbbing pink spire was situated under her chin, a leg sprawled to either side of her shoulders. As the female warrior eagerly dropped her mouth down over his tip, she felt Leo brush her nether lips with his own erection. Leina was concentrating on pushing the wolf's stout pole down her throat when the feline warrior pushed himself into her canal. The blonde warrior squealed around the lump of meat in her neck when she felt those delightful nubs drag along the inside of her walls. Without any preamble, the half lion pulled back, causing her to squeal again, and began to thrust in long, steady strokes. The fem warrior paused for a brief moment to thoroughly enjoy the sensations caused by the feline barbs, and then returned her attentions to the wolf. She bobbed her head slowly, dragging her lips and tongue only on the upstroke. Behind her, the lion warrior growled, grabbed her hips tightly and picked up his pace, pounding in and out of her sex at a breakneck pace. Leina pulled up off the wolf's shaft and gasped over her shoulder.
"Ah! Yes! I want to feel you go off inside me!"
Leo huffed and scowled without losing his pace.
"That won't be happening, I'm afraid."
The blonde looked at him in shock.
"But why?"
"I'm still royalty. I can't have an illegitimate heir, even if the risk is small."
He continued to thrust in and out as the female pondered his words. Suddenly, she got an idea.
"Ok! Just let me know before you pull out, ok?"
"As you wish."
The half lion readjusted his grip on her hips and increased his pace, growling softly between pants. Leina returned her attentions to the wolf, gobbling down his pink taper and dragging her tongue up the bottom of his shaft. Inside a few minutes, Leo suddenly grunted and called out.
"I'm going to cum!"
He pulled free from her sex and leaned back on his haunches, stroking his manhood. The female warrior spun in place and immediately jammed his barbed length down her throat. She swished her tongue along the base of his prickly shaft while he gripped the back of her head with both hands. The half lion roared and bucked his hips, twitching and shuddering as he exploded into her mouth. Leina gulped heavily, drinking the feline's seed as fast as he could produce it. With a heavy sigh, Leo pulled free and rolled to his back, arms outstretched on the stones.
"That was amazing. I'll have to remember that in the future."
The fem warrior licked her lips and smiled mischievously.
"I kind of wish you had lasted longer. I was enjoying that."
The felinoid warrior turned his head to her and smirked.
"I'm half lion, I may not last long but I'll be ready again shortly."
"Good! I'll hold you to that!"
Leina felt a tap on her shoulder. When she turned, Gallon was still sprawled on the ground, erection bobbing in the air. He pointed at his manhood when her eyes met his.
"I don't know about him but I'm ready now."
She grinned wide and put her hand on the ground. Kicking the same-side leg out between the planted hand and her opposite leg ended with her sitting on her bottom, legs spread wide and facing the massive werewolf. She reached forward and gripped him with both hands, smiling up into his face.
"Ready, eh? Do I get the knot this time?"
Gallon's eyebrows climbed high.
"That's what you want? Are you sure? You barely fit me as it is."
"I'm sure...I've been thinking about it for hours."
The big wolf man rocked himself forward, forcing Leina to fall to her back on the stones. He then positioned himself above her, massive pink log dangling.
"If this is what you want, you had better be ready."
The blonde female cocked her hips and spread her legs out to the side while gripping her massive breasts with both hands.
"I am definitely ready."
Gallon reached down with one paw hand and guided his tip to her slot. With a little push, he drove the first few inches into her body. Leina sucked air through her teeth at the intrusion. She had almost forgotten how big he was! As the wolf drove deeper, the blonde girl closed her eyes and tried to relax around his girth. She knew she was capable of fitting his size, she had proved it earlier. Now, with less than half his length to go, she was starting to wonder if she had bit off more than she could chew. Soon he was fully hilted and she rubbed at the now-familiar stomach bulge.
"That feel good, Wolfy?"
Gallon's face was inches from hers so she could see the dark look he gave her.
"Oh, you're going to pay for that."
Leina gave him a crooked grin.
"Bring it on, puppy."
The shocked expression on his face made her giggle hysterically. The wolf composed himself and pulled almost all the way out, hovering just inside her passage. His evil grin suddenly made the female nervous.
"Oh, you wouldn't..."
The werewolf slammed it home with one incredible thrust, driving most of the air from her lungs and clacking her teeth together with the force. Leina's eyes rolled back in her head for a moment as the sensation of being so instantly filled blanked out her thought processes and overwhelmed her with pleasure. Blinking back to the present, she growled and reached up to grab two big handfuls of ruff. She yanked the surprised wolf down and stuffed her tongue in his mouth, kissing him hungrily while wrapping her legs around his hips. Gallon wiggled his hips to get some room and started to stroke in and out of her in little movements. The pleasure from his efforts prompted the fem warrior to release her hold on his hips, but not his fur. The wolf was forced to arch his back in long strokes while his lips were locked in the kiss. The slate blue werewolf shifted his weight to one hand and slid the other down her side, ending with him cupping her rump, pulling her hips to him with every thrust. Leina broke the kiss and panted in his ear.
"Oh baby. Knot me...let me feel you fill me completely!"
The wolf warrior increased his pace, a familiar pressure building in his loins. The blonde warrior spotted the tell tale signs of his impending climax and braced herself for her biggest challenge yet. Gallon's member began to swell at the base and slapped against the opening of her sex with every stroke. The wolf growled, eyes shut tight, and pushed harder with his every thrust. Leina gritted her teeth as the enormous knot pushed her open. That thing was huge! She felt herself go wider, stretching to the point of pain, like when she bent a limb or her torso too far during a battle. Gallon snarled one last time and bucked his hips forward with astonishing strength, driving his swollen base right past Leina's feeble resistance and burying his entire length completely inside her. The fem warrior's eyes flew open wide and she joined his howl as his hot spunk gushed deep into her body, setting off her own climax. Burst after burst of his seed flooded her body, filling every cavity and trickling into every cranny. The sheer volume of the thick, viscous fluid caused her belly to become rigid, the expulsions unable to escape the wolf's well-plugging knot. Leina rode the swell of her orgasm through the last few quivering jolts before realizing she still had her hands buried in Gallon's thick furry mane. The wolf had slowly collapsed on top of her, catching most of his weight on his knees and elbows. With his panting muzzle only an inch from her ear, she could easily hear him whisper.
"That was unbelievable. Thank you."
She turned her head and kissed his jaw. From behind, Leo's deep bass rumbled out.
"That was impressive."
The wolf and the woman turned their heads to look at the feline warrior. He was sitting cross-legged and leaning back on his hands, stiffened manhood pointing to the sky. With a nod he indicated his erection.
"You're little display has put me in the mood again. Unfortunately, it seems as though the wolf has managed to monopolize you for a little while."
Leina looked down at her stomach where before her belly had been trim and toned, she now looked swollen and bloated. Most notable was the gigantic bulge situated just above her waistline where Gallon's knot pushed the skin of her stomach to its ultimate stretching point. With a giggle, she flexed the walls of her sex around him and heard him whine softly in response. The wolf whispered again.
"That's not fair. Now you're going to get it."
He turned back to the half lion.
"Hang on, I have an idea."
Gallon shifted himself around, gathering Leina's arms and legs inside his own. Before she could ask what he was doing, he rolled over so that the fem warrior was situated on top. As the blonde woman sprawled over his hips and propped her hands on his chest, the wolf turned to the lion.
"There's still another place for you here."
Leo's eyes flicked to her soft rump and he smiled big.
"I like the way you think, wolf."
The half lion crawled over and positioned himself behind the girl. Leina looked over her shoulder with concern.
"Now hold on a moment. I'm not sure I'm up for this..."
The lion warrior dragged two fingers through the soppy mess around where Gallon was plugged into the girl and used it as lube to shove both fingers into her little tan pucker. The female made a little "eep" noise and then sighed pleasurably.
"Ok...changed my mind...I'm up for this..."
Leo twisted his fingers around in her hole, trying to find some room. The werewolf's knot had pushed hard against the thin membrane of skin between her colon and her vaginal canal, causing a large offset to seal up most of her opening. The lion warrior's fingers rubbed all over the bulge, eliciting a moan from the blonde female. He pulled his fingers free from her pucker and lined his barbed shaft up between her buttocks. Leina clenched in anticipation, causing Gallon to groan from beneath her. Leo grabbed her hips and started pushing his way into her backside.
The fem warrior gritted her teeth and whined softly through her nose. The wolf gathered her enormous mammaries in his hands and sealed his mouth over one of her thick nipples. Behind her, the lion had made his way most of the distance up inside her anal cavity. The flexible rubbery spines dragged along the inside of her backside, causing her to whimper and shake at the incredible sensations. The barbs were pressed hard against the thin separating membrane by the bulk of the wolf's knot. Leo hilted and began to draw back out, chuckling softly as the blonde girl squealed and shook. Within minutes, he established a steady rhythm, driving himself past the tight spot with every thrust. The female gasped and buried her face in the thick mane of hair on top of Gallon's skull. The wolf murred happily and continued to slurp heavily on her teat, squeezing and massaging her gigantic chest. Her whole body bounced softly at the powerful oscillation of the lion warrior's hips against her curvy bottom. Leo huffed and readjusted his grip on her waist, slamming his prickly length into her over and over. In just a few minutes the lion warrior increased his pace, his steady rhythm faltering and becoming spastic with impending release.
Suddenly the feline's breath hitched in his throat and his pace tripled, driving himself deeper with enormous power. Leina's breath chuffed as she rocked repeatedly from his thrusts. The lion warrior speared his length deep inside her one last time and began to spurt hot gobs of sticky fluid deep into her bowel. The blonde warrior felt the sticky slop puddle inside her body and it set off her own climax, robbing her of her voice. A rumbling purr from above counterpointed the miniscule whine from below as her whole body convulsed and contracted, squeezing Leo's manhood and Gallon's hefty knot at the same time. Leina twisted herself around at the waist, slipping her hand into his thick mane behind his head and planting a kiss on the feline warrior's lips. He briefly slipped his tongue around in her mouth, tasting her thoroughly before pulling himself free and rolling off to one side. The blonde warrior collapsed on the wolf's chest and giggled while she stroked his fur. With the other hand, she rubbed the hard muscles of the lion's stomach, causing him to continue his purr. She looked back and forth at both of them with a glint in her eye.
"So...are you sure you don't want to stay for a while?"