Kalysta's Choice: Chapter One

Story by Intendant Alias on SoFurry

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#1 of Kalysta

Trent Hammer, the 25 year old wingless dragon ran swiftly through the dense underbrush of the forest, his long legs carrying him flawlessly through the foliage. The air smelled of damp mud, and he liked the way the mud felt between his claws. His military cap fell off in the wind, but he didnt care. He had a mission, and he would be damned if he failed.

Tucked away in a fold of his scales, there was a small data crystal. A crystal that held quite the history. It had traveled nearly half way around the planet, gone through 5 seperate owners (4 of which were spies who were now very much dead), had been nearly incinerated, and held an odor of feces which led Trent to believe someome had tried to uncomfortably smuggle this out of somewhere.

Trent slowed his pace, ducking behind a tree to catch his breath. He peeked out from behind the tree, checking if he was still being followed. Apparently the canine military squad had been left behind him, and he was no longer being actively pursued. But that didnt mean he was off the hook yet.

He picked a nearby mushroom from the ground, sniffed it, checking for toxins, and popped it in his mouth. He patted the small crystal in his breast scale, and began to move again.

Senoir Operator Jessie Halen awoke with a start as a red light began to blink next to his bed. He picked up his PDA and read the incoming message.



Jessie swung into action. Donning his navy blue jumpsuit only pausing to tuck his fluffy fox tail through its hole, he jogged down the hallways of Station Five until he met the double doors of the A.R.O.N. Module itself. After a quick security check and a retinal scan, he was permitted access to his "office". In the middle of the large cylindrical room there sat a metal sphere, half submersed in a metalic liquid.


Though this pod would seem ominous and strange to anyone else, Jessie had been trained for this. Months of metal excercises and drills had prepared him for this. Although it wasnt just the drills that he had learnt from. He had experience.

Jessie's kill count on the ARON Module was nearing the hundreds and he was the number one ranking operater of all the planets many operators.

He flicked a switch on a panel next to him, and watched as the seemingly smooth surface of the pod slid open and allowed him access to the inside. He donned a protective mask, and his thermal suit as the doors of the pod closed and a cold gas filled the enclosed space, bringing it to the perfect temperature for the machine to function.

He observed the massive ammount of controls that sat in front of him, prepping himself mentally. He pressed a button and the pod was illuminated with the glow of a hundred screens, each giving massive ammounts of output and data. Maps, weapons, trajectories, communications, backups. He typed in some commands, and took hold of two joysticks that slid up from his chair. He was nearly ready.

He pulled out a chess piece from his pocket, a white king, and set it on the dashboard of the pod. It was all one big chessgame. Plan three moves ahead, and you'll be fine.

Trent had been walking for nearly two hours and before that, running, so he sat down momentarilty to take a break. He pulled a canteen off of his belt and took a swig. He swished around the remaining contents around and wondered how long he could go without water, because it was nearly empty.

He heard gunshots in the distance. Far away, too far to be directed at him, but close enough . The Canines must have raided another gecko village. He shuddered, knowing what they did to his people behind the backs of the government. Rape, torture, thievery. You name it, and the Canines committed it to his people.

He needed to stop this. It wouldnt take too long, he could just tell his employer that he got held up. As he ran swiftly but silently through the foiliage, the gunshots got closer and closer, and now srceams could be heard. Gradually, the trees got thinner and thinner, and the jungle began to die away to worn footpaths and occassional bamboo huts. Then, just like that, it ended and a densly clustered village of bamboo buildings stood before him.

Trent immediatly ducked for cover behind a pile of wooden rods, just as a roup of laughing hyenas jogged past, rifles at the ready. He poked his head over the edge of the pile, and briefly saw them open fire on a tightly packed group of children, then move on to slaughter more innocents.

He couldnt take the sight of the childrens bodies any longer. He dove over the pile and sprinted after the hyena pack. They were disorganized, and no one was watching the rear, giving him the perfect opportunity to attack. He caught the last hyena in a headlock, grabbing his rifle and spraying fire into the backs of every other in the pack.

Trent couldnt think, he just needed to kill something. When the rest of the aniamls were dead, he released the choked hyena just in time to keep him concious. He laughed as the hyena begged for mercy.

"It's too late for you." He laughed as he shoved the barrel of the rifle against the hyena's crotch and unloaded the last of his ammo into the screaming creatures nether-parts. He dropped him on the ground and watched him crawl away and die.

He shook his head clear of the bloodlust, and briefly considered if that was overkill. He shrugged and moved on, grabbing a shotgun from a nearby hyena. As he went house to house, he slaughtered more and more of the Canines. Hyenas, jackles and the occasional huskie. Though it was too late. House after house carried the same gory scene. Bloody of his fellow reptiles, mostly gecko's, and the stale stench of death.

Thought the last and largest house of the village held a more disturbing surprise.

When he swung open the curtain to the main hall, it was empty, aside from a few gecko corpses scattered here and there. He walked slowly through the house, examining several side rooms before listening intently. He heard a whimper. A soft whimper that could only be heard by someome listening closely.

He walked upstairs, brandishing his newly aqquired shotgun in his claws. A long hallway greeted him, with several doors on either side. He checked them one by one, trying to find the source of this whimper, until he came to one of the last ones. He pulled open the curtain to behold a shocking sight.

A male wolf, his black fur showing from his naked body, was violently thrusting his large member into a small female gecko. She was quietly crying, hoping it would all end no doubt, as the male wolfe raped her viciously. Trent didnt think twice when he blew the wolf's brain out the side of his head, leaving him still uncontrolably thrusting as Trent pulled him off and tossed him against the wall behind him, leaving him in a lifeless pile.

Trent pulled off his green military coat and rested it over the gecko's naked body, shielding her and giving her some privacy, but he wasnt sure it would help much. The gecko was still silently whimpering, her eyes squeezed shut. Trent didnt know what to do for a moment, but then he composed himself and tried to lift the gecko to her feet. Her eyes flew open and she screamed at him, clawing at his body, trying to push him away. just wrapped his arms around her, interlocking his fingers and trapping her arms. She squirmed for several minutes, screaming all the while, but settled down eventually. She was breathing heavily and she relaxed slightly, but not too much.

"Can I let you go now?" Trent asked her in a voice much like he would use for a child.

He couldnt see her face, but she nodded nervously. So he released her as she scrambled into the corner, grabbing the green jacket, and covering herself.

Trent could see the pain in her eyes, and he watched as a tear rolled down her cheek, soaking into the jacket.

"I'm one of you." He said, testingly, "I'm a reptile."

She looked at him, but never in the eye, and she examined his body. She seemed to register that he was a reptile too, and she loosened a little, but still remained tense.

"What's your name?" He asked her softly, making sure the tone of his voice wouldnt cause her to get scared.

She looked at him some more before finally responding, "Kalysta." She said in a small voice as she pulled the jacket closer to her body.

"Your safe now, its ok." He said to her reassuringly.

She let out a small laugh, "No ones safe." She said ominously. She switched the subject. "My room is the first door on the left from here, can you please go get me some clothes?" She asked nervously.

Trent nodded, and picked out a pair of loose green pants with a belt, a tank top, and a raincoat. She laughed a bit when he realized that he had forgotton underwear.

She looked at him, puzzled as to why he had chosen this set of clothes.

She passed him his jacket as he turned around and he got dressed, "I'm leaving, and your coming with me. You cant stay here." He said forcefully, but with good intention.

"We can't just leave everyone here." Kalysta said to him pleadingly, "They need our help."

Trent felt bad telling her, but there was nothing he could do to dumb it down, "Everyone is dead Kalysta. I've checked every house, every room, in this village, and theres no one alive."

She went very quiet, and he felt for her, but on this planet there wasnt room for emotion. Canines were doing the same thing everywhere, and it was only a matter of time before another platoon came by this way.

"We have to go now." He said, more forcefully this time as head heard a chopper go past in the distance.

"Where?" She asked him, tears in her eyes, "Where could you possibly take me! I just want to die here! With the rest of my family!"

Trent didn't know where he would take her. His employer didnt count on any refugees in the deal, Trent would just get the money and have to find his own way off the planet. He was confident with the ammount of money Trent was going to get, he would be able to buy them both rides off this planet, maybe back home on Halok (the Reptilian homeworld).Yes, that would do.

"I'm taking you to Halok." He said, offering her a chance to a better life, "I've got a lot of cash waiting on the side and I'm sure I can get you set for life the same as me."

Kalysta looked stunned, "You mean, you would take me to Halok?" She said as he remembered that most of the outerworlders had never seen the magnificent cities of Halok, "You would actually get me there?"

"A trip to Halok and a half a million credits sound good to you?" He asked with a laugh.

"Excuse me," She said, woozily, "I need to-"

She puked in the corner.

Jessie was now linked with ARON. The Advanced Reconnaisance Optical Network.

ARON was the interface used to link up with the remote weapons platforms that were orbiting around the planet constantly. Nearly 400 of these satilites were in orbit, and could be activated at any time to combat any military emergency. Now that the war was plainly in the Canines favor, the platforms hadent seen much use, but before, when the war was undecided, the platforms (with the help of 521 skilled operators) had obliterated nearly 80 percent of the Reptilian forces on Tonik II, effectively destroying any resistance that they may haved posed.

Jessie had never taken part in a massive battle, he was called on more specific missions. His precision and discretion were famed among the Canine operators, giving him the title of "Scope". Now he had a job to complete. A tricky one albeit, but a job non-the less.

Jessie tracked his satilite maps to the last known location of the target. A cold-blooded reptile, trained in the art of stealth would be hard to find, yet he was confident. He would find and destroy the target, even if he had to carpet bomb an entire forest. Wait, discretion. He sighed, there were always rules.

He scanned the last known location of the target. then began to visualy pick out possible routes. He saw a decimated village on his moniter, but at first thought nothing of it. He moved his visual to a different section of the forest, assuming that the target would move away from the nearby gunfire.

"Wait." He said to no one in particular, "Target is trained. He would assume that I would think that. Which means..."

He tracked his visual on the village.

"But he doesnt even known that I'm tracking him, so he would move on normally." He once again moved his visual screen to a different sector.

Suddenly he thought of something. He brought up everything the military knew on the target to one of his secondary screens, looking over his supposed emotional traits.

He stopped at one.

>>>Compassionate at times.

Then another.

>>>Exhibits 'Bloodlust' and is prone to fits of rage.

For the 4th time he zoomed in on the village, examining it closely. Thats when he noticed the hyena bodies. He systematically checked each and every footpath leading away from the village at nearly his highest zoom until he found the claw prints he was looking for.

He made a note in ARON's log.

>Target's footprints confirmed [Cross-checked with previous encounters] >Second set of footprints aqquired. Female.

He was getting closer.

Trent and Kalysta had walked for nearly 8 hours straight when he began to notice her tenderness, and the limp she was having to deal with. He was nervous to ask, but he fianlly mustered up the courage.

"Do you, uh, need to take a bath or..." he paused awkwardly, "something?"

She nodded quickly, clenching her teeth in pain, making him feel like a complete and utter douchebag for forgeting about her this long. He wasnt used to working with a partener.

He told her to be quiet for a moment as he listened. He could hear running water in the distance, but no where nearby. He sighed deeply, and picked up Kalysta in his arms, trying not to hurt her anymore than she already was.

He was nearly exhausted by the time he set her next to the stream he had heard before he carried her. He turned around and plunked himself down against a tree, lettings the cool moss rub against his scales as he stripped off his top. Trent was tired, and he soon felt himself drifting off to sleep. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he thought to keep an eye of Kalysta, but his overworked body took control and shut him down.

Kalysta painfully stripped off her underwear as she prepared to step into the cool stream collective. She took one look at her underwear and became even more accute of the pain in her loins as she saw it was nearly soaked through with blood. As she let her feet slip into the water, a shiver flew up her spine, tickling her despite her pain. She sat down in a shallow part and watched as her vagina leaked more blood into the clear water. After several minutes of waiting for it to stop, she began to get worried.

She sighed internally, not sure if she was ready, but she needed help, bad.

"Trent." She called as more blood seeped into the water, "I need your help!"

Trent awoke with a start, his name being called. He immediatly grabbed his shotgun and sprinted to the water where Kalysta sat.


He faltered, slightly, not sure if he was supposed to come, but when she turned around, showing him her green and yellow breasts, no one could blame him for rushing over (the life of a mercenary is lonely sometimes, give him a break).

"What?" He asked awkwardly, trying to avert his gaze from her body, "Whats wrong?" Thats when he noticed the blood in the water.

"I n-need your help." Kalysta said, nervously, "I'm bleeding to much, I don't know what to do."

Trent nodded quickly and ran to get his backpack, and hence his medical kit.

When he returned, he pulled out a bag of cotton balls, preparing himself for what he had to do. Soon he had steeled himself for the task. He gently lifted her lower body out of the water, spreading her legs to reveal her very much damaged woman parts.

He tenderly used one hand to spread her lips open, revealing a very raw tunnel of flesh beneath.

"He took your virginity, didnt he?" Trent asked, bringing up the black wolf that had raped her.

"Yes...he did..." She nervously revealed, "I was saving it for someone special."

Trent sighed. He hated the Canines. He hated what they believed, he hated what they were, he hated everything about them. He could kill all of them, and not feel any remorse.

Kalysta jumped slightly as he swabbed away more blood from her vagina.

"You know, your life here on this planet is interesting." He said, making small talk, "Normally a girl your age would have lost her virginity a long time ago. How old are you anyways?"

"22. See, people here on this planet know the meaning of sex. You larger reptiles have more freedom, you can choose to do whatever you want. Here, on this planet, your choice of mate is one of the only freedoms you get." Her body shuddered, at first he thought from the pain, but he looked up an realized that she was crying.

"He took it away from me." Kalysta sobbed, "The one thing I could choose for myself, and he took it."

She was barely aware that he had finished cleaning her up and was now behind her, wrapping his arms tightly around her shoulders.

His claw brushed her breast and she paniced slightly, wondering if he and wolf were not too different. But as his strong arms held her tighly, she relaxed, and she leaned into his body as she cried.


Ladies a gentlement (EDIT: Seriously can't believe I spelled "gentlemen" wrong XD)! PLEASE give me feedback on this story. I NEED you help! I am nothing on my own! :P