Max and Ian: Start of Summer Vacation

Story by Oren-Northpaw on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: The following story contains explicit material between two anthropomorphic males. If you do not wish to read about it, then proceed no further. That is all.

Author's Note: First time ever writing smut and I think it turned out decent, which means it is full of murry, purry goodness. I plan on making it a series, so if you like where this is going a watch doesn't hurt ;) Anyway, wanting to give a shout out to Miqmah on FA for being kind enough to revise this, wait for me to edit it, and revise my editing. I can't thank you enough. :3

Repost Notes: Added detail, added plot.

The smells of summer and new life filled the air, easily detected by the German shepherd's sensitive nose. It was a time to get rid of the old and replace it with the new... which was one of Max's least favorite tasks. He clung to his possession and refused to let anything go, even if it had remote meaning to him. Luckily Ian held this compulsion in check by making him get rid of half of his unnecessary belongings every summer.

Rummaging through his closet he found a shoebox, a plain cardboard shoebox with Converse written on it. Max could not for the life of him remember what was inside. He kneeled down over the box just as Ian walked up behind the shepherd; his thick otter tail skated loudly against the floor, completely destroying any possibility of surprise.

"What's that hun?" Ian asked, casual curiosity easily detected in his voice.

"I have no idea to be honest..." Max replied sheepishly.

"Well, open and find out." Ian responded matter-of-factly while draping his arms over the shepherd's shoulders staring intently at the still closed box.

Max's gaze slowly turned from Ian back to the box. He placed one paw on either side of the lid and lifted gently. The lid slid off without hassle and Max's breath caught at the sight of what was inside.

*5 years earlier*

The bell rang and every one rushed out of the classroom, eager to get home and start their summer plans. A five foot eight inch tall chocolate and tan furred blur dodged past Max, gracefully avoiding everyone passing by without so much as a second glance.

"Hey Ian!" Max exclaimed as he saw his best friend in the high school hallway. The otter quickly turned around and, noticing the shepherd, waded through the crowed. "Since this was the last day of school do you want to hang out at my house? I mean, who knows when either one of us aren't going to be busy," the shepherd said once the otter reached him, trailed off as he saw the grin on Ian's face.

"Silly mutt, you don't have to ask me twice, let me just call my mom and see if everything would be alright."

"Cool!" Max replied, fighting against the sea of people rushing past that rushed by in a near torrent at the scent of summer and freedom.

Ian's ears flicked back while he was on the phone. Suddenly his mouth drooped a little and his gaze moved from Max to the floor. 'Not a very good sign,' Max thought to himself, preparing for the worst.

"Alright, love you too Mom. I'll see you soon. Bye," Ian finished, hanging up his phone and, painfully slow to Max, slid it back into his pants pocket.

"So... I take it that you, or rather your mom has plans today?" Max said, his tail long since ceasing its excited wagging and drooped between his legs.

Everything of Ian's, from his facial expressions to the way he held himself changed in an instant. He smiled mischievously at the German shepherd and his gaze turned from the floor once again back to Max's face. He even seemed to stand straighter than before the phone call.

"What gave you that impression pup?" Ian replied, false ignorance filling his eyes.

"But you... ears... face..." Max replied, exasperated.

"I swear I think I know how to fool you better than your brother does!" Ian replied, sticking his tongue out at the fuming canine.

"Let's go then," Max growled at the deceit, but even then playfulness and the excitement of summer under toned the roughness in his voice.

The ride to Max's house was fast, much faster than usual it seemed.

"Mom, I am home, and I brought Ian with me!" Max yelled as he opened the door to his house.

Max's mother walked in from the living room to greet the two teenagers.

"Hello Ian, are you going to be staying for supper?" she asked pleasantly. This was not the first time Ian had been over. In fact the two teenagers had been friends since they met in the sixth grade, which was nearly five years ago.

"If it is not too much trouble Ma'am," Ian replied politely. Max still could not believe how Ian could so easily disguise his manic nature when adults were around. Max's mom still thought of Ian as an angel, even after these five long years of them being friends, but both Max and Ian himself knew better than that.

"No, no trouble at all, Alec is staying at a friend's tonight, so we have an empty seat at the table we would be glad to fill" she said. "Run along now, I need to make supper before Charles gets home."

Max and Ian needed no further spurring. They quickly dodged passed Max's mother, skated around a corner, and sprinted down the short hallway into Max's room. There they threw on a movie, shut the door, and cuddled together on Max's bed until his mother called them down for supper.

They all gathered around the table, Max's father at the head of course, and everything became silent. Once everyone had a seat, Max's father, Charles, cleared his throat and prepare to say grace. Everyone reached out to the people adjacent to them, leaving Ian filling a little awkward to be holding Max's mother's hand. Ian had no idea what she would think if she knew what he and her son have done over the last few years. Everyone closed their eyes except for the otter, who never really had to deal with this part of eating at his home. Glancing over at Max, he saw the pup obediently following the family ritual, eyes screwed shut, head bowed, and listening intently to what his father was about to say. Ian squeezed the shepherd's hand before loosening his grip again. He got the same response in return, but nothing more, not even a quick glance.

"Dear lord in heaven, thank you for the bountiful feast you have placed before us. Make us grateful for all your mercies, and mindful of the needs of others. Amen"

A collective "Amen" was said around the table, even from Ian, which was to be more polite than anything, before everyone started to dig into their meal of mashed potatoes, roast beef, and a bowl of mixed vegetables.

Sighs escaped everyone as they finished their meal; bellies were nearly stuffed to the point of pant buttons shooting across the room. Small talk was made, simple stuff about how the weather was, what Ian was planning on doing for the summer, and whether he was busy in a week. The last question caught Ian off guard a little bit.

"Well, if everything was alright with your mom, we were planning on a small trip to Miami, Florida for a week or two," stated Max's mother.

Max and Ian looked at each other in shock and excitement. Max had no idea his parents were going to invite Ian and Ian's head instantly filled with images of the ocean. Just the idea of the sun hitting his fur, the waves crashing against the shore, and of course Max in nothing but swimming trunks was enough to get Ian eager for the trip. Max's wagging tail was clearly audible as it smacked none too gently against his chair. After a quick call it was decided that Ian was leaving with Max and his family in a week.

Max took Ian back home shortly after supper, the anticipation of the trip opening many avenues of conversation. Once they had reached their destination, Max glanced around to make sure no one was watching and pulled Ian back down into his seat. As the otter turned curiously to the canine, Max grabbed his head and pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss. Their tongues exploring each other's mouth for much longer than Max had expected. Ian pulled away slowly, a longing look in his eyes before he once again moved to get out of the car. Max glancing around quickly before driving away, turning around just in time to see Ian watching him leave from his porch.

Ian bubbled with joy with the eagerness of the upcoming trip and he could still feel the tingling left by the kiss, which was unlike the shepherd to do in public. He entered his home, made the typical small talk to his mother, and said good night before drifting off to his bedroom.

A week passed and everyone was ready for the road trip. The drive to Florida was long, much longer than it should have felt to the three teenagers cramped in the back seat. Max and Ian occasionally touched hands, making sure neither of the parents nor Alec, who was sitting next to Max, were paying attention at the time. Alec was listening to music during the whole trip, arm resting against the door and looking bored. During one of the times Ian reached out and brushed Max's hand, Alec shifted against Max's shoulder. Afraid that they were caught, Max and Ian stopped for some time, but when nothing was said and Alec's features didn't change in anyway, the two dismissed the shifting as an act of discomfort from being cramped in the back seat. After a couple more daring attempts at entwining fingers, the two settled down and watching the scenery go by.

They reached the hotel, which was way nicer than any hotel Ian had stayed in before, and checked in. The two teenagers had their own room right next to Max's parents and Alec had to share a room with their parents. This was all because Max had the guest this year, which meant he got the second room. Alec had no trouble giving Max crap about that the whole drive down. The trip was a little longer than planned because of a quick detour to a American Victory Ship and Museum that Max's father had to go see, so instead of arriving at midnight, they arrived at 2 a.m.

As soon as Max and Ian got their keycard, they walked as fast as they were allowed to towards their room. The two nearly ran up two flights of stairs before reaching their destination. Max fumbled the keycard into the slot and opened the door. Ian rushed in, threw his stuff in a corner and flopped himself on a bed. Max came in slower, placed his luggage near the bathroom where it would be easier to get things when he needed them. He then curled up next to Ian before quickly falling asleep, leaving the second bed unused.

Max woke, his eyes fluttering open before slamming shut at the faint light coming through the thick curtains. After a few seconds of adjusting, Max looked around the best he could with his arm being trapped under Ian's torso. The room was unusually nice, even for what his family usually staid in on trips. There was a nice oak desk accompanied with a comfy looking office chair by the window. A television which rested on a dresser that looked like it was made out of oak like the desk, and a couple prints of famous landscape paintings covering the walls. All combined, they gave the room a cozier, home-like feel.

Max slowly slipped his arm out from underneath the otter, stopping for a moment when Ian stirred a little in his sleep. He was almost free, when suddenly Ian pulled the shepherd on top of him, enfolding Max in his arms and kissing him. Max's eyes were wide with shock for a second after being caught off guard, but he slowly let himself sink into the embrace. Ian pulled away slowly from Max, eyes still locked together.

"You know, we didn't have the energy to do anything... 'fun' last night... how 'bout we fix that now?" Ian said seductively, moving his paw between Max's legs and squeezing slightly at the growing bulge.

"But my par-RENTS are next door," replied Max, receiving yet another squeeze from the otter.

"Then we will just have to be quite now won't we?" Ian replied, slowly pulling down the shepherd's shorts to reveal the tight, red boxer-briefs beneath. The bulge pulsed under Ian's ministrations, just waiting to break free from its cotton prison.

"Mhmm you even remembered to wear my favorite briefs, it's a shame they are going to have to come off!" Max moaned a little as his canine member flopped free from its containment.

Max's dominant streak kicked in and he pushed Ian's paws down by his head and kissed him as hard as he possibly could. He pulled back after a few moments, leaving him and Ian panting for breath, strands of spit passing between their lips. Releasing only one of the otter's paws, Max used his free hand to remove Ian's shorts.

Max navigated the otter's underwear around his giant rudder of a tail as quickly as he could. The otter's length poked him in the stomach while he tried to remove the garment and Ian's constant rubbing of his shaft making it hard for the canine to concentrate on the task at hand. The shepherd finally removed the underwear and flung it across the room.

Ian rolled Max over, pinning him to the bed and kissed him. The otter pushed his tongue gently against Max's lips which parted slightly and allowing Ian to invade the canine's muzzle. Pulling on Max's bottom lip slightly as Ian moved back caused the shepherd to moan. Ian quickly leaned back into another kiss to stifle the shepherd. Ian pushed both of Max's paws above his head, and pinned them both together with his one paw. The otter then stroked down the shepherd's flank, across his stomach, and finally reached his cock. Ian pushed their members together and stroked them. Yet another kiss muffled the joined cries of pleasure.

The shepherd couldn't take it; he broke free from the otter's grasp and rolled on top of Ian... but this time there was no bed to keep them up. They fell to the floor and Ian's breath caught from the shock of 185 pounds and six feet of toned shepherd landing on top of him.

"Are you OK Ian?" Max asked, panicking slightly.

Ian chuckled at the cute look of concern that spread across Max's face, which quickly changed to a look of confusion at the otter's laughter. "Don't stop, you silly mutt" was the only response Ian gave.

That was all Max needed to continue. He reached over for Ian's bag and rummaged around till he found the lube hidden in an inside pocket. He popped open the cap, still a little clumsy from inexperience, and put some on his fingers. The otter lifted his legs off the ground and draped them over Max's shoulders. With his finger's lubed up, he placed one against Ian's pucker, slowly filling him. He pushed his finger as far as it would go and felt around for the mound of flesh that was the otter's prostate. Ian moaned in ecstasy, bliss radiating from every part of his body as the shepherd pushed against Ian's pleasure button. Max slowly added a second finger, causing Ian to shudder.

"Max, please, I can't take it anymore!" was all he could reply through the constant ministrations of his shepherd.

Max positioned himself behind of the otter, his tip pushing ever so slightly against the otter's ring. He pushed in slowly, giving Ian time to adjust to his size.

Ian moaned out, "More!" between gasps for breathe, but Max went slow because he did not wanting to hurt the otter. Ian's impatience showed when he thrust back on Max and shoved the rest of the shepherd's length inside of him. The first time Ian had taken the shepherd he couldn't walk right after, but this time Ian's face contorted only in pleasure, his tongue hanging out slightly, almost comically, to the side.

This action was all Max needed for him to know that his otter was ready. He pulled back, almost all the way out, before shoving his length back into Ian. They gasped in unison, both of their faces showing their true feelings in a way that only sex can reveal; once all the walls and shields a person places around them self are lowered.

Max thrust over and over, Ian moaning a little louder each time. Ian's legs moved from Max's shoulders to his waist as the shepherd leaned down to kiss him, still thrusting inside of the squirming otter. Taking one of his paws, Max started stroking Ian's shaft, which was nice and slippery from Ian's pre-cum. It was all the otter needed to be pushed over the edge. He came in Max's hand and on his own stomach fur. Max growled in pleasure as Ian's pulsing muscles gripped his cock. The shepherd could feel his knot growing quickly at the new sensation. He thrust a couple more times before finally pushing all the way into the otter. Ian gasped as the knot intruded his tail hole, filling him with Max's seed. They released each other from their kiss, strands forming between their lips.

"Max, Ian, is everything alright in there?" Max's mother asked while knocking on the door. "The front office called, someone complained of a loud noise coming from your room."

"We are fine mom," Max replied, somehow able to keep his voice from wavering after his climax and still being deep inside the otter. "We were just wrestling."

"Alright, well keep it down next time, and hurry to the lobby and eat some breakfast before it closes."

"OK mom, we will be down right after a couple of quick showers." Footsteps could be heard as Max's mom walked down the hall to the elevator.

"That was pretty close..." Ian said, still gazing at Max's face.

Max turned back to Ian and stared into his deep hazel eyes. "I told you it would be too loud," Max replied.

"I think it was fine, after all they seemed to believe your wrestling story. Wrestling... using one of the oldest tricks in the book... how original," Ian stated, sticking his tongue out slightly at the shepherd.

"Come on," Max growled playfully.

Ian gasped from both plain and pleasure as Max pulled his shrinking knot none too gently out of him at his snide comment. "We need to shower quickly before they get more suspicious."