The storms ahead

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Okay so I haven't posted anything in a while so I figured you guys needed some smut :D Heads up though my proofer has been really busy lately so I didn't wanna bother him with this. Hope you guys like it.


Chris yawned as he laid sprawled out on the couch. Beneath him on the floor, his little brother laid sprawled out playing a video game. "Chris, Danny I'll be back in a bit I'm going shopping with your aunt today." came a voice from down the hallway.

"Kay Mom." Danny shouted back. Once the door was shut Danny stretched himself out and squirmed out of his shorts, laying sprawled out in his boxers instead. After a moment Chris did the same with the exception that the elder panther wore nothing beneath his shorts. "Jeez man don't you wear boxers?" Danny asked looking up at his brother who shrugged.

"Too hot for them." he murmured while stretching out. Danny's nose twitched a bit as it caught a familiar scent lofting around the room.

"Awww c'mon big brother...can't you scrub out your sheath every once and a while? You're stinkin up the room..." Danny said quietly while wrinkling his nose.

"Sorry lil bro you'll just have to deal with it." Chris said with a grin, sprawling out on the couch with a happy purr. Danny grumbled to himself, turning his attention back to the game. Chris, meanwhile, cast a glance out the window at the sky, the clouds rapidly darkening with an approaching storm. Not unusual for the area they lived in but it did still hold some worry for the panther. His attention was returned to the game with a quiet growl from his little brother whose race car had just blown up.

"Damn it! Come on that was totally bull! You saw that Chris right? I mean I totally swerved right there." he yelled at the television.

"Yeah I totally saw it. Hey lil bro you wanna play Reach or something I can play too?" Chris pressed. Danny didn't argue much, the death in the game being enough to make him want to play another one instead. The discs were quickly switched out as a quiet rumble filled the air outside, a light drizzle coming down in a silent fall, splattering softly against the ground outside. Danny's ears perked slightly, his body twitching a bit but he brushed it off quickly as the family's sound system and not a storm.

"Do Swat. I'm no good at Slayer." Chris said while turning on his controller.

"Yeah yeah baby." Danny remarked, scrolling through the playlists. Finally he selected it and let his brother sign into the Xbox and the game began. It didn't take long for a match to be found but it was just long enough for the storm outside to pick up slightly the wind blowing the rain against the windows to make light tapping noises. "What's that?" Danny asked perking his ears at the windows.

"Just some rain no big deal." Chris replied sitting up and getting ready for the match. A low rumble echoed in the air outside. Danny's heart rate quickened, the game started. Three seconds went by before the game exclaimed Chris getting the first kill of the game. A louder rumble filled the room to accompany Danny dropping his controller. "You alright?" Chris asked while looking over at his brother.

"I uh....I need to use the bathroom." Danny said before rushing off to the restroom.

"Oh come on man you should have gone before the game!" Chris called but it was far too late. As the game progressed the panther found his team losing until one of the other team's players dropped. This gave him the edge he needed to win the game and when all was said and done his team won by three kills. "Alright you've been in there long enough." Chris called powering the Xbox down as he made his way to the bathroom. "You okay?" he asked while lightly knocking on the door. A thunderous boom filled the air around the panther that made him twitch slightly. On the other side of the door his brother was sitting in the bathroom, tears dampening the corners of his eyes. "Danny?" Chris asked again, opening the door slightly. The sight that greeted him was one he wasn't used to. His brother sat in the bathtub, his knees drawn up to his chest, tears working out from his eyes as he splayed his ears back, his tail curled around himself.

"Danny what's wrong?" Chris asked, making his way over, his hands coming down to gently touch his little brother's shoulder.

"I...I'm afraid of storms like this..." Danny admitted quietly, his tailtip flicking softly before his tail went rigid and bristly with the next thunderclap.

"I...didn't know that..." Chris said softly.

"Mom usually helps me through it." Danny said softly.

Chris thought for a moment. "I'll be right back." he said. He quickly hurried out of the room and locked the house up before returning. "Come downstairs with me." he said softly, offering a hand to his brother.

"Why? Is the storm getting bad?" Danny asked timidly.

"Just come on." Chris replied tugging his little brother along. Chris carefully led his brother down the stairs to the basement, pausing every few seconds to make sure Danny wouldn't jerk into something when the thunder hit. Finally they arrived in the basement where the older feline let go of his brother's hand for a moment.

"Chris?" Danny asked watching his brother moving around. The stereo in the basement was flipped on, putting background noise into the younger male's hearing. Finally Chris pulled his brother to a couch that had been moved down to the basement.

"Just relax okay?" he said softly to his younger sibling. Danny didn't get a chance to complain before another loud rumble made him meep and cling to his older brother's chest. Chris just sighed softly and wrapped his arms around his little brother before laying down slowly, letting his brother lay on his chest. The thunder outside began to get louder, much to Danny's dismay. The younger of the boys nosed lightly against his brother's shoulder, letting out a soft whine which was quickly shushed by the elder sibling's reassuring purr.

After a few minutes the thunder began to dissipate, lending to a softer, gentler rumble following another, and another before finally it seemed to stop. Chris began to move but Danny stopped him, his fingers grasping gently at the older male's shoulders as he kept his head pressed gently to Chris' black fur. "Can we just lay like this?" Danny asked in a timid voice. "Just for a little while longer." he added, looking up to see his older brother smiling a bit.

"Yeah Danny, just a little while longer though. You owe me a swat match." Chris said with a slight lick to his brother's headfur.

"H-hey..." Danny murmured, shifting slightly. Chris gave a soft purr which would have seemed normal for him but when the younger panther moved he felt a bulge at about waist height on being pressed up against him. "Chris?" Danny asked quietly while looking down at his brother's half hard cock.

"Just ignore it." Chris said softly. Chris was found a bit off guard when his brother's paw came down to squeeze his growing erection. "Danny?" Chris said, clenching his teeth lightly to suppress a moan.

Danny just shifted his weight to lay next to his brother, his paw still gently squeezing the elder's member. "I...I could stop." danny said softly, splaying his ears as he started to relax his grip. His brother's paw stopped him, gently resting itself on his.

"No it's alright." he said softly. Danny's paw began lightly squeezing his brother's shaft, working his fingers over it as he looked it over. His thumb grazed lightly over the spines on his brother's cock, feeling then plucking lightly at his digit before he realized he was purring like a kitten. "Danny?" Chris asked softly. When his brother's head tilted up to look at him Chris spoke again. "I think you should take those off before they rip." Chris said nodding towards his brother's waist. Danny looked down at his boxers and let out a soft chuff.

Danny shifted his boxers down, pushing the waistband down past his throbbing shaft. After his boxers were off, Danny laid his head back on his brother's chest and purred softly. Chris' paw drifted down and gently squeezed Danny's shaft as he smiled to himself. "Hey lil bro.... Do you wanna play something instead of Halo?" Chris asked with a light smile at his little brother.

"What did you have in mind?" Danny asked softly, his tail flicking lightly.

"Well... I figured we both have boners." Chris said softly, punctuating his thoughts with another light squeeze of his brother's shaft. "Maybe we could help each other out?" Chris asked quietly. Danny let out a thoughtful purr.

"Well I do owe you for dropping out of the match and making you have to sit with me here..." Danny said softly, nosing against his brother's chest lightly. "What would you like to start with?" Danny asked while sitting up somewhat.

"How about you turn around and sit right here." Chris said while patting his chest. "then you can work on me and I can work on you." Chris said with a light smile. Danny nodded and shifted his weight up onto his brother's chest, his tail lifted high for his brother, his pink tailhole sitting just a few inches from his brother's muzzle. Danny leaned down, his nose twitching as he inhaled his brother's musk, a quiet purr leaving his throat as he grasped Chris' shaft and kissed the tip, his lips surrounding the head of his brother's cock as he suckled softly.

Chris gave a quiet moan at feeling his brother's lips pressed lightly against the tip of his member, the wet warmth of his tongue brushing lightly against the head of his shaft. He smirked a little as his tail flicked lightly. Meanwhile the younger of the pair pressed forward, slowly accepting more and more of his brother's shaft into his muzzle, his raspy tongue dragging against his brother's member, slurping and sucking as his tail flicked and he purred happily.

Chris leaned in, his cold nose pressing lightly against the base of his brother's tail, his tongue washing over his brother's tightly drawn tailhole. Danny gave a quiet shudder at the feeling on his brother's rough tongue dragging over his hole. Chris' hand came up, his palms spreading his brother's rear as he licked and slurped against his brother's hole. Chris brought his thumb to his brother's hole and gently rubbed for a second before pushing it in slowly.

Danny groaned softly, his tail lifting a bit higher as he slowly kneaded his paws against his brother's legs. After a second Danny remembered what he was supposed to be doing and got back to slurping and licking his brother's shaft, purring happily as his hole flexed around his brother's thumb. A second or two passed with the sounds of wet slurps and purrs filling the air between the beats of the music from the radio. Finally Chris broke the silence, "Time for something more fun." he said softly, his thumb withdrawing from his brother's rear as he purred and gently squeezed Danny's ass.

Danny sat up and flicked his tail lightly at his brother while grinning. "Okay. What do you want me to do?" Danny asked, his ears filling with pink despite the black fur surrounding them.

"Just turn back around and lay on my chest." Chris said softly, his shaft throbbing lightly in the air, still glistening with his brother's saliva. Danny nodded and turned around, straddling his waist as his brother reached down and positioned the tip of his shaft against his brother's pink pucker. "Ready lil bro?" Chris asked softly. Danny gave his brother a light nod which was met with a light push, his brother's member slipping into him slowly.

Danny mewled softly, his claws flexing out against his brother's chestfur as he clenched lightly around his brother's member. After a second he relaxed, letting out a shuddering groan as his weight carried him down, the spearing warmth of his brother's shaft pushing deep inside of him as he sat back. Chris smiled and purred, his hands gripping his brother's hips gently as he rolled his hips, pushing in until his sheath kissed his brother's rear. Just as slowly as he sunk in, Chris withdrew, the rubbery spines on his shaft scrapping lightly as it withdrew from his brother's ass.

Danny's hands remained in place, his claws lightly digging into Chris' chestfur as his brother withdrew only to feel the older panther slip right back in a bit quicker. He gave a soft gasp as his brother's member pressed and prodded against his prostate with each rhythmic thrust. Danny groaned softly as his brother thrusted and humped up into his brother's rear, his shaft throbbing with each thrust and squirting pre into his sibling to lubricate his movements. "Chris...." Danny said softly.

Chris stopped and pulled his brother to his chest, holding him there while he shifted and rolled, positioning himself above his little brother, never letting himself slip free of his brother's rear as he purred softly. He grabbed his brother's calves, lifting them to his shoulders as he pushed himself balls-deep into his younger sibling's ass. Danny moaned out as Chris' shaft throbbed hard against his prostate.

Chris' long hard thrusts shifted into short staccato movements, prodding and pressing his brother's prostate with each movement he made. Danny groaned out below his brother, his tail curling between his brother's legs to twine around Chris' as they both built to their peaks. His paw moved to grasp his drooling shaft, beginning to paw himself while his brother pounded into him, groaning as the sensitive spines the lined the head of his brother's cock scraped against his insides.

"Danny... I'm gonna cum soon..." Chris moaned, his shaft throbbing as he drove himself as deep as he could. Danny mewled like a kitten, his shaft twitching in his paw as his orgasm hit him. His hole clenched and tightened around his brother's shaft, milking it as his own member shot strand after strand of cum against his chest. Chris growled above his brother, his own orgasm hitting him seconds after his brother's did.

Chris pushed as hard as he could, his shaft pressing as deeply as Danny could take it as the older panther's balls drew closer to his body, his seed rushing through his cock as he began to unload directly into the deepest parts of his brother. Danny purred and groaned as his brother's warm cum shot into him, filling him as his brother panted over his him. After a few moments the older brother's orgasm waned and he pulled back slowly, his shaft slipping free with a wet slurp. "That was nice." Chris said with a soft purr.

"I'll say. You still up for that Halo match?" Danny asked with a grin.

"You think I'd pass on a chance to kick your butt?" Chris asked with a chuckle.


The door opened with a soft click as the boy's mother stepped in with several bags. "Well did you boys have fun today?" she asked with a smile.

"Yup." bother of the felines said while playing their game intently.