First Contact, July 21st 2011, 6:56 AM

Story by MrFox on SoFurry

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#5 of First Contact

Warning! Do not read if you don't like cock vore!

July 21st 2011, 6:56 AM

Pat groaned in his sleep as the image of the blond FBI agent in his dream bobbed up and down on his cock. He ran his hands through the man's thick hair as firm lips slid across his length of his member. The pleasure began to slowly build as he grunted and bucked into his sheets. An audible gasp marked the beginning of the orgasm as his cock exploded into the dream man's mouth and Pat was abruptly awoken by the sensation of cum splattering across his chest.

Pat groaned in an entirely different way as he pulled his covers off him only to see a foot of cock resting on his chest spurting thick white cum all over his chest. The cum oozed down the side of his chest joining the already wet pools of fluids that soaked his bed. Pat realized right about then that this couldn't be the first time he had came into his sheets judging by the mess he was laying in. A thick musky smell hit his nose and made him gag slightly as he figured out the smell was coming from his cum soaked bed.

After peeling himself out of bed Pat found the tattered remains of his underwear. "Oh shit" he said as he looked down at his cock. The little monster was another inch longer now bringing him to eight inches of cock and four inches of tube, only now the tube was less red and it's skin was starting to look more like normal skin. The bands on the side of his cock were much wider now and covered most of his length. His cock skin was much thicker and the flap of skin on his head had started to grow longer down the back of Pat's member on the side that faced him. The skin was super stretchy but Pat didn't know what purpose it served other than looking like crazy foreskin.

Cleaning up the mess took a few hours and Pat had a devil of a time finding underwear that would fit. He settled on a pair of his dad's boxers even though they were a little loose in the waist. None of his own underwear would fit over his massive eight inches even when he forced it to contract as much as possible.

By the time Pat finally made it downstairs he found a note from his dad. Apparently one of the FBI guys would be staying the night tonight and he wanted Pat to clean up some. The house was a wreck and it had been a while since anyone had really cleaned up. Most of the rest of the day was spent cleaning the house, but at least it kept Pat busy and his mind off his groaning member. Pat was forcing himself to go without feeding his cock. He didn't want to make any more mess today and on top of that his dad would be home soon!

At about ten past seven Brian made his way home with an arm full of groceries. "Son!" He shouted as soon as he walked through the kitchen door.

Pat helped his dad with the groceries noting that the blond FBI agent had followed his dad inside. "John Johnson" he said and offered his hand. John didn't hide his gaze as he lewdly eyed the huge bulge in Pat's pants.

"Patrick" Pat said as he shook the man's hand, "but you can call me Pat"

"I get the pleasure of staying with you two tonight" Johnson said as they dropped hands, "By the way you can call me John"

Pat got the feeling that John was hitting on him, but he dismissed it and instead helped his dad cook dinner.

Even though it was steak night and that was one of his favorite meals Pat just couldn't force himself to eat much. "You ok Son?" Brian asked and looked at the half eaten steak on the plate.

"Yea, just not to hungry. I ate a big lunch" Pat lied.

After dinner the three men sat down to watch some TV. There was a nervous energy in the air and the fact that John kept looking at Pat's junk wasn't helping him remain calm. Not only was he hungry, but it was taking every last ounce of his focus to make his cock stay still. Every once in a while his pants would groan against the force of his persistent meat and Pat was concerned with how tight the boxers were getting. Was his cock growing again? How was that even possible!?

At long last Brian announced that it was bed time and he told Pat to head upstairs so John could stay downstairs on the couch.

After waiting a good hour and a half Pat snuck back downstairs and past the man sleeping on the couch. He silently pulled the refrigerator open and inspected the various goods. Pat cringed as his cock growled and strained against his pants. At this point he was almost afraid to take his pants off for fear of not getting them back on.

Pat settled on the carton of steaks and two of the three remaining ears of corn. He was curious as to what sorts of food his cock might be interested in. So far he had only tried chicken, but he couldn't rely on fast food forever so he figured he might as well find out what his cock could and couldn't eat.

As Pat snuck past the still shape on the couch the agent opened a single eye to watch the young man sneak past him. Pat never saw the growing bulge in the man's pants as a musky smell wafted off the young man as he passed by. John couldn't help but eye the huge bulge in the boy's pants, as the youth snuck slowly up the stairs the agent swore he saw the bulge moving as something large and thick strained against the denim prison.

As soon as he was safely in his room Pat made his way to his bathroom and flipped the light on. He set the food down on the bathroom counter and turned his attention to his pants. He quickly unbuttoned his pants and then unzipped them. Before Pat could pull them down though the pressure inside gave and with an explosion of cloth his cock surged forward. Pat gawked in shock at his member. It had to be ten inches long now and it was about as thick as a coke can. The massive slab of meat throbbed and contracted as it straightened and pointed up into the air.

Pat groaned as he watched the head of his cock push apart and the thick brown skinned tube pushed six inches into the air. As impossible as it seemed the tube seemed as thick as his cock and Pat noticed to his horror that the top of the tube had something strange growing on it. Three hard growths had begun to develop on the top of the tube. Pat looked down at them and gasped as they pushed apart and he looked down the throat like organ as it gurgled and a huge glob of pre bubbled up, coating the strange tusk like growths and most of the top of the tube in thick smelly slime.

As weird as it felt Pat couldn't help but reach for the four leftover steaks. He lowered the thick slabs of meat to his cock and groaned in pleasure as it stretched towards his hand and bit hungrily into the meat. The tiny teeth like protrusions that covered the inside of his cock pulled the meat into its mouth and then down the gullet of his cock. Each contraction sent a wave of mind bending pleasure to Pat's brain and as the first steak pushed into his balls he felt the pain of hunger subside for the first time that day.

Next came the corn. The hungry cock didn't seem too concerned that it was eating a whole un-shucked corn, cob and all. Pat started with the narrower top of the corn watching in fascination as his cock swallowed the vegetable whole. The length of the food made the experience twice as pleasurable as before. Pat discovered that his balls seemed to be getting hotter and hotter as they went to work on his meal. He thought that they wouldn't be able to hold all the food but after another whole corn and the remaining three steaks Pat was pleased to note that his huge swollen sac was doing just fine.

Pat was getting so sleepy and full. He wanted to be awake to enjoy the massive load he was going to shoot after feeding his cock the biggest meal he had ever enjoyed. He pulled his shirt off and let his pants drop to the ground as he made his way towards the closet. Pat had been keeping the door closed all day to stifle the stench of his fermenting fluids he had left in the room. When he finally opened the door a wave of musky air hit him in the face and Pat's cock audibly gurgled as pre oozed out of his head. He closed the door behind him and clicked the light on as he fell to the floor.

Pat figured he could spend the night in here to avoid another massive mess in his bed. Unfortunately as sleepy and warm as he was he found himself unable to doze off. The churning of his balls as he laid on his back in the dank musky room kept him aroused through the night. After laying there for an hour Pat felt something in his cock and balls change as the churning reversed and the pre oozing out his cock started to thicken.

Something was different this time though. Pat groaned as he felt the contractions start. He ran his hands up and down his massive cock as he felt its muscles flexing in his hands. Pat grunted uncontrollably as he felt the huge load of cum shooting through all sixteen inches of his massive cock and then out the tip. The load was impossibly large and it quickly proved to be his biggest yet.

The huge tube of cum hit the ceiling of the closet and stuck there as slime oozed outwards from where it stuck and then back down the structure and onto Pat. Unlike last time though the cum was a thick grey color and the smell was ten times stronger. Eventually after about ten minutes of pumping cum out of his cock the orgasm ended and the pat crawled backwards from the column hanging from the ceiling. Pat regarded it with some fascination and pride as he watched it connect to the floor and then harden. After a while he became too sleepy to continue to inspect the strange gray mass and he curled up beside it with a spare blanket he kept in the closet.