Midnight Shift

Story by Tenaz on SoFurry

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Just a quick and dirty.

It takes a lot of time to get ready for what I do, if you can believe that.

You can call me Maple. I sleep mostly during the day because I work all night. Have been for 10 years now, in fact, and the longer you go at it, the better you get at it. I have a reputation to uphold now as the best this city has to offer, and all the other bitches know I'm queen bee. My nights usually start with something like a shower or a movie, but tonight was much different in a lot of aspects. I don't even know what to classify tonight as, honestly...although it was most certainly the greatest night of my life.

It started like any other night in the last few years of my life. My alarm blared with a static-laced AM station, jarring me from my sleep. I really hate it when that happens while I'm having a good dream. I checked the time. 7:00pm. Don't know why I check it really, I set it to the same time every day. I think it's one of those habits that sticks with you for pretty much forever. Moving on...

I hopped out of bed and stretched, hearing crackles up and down my spine as it righted itself. I had a full length mirror next to my bed, and I checked it every morning to remind myself of the body that paid my bills. Luscious, feathered orange hair drooped down past my shoulders, framing a beautiful face. Bright green eyes sat on top of the cutest nose you've ever seen, and underneath that were two miniscule tusks that poked out from my upper lip. I twitched my round, fluffy ears and giggled at the sight. A mammothbear is certainly a strange animal to be, and it was rather difficult at times. However, I've managed...and rather well.

I slept naked, for comfort's sake, and so my eyes traveled a bit further south. Nice, round, gravity defying EE breasts were heaving up and down with my breathing. They were fake, of course, bought by many nights with lonely, cheating businessmen. My favorite customers, really. Hours upon days upon years of workouts gave me a flat, defined stomach that most girls would dream of, and my most favorite asset...my hips. They were things of pure beauty, thicker than any other girls I knew. My waist was a size 5, but my hips were at least two and a half feet across. That led, as you can guess, to an ass that stuck in clients' minds so much that one guy even wanted a sculpture of it. He was a bit strange, but he paid well. It's part of the job to deal with folks like that.

After admiring my body for a few more seconds, and beaming at the fact that all that hard work had paid off, I stepped into the shower, got myself nice and clean, and sat down at my vanity mirror. You always have to look good for what I do, which you really should have guessed by now. If you haven't, here's the shocking truth: I'm a prostitute.

Most people think of us as dirty, unwed mothers who are too lazy to leave welfare's handholding. I can say that's true for some, but almost all the girls I know in this trade are in it because it makes them feel great about themselves, and I don't blame them. Having a man pay you to fondle and fuck you really puts a notch in your belt as far as self esteem goes. I count my blessings every day that I'm able to do this amazing job and be paid so well.

The thought of it all caused me to smile as I stood up from my vanity and placed all of my materials where they had been before. Gussied up and beautiful, I did what I always did...wait.

That's when I got the call.

I was lounging in my faux-lined armchair, dressed in my favorite green bust-accentuating slitside slip, when I heard my phone ringing. It was only around 9:00pm, and so I was a bit perplexed. I usually didn't start work this early...but I never complained. I picked it up, and gave my usual greeting. "Maple's Candies, how can I fix that sweet tooth?" I cooed in a sultry timbre.

"Hello, this is the girl from the ads, right? Miss Maple?" He sounded unsure of himself, but had a silky quality to his voice that really got my heart going. I swoon, is that so wrong?

"The one and only, sir. May I ask what it is that we can get you, honey?" I said, trying to unrattle him further. Getting them unraveled was the easiest way to be able to jack up the price and have them just agree straightaways. Mean? Maybe. That's business.

"Uh, me and a couple friends are having this bachelor party at the Empress Hotel and wanted your...'catering' services...if that's possible. I mean if you're free..." Hook, line, and sinker.

"Oooh~..." I moaned, cementing the deal. "Well, I'll be over in a hot minute. Wait in the lobby with a bottle of bubbly and we'll talk, alright?" I hung up without waiting for an answer.

I stood up, dusted myself off, and locked up my place for the night. I was planning on making this one an all-nighter. I pressed the button on my keys to unlock my car, an expensive green sports car. Once again, bought by lonely, cheating businessmen. Peeling out of the driveway, I set my nav system to the Empress and was on my way.

After a half-hour or so of mind-numbingly boring night driving, I was in the parking lot for the hotel, and parked on the very top floor. I checked myself in the mirror one more time, and got on the elevator to go down. Around the third floor or so, a man of about 20 got on. He was a sharply dressed young thing, some kind of sheepdog. I couldn't tell really, because his face was glued to my tits from the second he got on. I reveled in the attention, however, and when he got off on the second floor I was rather sad. I tapped him on the shoulder. "Sir?" I asked.

"Y-yes m-ma'am?" he stuttered, turning to face me. I grabbed the back of his head and pressed his face into my breasts, grabbing his crotch as I did so. I then moved him out of the elevator and pressed the 1st floor button.

"That's all you get for free, sugar," I waved, watching the blood rush to his face as the door closed. Gotta give them a sample, that's why I'm a little more successful than most.

When I finally reached the ground floor, the elevator dinged and the door slid open to show me the single most resplendent hotel lobby I had ever seen. Countless gold fountains dotted the place, and even the clerks and bagboys looked like runway models. Whoever stayed here made a lot of money, and that made me smile uncontrollably. Scanning the place, I saw my mark sitting in a very regal-looking armchair, clutching a bottle of Perignon. I'm more of a Pinot Noir girl myself, but that didn't matter right at this moment. I sidled up to him, crossing my arms under my breasts so as to lift them almost out of my slip. His eyes bugged out, and I finally got a good look at him. He was a rather dashing paint horse, very muscular and fit, and unless he had another bottle of bubbly in his pants, VERY well hung. I was almost salivating.

"Are you Maple?" he asked, talking to my chest.

I pointed his gaze upwards and smiled. "I'm guessing you're the bachelor party in need of catering?"

He nodded and smiled back at me, shaking his golden mane to the side. I was taken aback by how utterly...handsome he was. "Well, for an all night party I'm expecting somewhere around...5k." I said and held my breath, tensing up a little bit. Would he get mad? Would he get sad? Would he yell and cause a scene? She shoots...

"That's all? For you? No problem!" She scores! He looked genuinely happy, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where's your room then, sweetie?" I asked, taking him by the hand. He had such a strong grip...

He led me back into the elevator and we went up to the 14th floor. It was really the 13th, but these architects have this weird complex about 13th floors. His room happened to be number 1313. I'm not normally superstitious, but in hindsight it was rather spooky. He told me to wait outside for a second and I nodded and checked through my bag. I could hear him psyching up his guests rather well. "I told you I'd get her!" he preened, and the rest of them sounded rather skeptical. "No, really!" he groaned, leaning out of the door and motioning me to come in. Showtime.

I strutted in like I owned the place, making sure to accentuate every motion with a healthy serving of tits and ass. "Boys, my name's Maple. You may have heard of me?" I cooed, pressing my breasts together with my elbows.

"God, check out her -tits!-" the cheetah in the leisure suit said.

"Fuck that man, look at her fucking backside!" said the sailor-mouthed eagle in a suit.

"Ah ah ah boys, I don't get naked that easy. Let's mingle a bit," I said, picking up a glass and clinking it on the table. This wonderful attention deserved a toast. "To reveling in debauchery!" I cried, and it was met with a pounding "Here here!"

There were a few more partygoers, and they were all equally meatheaded...just my type. Bulging with muscle. I downed my drink slowly as I spread around the room, getting to know each mark a little better for later on that night. Besides the aforementioned cat-callers, there was also a stocky-built tiger, a bodybuilding dragon, and a steroid-swallowing pitbull who happened to be the groom. I kept getting hazier and hazier as I went on. I couldn't be drunk already...

"Hey, you remember me, right?" said the eagle, tapping me on the shoulder. I spun around clumsily.

"Uh, yeah, you're...um...gosh, um..." I stuttered, sounding rather air-headed. I giggled profusely at the fact that I couldn't remember his name.

"I think it's working, guys!" He shouted, and they all crowded around me. I should have felt scared, but I felt strangely at peace, even though my world was spinning. "She's gonna be a fucking stupid bimbo in no time, ha!"

I opened my mouth to protest, but shut it immediately after because of a blinding headache I had. My head was too full, I had to clear it out...so I began to forget. I forgot names, numbers, recipes, all the things that I'd learned over my life, and my headache subsided. I opened my eyes, now that they weren't squeezed shut in pain, and stared at the eagle. "That's a bad word, you silly!" I mumbled, slapping him on the chest playfully.

"So what do you feel like doing?" asked the horse from the lobby. His hair was so pretty. I should have asked him how he got it like that.

I responded with the only two things I remembered. "Getting fucked and getting paid for it, duh!" I squealed at him, giggling like a madman. The men all nodded at each other and started to undress. I started getting frustrated because, for the life of me, I couldn't remember how to take my dress off.

"Don't worry, we got you," said the tiger, and he pulled my dress over my head. I pushed him to the ground, straddling his eight-pack abs and slab-like pecs.

"Rut me," I moaned out, loud enough so that all the rest who were undressing could hear. "Fuck me so hard this whole hotel knows how much of a slut I am!" Usually I wouldn't talk like that, but...I felt strange. It felt good to let loose and scream out, to talk dirty. It was especially easy in a room that was so full of hunky men with gigantic cocks. My head was fuzzy, and all I could focus on was the burning in my loins.

"What's two plus two?" asked the horse.

"Um...I-I don't know, I just want to suck a cock..." I whined, and they all laughed at me for being so utterly stupid. My face burned in embarassment, but that just added to the pleasure of the moment. Was I actually being turned on by being humiliated? Never, for a high class callgirl like myself...but tonight, it just felt right.

"Well guys," said the dragon, "Let's see if she's ready." He slid his finger along my crotch, stuffing one in. I responded with a whimper, clutching closer to the tiger's truck-like chest. A stream of juices was leaking from my netherlips at this point, and when he pulled out he licked his digit clean. "I'd say so," he chuckled, and grabbed two handfuls of my curvaceous rear, shoving me onto the tiger's barbed cock. It was simply a beautiful thing, at least 10 inches in length and 2 in width. As it utterly stuffed my cunt, the little barbs prickled and tickled here and there, hightening the senses to a point I didn't even think was possible...not that I was thinking a whole bunch at that time. The tiger started thrusting into me with barbaric strength, using one hand to pull at my hair and the other to bring one of my breasts to his mouth.

"Y-you! Dragon!" I gasped through the tiger's pistoning, "Get over here and sh-sh-shove that fat cock up my ass!"

He didn't hesitate at all, and his entire weight was on top of me. He wrapped his gargantuan biceps around me and hilted himself on the first thrust. I screamed in pained pleasure, and when he and the tiger found their rhythm the feeling was simply divine. I was positively filled to the brim with steaming hot members, but I needed more. I eyed the devilishly handsome horse from before and licked my lips, trying my damndest to talk through the shudders. "P-Please, m-my m-m-mouth..." I managed to say, and he began walking towards me.

The cock on him was stuff of legend. It was thicker than a beer can and had to top a foot in length. Underneath was a absolutely delicious looking pair of orange-sized balls. He shoved it into my face, and I held the massive thing the best I could while being rocked violently back and forth by a horny tiger and a rather rough dragon. I smelled it, I rubbed it all over my face, I practically worshipped the damn thing. I took about eight inches of it in my mouth, which was stretched to the point of my lips cracking, but that was all I could handle. The horse was rather understanding, and was much gentler than the other two beastly musclemen who were fucking me so hard I felt their cocks touch each other inside of me.

"Hey, you dumb cunt. Don't forget about us, now." said the eagle. I looked up, actually almost having forgotten about him. "Don't worry about the groom here, he's just gonna watch. Don't want his wife getting mad now." He grinned and gave my ass a slap, but the tiger and dragon never lost rhythm. That slap sent me over the edge, and I shouted over a mouthful of horsecock as I came for the first time, flooding the tiger's abdomen and some of the hotel's carpet with my sweet syrup. I needed more, though. It was driving me mad. I grabbed the tough-talking eagle by his cock and brough it to my side, tugging on it as fast as I could. The cheetah saw what I was doing and came to join, taking up residence in my left hand.

Just to remind you, at this point I was being drilled by a tiger and a dragon, was sucking off the sexiest horse God granted this earth with, and was jerking off the eagle and the cheetah. In short, I was their plaything...and I -loved- it. I loved the feeling of being gangbanged, teased, humiliated, and in a small way, forcing the pitbull to watch. I loved the way that the tiger and dragon's cocks seemed to be tickling my ribcage. I loved how the tiger was biting my fat nipples, how the horse pulled my ears and hair. The whole experience was nothing short of orgasmic nirvana.

A short while later, all of the musclebound marks seemed to tense up and growl (and I do so love it when they do) in unison, and they, one by one, released their sexual frustration all over me. The eagle was first. He came so hard on my face that it turned my head a little. Then the dragon finished, and bit into my neck while he did so. It felt like my stomach was going to burst from the pints of hot cum that were filling me so, and then the tiger came. I was filled with so much cum that it started to splash back onto those beautiful hunks, getting my bottom half rather messy in the process. The horse was next. He came so much that I was only able to swallow a mouthful before I had to pull it out. He left thick, white ropes across my face and tits, and the sight of that caused both the cheetah and I to cum at the same time. He got it all over my back...silly kitty, I thought.

As the night wore on, we did this 3 or 4 more times...I can't remember exactly how many, only that I never wanted it to stop. Eventually, however, the sun came up and the men had to be on their way. I picked myself up off the ground, my mind set right again, absolutely covered head to toe in jizz, and stepped into the shower. "Give me about 30 minutes until you check out, boys," I hollered, dragging the horse into the bathroom with me. "Now, I believe you owe me an explanation."

"Well, we just thought it'd be more fun if you kinda...lost your inhibitions, you know. Wasn't it? I mean, everybody had fun, and it looked like you were. Please don't get angry, it was ju-" He started to go on and on, but I put my finger on his lips.

"Sweetie, I'm not mad. Not one bit. I've never had such a good fuck in my life, and I just wanted to ask you if I could...perhaps 'borrow' whatever it is that you slipped to me?" I asked, turning on the water. He stepped back, not wanting to get wet.

"Oh, that! No problem, since you were such a great...'caterer.'" He slapped my bottom and I squealed with laughter and splashed at him.

"Now now, what about the feeeeee?" I asked, dragging out the last word in a sing-song fashion. I felt so good, I still to this day don't know why. I wanted to sing every word that I said.

"Oh that," he grunted. "It's on the bed. I'll see you next time I'm in town, right?"

I waved my breasts at him and smiled. "I think I might be the one making the call."

After I was done cleaning the copious amounts of semen from my fur, I picked my dress up off the floor and yawned. I was rather tired, and needed my sleep for tomorrow night. I remembered he had said that my payment was on the bed, so I checked. Sure enough, in a ratted old briefcase, was a pile of bills and two vials of smoky liquid. There was a note attached.

"Dear Maple," it read. "My friends and I want to thank you for the best bachelor party ever. You certainly made our nights, and we would like to make yours. Pricing yourself so low was rather...disharmonious with your skills, and so we've decided to properly compensate you."

I counted up the bills, and as I finished, the dollar signs in my eyes lit up like a god damn christmas tree. I had gotten the five thousand alright, but from -each- -partygoer.- For those of you not so great at math, as I was hours ago, that's thirty thousand dollars. I jumped around in pure glee, feeling like I had just won a gameshow or something. I packed up the suitcase, fixed my hair a bit in the mirror, gave it a lipstick-laced kiss, and headed out.

And, well, that's that. The story of the greatest night of my life. I still have those two vials on call for whenever I need them...hold on, I think I hear the phone.


That was a certain sheepdog who found me in the adverts. Isn't that such a funny coincidence? Well, I'm off...and about to be a bottle short.

All in a day's work, sweetie.