Secret Desires part 1.txt

Story by Ahmar_Wolf on SoFurry

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An Introduction:

This is a sequel to The Destruction, the story begins shortly before Storm and company 1st came to Great Timber. But features different characters, and touches on more things and about the world they live in, as well as situations that I never got in to in the original Destruction. I hope you enjoy this story as much as the original.

The Story:

High up in a tower on the fur side of Great Timber stands Hershel, 26 a human who was watching not for enemies, but instead for one particular fur he had rather strong feelings for. Meanwhile his good friend Simon, 24 came looking for him. But Simon already knew where he was, after all that is all it had been the same exact place he had found him many times before. But without a doubt Simon knew his friend would be doing the exact same thing, as he was many times before. But as Simon neared the top of the stairs he found himself asking the same question he asked many times before of his good friend, Its me Simon again, I know your up there.but do you have your pants on?. Finally a voice came shouting out sounding rather disappointed, No, but do you have to show up now. Hershel, we been through this more times then we both care to say. You know why I am here, the furs complained about you again. Even they know your masturbating, and the reason why. Its that female otter again, and they are sick of it like Hermanyou know what he told you last time. So. If that doesnt bother you try this, a fox named Tauren told me to tell you this. If you ever come up here again, they are going to take care of you once and forever. You know what happened when that guy from River Bend cameI think his name was Harry, when he tried to talk to them. They threatened to kill him, and if was he said was true. The people in River Bend get along with the furs, Simon said. You can come up here now, I got my pants back on, Hershel said. As Simon finally made his way to the top of the stairs Hershel adds, He also told me there its okay for human to date fursunlike here. Where even a suggestion of brings up talk of a stoning.

As Simon looks out from the tower looking out upon what was once a united village of humans. But that was long ago, before the fortress was abandoned. But that happened in the time when the Vengeance Warriors ruled the land, and the this fortress went in decline. But when the warriors went in the same decline, came both the humans and the furs moved in hoping the fortress would provide some protection, but since neither side would help the other, slowly a wall was built around around each settlement to keep the other side out. Built from the rubble of the buildings that fell down, because no one there to maintain them.

Is she down there again, Simon wondered. She was, until she saw me. She went in one of those buildings down there But did I ever tell you what a lovely woman she is, Hershel said with a smile as he thought about her. Meanwhile Simon thinks his friend is just plain nuts, But she is an otter, she lives outside, and she eats raw things. I bet if you ever did that you would be dead within a week. Why cant you go out with real women, like Herman so often told you. This time it was Hershel to get upset, You think I havent thought about it, out of all the woman in this entire fortress there is only 4, I could date if I wanted, of course if you leave out those who are too young or way too old. First there is Mable, she is very nice lookingbut has without a doubt the worst temper of anyone I have ever known. I personally believe one of these days she would die on the spot screaming at someone. Then that leaves Victoria, shes pretty enough but she never says anything. Maybe she is deaf?. I know for a fact she isnt I checked, and dont ask how. You still have 2. That was when Hershel started to laugh, Are you joking, Betty is dating Taylor and Helen is dating Y O U. But why an animal?, Simon asked his friend, whose only reply was just a sigh.

A short time later both Hershel and Simon were standing outside the home of Taylor, 38 broad shouldered, full beard and head of blond hair that ran down to his shoulders. Being at least 6 inches taller than the pair they both had no choice but to look up at him. Taylor speaks, Here we are at the brink of the war with those furs and we have one of our number who is in lust with one of them. Your a nice looking man, put a bit more meat on your bones and you would make any woman here a fine husband. But yet you want to be with onewith fur?!. Although it is clearly their fault, how could you not be tempted by there flagrant nudity. After all we have Sodom and Gomorrah, right for all here to see. The open acts of sexual behavior that would shame any descent person to shame. They do not care who see them, why even own children have witness such depraved behavior. How could anyone like that bring children in to this world, why I would not be surprised., but then Taylor caught sight of a young boy. Never mindBut no wonder you have been tempted, but you must turn your attentions to ones with skin, instead of fur. If you wish to continue to live in Great Timber. To do so you must attend church every single day to drive the wickedness from your mortal soul, and must forgo your daily trips up to that tower. Fail to do so even once, you will be forced in to the pillory, and there you will stay until you renounce your sinful behavior. But if that does not work, and we have no choice despite the dangers outside of this fortress, you will be thrown out of here with nothing but the clothes on your back. Hershel you are a human being and not some wild animal with no morals.

That was when Mayor Herman, 58 and slightly overweight with a touch of gray to his curly hair arrived on the scene saying, I hate to agree with Taylor but we can not let your behavior go on like this your corrupting our entire community. But thing will be different when David and his men arrive. They are bringing 20 of their best men fully equipped for battle. They should be able to slaughter all of those depraved furs in a matter of minutes, and we can be come a fine upstanding fortress once again. A community with high morals and filled with God fearing people and a place no fur would ever think of even venturing without being cut down in to shreds. You think David will allow us to keep some of his soldiers after I step down. I dont think there should be a problem with that, after all he knows and trusts his own men. I would not be surprised if all of them stay, and we could be a real fortress once again, Taylor said proudly.

Meanwhile Hershel just glance over at Simon, they both knew that isnt what Harry said. But before he knew it Hershel was being dragged over to their church to hear a sermon on morals.

Later on at his 1 room home Hershel was just plain upset, Look we have both lived in this town for just under a year, and I am fucking tired of being bossed around by one jerk after another. I swear I am going off to that tower tomorrow and nothing is going to stop me. But you heard what they said, Simon insisted. Yeah, yeah, I know one side wants me to be locked up, Hershel said And the other may kill you, Hershel you been my best friend and I dont want to see anything happen to you. After all we known each other most of our lives, I admit after your parents died when their fishing boat went down in that storm. It was my idea to come here, after all I was related to just about everyone back in Cove Harborbut I did not think it would be this bad. How about this, when David arrives Ill go talk to him, maybe he can arrange to give us an escort back to River Bend. I know we are not the only ones who feel this way, a lot of young people here want to move on, and since you have this thing for furs why not River Bend, Simon said. Even though he seemed reluctant Hershel agreed, I hate to say it but your right. I dont mind faith, but not when they ram it down your throat. Okay go ahead and talk to David. But I hate not knowing her name. Your just going to have to forget about her once and for all, Simon insisted upon. Hershel then reluctant as he was he agreed.

By the next day nearly half the town had gathered near Hershels home, because he had not shown up for church. They came to see what was going to happen next. Was Hershel up in the tower once again or was he hiding out in his home. Where he would be dragged off to church once again, this time kicking and screaming. Even Brother Robert (The pastor of their church), was wondering what was going to happen, after all instead of preparing his next sermon he was in front of the crowd. In fact he was the closest one to Hershels home. But nobody wanted to knock upon his door. Maybe it was because they wanted to give him a chance, or the more logical reason which was they wanted to see him act like a naughty child and wanted to see what punishment either Herman or Taylor release upon him.

Then suddenly a young boy came running, it seemed he and a couple of his friends were playing near the main gate when they spotted a large group of men heading towards them. Herman was the first one there by Hershels home, but Taylor was a close second. Taylor you check on David and his men, while I go see if Hershel deserves salvation. Taylor then went towards the main gate as Herman suddenly pushed his way in to Hershels home. But he was out again in a matter of seconds, Hershel isnt here, he must be up in that tower again. Simon who slowly came on the scene and when he heard the news, Ill go get him again, a rather disappointed Simon sighed. No!!!!, Herman insisted. Ill go get him, even if I have to throw him off of that tower to save his soul. Then he left with most of the people of Great Timber.

Simon arrived near the main gate just in time to hear Taylor say, Bloody cock sucking furs to David. Simon knew he was not the only one surprised to see the number of furs who arrived with him. As A good deal number of them dressed as guards.

He then saw a man he assumed was David, standing next to these 2 wolves with one of them saying, I think me and my troops better stay by the gatewe may need to take a quick exit. Ill talk to this Taylor, to see if we can use there corral and they to find out there side, while you see what you can find out with the furs, David said. Ill see what I can find out, and we all meet back up here later. Just before sunset, would that be fine with the rest of you, One wolf said. They quickly agreed, then this other wolf turned to this Vixen. Then she said something to the other wolf, who shouted back, Vixen and Willow are staying with us, we are setting up there tent in the courtyard. Meanwhile this one wolf asked Taylor, Did you see where my son ran off too. His reply, If your looking for that little beast, he ran off to the cock sucker side of town. That is where that one wolf headed.

But as soon as Herman arrived and started arguing with David and the others, meanwhile Taylor ran up the path to the tower.

Simon was only concerned about Hershel, he knew Taylor would not find him. Building up his courage he too went to the fur side of town. But as soon as he saw him talking to this other wolf, who was saying something about what makes a true fur. He knew he had to stay back and wait until they finished there business first.

But that was when he was suddenly confronted by Tauren asking, What are you doing here?. I am looking for my friend, Simon replied. He is safe for now, but his fate lies in our paws now. You return back to your side of town, you will be notified about his fatenow go. I said GO!!. A hesitant Simon then departed, deeply worried about Hershel.

In the meantime in an abandoned building deep with in the fur side of Great Timber. Hershel sits on the ground naked. His clothes removed by the furs who captured him, not from the tower, but when he tired and failed to enter their side of town. What makes this situation worse his legs are tightly bound by ropes along with his hands which are equally tightly bound behind his back.

Hershel felt just plain stupid, for trying to meet that otter. So there he sits waiting until somebody tells him his fate.

After what seems like hours he finally has a visitor.and almost to his delight it was that female otter he was so obsessed with. The very first words out of her mouth was, You make me feel very uncomfortable. I am so sorry if my obsession made you feel this way. As she moved closer, It isnt that, I find it rather cute that you could be obsessed by my beauty. But what is it then?, he asked. Her face suddenly took a rather stern expression, It just reminds me of my past. I heard about some furs had been slaves, is it that, he wondered. As she took a seat on a large piece of rubble, NoI never been any ones slavesave to myself and my own obsessions. But I am happy here, for the first time in my entire life I am truly happy. I have friends, who I can say I can trust with my life, if push comes to shove. I had lovers who look at me more than just a body part. But I am not going to let you our anyone destroy what I sacrificed everything to have, then she got up and started to leave. Only to stop there by the doorway only to say, I will talk to Surf, he is our leader to let you go as long as you promise never to see me again. But wait.what is your name!. Its Summer.

She was gone, and Hershel felt as if his entire world just fell out from under him. Until Summer stuck her head in again, I cant leave you like this, for I know that same feeling. Ill leave you with this, seek out Callisto, beyond that I can not say. Summer was gone once again. But that just left him wondering who was this Callisto and how was are they able to help him.

But Summer did keep her word, a short time later a male otter calling himself Surf came flanked by 2 big wolves. As they were untying Hershel, Surf was saying, Heed this as a warning, if we ever see you again. Your life will be forfeited, now I suggest you leave this fortress forever. As they now hand him his clothes, Hershel says, That is not a problem, as soon as I get some things from my home I am out of here. Good, one of the wolves replied.

A short time later Hershel was standing there fully dressed in the courtyard of Great Timber. Hershel just knew he had to find out about this Callisto, simply because if this person was important to Summer. This was someone he had to see, there was no question about that, and what could be better than the guards that David brought for if they did not know, who else would know.

He approached this wolf named Gus, Excuse me, do you or anyone here know about a Callisto.

Excuse me, you survive being captured by the furs here and your asking me about some one I dont even know about. Look, I dont blame them for what I done. It was stupid, and given my current problems with Herman and Taylor. I am planning on leaving town, but please I need to know about this Callistodoes any one here know that name?!

Slowly Taylor walked up upon Hershel and tapped him on the shoulder, What are you planning on

doing?. Hershel then turned to him, I have been warned by the furs who captured me to leave town. It was all my mistake, I dont blame anyone I just want to get my stuff and go, Hershel said. As long as you have an escort to get your belongings, my business with you are over. And Simon. He will be notified, and that is all I can do, Taylor then walked away towards the human side of town.

The Guards then talked to themselves for a while as Hershel hoped for an answer, it seemed for a while that no one ever heard of a Callisto until finally this one human guard named Ethan spoke up, I think I heard of a Callistoonce. He lives by the Cheshire Hills. It seems this spawned some interest among the others especially Gus, Why have I never heard about him. I heard is a quiet man who lives by himself and wants to be left alone, from what I heard, Ethan said. But why would someone mention his name to me, Hershel wonders. It was Ethan to the rescue again, I heard Callisto and perform miracles. Then another guard spoke up, Like he was some kind of wizard. In a way, Ethan said. It seems Callisto can literally make your secret dreams come true.

But before anyone else could say anything, Can I have Ethan escort me back to my home. Why, I need a human guard, and besides you heard Taylor. Very well then, Ethan you go with Hershel. I also recommend you take your sword. Yes sir.

As Ethan walked with Hershel who said, It seems but you and this fur I talked to know more than either of you are saying. I wish I could say.

When they neared Hershels home, they ran in to Simon who grateful to see his good friend was still alive. He too soon entered Hershels home and he grabbed a large cloth and a basket and started packing up what little belongings he had. I just dont get it, why did you agree to leave, Simon wondered. Like you said, I just had it. And besides I did not know about Callisto then. Simon just looked at him like he was nuts, Callisto, what is the big deal about that. What do you call this, both a fur that helped save me from my stupidity and Ethan here know more than they are saying. So. They both kinda said that this Callisto can preform miracles, and right now a miracle is what I need. Hey can I store some of my stuff at your place. Sure, but I think your crazy, Simon said.

You should know Callisto demands that you give him, the most single precious object you own, Ethan suddenly said. They both then just looked at him, then at each other. It was Simon who asks, What did that Callisto do for you?, If I told either one of you it could destroy my life, I have a new bride and a child on the way. I am not going say, expect this. Try and give Callisto something that isnt the most precious thing you own and he will turn you away.

Suddenly Simon says, I see why you want to go. That was when Hershel pulled from its hiding spot a crystal on a silver chain. Not that!, Simon shouts. What is it, one of those Vengeance Crystals, Ethan wonders. That was when Hershel held it out for all to see, No those Vengeance crystals are black, this one is pale blue and has a tear drop shape. It was the very last thing my parents give me before they died in that storm. Hershel, you think it is worth it. You dont know quite what your going to get from that Callisto. That was when Hershel stood before his friend looking at him right in the eye and told him the truth. I just wish I knew what is going on with me. I know everyone is right, when they say I should be in love with a real woman. But I am not I am desperately in love with an otter and everybody knows it. I hope that Callisto can either explain to me why, or get this obsession out of my head so I can go on with a normal life. I know what you mean, Ethan adds. Then once again both Simon and Hershel found themselves wondering about Ethan and what he really knew.

A short time later the trio had returned to the main gate and there Gus was giving them directions to the Cheshire Hills. Are you really sure you still want to still head out there, after all it could take you as many as 12 days to get out there, Gus wonders. For my friends happiness, I would go anywhere, Simon said. You are sure you understand where you have to go, you start out heading east and once you see a river, Gus said. I know we head north then, until we see this large boulder. There should be a point that we are able to cross the river there and then we.., Hershel said. I guess you got it then, Gus said. Simon got his bow and arrows so food should not be any problem and I have my knives, and both of us know how to make fire, Hershel said, The Simon interrupts, We went all the way from Cove Harbor to here and that was a 16 day trip for usand we survived. This trip sounds easy, compared to the problems we hadand that was namely the severe storms we had at the time. Be sure to let us know, if you have problems. If we are not here, we will be back in River Bend. Gus said. Hey if things dont go well with Callisto, you might be seeing us in River Bendand we both know where that is. Then Gus and the other guards wished them well as they departed Great Timber. Hershel with a sack over his shoulder containing with food they could bring with them, along with a few personal items.

Getting there was easy save for a few rain storms that passed along there way. But it did give the pair of them to talk as Simon was saying, I dont understand something, we have known each other for practically all our lives and up until we both wound up in Great Timber you did not show any sign that you we in love with any furso what made things different. You know what it was like in Cove Harbor, no furs save those who occasionally came in to town to trade for the fish, families like ours gathered from the sea. I remember seeing foxes and wolves, both with and without clothes ever since I could remember. Hey, you know we saw that fox couple making out just after we left town. If I remember right they did not mind us watching them. The only sad part it came after that really bad storm that killed my parents and took out part of the town. We lost a few of our good friends as well.

I just plain hated to bail on my family, but I know we are not the only ones who decided it was time to move on.

Those who could help did, while we went on. Well anyway, we eventually made our way to Great Timber. I still recall Herman telling us, we had to work for a place to stay and food for our table.

But that was when we started to see furs more often

I know I still wasnt a weirdo then until this very Spring. When Taylor made it my duty to clean out the watch towers. You know that came up after those rumors of the Vengeance Warriors were in the area, Hershel said. But that only came about when those furs try to do their thing in plain sight of that God fearing people of Great Timber. When even holding hands can get you time in the pillory, Simon said. Let alone being friendly with any of the furs, Hershel adds.

Your right I got in to big trouble myself when that one wolf asked if he could trade wild game, for some apples last year, Simon said. 2 days in the pillory for that, Hershel adds.

Then one day up in that tower I always seem to be in I saw her, I learned her name was Summer on our only meeting. I admit it I fell hopelessly in love with her, looking his friend right in the eye adds, Even I cant understand why. I admit it I had more of a fantasy life of what I hoped things could be. Not the way things really wereand the rest you know. All Simon could do was pat his friend on the back, knowing that this could be Hershels last chance for happiness.

There journey together changed after that conversation, from one of just make believe fun to one of a more serious nature after all a good friends happiness was at stake.

To be continued