Secret Desires part 2.txt

Story by Ahmar_Wolf on SoFurry

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A few days later, in a thick grove of trees the pair almost discovered by accident this huge mansion literally in the middle of no where. They both knew this had to be the home of the elusive Callisto, and knocked on the huge door. Eventually this lone figure slowly opened the door, they both were taken back by the size of whom they assumed had to be Callisto. Instead of being a giant of a figure, he stood just over 4 feet tall in the flowing brown robe that hid all but his rather gravely voice, Who do you wish to see?. Callisto, who else, Hershel replied. Are you prepared to give up what you hold most dear. Yes, Hershel said boldly. You both may enter, the figure said before escorting them to this massive library, which was filled with books and scrolls of ever description and in almost every language lit by not candles but crystals. After which this robe figured sat down on the lone chair in the room.

Do we have a place to sit?, Simon wonders. No, but what brings the one who is willing to give everything they hold do dear to see the Great Callisto, the figure said. Hershel then went in the great deal about his life and his love for a animal, The more I believe I am just plain going out of my mind.

Then that figure said something that basically blew them away, I think I know the both of you, both of you would not be from Cove Harbor. Why yes, A surprised Hershel said, while Simon just nods. But I dont, you know how long it took us to come here from Great Timber, and you already heard my good friends problems why dont you get to it! If your suppose to be so great!, Simon shouted.

That was when the figure revealed himself, he was a strange looking fur at best his arms and head were seemly covered by a thick layer of black fur. His head held small almost droopy ear. While his whiskers were pronounced and seemly came to a point on each end. I am Callisto, I am also binturong at least that is what the natives call my kind. My ageI doubt you would believe me. Lets say I am very ancient, and I know you Simon, son of Betty and Niles. You are just sticking up for your friend. Meanwhile do not look so sad Hershel, son of Maria and Hector. Simon the reason I know you both so well, because I did not look like this the last time you both seen me, my name back them was Gregor, I was a traveling magician. Simon just to your left in a shelf, 3 one up from the bottom is a large gold coin. Please hand it to me, maybe you will recognize some of my tricks.

What Callisto did with that coin was amazing it disappeared, and reappeared seemly at his will. While rolling that coin over each of his fingers. Then lastly making it vanish all together. Where did it go?, Hershel asks. Callisto replies, That is my secret. I have to earn a living sometimes. But it took Simon to say, I dont understand how could you be the Gregor we both knew and like you are now. Gregor was in deed human. Callisto just laughed, That is just not a secret at least it is to those I help, then he reveals he is wearing around his neck the very same crystal Hershel was prepared to sacrifice. That was when Hershel revealed his.

A short time later and a change of location, the dinning room and a table that could seat 20. Callisto had gave each of them and himself a bowl of stew which they were now eating. I dont really understand, Hershel said. Neither do I, and its not about that crystal I knew your parents had 2 of them, Callisto said. Excuse me, how did you know his parents had that crystal, Simon wonders. Because I seen it, understand this those crystals are quite rare, I think in my entire life I only seen around 10 of them, Callisto said. Hershel suddenly had this horrible feeling, My parents were furs?!. Yes, and being otters that is why I find it so hard to believe they died. Otters are very powerful swimmers, they can survive in storms that could easily drown humans, Callisto said. Hold on here, Simon said. I have know Hershel nearly all my life, Ive even seen him naked, he has no a tail or fur anywhere period. I should explain, Callisto said. That crystal your friend and I both have are better known as Transformation Crystals. They allow someone to become either a human or fur depending what they are. They can also change species, but that can not be anything larger than they already are, or in fact smaller. If that is true, why couldnt my friend, be like that otter he seemed to be in love with, Simon said figuring he had Callisto there. There is more to this whole process than just wishing you were something, you have to be one with every fiber of your being. The crystal just helps make the transformation possible. Excuse me, if my parents were otters as you say then why am I human, Hershel wonders. Because your mother was a human when you were born. But as you discovered the process isnt always perfect. If it were you would not be in love with an otter. But that is why I am here to help, tomorrow we begin the process so you can transform in to an otter You know how crazy that sounds, Simon observes. I know but I been through this with everyone who comes through my door. Human and fur alike. Callisto then suddenly started to laugh. Whats so funny?, Hershel asks. Callisto replies, I wonder what would happened if I returned to Great Timber with you, I guess I start a panic. You helped some humans there, Both Simon and Hershel wonders. That would be telling.

But by the way both Hershel and Simon were looking at him even Callisto knew they had there doubts. I guess its time to show you want the crystal can do, as I can see you have your doubts. You can examine me in as much detail as you want after I give you a little demonstration. That is when he took a couple of steps and removed his robe, revealing his entire body was covered in thick fur and he had this prehensile tail. Removing the crystal from his neck in order to hold it tightly in both hands, he then closed his eyes and started softly chanting, neither one of them could hear him clearly. Then slowly he started to change, first his fur vanished, then his tail and slowly he took the form of an old man. Afterwards with his arms spread out, Check me out, I will even stay like this for a while so you get the idea this isnt like that old coin trick of mine that was when pulled out a gold coin seemly out of the air, and tossed it on the table. Simon then picked it up, he saw it was the same coin Callisto had earlier vanished.

The next morning both Callisto and Simon are standing on a river bank, in fact the same river they followed that lead them here. While Hershel was swimming, I know the current is strong but your a stronger swimmer, and do not think about what your going to do. Let your instincts guide your actions, Callisto called out once again dressed in his robe.

This is suppose to help him?!, Simon wonders. You cant be something unless you know how to be one, Hershel has one advantage. Some where deep inside him he is an otter, and as soon as he discovers that. We will be going on to the next step, Callisto explained. You know I think this whole thing is just plain nutty, Simon said. Your lucky I decided to let you stay, its a rare treat to witness the entire process, Callisto said. I still think that binturwhat you call it is hiding somewhere around here, and all of this is a scam. I say seeing is believing, the way Hershel is going at it in that river over there I would not be surprised he will be catching a fish or two and eating them raw right there on the bank, before any one of us knows it. This is just plain nutty.

Callisto started to laugh as he remembered something from the past which caused Simon to ask, What is so funny?. I was thinking of something that happened to you, even your friend there doesnt even know the full story. Empress me. The story involves a young lady named Rose, lets say when both you and her discovered what fun the opposite sex could be. So, even Hershel knows that much. As you also know, after Roses father found out, Roses changed her story. Claiming no less than you forced your manhood between her legs, when the total opposite was true she in fact wanted it more than you. Which left the elders of Cove Harbor wondering what to do with youlets just say what they were talking about was fairly nasty, and I am sure you wouldnt of like it very much. But what you, your father and the real Gregor knows that it was he who saved your ass. When he came in and told those elders what Rose told him before all of this happened. Simons face suddenly went white as a sheet, Your not going to tell Hershel, all he knows is that I got a lecture on morals from both my father and the elders. You believe me now?. What other choice do I have, there is no way any outsider knows the real story. No I wont tell him, but you also wont tell anyone what you see here. Believe me, I wont. In fact I have no choice. But could you answer something for me. Sure, anything. Is what you said earlier is true, that Hershels parents could be alive.

Callisto paused for a moment or two before replying, Yes, they could be. I think they might have turned back in to otters if only to survive the storm. But once they returned to land, how could they get anywhere near the crystal Hershel has now without revealing the truth about themselves to their only son. Originally I was joking about returning to Great Timber. But I think I am going there anyway, at least for that young mans sake. But why do you think his parents became human. That is a long story, but Ill give you the short version. Its like what happened to your friend there. Sometime life gives them a bad deal, no friends to speak of, they are depressed, or in love with something they should not be with. The crystal gives them a chance at a new life, and in the many years I have been doing this. There hasnt been one who changed there mind, you see my young friend I always give them a chance to go back. But none have taken me up on my offer. I hope this all works out for him, Me too.

But Hershel still went swimming, the current meant nothing to him. But some how, this was quite different than the many times back when he lived in Cove Harbor, when he swam for fun. Maybe it was the special food Callisto was giving him, or that special drink from that dark green bottle Callisto kept in a secret place. But he was beginning to feel not like himself. In fact there were times he felt more at home in the river, than any where else. Oh sure he began to explore the river, there were even times he instinctively knew what was good to eat, and what was extra special delicious, like those fibrous roots he discovered at the banks of the opposite shore. But that was only when he was tearing in to them like he was some wild animal.

Then came the day, he was ready for the next step it was his 6th day in the river when he suddenly spotted this fish, and he went after it. To not his but Simons surprise that his friend not only caught it but was up on the bank tearing his teeth in to it, worse of all he was enjoying it. That was when Callisto finally said, He is ready for the next step.

Which as it turned out was exercises in improving his concentration, which basically consisted of him sitting on the floor of the library in deep thought. In between sessions Callisto taught him ways to reach deeper in to his own mind. What he said next kinda got Simon puzzled, There are places deep within your own mind. That you can see the future, the past and experiences you have no way of knowing.

After 4 days near the end of one of the sessions Simon was surprised to see Callisto bring out this gong, and after placing near his friend hit it with all of his might. Then he waited for a reactionthere wasnt any. His is finally ready for his transformation.

They waited until Hershel came out of his meditation all on his own before Callisto asked him a single question, Are you clear on what form you want to be. As strange as it sounds, yes. I can almost feel myself as if I was an otter, expect I know I am not oneyet?. Your ready.

Callisto then asked Simon, Please what ever happens next I do not want you to say a word, until it is over. Sure, but I like to know why, he replied. You will see. Then Callisto returned to Hershel, Please stand and hand me your clothes, he did as he was asked. Callisto then said, Now remove your crystal from around your neck and hold your hands over that crystal as tight as you can. Now focus all of your attention on that otter form you desire. I dont know if this is going to work, Hershel wonders. Ill tell you, in second thought your friend Simon will tell you if it worked out not, Callisto said. Hershel then looked back in Simons direction with a hopeful smile.

Simon could see that his friend was scared, his entire body was visibly trembling, Hershel, I know you have been worried if this whole becoming an otter thing, and would change our friendship. I admit I was surprised to find out your parents were really otters. But did I run, no. I have stuck with you, like I always will. Fur or human whoever this turns out, I will always be there for youno matter what. Hershel felt strangely confident. Then nodded to signal he was ready.

Not a single sound, until Hershel speaks, Callisto said. Then it began, Hershel focused all of his attention on that otter form. Nothing happened for what seemed like the longest time, then changes could be seen on Hershels body. Hair suddenly started to grow at a rapid rate over his entire body, as whiskers began growing on his upper lip. His ears began to whither down to a fraction of their original size. The hair on his head was soon replaced by the same thickness of hair that now covered his entire body. A slight moan of pain could be heard as a slight muzzle began to form as a thick tail began to grow from his rear. Then his fingers, his toes and the rest.

Almost as soon as it began it was over, Hershel suddenly opened his eyes, then turned to Simon, Did it work?. Simon who almost could not believe this was his friend said with a big smile, Yes, and in ways you would not believe. That was when Hershel looked at his handshe had webbed fingers and claws. He then offered Callisto his crystal, I can not thank you enough. That was when Callisto held up his hand and replied, It wasnt my crystal that did the trick it was yours. I say keep it, look I am getting on in years and I cant be everywhere. The only payment I want is that you help others like yourself, in need of a second chance. In other words I want you to be my apprentice. Hershel was so taken back by the news he did not know what to say. You can give me the answer later, in the meantime go outside and explore your new body and see what it can do, and have fun, Happily Hershel went outside.

After he was gone Simon went up to Callisto, You really mean what you said. Of course, I always say what I mean. But then Simon looked sad as loosing his friend, that was Callisto added some more news, I guess I should of said I need 2 apprentices. I hope that doesnt mean I have to turn in to fur?!, Simon wonders. No, but also you will be helping me with my magic act. Given that your friend needs a few days to adjust to his new body. I teach you how to make the special food and drinks that aide in the process. But also dont be surprised by his actions, Callisto said. What do you mean surprised, Simon wonders. It could mean he wants to sleep outside and go hunting, its hard to say what is going to happen next. But one thing I do know, if you happen to see him anytime soon. I know he is checking out every thing he reach. They all do it, both human and fur, it makes no difference.

After they had talked for what seemed like hours Simon later joined his friend outside who was sitting on the ground while checking out his feet, as soon as he saw Simon, Look web toes and claws, its like they are not my feet, but they really are. As Simon sat down nearby, You remember what that old man told you about what you should expect. I know, because I now have fur I will have problems adjusting to the temperature. I know he told me to take a dip in the river if that happens. And your name. I know I cant use Hershel any more. Have you thought about a new name?. Sure I have, since otters choose names that belong to nature, I figure I call myself Wave. I dont know it sounds cool. So what you thought about that job offer. Why not, I am young and we havent seen much of this world. Besides helping those like me, it gives me a purpose to my life. Good, he already offered me as one well. It seems he needs 2. I know why, you know he plans on using that canoe of his to get to Great Timber and other places, and he needs someone to haul it for him. I figured that much.

As Wave tried to move his tail it almost hit his friend, Sorry, its this new body of mine. I feel like doing so much with it. Feel it, I cant believe I got one. You know it seems creepy even the idea of even touching it. You shouldnt feel creepy, its apart of me right now. Like being without clothes. You know that really doesnt bother me any more. It makes me feel more apart of this world. I want to tell you I am sleeping outside tonight. Are you sure. I am, you see there are things I like to try, but it would be better if you dont know.

6 days later with Simon and now Wave was carrying Callistos canoe through the gate of Great Timber (which they used to get there), with Callisto himself walking just head of the pair with his hood down on his robe to cover his face. As soon as the pair places the canoe next to the inside wall of the fortress, they noticed some changes that took place in their absence. It seems instead of being separated furs and humans were now getting along. They were even talking to one another, as Wave says, See you later. He head towards the fur side of town, as Callisto and Simon head towards the human. The first one they face is Taylor, So you have returned, where is your friend. My friend, is on his way to River Bend, we are going to join him later. Then Callisto interrupts, I dont see anything wrong with what he did. That was when Taylor confronts him, What do we have, another pervert. That is when Callisto revealed himself (he was still in his human form), Why arent you saying hello to an old friend. Callisto, it has been a long time. It certainly has. From what Simon here has been telling me, you had some problems with the furs lately. I do not think war is any answer. Taylor just laughed, Its all over with, were at peace with them. We even have agreements to help each other, they are going to help us tare down the buildings we dont need and help us remove the rubble so we have more farmland. In exchange we are going help them fix up some of their buildings, and help them clear land

so they can start growing some of their own crops.

Even Simon was surprised, A lot happened since I was gone! It certainly has, Taylor agreed. So what caused the change of attitude, Callisto wondered. I wish I can say this never happened, but some of our number joined the Vengeance Warriors. I know it was all that anti fur talk around town that started it, Taylor felt like apologizing for. I know this began with Harry, a representative from River Bend. He told me and Hershel everything, he only came here to offer trade for goods, and help if we needed it. In the form of seeds and farm animals, but what did they do, Simon said feeling like he should tell the world the truthfinally. I hate to say this but I agree with Simon, we only heard what we wanted to hear. Once we heard offers of troops, we figured we finally had those furs by their balls. And not that he was good friends with the furs in River Bend. The troops were only coming because of the Vengeance Warriors, and the only reason David, the mayor of River Bend was coming. Was because Herman wanted someone else to do his dirty work, Simon said wanting more of the truth to be known. What he says is sadly true, and when we saw both the new Mayor of River Bend and half the guards they brought with them were furs. We were pissed off, and there were some of us who wanted to take up arms against them, Taylor sadly now admits.

I just want to know what cause all of this to change, Callisto wondered. I bet it has something to do with plain stupidity!, Simon shouted. That was when Herman came on the scene, after welcoming Callisto and embracing his old friend, he stood before Simon and says, I want to apologize to both you and Hershel if you ever see him again. I can not believe we almost went to war over what a brief chat settled with their leader Surf. We finally accepted who and what they are. So what happened, Simon wonders. Both Taylor and Herman just looked at each other, We might as well tell you. But not here, Herman adds.

They then suggested an area where the children of the town usually play. It was a open field save for a few large stones, were parents sometimes sat, and the kids sometimes played in and around on. I am the Mayor here, I might as well tell you. It was 2 fold, first of all we had a total misunderstanding about their children. I am too embarrassed to admit what we were thinking, Taylor adds. But what really did the trick as a battle in which we know very little about. What little anyone of those who survived the battle have ever said. That Gus (a wolf) lead his men to attack and kill the Vengeance Warriors, but they spared the lives of every single one of our foolish brothers who joined them, all 17 of them. Of course they brought them all back unharmedand unclothed. Simon started snickering, then laughed, I wish I could of seen it. Go ahead and laugh, Herman muttered. Then this male fox walked by carrying this large block of stone, You should of seen Herman over there at the celebration afterwards, he got so drunk he tried to pick up Flutter, a female wolf. This time everyone in ear shot save for Herman himself was bursting out with laughter.

Meanwhile Wave with a bouquet of wild flowers in hand nervously entered the fur section of town. He almost expected the same thing to happen to him like it did the last time. In fact the only thing that really happened was a few furs said, Hi, as they went on there way. He had to look twice, once he was passed where he had been previously captured. He saw a couple of female wolves around, and asked Do you know where Summer is, she is an otter like me. After asking who he was and what brought him here, I heard she was a great beauty and I had to see for myself. They pointed in in the direction where a bunch of young furs was playing, all watched over by this big male wolf. He asked and learned his name, was Storm, and that he was apart of the group that came to Great Timber about the time he had all his problems here. The more he heard the more he learned that this Storm gave up everything, to be a real father to his children. Although despite having a few problems with his mate. He was rather surprised that furs have relationship problems like humans do.

Eventually he found Summer she was helping this girl, a wolf/fox mix who had bruised her knee. He walked over towards her, and when he stood in front of Summer and says, These flowers are for you. She just kinda smiled, Did any one here asked you to give them to mestranger. The name is Wave, I came from a long way to the east, after hearing from a sad human of your great beauty. Which I can say is no word of a lie. Your fur, your figure, the way you helped that young fur, shows the great kindness that lies within you. Summer was literally smiling from ear to ear, Why thank you, its hard to find otters like yourself. With the words to express your deepest feelings. Wave was almost too embarrassed to say anything, but the bashful grin upon his face cause Summer to do something so unexpected. She kissed him on his cheek.

Your the kind of lovely lady, I have always dreamed about in my endless hours of loneliness, Wave said. Then Summer kissed him upon his lips, he returned her affection even going so far as to wrap his arms around her, as she did in return. He had only dreamed, these events before. But the reality of them was far better than any of his lonely dreams.

A well rehearsed speech quickly gave an answer to her simple question What brought you here?. I am a lonely man, and have been most of my life. In fact the only other females I known I was related to, and I knew I had to find another. I was lucky to find this sad human named Hershel, we talked for a while and he told me about Great Timber and a even greater beauty within. He told me of his plans to travel to another fortress. One called River Bend, I believe. And of how his good friend, had hooked with with this sage, to become his apprentice and of how this same sage was looking for a fur to join them. To also becoming this Sages apprentice, and of his plans to come to Great Timber. Wanting company I sought them out, and joined them. That crystal you wear on a silver chain around, I think I maybe have seen one like it before, Summer said. It was given to me by my Master, I do not know what purpose it is for. But I have been told, it is great honor for any fur to wear one. And the Sages name?. Callisto, he is a man of great wisdom and great magic. A man who can keep many, many secrets which he will not share. She seemed to be calmed by that news. If Wave had suspicions that Summer had once been human this only confirmed his suspicions.

Then what happened next could only be described of something he would not even dare to dream. She then brought him to an empty building, asked him to sit down upon the ground. She soon joined him, and once again they kissed, but this time seemed to be different. She was trying things, like easing her tongue in to his mouth, that he only heard his friend speak of. But when one of her hands made a grasp for his penis. He knew ecstasy would soon be at hand. Speaking of hands, the way he grasp her tit, the joy they both felt and he eagerly licked each of her tits hard. The joy they both had as he played around with her slit, as this was all too new for himafter all he was a virgin in more way than one. When he found her clit and started rubbing it, the moans, the sighs, the wetness that covered his hand. Which drove him to seeing what his tongue could do. The feeling around her slit, every little thing was making his cock as hard as a rock. But when she laid back, as she gave him a look that he knew what she wanted. But he was unsure, if he or this new body of his was even capable of doing. The sliding in of his erect penis a repeat of actions up to then he only saw animals do up to then. In and out over and over again. Each time bringing him to a level of ecstasy he had never felt before. Then finally releasing his load that he had no words of how wonderful that made him feel afterwards.

To be continued..