Secret Desires part 3.txt

Story by Ahmar_Wolf on SoFurry

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Later on the other side of town inside Hermans home. Where Taylor, Herman, Callisto and Simon were all sharing a barrel of his wine. Each of them with mugs filled to the brim with the fine vintage. So what are your plans here, Taylor asks Callisto. First of all to see what changes took place across this land, after all it has been many years since I last been anywhere around here. So where have you been?, Herman wonders. I been all over the place, but the most fascinating place I ever been to was Karma. There world is a mixture of faith, nature and magic. There artwork is beyond belief, they can do things with precious metals such as gold and silver. Then to combine them with crystals the reflect the very air you breathe, you have to see it to believe its true. Maybe your can tell us more about while your here, Herman said. I will, and maybe Ill do my magic act, Callisto said. Both Taylor and Herman was delighted with the news. But when Callisto added, I could also solve any personal problems that might come up. I bet there is one big mess you cant solve, Taylor said. Its also about the biggest problem anyone has around here, Herman adds. Just tell me what you know, Callisto said. Ever heard of a wolf named Stormkiller, Herman said. He is just about the biggest hero we have around here, Simon replied. He may of gained his reputation by helping out the people of River Bend, when they were prisoners of the Vengeance Warriors. But everything he done since has only made this world a better place, Taylor said. Well, any way he now lives here after a fight with his wife Vixen on their way here, about their son Baron who decided to stop wearing clothes. Stormkiller took his sons side over that of his wife. He too soon shed his clothes like his son, and joined the others on the fur side of town. Why is it, when it seems they want to be like people they suddenly turn their backs on civilization and live like wild animals, Herman wonders. Callisto replies, That seems the biggest thing that divides the furs these days, are they human or animal. I know it got so bad in Karma, there is actually a law that states that all furs regardless of rank must live wild for at least 60 days out of the year, and that includes the Royal family. From my understanding the furs there have been wearing clothes longer than they have here. They even say the furs taught the people there not only to wear them, make them, but weave the cloth and make the thread, Callisto said. Damn! Simon exclaims.

But you left out the biggest rift they have and that is their daughter Willow, it seems when she wanted to join her father and brother. She almost hurt Willow, then Vixen ran out of town, and disappeared. None of us know what happened out there in the forest as neither one of them are saying. All we know is days later they both return with a buck that Stormkiller promised for the party. Vixen was without her clothes by the way, and when she returned and ran straight towards the home she was living in, and there she stayed until the leader of the furs, Surf went to see her. After which it seemed settled and everyone was talking once again, Taylor said. Then the rumor spread, Herman adds. What rumor, Simon now wonders. You see when Gus and the guards attacked the Vengeance Warriors, it seemed there leader got away. Nobody knew where he ran off to, but some of the furs hinted that Storm as he now is calling himself. Killed that warrior to save Vixens life. He didnt take credit for that brave act, Simon wonders. I am not surprised, maybe if he took credit that act he might feel more human than fur. From my understanding Storm was a former slave, he might have mixed feelings about being in the center of everyone attentions, especially after what happened, Callisto said. I think it is because he just lot it, too much too soon. After all he was elected mayor of River Bend, just before he ad his family came here, Herman said. That could do that, Callisto said. I think it all was too much for him, Simon said.

Night in the fur side of Great Timber, Wave and Summer was sitting there together under the light of the full Moon looking up at the stars as Wave was saying, I cant believe what I day I had (yawn), after that long walk here only to find that all that Simon told me about Great Timber had all changed(yawn). Then to find if you dont mind me saying my love, true love. I just hope I dont wake up tomorrow and find this is just a dream. That was when Summer grabbed his arm, It will only be better tomorrow, your going to sleep with me tonight. Wave just had the biggest smile on his face after hearing that.

They then saw in the shadows 2 other otters, out like then in the Moonlight, Another couple out for a night of romance. Not exactly, they are 2 guys named Rip and Spout, Summer explained. Huh?!. That then lead Summer to explain that Great Timber had a tiny gay community. Who feel that they are left out of everything, as Surf had focused on relationships between men and women, as well as kids. Leaving Lesbians and Gays on the outside, it had gotten so bad that they felt they could not show any sign of affection to those they love to times when no one was watching. They know that there love doesnt bother me, Summer said.

By now Rip and Spout and found a spot on the ground like had. Started to talk about there day as one of them pointed up to the sky. That was when one of them just smiled, Wave could see his teeth shine there in the moonlight and that was when the other reached over and gently kiss the other on the mouth, as the one on the receiving end made a point to extend his tongue in the other mouth. Summer them added, It has gotten so bad around here they like the other gays in your little community have threatened to leave, and start there own town. I know they arent the only ones who feel this way. For lately Great Timber has been getting too crowded, and besides otters like us should be living near the water. Not landlocked as we are now.

Wave was trying to come up what to say next, when one of the men reached down and started stroking the others penis. Which quickly came in to an erection. As the other looked down, he could hear the words, Well, let me show your more. Then that one repositioned himself so his face lay in the lap of his partner. Wave tried and hold back his feelings at witnessing the love between two me. He especially had a hard time when the one with his head on his partners lap. Reached over and took the others penis in to his mouth and stimulated his partner so much that cum could be seen dripping from his mouth. That was when he took his head down even further with it now down upon the ground and his tail was up high. As he special friend came up from behind and played with his partners anus with his tongue, as he then stroked his penis in to an even harder erection. Then while holding his partners tail and rammed it in where his tongue had once been, over and over again. As the one of the receiving end moaned with pleasure.

Wave by now was making sounds rather than words. As this was all rather too much for him as he never saw to men making love before.

That was when Summer decided on giving her man one last treat for the night. She had him stand, while she remained on her knees. She looked up at him and smile before going over to his penis, and started running her tongue up its shaft, then running down once again. It didnt talk more than one lick to make his cock rock hard. But when she took his shaft in to her mouth and what she was doing with her tongue. Running it all over it, bringing him to a point where he moaned out in lust. He found himself thrusting for some reason. It was like her tongue was a snake and and it had wrapped around his shaft as he cried out for more. The release of semen made no difference to Summer, it was as she had this was of only adding to his pleasure.

When it was over he found himself still standing there as droplets of cum dripped off of his shaft. As Summer stood next to him, spitting out his semen. He tried to mouth the words, You were incredible. But nothing came out, expect for what they saw nearby a shaft coated in semen that belong to a wolf.

The Sun was rising just as Callisto was knocking on Vixens door. Who still was fast asleep, but only the noise of the knocking woke her. Dragging herself out of bed, only covered barely by the sheet she was dragging with her. Finally opening the door, and when she saw Callisto, Good God, its Callisto. She then ran back inside as he forced his way in only to find Vixen up against the wall, holding that same sheet up to cover her naked body. What do you want with me. To talk and see if what I heard was true, Callisto said. It is so, please leave me. I dont need your special kind of magic, I have enough problems, Vixen said. So you heard about me?, Callisto asks. Vixen reply, Of course I have, what fur around here doesnt know about you. Will you please go I want to go back to bed. Everything I heard about you is true, your a human save for the fur you were born with!, Callisto shouts.

I dont need this now, Vixen whines. Dont you understand Surf is helping me. I dont see how, Callisto then insists. Will you go!, Vixen shouts. No, go ahead and make me. There isnt anyone here, either fur or human that could make me. That even goes for your husband Storm. That name caused Vixen to finally drop her sheet. After all despite all that has happened to both of you. Your both still bound to each other, frankly no one could blame him for what happened, Callisto said. I know of his affair with Flutter, if that what you mean. I assume from the tone of your voice that except for that one time you two havent been having anything, Callisto said. How do you know that. Furs talk, there were some watching. Good grief. Your a fur you should not be ashamed, Callisto said. Then why do you wear that robe. The people here know me one way and the furs the other. I am planning on doing my magic act today. First for the humans who welcomed me, an second for the furs, and without my robe and back in my fur form. I have a human assistant Simon, you may of heard of him. He is also my apprentice, along with this otter I hooked up with.what can I say he needed my help too. But anyway Simon is reluctant to go to the fur side of town and I need one to help me. What about that otter, Vixen wonders. Oh Wave, he is in love and has this girl on his mind. Vixen, I need an assistant with my magic act and I like you to help me, Callisto said. Vixen just stood there listening, I just need you to be there helping me, dont worry Ill show you what to do before we do the act. What do you sayI know 2 very special kids who would love to see their mother there, and not to mention one who still cares for you despite all that has happened. I dont know what you mean, Vixen said as she finally stepped away from that wall to sit on the edge of her bed.

Callisto then took a seat next to her, Vixen, your the strangest fur I ever come across. What do you mean?! You act like one thing, then say another. Your going to have to decide if your a fox or a human being. What are you going do, change me against my will. No, besides the crystal can not do that. I mean in your own mind. Someone told me you said you once were going to Karma. Did you know about the law those forces all furs to live wild for at least 60 days a year. No, but are you lying to me. No, its the truth. Ask Simon I told him, along with Taylor and Herman.

Vixen looked depressed, Callisto put his arm around her, that is when she innocently asked, Your going to fuck me. He just laughed, I am too old, I havent been interested in a long time. I have my memories that is all I need or ever will. But Vixen I care about you, and your family. There is no one here that would blame you for taking another man, after what Storm did. But you have not, and have refused the advances of every fur that asked you. I know the reason why, you still love him. Why should I, who knows how many times he fucked herthe pig. Twice, and nothing since he left for that deer. He has regretted his actions since.Vixen he still loves you.

That was when Callisto started to leave, Ill be back close to Noon, I will bring a robe your size. I can not tell you what you should do. But what you do will affect how your family sees you. Come with me, it will show them you want to be a family once again. Dont, and it will never happen. Callisto just left closing the door to the house behind him. Leaving Vixen alone sitting there just in her fur on the bed, wondering what she should do.

The time is now mid morning, the location the play area in the rear of the human side of Great Timber. Although there are a few furs there, the majority of Callistos audience our the people from the town. Where using a borrowed table, Callisto with the help of Simon is pulling off one amazing feat of magic after another. Each of his tricks both delights and amazes his audience. Everything from the simple slight of hand, based upon the shell game. Where in Callisto is using small shells that seemly vanish without a trace to where one disappears and returns only larger than it was before. Then threw the use of his crystals where he turns a volunteers memory in to full reality. A loved one that was no longer around, to bringing back extinct creatures if for a moment. Which amazed the crowd. Then his real show stopper. That was when this 3 year old girl brought Callisto a ordinary beetle. What could we do with this simple creation of nature to end this show. As he let that beetle crawl all over his hand, he had that girl cup her hands together. As the beetle was still crawling, Did you see that, it few in to your hands little one, he said. I am sure it did not, she said. Open your hands and see, when it was revealed that the beetle was there. Everyone applauded, even Simon.

I have another show for the furs later, I need a little rest, Callisto kept on saying as everyone both congratulated him for one great show and wanted to ask him questions about his act. Simon just stood there as Callisto made his way through the crowd, knowing he had hooked up with a man who actually could preform miracles.

It was almost Noon, as a figure up in the tower lay naked on the floor quietly playing with himself, while trying to stay hidden from prying eyes. As slowly a young female wolf makes her way up to the top of the tower. As soon as he sees her, Keep your head down fool, he whispers. Sorry, she whispers back. Get down on your knees, he whispers. As she does he comes up to her rear, rubbing it was he moves in closer and closer still. As this only drives his erection even harder. Finally as he holds her tail, he drives his still cock in to her slit. He only thought is the pleasure this affair brings, and not being human, that if any one found out about this cross species affair could ruin both their lives.

A short time later Callisto appears in the fur part of town, minus his robe and once again a binturong. As soon as the other furs see him they gather around him, Please let me make my way through so we can have more room for others can see. Eventually he makes his way to the childrens play area and starts his act, which is more or less the same he preformed for the humans except there is one difference, he has a new volunteer for each of his tricks. Finally it comes down to final trick, I want to thank you for your applause, it makes this old man very happy. But for my final trick today, I needed a very special volunteer, at first she wasnt going to do it, but at the last minuteany way here she is Vixen. All the fur frantically looked around, even Storm, flanked by his kids could not believe. Vixen would ever agree to do this. But finally there she was, in nothing but her fur, a little scared, a bit nervous but there she was and soon she stood next to Callisto. Who said, Quiet please, Vixen, listen to only the sound of my voice. He waved his hands as close near her face as he could get as he was a bit shorter than Vixen. Who then appeared to go in to a trance, moving to her side he then motioned for Vixen to lay on her back in mid air. Which to the amazement of the crowd happened before their eye. Then motioning again she moved even higher.

Then a young girl in the audience, When is she coming down. Callisto then turned to the crowd, You are right, its time for this to end. He then clapped his hands and in a brilliant flash of light Vixen vanished without a trace. Everyone was wondering what happened to her. Until Callisto pointed to where Storm and his kids were standing. To everyones amazement Vixen was standing there right next to her family and everyone cheered as Vixen could not be any happier, as everyone was so proud of her. Even her kids, were incredibly happy, to them there mother was a hero.

To be continued..