Chapter One (Day one)

Story by Pyro Fox on SoFurry

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I rose from my cot, got out of my tent and started my jogging rounds around the camp. I was on my 7th round when my Commanding Officer called me.

"Pyro! Get your candy ass over here!"

I responded with speed, I slid to a stop, dust being spewed up everywhere. I brought my hand into a salute as the dust cleared.


"Pyro, call me Boss, like the rest of the unit."

"Alright, Boss. what ya need?"

"Good. You know the 34th Ranger unit that was headed up to Laos?"

I nodded.

"Bulldog is in that unit."

"About that, you being SOG and him being a Ranger, you two seem to have a lot time in base at the same time."

I bit my lip. Did he finally catch on? It`s been over 7 months, he was bound to. Boss straightened his collar.

"I noticed that you two put each other under "next of kin" in the record books. You have anything to say about it?"

I think he noticed the worried look in my eyes. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Bulldog had that same look in his eyes when you were out in that hell hole jungle and he was here."

I straightened up.

"Pyro, are you two involved?"

My gut turned in on itself.

"Hell no! Boss, you have to understand. We are childhood friends, we want to still be that way when this is over."

He frowned and took his hand off my shoulder.

"Alright Pyro, didnt mean to upset you. But if you need anything, I mean ANYTHING. Ill do what I can to help."

I saluted.

"Aye Boss."

Boss looked at me.

"What? Are you in the Navy soldier?"

I smiled.

"Boss, I did spend three years in the Navy, then moved over to the Army when the war started. You know that."

He chuckled.

"Well, keep that on the down low, some of the cherries here dont like the Navy and I dont want to have to get you out of the brig for kicking their asses, alright?"

I grinned.

"I`ll try Boss."

I turned back and continued my rounds. I went back to my tent at sun set and washed my face and shaved. Then I went over to the Barracks for a few drink with the guys in my unit. Right as I walked in the whole barracks went quiet. A Marine walked up to me.

"Hey boys! Look at this worthless piece of shit! Come have a few drinks, if you`re not a puss bag."

I slid next to my buddy Dom.

"Hey Pyro, that Marine that walked up to you has been talkinshitbout you all day. he says he`ll fight you once he sobers up."

I chuckled.

"Gladly, Dom you know my rule."

I grinned.

"Talk shit, get hit, right?"

I clapped him on the arm.

"That`s right bud. Oi! Captain, can I get a glass of milk and some chocolate chip cookies."

"On it Pyro"

I sat back in my chair, I listen as the Marine still was talking shit, even though I was now there. Everyone in the backs was giving me smiles and grins because they all knew my rule and were waiting for me to punch out this motherfucker.

I got my cookies and milk.

"Thanks Junior."

The large black man smiled.

"Youre welcome Pyro, by the way. That marine is getting on everybodys nerves. You`d do everyone a favor taking him outside, after you finish your stuff. Ya know that people here will say that he started it."

I waved a hand.

"I can do that for ya man, just wait till I`m finished."

"Gotcha, wasnt rushin ya anyways."

"I know junior, I know."

Junior went off to go talk to the other Marines in the barracks. Me and Dom talked for awhile as I ate. I finished my food and drank my milk, rose from my seat and clapped the Marine on the shoulder.

"Hey there buddy."

He turned and my fist made contact with his nose. He recoiled and punched me in the jaw. I moved back and walked outside. He followed, just what I wanted. He came bursting out the barracks` door slurring his cusses and words.

I brought knee into his gut as fast as I could then I smashed my elbow into his back and laid him out in the dirt. Junior and Dom came out each spat on the Marine and shook my hand and gave me kind words for it. Junior spoke in his deep voice.

"Go back to your tent and rest up. Me and Dom will deal with your mess."

I thanked them as usual and went back to my tent. As I walked I thought, One more day till he`s back in camp.

I found to my surprise Boss standing at my tent when I got there.

"Boss, why you here at this time of night?"

"Rough night I see, No worries. I won`t write you up. Can I come in?"

I held my flap open as I enter my tent, and sat on the cot. Boss sat in the chair by the table me and Bulldog had set up. Boss pulled out a cigar and lit it, then lit the lantern with it.

"So, Pyro, about tomorrow. I wanted to know if youd be willing to go to the firing range and show those cherries how to shoot, would save me some time and Ill see if I can throw an extra day of R&R for you."

I shrugged.

"Why the hell not. Boss?"


"Can I get that R&R bonus shared with Bulldog?"

It was his turn to shrug.

"I dont see any reason you cant."

I smiled.

"Thanks Boss."

He got up and addressed me as the soldier I was, which he barely does to his unit. Only when it`s important.

"Alright soldier, be up at one hundred hours and report to the firing range and be ready to tech the recruits how to handle a weapon."

I stood and saluted.

"Yes sir."

Boss turned and left the tent. I sat there, on my cot, wondering about tomorrow, Id be at the firing range all day. I wouldnt be able to see Bulldog walk through the gates like I usually do. I laid back into the cot and drowned into a sea of dreams.