Chapter Two (The pains of waiting)

Story by Pyro Fox on SoFurry

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I grabbed my Springfield from my bed-side table and walked at a brisk pace down to the firing range. I went through the doors to see the cherries already firing at their targets. I moved over to the center of the floor.

"Attention! Raw recruits!"

They all unload their weapons, turned and saluted me all at once.

"Okay. Today I will teach you how to properly use a fire arm."

I grabbed a standard issue M16 from a table and went back to the center floor.

I unloaded the weapon.

"First, unload the weapon."

I turned the safety on.

"Next. Turn on the safety."

I watched as all the men did the same as me.

"Alright, load your rifles, turn off the safety`s and assume firing position."

They all did so.

"Now. Aim down your iron sights and fire at your target. Aim for center of mass."

They started firing. I started pacing the range and watched the men shoot. They were good, needed work, but were good.

"Keep a steady aim and make every shot a kill, it`ll save your life one day."

Minutes seemed as if they were hours, hours seemed like days. The men kept shooting and I kept coaching and what after seemed like forever I was relieved by the MP stationed at the range. He handed me a bottle of whiskey.

"Make sure this gets to General Simmonds."

I nodded, Straight to Boss.

"No problem dude."

Off I went to go give Boss his bottle of Whiskey. I found him in his office doing paper work for the day. I handed him his bottle.

"Thanks Pyro."

I nodded.

"I`m very happy you covered for me and I thank you for that."

I nodded again and left his office and made my way back to my tent. I sat on the cot staring at my hands for what seemed like another three days before I heard a Chief Field Medic run by my tent barking out orders.

"We got wounded coming in from Laos! Be ready for an over flow of patients!"

I heard another medic yelling.

"The Rangers are back from Laos! The Rangers are back!"

I stormed out of my tent, sprinting towards the landing zone, where three choppers were bringing back the Rangers and the wounded and the KIA. I yelled for Bulldog as loud as I could amongst the clamor of noise from the people and choppers and all the things that were going on.

"Private Harrison! Harrison! Second Class Private Harrison!"

A medic stopped me.

"You looking for Harrison?"

I nodded.

"Can you take me to him?"

He grabbed my arm and led me to the medical tent.

"Cot number 46, row 19."

The medic stammered and ran back out to continue his duties.

I got to the cot and saw Bulldog laying there. He had a hole in his left shoulder, another in his chest and a bloody gash on his head. I leaned over him and watched him lay, barely breathing as tears streamed down my face. He stirred and beckoned me closer. He whispered in chokes of air.

"Pyro sweetie, Will you marry me?"

I grabbed his hand and squeezed tight.

"Yes hun, yes I will. I`d love to."

He chuckled painfully.

"Thank you."

I rose.

"Now get some rest, youll need the strength if youre to recover."

I went out of the tent and back to my own, unaware that that short and brief conversation would be the last one I would have with my now fiance. I threw myself onto my cot and fell into a great dream and happiness. Bulldog was home safe and sound, maybe hurt. But not dead. All my worries were gone.