Sunset: Chapter 3

Story by Gypsy Cross on SoFurry

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(Haha, new addition <3)

The next day came the little fae grew rather fond of the wolves around her getting to know each one by name and able to tell the patterns of their fur when they were far-off and the tenor of their voices as they howled.

Balthazar grew warmer to her as well and she was often invited for pack runs with herself seating on his back and holding onto the necklace he had around his neck. She loved running the feel of the wind threw her hair, she had almost forgotten about the fact that eventually her parents would come looking to take her back to her rightful place on the throne.

The sound of the royal horn blared in the night Anastasia looked up from her spot on the hollow between her mount's shoulders.

"Fuck..." she whispered, fear crawling down her back like something spiny, slimy, cold, and scaly twirling around her spinal column, running in and weaving around each vertebrae paralyzing her to the very core.

"What is it?" Balthazar huffed his hackles raised looking left to right in the dark, trying to spot what alarmed his little companion. Nearby the horns sounded again and she tugged on Balthazar's ears and he let out a loud howl, alerting the others before bounding into the wood towards the rest of the pack.

Once met up and a safe distance away from the faerie search party they sat around a fire hastily prepared with a match and some tinder that Anastasia kept feeding twigs.

"Now, what the fuck was that?" growled Smooths, no longer so smooth but actually a tad irritated, his haunches tense, her harks perked forward, lip twitching in annoyance.

Anastasia closes her eyes, recanting her story to the wolves, every last detail, from her royal lineage, her obligation to the throne, and the dragon her parents saw her fit to feed to as a sex slave in exchange for peace. Halfway through Balthazar left to use the bathroom in the trees, his silhouette almost graceful, godlike, Ana thought. Heavy pants and breaths and the sound of the birds singing as dawn came and she finally finished, the gold, green, and blue eyes were set upon her, a bit disappointed.

"When were you going to tell us about this, Princess you could've gotten us killed?!!" barked Roman, his own hackles raised at his friend's decision.

"I didn't think they'd come looking! I made a mess and made it look as though I were dead!" Ana cried, a tad scared and upset herself.

"But you took your pack and your food and left trail marks." Smooths said a bit more calm than earlier.

"Just drop it and go to sleep we can talk more once we've rested and gotten a few miles in." Roman ordered, turning to his spot amongst the Pack.

Not until this was said and Anastasia had went to look for her companion did she realize.. Balthazar hadn't returned...