First Contact, July 22nd 2011, 7:38 AM

Story by MrFox on SoFurry

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#6 of First Contact

Warnning! This story is about cock vore and transformation. There are also acts of sex between men! You have been warned!

July 22nd 2011, 7:38 AM

For the second morning in a row Pat woke to the pleasurable clench of his cock as it deposited a load on the floor of the closet. As his eyes opened he realized he was laying on warm but hard surface. The closet light still faintly illuminated the room casting light on the almost alien surface. About a half inch of cum coated the room turning the once white walls gray and brown. The cum was not only smelly as hell but Pat noticed that it had hardened on the outside and that short little black things were growing up out of it. The little black structures were only about twice as thick as a human hair, but they felt soft to the touch. Pat was laying on the stuff with his cock laying to the right of him in contact with the strange new carpet growing in his closet.

Pat looked over at his engorged tool and for the second time that morning he was shocked at what he saw. Not only was it larger now, but it was covered in strange bumps. Both his normal skin and the now dark brown tube had thousands of little bumps covering the surface of his skin. The flap of skin growing down the back of his cock had reached the base where his cock connected to his groin. The skin had attached itself above the top of the base of his cock. This skin was also covered in tiny bumps just a little smaller than the ones on his cock.

Where his cock met the floor the strange black hairs growing from the hardened cum surface had grown up around his cock head and Pat realized as he groaned and his cock loosed another load onto the floor that the hairs were someone absorbing the cum as it oozed slowly out and into them. Pat could only assume that the things were eating his cum or something like that. As weird as it looked Pat had to admit that he was a little proud of the mess. He had coated the whole damn room! That was a pretty big accomplishment!

Pat let himself out of the closet and into his room. He noticed that the smell was still strong but keeping the closet closed kept it mostly contained. Pat took a shower and examined his now clean cock. He guessed that he was another four inches long now. His human looking cock was now a foot long while the tube was eight inches long bringing it to a grand total of twenty inches. Thankfully he had only gotten a little thicker through the night and it wasn't too much thicker than yesterday.

As much as Pat wanted to be worried he couldn't help but enjoy his massive cock. As pat showered he realized that his cock could reach around the shower and grab stuff now. The three hard growths were long enough to grasp and hold things now. Pat could also drink with the strange organ now. As long as there was standing water around he could slurp it up with ease. Not only was Pat learning about what his cock could do, but he was beginning to have more control over it too. He found that he could stop and start the steady production of the gray-brown goop that had painted his closet. Even though he felt like he was wasting it in the shower Pat had fun figuring his new anatomy out.

After toweling off and pulling the brow tube back into his normal cock, Pat found, to his surprise, that he was able to retract his cock now into a more compact shape. He could also hold it against him making it appear much smaller. There probably wasn't a pair of underwear that fit him anymore, but he thought the lewd bulge in his jeans was pretty hot. He had never been a small guy before, but now he thought he could probably get whoever he wanted.

After dressing Pat headed downstairs and found to his delight that the house was empty. He made his way to the refrigerator and got some food for his hungry cock; eating straight out of the fridge and feeding his cock various foods like the rest of the corn, two uncooked steaks, and some of the beans nobody had eaten at dinner yesterday. Pat was pleased to find that he didn't even have to hold the food for his cock, it was able to gobble stuff up all by itself. All Pat had to do is wipe his head off with a paper towel.

It was getting boring inside the house but at about twelve John showed back up. Pat was about to leave but the man told him that they would have to go together. "What about my dad? Who's out with him?" Pat asked.

"My partner Mark is with your dad from now on, I get to hang out with you sport!" John said with a hungry look in his eyes.

Pat noticed how John looked at him, and wondered if he could work this to his advantage. Ever since the other day when he had been watching TV Pat had been fantasizing about what John looked like under that white button up shirt. "Well if we're going to be alone all day... we might as well get to know each other better" Pat said seductively.

"I was thinking the same thing" John said and smiled really big.

Pat got real close to John and ran a hand across his muscular chest, "I'll show you my goods if you show me yours"

A few minutes later John and Pat were in the living room. "Don't tell your dad about this kid" John said as he pulled his shirt off and then unbuttoned his pants.

Pat smiled as a loud rumble came from his shorts. John was a good eight inches long and decently thick too, but it was nothing compared to the monster Pat had lurking in his pants. After chuckling Pat pulled his shirt off and dropped his pants. Now it was John's turn to be impressed.

Pat forced himself to slowly push forward as his exotic cock stretched to a modest twelve inches. Two huge orbs hung heavy and full below the massive cock and judging by the look on John's face all thoughts about what lurked in Pat's pants had been satisfied. John didn't waste any time getting on his hands and knees before the foot of meat. Pat moaned as the man roughly grabbed his huge shaft and began to lavish all twelve inches with his tongue. The rough of the John's beard and the warmth of his mouth flipped a switch in Pat. He moaned as he let his cock drool into John's hungry mouth surprising the man when his mouth filled with the almost milky sweet taste of the thick seed.

This was only the beginning though as John eagerly drank from the massive meat faucet in his mouth. Pat reached forward and ran his hands through John's short blond hair. He couldn't help but push more and more of his cock into the man's mouth forcing himself down John's throat with ease. John would have struggled but the effect of Pat's pre was making him want to take more of the cock in his mouth.

Pat groaned as John's mouth found the thick base of his cock. He could feel the man's throat flexing and swallowing around his cock and he had to admit that the sensation was incredible. John breathed slowly in and out through a tube of sorts that had formed along the flap of skin that connected the top of Pat's cock to the bottom. Pat instinctively inflated the flap allowing John to breathe through the massive cock inside his throat. Pat couldn't explain what was going on and John was too damn drugged by the cum pouring into his stomach to do more than moan and grunt in pleasure.

Pat on the other hand was aware that something strange was going on inside the man who had just swallowed more than twelve inches of monster meat. Pat felt himself extending further into John as his cock began to pump thick gray cum into the man. If Pat could have seen his cock he would have seen himself begin to gush straight into John's stomach. Millions of tiny multi celled organisms swam in the rich seed pouring into John and burrowing into the tissue of his stomach, and onward into the rest of the body. The tiny cells quickly went to work changing the insides of the man as they integrated themselves into his body.

The sexual high reached a peak after pumping into John for a good thirty minutes. Pat felt by then that he had reached a natural end to the act of sex and he felt satisfied that he and John had both enjoyed themselves. As Pat pulled out of the man he retracted his mini cock back into his larger one so he looked almost normal when he pulled out and stepped away from John who gurgled around the load of cum left in his mouth.

Pat noticed then that the man's cock was still rigid with need and before he could stop his own member it was moving towards John's eight inches of man hood. Pat moaned again as his cock head closed over John's and he was glad for the dazed look of pleasure on the man's face because Pat had to admit that this looked pretty damn weird. Pat had to kneel down to swallow all eight inches of John's cock, but the feeling of it inside him made him moan with pleasure.

A clenching movement like swallowing began running up and down Pat's cock as it worked itself around John. In only a few short moments John was grunting and shouting incoherently as he came into Pat's hungry cock. Pat felt himself drink the man's juices and somehow prolong his orgasm until his balls were firing blanks. Satisfied that this particular source of food was spent Pat's cock retreated back into him returning to its resting state.

John seemed to come around right about then realizing he had just had a full round of sex with Pat who was already putting his clothes back on. "That was fucking amazing!" John said as he licked his lips and watched Pat put his pants back on.

Pat smiled to the man and winked, "Tell you what big guy, come up to my room tonight and we can have at it again" Pat said and made his way to the kitchen.


For dinner that night Pat's dad decided to take everyone out to an Italian restaurant. Pat got his favorite, spaghetti with meat balls, but he just couldn't bring himself to eat much of it. Mark and Brian looked concerned, but John was too busy eating to pay much attention. "You going to finish that?" John asked and looked at Pat's plate.

"All yours" Pat said and pushed his plate to John.

"You alright son?" Brian asked.

"Yea I'm fine dad" Pat said as he watched John consume the food like it was the last thing he was going to eat.

"Are you ok John?" Mark asked.

"Yea" John said between bites.

Dinner dragged on until John had eaten everything in sight. Mark had to go back to the hotel to report in while John eagerly headed back with Pat and Brian. Pat waited for everyone to get busy or distracted before sneaking down to the kitchen and looking in the fridge. He grabbed some eggs and what was left of the milk and snuck back up to his room.

As soon as he was in the bathroom Pat pulled his pants down and sighed as his cock surged into the air. He quickly ate the eggs and then poured the milk down his hungry cock throat. Pat forced the tube back into his normal cock pausing only to look at the strange bumps on his cock skin. A few of the bumps had burst open and something thick and black was pushing out of them.

Pat ran his finger over one of the larger bumps on the base of his cock and frowned when he realized that the black things pushing out of the bumps were hairs. Not just one hair either but about a dozen of them. Pat shook his head and frowned at the bumps realizing that they covered nearly every inch of his cock skin and they were forming under his pubes too. In fact a few of his pubes were starting to turn thick like the other hairs and at their base were huge masses of hairs just like the bumps further up on his cock.

Pat heard the sound of someone walking into his room and towards the bathroom. Pat scrambled to hide the carton of eggs and the empty milk jug. John opened the door just as Pat threw the trash into the shower. He turned just in time to see the door open and John peer in at him. The man was already shirtless and the look he gave Pat's cock was almost predatory.

John dropped to his knees seizing Pat's member in his hands and promptly sucking down as much of it as he could. Pat gasped and smiled at the man's eagerness. After sucking down a few pints of cum John pulled off Pat and smiled at the young man before him. "I want that cock in my ass. Think you can handle that stud?"

Pat nodded and felt himself lift off the ground as John picked him up and carried him into the next room. They landed on the bed, John on top of Pat, as John scrambled to get his pants off while Pat shucked his own clothes. As soon as they were naked John looked at Pat laying in his bed and smiled, "God that giant cock of yours is hot" he said and pounced on Pat aggressively.

It didn't take long for the man to find Pat's lips and lock them together with his own in a lust filled passionate kiss. Pat smiled as his cock moved with a will of its own searching for the man's ass.

Pat's cock found John's hole much to the surprise of the man on top of him. John broke their kiss as he gasped with the pain of being entered. Pat smiled as he felt his cock push into John lubricated by the thick slime it oozed into his ass. The more of his cock that slipped into John the more pleasurable it felt for Pat. John was quickly moaning and grunting with pleasure as Pat wound his way through him.

After his first twelve inches were in Pat extended the rest of his cock pushing deeper and deeper into John's insides. A magnificent sensation of Pat growing inside him made John gasp again, "Holy shit kid, are you getting longer!" He said and looked at Pat who smiled as his cock continued to stretch another eight inches into John.

At long last Pat felt as though he was fully inserted. It had taken long enough, but he suddenly realized he wouldn't have to worry about making a mess through the night. If he had John on his cock all night his cum would have somewhere to go! And what a great place that was.

Pat smiled as he felt the first of his nightly emission begin to gush out and into the hot muscle stud on top of him. John rolled over to let Pat lay on his chest as the longest act of sex he had ever had began. John was quickly hard from the sensation of twenty inches of meat pulsing and spurting inside him. Through the night he lost more than a few loads to the pleasure. Pat would always be ready for them though. He somehow just knew when the man was going to orgasm again and Pat would be sucking hungrily on the man's cock.