Dragon love chapter 1

Story by lovelydragoness on SoFurry

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Warning: Use of any of my characters for anything will result in harsh punishment. I'm a hacker and I will hack your pc if you do.

: Dragon Love

Averin daydreamed as the teacher passed out the test. He was dreaming of what it would be like to be a dragon. Or stay a Half-dragon. He didn't care, as long as he had dragon wings and could breathe fire. He just got a letter from his supervisor that said he will be attending the high school for the half-dragon kin. The Teacher slammed a packet on Averin's desk breaking him out of his daydreaming.

"Averin. I need you to finish this packet by the end of class.", said the teacher.

"Yes sir, Mr. Morukoro!", I replied with a stutter.

I gazed at the packet of mythical creature physics. how do pixies fly? Why do minotaurs not act like a bull all the time? It puzzled me why we had to learn this stuff anyway. But I didn't hesitate. It was a one hundred fifty question test. So I got to work.

"Hey Averin. What is the answer to number fifty seven?", whispered a nearby student.

Mr. Morukoro slammed a ruler on the students desk startling me. I looked up at him.

"What did I do?", I asked.

"Did you give him any answers?", Mr. Morukoro asked.

"Give who answers?", I asked.

"...Nevermind Averin. Rago put your test on my desk. I'm sure that you will be happy to take it next year.", answered Mr. Morukoro.

Rago let out a whine and got up. I went back to work. Soon I finished it and looked up at the clock. It said 2:07. I still had about twenty three minutes before class was over. I got up, put my test on Mr. Morukoro's desk, and left the room. Mr. Morukoro stopped me from exiting.

"Aren't you going to stay here for the end of school party?", he asked.

"No sir. I'd rather just go home.", I answered.

I continued walking and once I was out the double glass doors of the hallway I broke into a run to my bike. When I got there I had run atleast a quarter mile. My breathing stayed steady from beginning to end. It seems that be bradicardic isn't so bad after all. I unlached my bike and balanced myself on top. I pedalled until I got to the road. I had a full two miles to ride to my house and I had about twenty minutes before I have to head home. So I think I'll go to Zerein's house before I have to go home. I pedalled for a few miutes down the road and stopped in front of a large house. Zerein was waiting on the porch for me and waved her hand at me.

"Hey Averin! What's happenin?", she yelled.

I went up the drive way and put my bike on the side of the brick house. When I turned around Zerein tackled me. She had the same cat ears and tail but she intended to change that. She was a natural born feline. But she wanted to be a half-dragon from day one of middle school. We bothe entered at the same time and had soon become friends. I scratched behind her ears and she purred.

"So I guess you got out really early didn't you?", I asked.

"I finished the test within the hour!", she replied with a smile.

The same smile with that same sharp tooth just hanging out her mouth. I wondered how she didn't look like an ugly person but the way it had grown it didn't jut out very far. I pushed her off of me and then helped her up.

"So, what do you want to do before I leave?", asked Zerein.

"...You're...You're leaving?", I asked in return.

"I'm sorry Averin but My mom wants me to stay with dad for the first three days of summer.", she appologised.

"Its ok. Atleast I'll get to see you after that and the next few years.", I said trying to cheer her up.

She hugged me and I hugged her back.

"It's not that Averin. Its just that I am getting my genetics changed tomorrow and I'm not sure if I will still like you.", Her head didn'tmove from my shoulder.

"Heh. It'll be fine, Zerein. I'll be Ok with it even if you become hostile with everyone.", I said raising her head.

" Thank you Averin.", She gave me a kiss on the cheek and grabbed my hand trying to lead me into her house. When we got inside Her mom was busy washing dishes. and looked to see me next to Zerein.

"There's Averin! I was wondering where he might be.", her mom flicked her tail.

I looked at Zereins blue cat ears and looked at her moms ears which were yellow. Zerein must of got the color from her dad. Before I could speak, a yellow cat rubbed against my leg. I bent down and petted it then spoke.

"Zerein told me that she is getting her genetics shot tomorrow. Is this true?", I asked.

"Well she is seventeen. So she is going to need someone to help her with the heat when she starts to feel the effects of the shot.", answered Zerein's mom.

Authors note: Averin and Zerein are both seventeen.

Zerein blushed,"Mom! I told you not to say anything about that!"

Her mom came out of the kitchen holding a wrench,"Oops! looks like it slipped."

She walks into the hall and opens the door to the hot water heater and tightens the pipe.

"Well, I could help.", I said to break the silence.

Zerein blushed and turned away. Her mom closed the door and walked back to us,"Then you need to clear it with your parents."

"Ok. Hey, is it ok if I Zerein comes with me?", I reply.

"Sure. It doesn't bother me.", Her mom answered,"Just have her back by tomorrow at six A.M."

"Yes ma'am I will. See you tomorrow."

Zerein had disappeared and come back with a backpack of clothes a second later. We both headed out of the house and she got out her bike. I examined it. It had blue paint and the gear box at the back indecated that it was new.

"I'm guessing that its a new bike.", I said.

"It sure is. We got it from my dad a few days ago.", she grinned.

I started pedaling and when I got down the drive way I turned and clicked the gear shift, shifting the gears in gear box. It was a straight shot to my house. We both picked up speed and I looked at my speedometer on my bike. It read thirty miles an hour. Its a good thing that we have these bikes because walking there would take more than an hour. After fifteen minutes we came up to my house. It was a large two story house with a large garage and a basketball goal mouted above the drive way. I stopped and went up the drive way into the garage and put my bike against the wall. I turned to Zerein and she did the same.

"So what to do first?", I grinned at her.

"Wellsince this is my last day as a feline then I would like to have someone scratch my ears and someone to play with. Oh wait, thats you!", she chuckled and we both went inside.

When we got inside Pocco ( my chihuahua) started barking at Zerein. She hid behind me and then it hit me. Felines hate dogs. I calmed Pocco down and mom walked in the room.

"Hey son. Hey Zerein. You look especially happy today.", my mom said.

"Hello Tiera. And I'm happy because today is my last day as a feline. Tomorrow I get my genetics shot.", Zerein said with a grin.

I Thought for a sceond thinking about how to word what I was about to say," Mom. Can I speak to you in private?"

"Sure.", she answered.

We both went into the kitchen and Zerein sat down on the couch.

"Mom. The shot that she is going to be givin has a few side effects and one of those is that she goes into heat.", I started to worry she wasn't going to allow me to,"So is it ok if I help her?"

"...Does Zerein's mom know about this?", mom looked at me with a worried look.

"I've already asked her and she said that I have to clear it with you.", I was now confident of myself that I made it this far.

"Well, you two have been friends for seven years. I don't see why not to help her. She trusts you more than any of the other boys. So, yeah. You can.", She said a little worried.

"Thanks mom.", I said with a grin.

I returned to the living room and sat down next to Zerein. She put her head down in my lap and I began to scrath her ears.

"So, what did she say?", she asked while purring.

"She said yeah.", I answered with a grin.

She picked her head up and headed to my room. I thought for a moment. I have A girl in my room and I didn't even do much. If I can do that then if we ever break up then I could get another girl easily. I smiled to myself and ent upstairs. I looked around in my room and Zerein was nowhere to be seen. When I took the first step in my room she came up from behind me and pressed herself against me. She put her arms over my shouldres and rested her head against my back.

"Zerein. Do you love me?", I said startling her.

She blushed,"Of course I do. Why would I even be near you if I didn't?"

"Good point. So what do you want to do?", I asked.

For the rest of the day we drew on a canvas together and by the end of the day we finished it. It was me and Zerein playing around a tree. It was the first time we played together. She was lying int the flowers and I was lying down in the tree on a branch above her. This was at the end of the day we had together. I remember it like it were the funnest day I ever had.

"It's beautiful.", I said.

"You know, I always thought that you were some type of mean kid until that day.", she responded.

"Yeah. It probably seemed that way because of my color.", I said.

I was a Half-dragon that had dark, crimson red wings and tail. Though now I have more muscular build so I wear tighter clothes that don't make me look like a goth.

"I'm getting tired.", Zerein yawned.

I looked outside and the moon was in the center of it. I glanced at my clock to find that it was 10:32.

"Damn. Well then we should get to bed. you gotta be back at your house by six A.M.", I said.

Zerein opened up her backpack and pulled out a set of pajamas. I looked in my drawer and pulled out a pair of boxers and some pants to sleep in. When I turned around Zerein had no top on and I froze in place.

"Yeah. And tomorrow these are yours.", she said with a smile as she put a shirt on.

"Wow. I have never seen anything like that before.", I replied.

Zerein left the room and I changed into my pajamas. I followed her downstairs and met her on the couch she was trying to find a page in the book she had been reading. I notced that her bookmark was on the table, she must have lost her page.

"Hey Zerein. Are you sure about tomorrow?", I asked hesitantly.

"You mean about you helping me when in heat? *sigh* Averin, we have known each other for seven years. I wouldn't want anyone else to help with it.", she bookmarked her page,"Finally found it. You know, Averin, you are getting a little to worried."

"Well I'm just making sure that you don't do something that you will regret.", I got up and walked to my room and Zerein followed. I moved the covers of my bed over and crawled under them. Zerein pounced onto me and licked my nose. She turned around and layed down at my feet, purring softly.

"I'll never understand why you do that.", I stated.

"Well I'm a feline. We usually do this.", she said.

I closed my eyes and dosed off.

====================== ======================

I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock buzzing. I forgot to turn it off yesterday. I looked at the clock and it was five thirty. I looked at Zerein and then it hit me. I became wide awake and hurried out of bed.

"Zerein! Its five thirty. We're gonna be late!",I announced to the sleepy Zerein.

As I got my pants on she got up and rubbed her eyes then looked at the clock. She let out a small squeak and then rushed out of bed. She hurried and got her clothes on then joined me downstairs.

"You ready?", I asked.

She nodded and we both went out the door. Mom let me use the car for today because its summer now. Why she will not let me use the car during the school year confuses me so I don't think about it to much or I give myself a headache. We got in the car and I started it. I pulled out of the drive way and looked at the clock, it said 5:47. We had enough time to get there. Soon we made it to th house and Zerein's mom was waiting outside. Zerein and I both got out.

"Well, are you two ready to go or not?", she asked.

"You mean bothe of us are coming?", I asked.

"Well yeah. Do you or do you not?", she replied.

I got in the car and so did Zerein. The drive to the genetics lab was a full half hour, so Me and Zerein sleapt the way there. When we got there We woke up to the sound of sirens.

"Well you twomust have been tired. What did you two do last night?", Zerein's mom said with a grin.

"Averin and I drew on a canvas together til ten thirty. And then we woke up at five thirty.", she answered.

Her mom nodded her head and pulled into a parking space. We all got out and entered the building. The lady at the front desk greeted us.

"Hello. how may I help you?", the lady said.

"Hello. My daughter, Zerein, is here for her genetics shot.", Zerein's mom replied.

The lady typed on the keyboard and clicked on a few things then turned to Zerein.

"She can go in right now.", the lady got up and brought her into the back room. After a few minutes she returned without Zerein. She grabbed a clipboard and went back in the back room. She came back with Zerein and she no longer had cat ears and a tail. She had blue dragon wings and tail.

"How do you feel?" , I asked a little worried.

"A little...Dizzy.", she said swaying side to side.

She fell over and I caught her just in time.

"Thank you...", she said falling asleep.

I carried her back to the car and buckled her in. I got into the car.

"So. What is supposed to happen next?", asked her mom.

"Well she is recovering from the shock of the change her genetics took. She'll be fine.", I said.

We went back to her house and Zerein woke up.

"Hey. You think you can stand?", I asked.

"Yeah. I feal fine now.", Zerein replied.

I got out and so did Zerein and her mom.

"If you want you two can back to your house Averin.", Zerein's mom said.

"Ok.", Zerein said with a smile.

She got in Averin's car and He drove off to his house. When they got there Averin noticed his mom's car and his dad's truck missing.

"I guess that they aren't home.", I said to myself.

As I pulled in Zerein let out a small moan.

"Ooohhh man. I'm starting to get hot. Averin, I think that the genetic serumis starting to kick in.", she said while fanning herself.

I got out of my car and helped zerein out. She almost stumbled when she stood up. I got in the house and went up stairs. I grabbed my watch and when I was just about to step out of my room Zerein stops me. She was blushing.

"So i guess that-", she kissed me and pulled back then kissed me again. I sat down on the bed and she sat in my lap. We continued kissing and she stuck her tongue in my mouth. I rolled my tongue around with hers and when she stopped I took a deep breath. She embraced me again and I layed down on my bed. I trailed my hand down her back and then she stopped. She took her shirt off and I took mine off. Her breasts bounced when she took her bra off and then we continued kissing. She tugged on my pants and I helped her get them off, revealing my fully erect shaft. I pulled her pants down and discovered she was not wearing any panties. She smiled then got down on her knees and pulled down my boxers. She got back on top of me and kissed me again. I trailed my hands down to her legs and inserted a finger into her vagina.

"More.", she said with a demanding tone.

I inserted another finger and then pulled them out and pushed them in as she tightened her vaginal muscles each time I pushed in. I continued for about a minute then she stopped me. I pulled my fingers out. She nodded to me and I put my cock to her entrance. She pushed down then stopped. I hit her hymen, She nodded to me and I put my hands on her hips then pushed down hard. I penetrated her and she let out a scream.

"If we continue the pain will go away.", I said.

She moved her hips up and down then continued. She put her hands on my chest to hold her up. Our tails twisted together and she bounced on my cock faster. I moved my hips up when she came down and going deeper each time. I pushed down on her hips as she came down and hit her pleasure spot. I keapt hitting it and she tightened her walls causing me to thrust faster. I felt my orgasm coming up and she looked at me.

"I'm *pant* almost there.", she said.

I pushed down one more time and we both reached our climax. A wave of semen exploded in her Womb mixing with her fluids. We kissed for a whole minute then she stopped. I started to pull away out of her but she wouldn't let me move. We both lay there panting and the exhaustion caught up to me. I closed my eyes and sleapt. Later that day I woke up to the sound of a door opening. His mom was home. He looked at his door.

"Thank god Zerein closed it.", He said with a sigh of relief. His mom knocked on the door.

"Averin. You in there?",She asked.

Averin gave a big sigh,"Mom. Do you have to be so nosey?"

"Ok then.", she went back down stairs.

"Hey. Zerein.", I said trying to wake her up.

Zerein opened her eyes.

"That was wonderful Averin.", She said.

I pulled out of her and got my clothes back on. Zerein did too and we both went down stairs.

"Hello Zerein. I see you got your genetics shot already. And that you have been through heat to.", Said mom.

Zerein blushed,"Uh...Uh...I uh."

"You look like you haven't fixed your hair this morning.",said mom.

Zerein immediately said,"Oh, well thats because Averin had his alarm set for five thirty."

She hurried to the bathroom. When she got there she took out her brush and brushed her hair straight. She came back down with her backpack.

"I'll see you in four days Averin.", she said as she got on her bike.

"Bye!", I said with a wave.

Dad came up behind me.

"So, son. Did you have fun?", he asked.

"Why is everyone all up in my business?", I asked sarcastically.

Done from 12 at midnight to 6:50 A.M.