First Contact, July 24th, 2011, 6:56 AM

Story by MrFox on SoFurry

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#8 of First Contact

Warning! This story contains extream adult material including, but not limited too, acts of sex between gay men, Cock Vore, Incest, and transformation. You have been warned.

July 24th, 2011, 6:56 AM

Morning came all too swiftly for the slumbering monster who awoke when he felt the vibration of his father walking around the house. Pat realized then that the cocoon was spreading through the ventilation system and that by now he could sense almost every room in the house. It was like he could spy on everyone now! Pat was delighted as he somehow listened to his father mumbling to himself about work.

Today was Sunday so Brian didn't have to work today. As Pat listened to his dad he began to wonder if these hairs were like his own hairs on his cock. Pat focused on the hairs in the vent in his dad's room and to his surprise he felt them start to release a potent spray of pheromones into the air. The air conditioner was already on so the spray was carried into his dad's room and into Brian's lungs.

For Brian, who was getting dressed at the time, a strange and strong musky odor hit him in the face and his cock suddenly sprang to attention. Pat listened as his dad reached down and began to slowly pump his engorged member. He was delighted with his discovery. This could be a very useful ability! Pat pumped more and more musk into his dad's room forcing the poor man into and almost euphoric state of sexual excitement. Next Pat dislodged himself from his warm cocoon at the prospect of feeding on his dad's rich seed.

Pat quickly made his way across the hall to his dad's room opening the door and startling the man. "Pat! Hell kid what do..." Brian said as his son walked into the room unannounced.

Pat's cock caught Brian's attention though and Pat pointed it straight at his father as he sprayed him with sex pheromones. Brian groaned as he felt his hand begin to move independent of his brain. He shuddered as he looked at the massive cock on his son. "What the hell Pat?"

"It's ok dad, this is natural" Pat said as he walked up to his father and reached down to stop his hand. "Just go with it" he said as his cock slipped hungrily over his father's swollen member.

Brian gasped in sheer pleasure looking at his son and smiling stupidly. Pat leaned forward as his lips met his father's. Brian kissed his son back in an almost euphoric state of pleasure. Pat smiled to himself as he felt his cock began to extract cum from his father. The musk did more than make the man horny, it also kicked his semen production into overdrive. Brian broke their kiss to cry out as his cock let loose its first massive load of cum. For Brian it was the most intense level of sexual pleasure he had ever felt.

Load after load shot into the hungry mouth of Pat's huge four foot member and once the man was empty Pat grinned to himself enjoying the satisfaction of pleasuring his father. He was only distantly aware that what he was doing wasn't right. A stronger more primal part of his brain was in control now and it wanted to deposit a massive load of cum in his dad. Pat pulled closer to his father noting that they were almost the same height now, "You're going to like this dad" Pat said as he stepped closer to Brian, "and I know I'm going to enjoy myself"

Pat pulled his dad's pants down to his ankles and forced the man to bend at the knees allowing Pat's cock to slip between Brian's legs and towards his ass. Pat growled with pleasure as his cock found Brian's ass hole on its own and gurgled up a huge blob of slimy pre. With a simple and pleasurable push Pat entered his father who gasped at first but then groaned in pleasure. The thick grey slime pumping into his ass went to work as it morphed Brian's anatomy to suit the needs of his son. Pat leaned into his dad's arms feeling them wrap around him holding him close.

More and more cock slipped into Brian until somehow after about ten minutes of slow but steady progress Pat was completely submerged in his father. Pat was intrigued by the prospect of inserting all four feet of his cock into Brian. Where had it all gone? In a few short moments Pat began to feel the hairs on his cock begin to push into his father's body. It only took a little while but in a few moments of being so closely united Pat began to feel what his father felt. The slow steady gushing of his cock as it filled his dad with more and more cum was intoxicating. Pat growled again as he pushed his father towards his bed and they fell into the sheets together.

As they lay entwined Pat began to realize he could do more than just feel what his father felt, Pat was able to direct the flood of alien cells entering his father as he gushed more and more of his essence into the man. At first the cells had been busy changing Brian's insides to fit Pat's cock, but as that change was finished they went into a sort of standby phase. Pat was delighted with the prospect of changing his father to be more like himself. Pat directed the cells to migrate to Brian's cock and balls and start making some much needed changes there.

Pat felt more than he saw the first surge of growth his father experienced as his cock surged forward two inches and the insides quickly began to change. In less than five minutes a small four inch tube pushed up and out of Brian's cock head and into the space between the two. Pat had a good idea about what his own cock could do, but he wanted his father to be more focused and less generalized than himself. In a few short moments Brian began to grow both longer and thicker as his cock became much wider. Unlike the hard growths on Pat's cock that allowed him to manipulate things Brian instead developed four shot tusks that were much sharper than his son's. These tusks were meant for taking bites out of prey instead of touching and moving things.

Brian's balls also changed to allow larger meals than Pat could ever hope to swallow. Unlike Pat who could make many different types of protein based structures in his balls Brian's were specialize in making a thick white goop that was rich with protein and minerals. Next Pat focused some attention on his father's muscles. Brian gasped again as he felt his whole body clench and un clench over and over again. With each contraction the man gained a pound or two of muscle and lost a few pounds of fat. In mere moments Brian's beer gut was gone, replaced by a thick wall of abs.

Pat knew he had lots of other changes he would like to make to the man in his arms, but he was running out of cum. He suddenly realized that this sort of work was very taxing on his cum reserves. Fortunately Brian was already preparing a thick batch of cum in his huge balls and Pat sensed that his father was more than happy to share it with him. This time it was Brian's turn to grunt and groan as his own cock stretched out to about a foot and a half in length searching for Pat's ass. After a few moments the searching member found the hole and to Pat's surprise was eagerly pulled in. Pat suddenly realized that he too could take it in the ass and as soon as his father was inside him he started cumming his thick seed into Pat's hungry ass.

Pat felt his body go to work processing the seed for his own use. It was a strange sort of trade of energy between himself and his father. Pat would take cum through his ass and use it to make his father grow. In only an hour of laying together Brian had ripped through his shirt and there was no way his pants would ever fit again. Pat could somehow sense that Brian was running out of seed so he began to pull out of the man and they both pulled out of each other as they separated.

Once Pat and Brian had stood up beside the bed they looked at the other in awe. For Pat it was the huge black furred monster between his father's legs that got his attention. That and the fact that Brian had put on about twenty pounds of muscle and at least a few inches of height. For Brian a strong desire to feed and in turn feed others began to develop inside him. As he looked at Pat he took in the four foot long monster that was slowly shrinking in length on his son's midsection. Brian also noticed the thick black fur covering his son's cock and most of his upper back. "I think we better have a talk about some things... Pat" Brian said slowly.

A few hours later Pat and Brian were sitting naked on the couch. Pat had shown his dad how to feed his hungry cock and noticed that unlike his own member Brian was indeed a much hungrier guy. His cock seemed to eat anything organic that it could find. Nothing wasn't food to Brian's hungry member and once he had eaten most of the food in the fridge he was finally able to stop himself "And this all happened after the... the alien thing sprayed you?" Brian said as he looked at the strange act of sex happening between himself and his son. While they had sat Pat had pushed his cock over his father's to allow himself to drink from the steady supply of cum the man was producing.

The two cocks lay between the men writhing in pleasure as their owners fought to urge to moan and grunt. "Yea, and I think I might have... infected one of the FBI guys too" Pat added and smiled sheepishly.

"Johnson right? It would make sense considering how strange he was acting" Brian said and shook his head.

They were both silent for a while and Pat couldn't help but smile, "You know what dad... I'm glad we could talk about this" Pat said.

Brian smiled at his son and reached out to ruffle his hair, "Awe, giant alien cock or not you're always my son Pat" Brian said and pulled Pat closer, "I'll always love you" he said grunting at the end of his sentence as a particularly large orgasm rocked his body.


After the feeding session Pat taught Brian how to retract his cock into itself. Since Brian could still pass for almost normal if he wore the right clothes he went out to get some food for the house even though Pat insisted that it wasn't necessary. Pat hadn't told his dad about hunting in the woods yet, but he was sure that soon enough the man would want to know. Pat retreated up to his room while he waited for his dad to come back. Pat had dressed as best he could and was watching TV in the living room when there was a loud racket from the direction of the kitchen. Pat hurried to get up in case it was his dad trying to get in, but when he walked into the room he was surprised to see John standing outside the door trying to get inside.

When the man saw Pat walk into the room he looked relieved. Pat hurried to open the door and let the man inside. "Pat!" John said as he walked into the room and swept Pat into a hug. "I couldn't stay away anymore!" John said and Pat noticed that the shirt he was wearing still had a sticker on it from where it had been bought.

"What's wrong John?" Pat asked in surprise.

John blushed a bright red and rubbed his hand through his blond hair. "I... have a problem" he said and Pat couldn't help but notice something huge writhing in the man's pants. "I have a big problem" John said as he noticed Pat was looking down at his pants.

"Listen John, I can explain, but I want you to sit down first" Pat said as he led John into the next room.

By the time Brian got home with food Pat was already half way through the same explanation he had given his father. Brian joined in adding some details here and there and once it was all finished both Brian and Pat dropped their pants to show John their huge, muscular, alien cocks.

John almost seemed relieved when he saw them and pulled down his sweat pants to reveal a huge two foot cock covered in a mat of black fur. Pat was shocked that it was so big and when John's cock mouth extended out and into the air Pat realized that John was as big as he was now! He was much more muscular too and thicker even that Brian. His cock head mirrored Pat's but the sheer size of his cock seemed the only real difference. Pat remembered that John had been well endowed before, but to change this quickly was startling. "All this happened about five days ago..." Pat said as he thought out loud.

"Yea" John said as he thought back, "We received reports of the crash on the nineteenth so it much have all started on the eighteenth"

"I was just thinking that it seems like you two are changing much faster than I did at first" Pat said and looked at the two huge men standing half naked before him. "Also you don't seem to be changing into the same thing I am" Pat said noting that both Brian and John had put on a lot of muscle in a short amount of time.

"Maybe we should come up with names... you know... to diversify ourselves" John said and frowned a bit at the idea.

"Well considering we don't know what we're turning into we can't really do that can we?" Brian replied.

"Actually I have an idea of what you two are becoming" Pat said and blushed when Brian and John turned to look at him.

"You do?" Brian asked, a little bit surprised by what Pat has just said.

"Yea, Dad; you're turning into a hunter of sorts. You're supposed to eat and make food for us" Pat said and looked at John, "And John... you're kind of like my mate I guess" Pat said and smiled sheepishly at John.

John smiled back at Pat and then looked at Brian, "I hope you don't mind me fucking your son Mr. Whelan" John said and blushed as he looked at Brian's thick cock, "Or you if the opportunity arises"

Brian surprised both Pat and John when he reached forward with his dick smiling when John's cock began to swallow his own. "As fucked up as this is, it feels too god damned good to not go with it" Brian said and John relaxed as his cock started to drink the thick cum pumping out of Brain.

Pat smiled and felt a twinge of hunger in his balls. He would need to feed off Brian or feed his cock on his own soon. "This is going to take some getting used to" Pat said and both Brian and John nodded as they sat beside each other and basked in the pleasure wracking their bodies.