Neko Mimi: Origins

Story by LunaMoonstone on SoFurry

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"Man, this is so awesome!" Rachel was practically glowing as she took inventory of all of her collectable loot she'd acquired so far. It'd already been a couple of hours, and it seemed like we only covered about a quarter of the massive anime/manga convention. Her short, curled blond hair waved gently around her head as she smiled up at me, her bright brown eyes practically beaming at me. "Thanks again for coming to this with me, Dan. I would've felt weird coming alone."

"Sure; no problem, Rachel." I smiled back at her gently, shifting my own bag to my other shoulder. She pulled out a flyer and studied the map to see where to hit next, giving me a chance to get a nice, long look at my best friend. A part of me burned to tell her the truth, how I wanted to be more than just friends, how I've wanted to be for years now. I've never been as big on the whole anime scene as her, but I love watching them with her, reading the mangas she recommends, and doing pretty much anything with her outside of that.

I sighed inwardly; like that was ever gonna happen. The words always died in my throat whenever I tried to tell her my true feelings, and even if I did tell her the truth, what if my feelings aren't returned? She's never given any indication she sees me as anything other than as a good friend, and the thoughts of rejection or any kind of awkwardness between us that might come from telling her how much I really care about her have always kept me from spilling my guts. If being her best friend is all I can be, then I'll be happy.

"There they are again..."

"Huh?" Rachel glanced up at me from her map. "Did you say something?"

"Um, no, nothing." Rachel turned back to her map as my blue eyes tried to pick up our pursuers again. There were all sorts of people in costume at the convention, but I could swear I kept seeing this one group following us for at least the past hour. Thanks to Rachel, I've developed a pretty good general knowledge of all things anime and manga, and this magical girl group didn't seem familiar. The leader seemed to be a catgirl with red ears, tail and long straight black hair, and a tiny red dress that looks like... like...

"Rachel? What's that Chinese dress that looks kinda like a long shirt? I know I've seen it a couple of times before, just can't think of the name."

"You mean a cheongsam?"

Right, that's it. Another two were wearing similar dresses. One seemed to be a monkey girl with big pointed ears on the side of her head, a curled tail and big, fingerless gloves in yellow, and the other had wings coming from her back and a tiara made of feathers around her head in a purple dress. The other two were in slightly different outfits that looked more like lingerie than a dress. One was in green and had metallic scales on her cheeks and fins on her arms, and the last one was in blue. First glance at her ears suggested she was another catgirl, but when she turned away from my gaze I saw the big, furry canine like tail. One thing I did notice they all had in common was a crystal hanging from a necklace. It was different colors for each one, but between that and the similar costumes, they had to be together as some kind of group.


"Huh?" I turned back to Rachel when she said my name.

"Why are you asking about the cheongsam?" She asked, a puzzled look on her face.

"No reason, just couldn't think of the name." I said, smiling a little and running a hand through my brown hair. Man, that was close. Don't want Rachel catching me checking out other girls.

Ah well, whatever. There are all sorts of strange people who are into manga and anime, and they're mostly harmless. If some girls in cosplay outfits really want to follow us around all day, who am I to stop them?

I sighed contently as Rachel indicated where we were heading next. She paused to rearrange her bag for more space as I looked her over again. Weird stalkers aside, this had been a good trip, and I planned to enjoy every minute of it.



"What the hell?" The doors from one of the nearby theater halls burst open, and a few people came running out. There was an, "adults only" sign above the doors to show of some new anime. I didn't recognize the name of the show, but I've seen some pretty weird stuff, hentai and otherwise. Never seen anything that would cause people to actually run from the room in screaming terror, though.



"Um, Rachel, I think we should go!" I grabbed Rachel's hand as what had to be at least a hundred people came rushing out of the room, heading right for us.

"R-Right!" We barely made it two steps before the mob was on top of us. I tried to hold tight onto her hand, but there were simply too many bodies, too many people panicking and running into us. Her hand slipped out of mine before she got lost in the sea of people threatening to drown us. "Dan!"

"Rachel!" I tried to call out to my friend as I was knocked onto the floor. Survival instinct kicked in as I curled up on the floor, hands over my head as people leapt over and stepped on me, desperate to try and escape whatever it was that had started the panic.

My mind raced at the possibilities as to what started all this as I tried to crawl my way to a side of the hall. It had to be some kind of nut with a weapon; it's the only thing that makes sense. Something big too; a gun or some kind of bomb, or maybe someone bought a real katana or something and decided to test it out on someone. What else could it possibly be?


Did I get hit in the head and not notice it? That had to be it, because that was the only thing that could explain the green and black lizard-like thing that came stalking out of the hall. The thing had to be at least 7 and a half feet long. It stood up on two legs and scanned the room, drool hanging from its maw as it looked for... whatever it is giant lizard monsters look for. I didn't need to see the sharp, clawed hands or take note of the black tentacles on its back that writhed and whipped around seemingly of their own accord to agree with the mob of people that had passed me; this was not something to screw around with.

Clear of the mob, I started to my feet. Thankfully other than a pain in my side when I got stepped on I was largely uninjured. This was something for the police, maybe the military to handle, not me. I was just glad something else had its attention as it turned to something farther down the hall, its forked tongue licking its chops like a starving man inches from his next meal. My eyes briefly glanced at what it was looking for as I started to turn, only to realize what its next meal was.

"RACHEL!" The small statue was already halfway across the hall before I even realized I had picked it up and thrown it. I started to hurl whatever I could get my hands on, doing whatever I could to draw the attention away from my unconscious friend.

"Over here, you b-movie reject!" Mangas, plushies, props, a chair; anything I could get my hands on I hurled at the beast. It seemed mostly unfazed by the random objects that pelted its hide, at least until one of those heavy, "How-to-Draw" books caught it upside the head as it leaned down over Rachel. That caused its dark, angry red eyes on to turn to me.

"Yeah, over here lizard lips! Try someone with a little more meat on their bones!" A couple more objects flew at its head as it took a step toward me and away from Rachel. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't do everything I could to save my friend, and as it took another step toward me, I started to smile a little. I was gonna do it; I was gonna save her!


The roar stopped me mid-throw, and the manga that was in my hand slipped onto the floor as I froze, realizing I now had the monsters full attention.

...oh shit; now who's gonna save me?!

"Starting to wish I thought this through a little better!" I turned and ran as the beast started to charge after me. I've never been much of a runner, but it's amazing what sheer terror can do for your feet. I didn't have much of a plan, other than to get it as far away from Rachel as possible, and somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I couldn't go out the front entrance where everyone else was most likely gathering and lead the monster back to them.

"Shit! How the hell does something that big move so fast?!" This thing's gaining ground on me fast, gotta think, gotta think... wait! Every one of the theater halls is the same, and there's an emergency exit at the back! If I can just get to one of them, I can get out through there and lose it, maybe circle around outside and get Rachel!


"AHH!" The monster had caught up and hit me like it was just brushing a piece of lint off itself. That little motion was powerful enough to send me crashing through the doors of the theater hall I was running for. That was painful enough, but someone had also set up folding chairs for whatever was happening later already. The momentum of the blow carried me through them as well, sending sharp spikes of pain throughout my body as flesh and bone hit metal. I lost count after my head slammed against the third chair, vision and thoughts both starting to go blurry.

I knew I was still alive thanks to every inch of my body screaming in pain. I tried to get up, but even figuring out which was up was a challenge. Even the monster looked nothing more like a greenish blob as it came into the room, probably intent on finishing what it started. I shook my head a little as the green blob started to look more like the monster it was.

Great; this is how I'm going to die? Out of college for years now and still only able to get crummy retail jobs, never had a place of my own, a good, healthy relationship with anyone who wasn't family or anything more than a friend... hell, I can't even tell the girl closest to me how much she means to me, and now I'm going to die alone as some sci-fi monster tears into my battered, bruised body?

"In here, girls!"

Suddenly it didn't seem like I would be dying alone. The girls, those cosplayers who had been stalking us earlier, peered into the room behind the monster. They moved into the room and formed a circle around the monster, yelling at it and looking like they were going to fight it.

"You idiots! This is real, not some role-play combat! That thing will kill you! Get out of here!"

At least that's what I tried to say. Instead, it came out more like, "Yugthblah!"

I tried to fight back some of the pain and sit up. These morons were going to get themselves killed! Maybe I could find something to throw again, get its attention back on me. Maybe if they see me ripped to shreds they'll realize they're in over their heads and run while they still can.

"Taste my flames, freak!"



...Did that one just throw a fireball? No, it's gotta be the blow to the head. I'm just seeing things, that's all... but if that's the case, why do I also smell smoke and something awful that I could only imagine to be burning monster flesh?

"I've heard this show's pretty good; why don't you catch it?!"


I winced slightly, partly from the bad joke but more from seeing the projector slamming against the monsters head. Wait, I watched two full grown guys setting one of those up earlier. Together they could barely lift the thing, and she just picked it up with one hand and hurled it like it was nothing to her! What is going on?!

I didn't know if they can actually defeat this thing, but if nothing else they bought me some time to get myself together a little. My right hand finally started responding to my commands and I was able to half drag, half crawl towards the far side of the room and out of the way of the fight. With a lot of effort I managed to get into a sitting position against the wall, breathing hard and checking the extent of my injuries.


Soon I had some company against the wall as the one who seemed to be leading the group, the black haired catgirl in red, was knocked against the wall next to me. Despite the impact she seemed largely unfazed, shaking it off and letting out a hiss that sounded very cat-like. She started to push herself to her feet, looking like she was about to jump right back in, when she paused and looked down at something.

She seemed as confused as I did as we both watched the crystal hanging from her necklace start to rise up of its own accord, glowing softly and moving, the tip moving as close as the necklace would allow and pointing toward me. The catgirl's eyes narrowed at me, almost as if she didn't believe what she was seeing.

"It's you. But you're a guy..." She said sharply. She rose to her feet and moved around me slowly, watching as the crystal continued to shift with her movements and reach toward me. She opened her mouth as if to say something, but was interrupted by the cries of her team-mates who were still fighting.

"Sera! We need help!"

"Shit..." She, Sera I guessed her name to be now, suddenly produced another necklace similar to the one she was wearing, holding it out toward me.

"I don't have time to explain, and I don't know what will happen if a man wears this, but you have inner power and we need all the help we can get to defeat this ugly bastard. The crystal will give you the ability to fight and protect yourself."

I blinked and looked at her. Did she realize what she was saying? She wanted me to help them fight that thing?! I wanted to tell her she was crazy, that there was no way I could be of any help. A very scared part of me wanted to just crawl out that emergency exit, get away while I still have a chance, or just curl up in a ball and hope this is some kind of nightmare I was going to wake up from any minute.

I wanted to run, I really did... and I cursed myself for being so cowardly. What good would running do? Forget the fact that physically going anywhere is nearly impossible for me right now; I would be abandoning the only people who were fighting this monster, and they seemed to think I could help. I've lost count of the number of times I've really needed help and never got it, but the sadness, the anger, the frustration of being turned down always stings as much as it did the first time.

And what would happen if I didn't help? This thing might kill them, and then what's to stop it from going after me, or turning back around and finishing the job it started with Rachel? If I could help, if I could stop it here and help these girls, protect Rachel and all the other people here, do I really have any other choice?

"Please..." I managed to gasp, in between painful breaths. "Let me help."

Sera nodded as I leaned forward as best I could, letting her slip the necklace around me, The crystal started to glow with a white light the moment it hit my chest. I settled back against the wall as Sera held her hand out to me, a warmth starting to spread through out my body, replacing some of the pain and the hurt.

"Born of radiance, created to fight..." She started to chant, the glow growing brighter and warmer with each word. "Power good and right. Power cast in light. Crystal Star, activate!"

The last three words caused the glow to become blinding, encompassing my entire body and seeming to wrap around me like a cocoon. Tendrils of energy wrapped around my body, the pain of my wounds being wiped away as they covered me. Part of me felt like I should be afraid as they continued to stay even after my wounds were gone, but something told me to ride this out, that everything would be O.K.

The shape of my body began to feel strange, almost like clay that was being shifted and molded into something new. By and large my body felt like it was slimming down in a lot of places, becoming thinner, lighter, smoother. Even my face felt a little more rounded. The changes weren't limited to my body, as soon I could feel the clothes I was wearing melt away in the warmth. The most notable subtraction, however, was my genitals, which seemed to slowly shrink and vanish into nothingness. Part of me realized I should be freaking out at all the changes that were occurring, but I felt oddly at peace. It didn't feel like I was really losing anything, but rather things were being stored away to make room for new additions.

I soon felt an addition, or rather two on my chest as it began to grow round and full, my hips also gaining mass and shape. Something started to fall down my shoulders and back, soft and long, almost like silk. I wanted to reach out and touch it, but was distracted by the feeling of something long sliding out the base of my back, and before I could focus on that my ears felt numb, only to be replaced by something forming on the top of my head. The last sensation I felt was something between my legs opening up, near where my cock and balls had disappeared.

It was over as suddenly as it had started; the light suddenly dissipated and I found myself standing up near the wall I had just been sitting against. Even though it felt like minutes had passed, Sera was just leaping back into the fight, so it couldn't have been more than a few seconds. My wounds were gone, but I still felt kind of foggy and off balance. I bought my hand up to my head as I tried to steady myself.

"W-What was that?..." Huh? What's up with my voice? It sounds so different, higher, softer, and almost feminine. It was then my eyes started to focus on the hand that was on my head. It was connected to the rest of my body, but was way too soft, too thin, and had nails that were too perfectly trimmed to be mine. A quick look at my other hand showed the same thing, and prompted a more detailed look at my body.

"W-What am I?! And what am I wearing?!" The clothes I had been wearing were gone, replaced by a pale pink version of the uniform Sera was wearing. I quickly realized I had a lot more in common with Sera than just clothes now as I tentatively squeezed my chest, feeling the full, pert breasts I now sported underneath my uniform. I also recognized the source of my balance troubles, that being the pink high heeled boots I was now wearing. My entire body had changed from slightly overweight guy to soft, graceful female.

"I'm a girl?!" I noticed a piece of glass from the broken projector nearby and picked it up carefully, using it for an improvised mirror. The face that looked back at me was that of a very beautiful girl with full lips, beautifully long eyelashes and perfectly clear skin. I also took note of my hair, which had grown long and blond, hanging past my shoulders. If felt so soft and full under my touch, and it was so bright it almost seemed to glow like sunlight. One thing had stayed consistent in the change; my eyes, although looking a bit brighter and sharper than before, were still blue.

"What's this?" As my hand reached around and felt my hair, I noticed something around my neck. It was a pink collar, and hanging from it was a heart shaped pink crystal that glowed brightly. I had almost forgotten all about that crystal, but seeing it, feeling it against my neck, I felt calmer, more secure. I was still missing something important, though.

"Where are my ears?!" I ran my hands along the side of my head, but failed to find them on either side of my head where I expected them to be. Easy, Dan, easy, gotta relax. I took a breath and tried to calm down; I could still hear myself talking, so I knew I hadn't lost them. Where else could they be, then?

"Girls? Girls, I can't..." I blinked as I watched the girls fighting, noting the animal features they had as realization started to kick in. I ran my tongue over my teeth and felt a set of sharp fangs that hadn't been there before. A glance behind me showed the long, winding orange tail that protruded from the base of my spine, and when I turned the broken piece of glass upward, the reflection showing the big, orange, tabby-like cat ears that now sat atop my head.

"I'm... a catgirl?"


"Girls!" Hearing the crash from the fight triggered something in me and snapped me out of my daze. I couldn't stand around admiring myself; my team mates needed me!

With a grace and speed I hadn't had minutes ago I leapt into the battle, landing a flying kick in the distracted monsters side. It stumbled back as I landed, the tentacles on its back lashing out toward me in response.

"NYAH!" I slammed my hands together at the approaching tentacles, sending a pink wave of energy crashing into them and knocking them away. I don't know how I did that, but I didn't care. This monster hurt me, and tried to hurt my friend and everyone else here. I couldn't let it get away with that!

My team and I continued to fight, striking it with blasts of energy and whatever else was available to us. Somewhere I knew I should be scared, freaked out that I was a guy in a catgirl's body, but all I felt was exhilarated and happy. Never before have I felt so alive, so full of energy. I had powers, and I could use them to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. I was doing the right thing, the only thing I've ever wanted to do.

The monster was on its last legs after a few more hits and blasts, breathing hard and moving much more slowly than it was when it chased me. It lunged and tried to rake me with its claws. In a single move I turned away from the blow, leaned down and grabbed a folding chair that was near my feet, and using the momentum from the turn, seized the legs of the chair in both hands and slammed it across the monsters face. The impact was hard enough to leave an outline of its head in the metal. It shuddered and fell to the floor before disappearing in a cloud of black dust that stank of sulfur.

"Yeah!" I grinned broadly, thrilled with our victory and proud that I was able to help after all. "That's what you get for trying to hurt my friend, you stupid monster!"

With the threat gone, the full extent of what had just happened started to hit me. I dropped the chair I was holding, noticing that not only had the monsters head dented the metal, but that my hands had gripped it hard enough to leave their own impression. If I wasn't feeling and seeing it myself, I never would have suspected such a light, graceful body contained such strength and power.

I traced my hands over my body to get a better assessment of the body I now possessed. I maybe a magical girl now, but I wasn't some dainty little young thing; I was a full grown woman. From the long, dancer-like legs and arms to the narrow waist and wide hips, everything felt proper for a woman in her prime. I smiled a little to myself as I squeezed my breasts again, loving their weight and how they filled my hands and then some. They just felt so good, so right...

"Thank you." I blushed and bought my hands down to my side when I heard Sera speak again. Probably shouldn't do this while my team is right here...

"We had come here for a day of enjoyment, but when our crystals started to react, we knew we had a comrade here, though to be honest, we suspected your friend, not you. A man has never had a heart pure enough to be of the Sentella before."

"The Sentella? That's what you... well, we, I guess... are?" I asked.

Sera nodded and explained more. The Sentella were created to fight a dark evil that was spreading throughout the universe like a plague. Each of the girls were from different planets, and apparently it was Earth's turn now to come under siege. The hope was that, by catching it in its early stages, they could drive back the darkness before it could get too strong a grip on the planet and cause real damage.

"The shadowed ones already claimed my home and some of the others. We've been fighting this a very long time..." Sera said with a soft sigh.

"I'm sorry..." My ears drooped slightly upon hearing of her loss. I can imagine how much just losing your home would stink, and she's lost her entire planet. I couldn't even begin to fathom what that would feel like, nor did I ever want to feel that way. These girls were helping out a planet full of people who didn't even know the threat they faced, or the people trying to save them. The least I could do was take a stand for my own planet and help them, even if it's in the body of a magical catgirl.

I smiled a little to myself as I thought about that. Sure, it's a pretty big contrast compared to my normal form, but if that's the biggest hurdle I have to face in order to protect my friends and loved ones, I can manage. It could be worse; I feel so powerful and full of energy I feel like I could take on the world. As a human few would consider me a catch on looks alone, and my desire to care for and protect others has been buried deep under the rigors of life and left me outwardly cold and coarse to people in general, and now it felt like I was working with a clean slate. I'm beautiful, self confident, and not only have the desire to help those in need, but the ability to do so as well. All in all, I felt really happy and proud to be a part of the Sentella. Other than Rachel, almost no one's even tried to pierce through the heavy armor I feel like I have to wear around my heart just to make it through the day sometimes and see that I'm really a decent person underneath...

"Rachel!" Oh no; I'd almost totally forgotten about her! I had to go back and check on her, make sure she's O.K! "Sera, girls, thank you for this, and I want to help you in your fight, but I need to go check on my friend right now. Please, how do I get back to normal?"

Sera smiled faintly and pointed at the heart shaped crystal around my neck. "The crystals are made of pure starlight and are fueled by our joy, happiness and determination. They give us the ability to change forms and fight, and recharge after a battle. You just need to focus on what you want to do."

I nodded and gently touched the crystal. It seemed pretty simple. Just think of my normal self, change back. Doesn't sound too hard.



"U-Um, Sera? I'm not changing back..." Something felt wrong. Compared to how warm and bright it felt when I first transformed, the crystal felt cold and dull now.

"You must have tapped out your power supply in the battle." The other girls who had been tending to their wounds suddenly turned their attention towards us. "Some power is required to change back. It's a safety feature for our friends and loved ones; we don't want them to be threatened by having our secret identities revealed, so if we're ever completely drained of our powers we still stay in our transformed state. The crystals recharge on their own in time. Given how new you are to your powers, you'll probably need a few hours to recharge enough to change back.

Hours?! I gulped nervously at the thought of being trapped in this form. Rachel could wake up at any minute, and she would probably come looking for the normal me right away. What was I supposed to do if I tried to go up to her like this?

"Hey Rachel, it's me, Dan! I know I don't look anything like him, or even look like a him, or even really totally human anymore, but it's me! Do you mind hanging out with me for a couple of hours till the magic crystal on my collar recharges?" Yeah, somehow I don't see that going real well.

"Girls," Sera smiled and turned to the rest of the team; guess introductions for them will have to wait till later. "go and check on everybody and tend to the wounded. I'll be with you in a bit."

The girls shared a look of disappointment, which kind of confused me. It's not exactly glamorous compared to beating up a giant monster, but why do they look sad to go? They listened to their leader, though, and made their way out the doors. The one in the purple with wings and the feathered tiara was the last out and started to close the door behind her, but not before looking back into the room with... what is that? Envy?

"What was that all about, Sera? They looked almost... myahh?!" Sera moved in front of me and knelt down, sliding her hands up my thighs, her fingers hooking around something and tugging it down. I felt myself turn beet red when I realized she had just pulled down the pair of pink panties I was wearing. "S-Sera, what are you?!..."

"Shh..." Sera smiled as she tugged the panties down to my ankles. "There's a quick way to power up. Pleasure is also a source of power for us. All types, including sex."

"S-sex?!" This was all happening so fast! I tried to remind her I'm not really a girl, so I didn't know how to masturbate as one. I soon realized that she was well aware of that fact, and that she was going to teach me how it was done. When she slipped a finger into my pussy, I learned how much of a hands on teacher she was.

I gasped and leaned back against the nearby wall, fighting to stay upright as I felt pleasure building in the base of my stomach. Sera continued to work her finger in and out of my pussy while her thumb worked over my clit, gently rubbing and stroking it. I've masturbated plenty of times as a guy, but never have I felt such pleasure so quickly. If this is how it always feels when girls masturbate, maybe being stuck like this wouldn't be so bad.

Sera's fingers left after a minute or so, and for a moment I thought the lesson was over. I panted, trying to regain some composure as she smiled up at me, just before her head moved between my legs. Her ears and hair tickled me a little as she moved into position. No, the lesson wasn't over; we were just switching to the oral part of the lesson. Her wet, slick tongue started to mimic the work her fingers had done a moment ago.

"S-Sera!" I cried out, my tail curling around one of her arms as my pussy became damper and slicker. She bought her other hand up to continue playing with my clit, now circling around it with her thumb as well. I couldn't take much more; it was just so much, so fast, and it felt so good! Sera's efforts were rewarded with my cream flooding my pussy, which she lapped up eagerly

"MMYAH!" I couldn't hold it anymore as an orgasm, the quickest and one of the most intense in my life seemed to rock me to my very core. Sera followed me as my knees finally gave out and I slid to the floor, losing myself in the waves of pleasure that crashed against me again and again. Her tongue continued to lap up and work away until I finally gave out after what seemed to be an eternity of bliss.

My body started to feel tired and sleepy as Sera pulled away. Everything started to feel so heavy and tired I barely noticed the warmth of the crystal around my collar. The last thing I saw clearly was Sera smiling down at me, licking her lips as she spoke one last time.

"Crystal Star, deactivate."

My eyes started to close as consciousness slipped away from me, one last thought entering my mind before everything slipped away.

Greatest. Convention. Ever.

" Dan?! Dan!"

"Uggh..." I blinked and groaned at the sound of my name being called, consciousness slowly coming back to me. Rachel's face started to come into focus as I sat up slowly, feeling pretty well for how beat up I was a few moments ago.

"Oh thank God!" Rachel looked relieved as she looked me over for any wounds. Apparently I must have changed back to my normal self while I was passed out. I was wearing the same clothes and had the same body I'd started with before the giant monster attack.

"What happened to you?! When I came to, I asked around and someone said the monster had ended up chasing you in this direction, so I started searching everywhere... you're not hurt, are you?

"No, Rachel, I'm O.K. I..." I got beat half to death by the monster, got rescued by a bunch of magical girls, got recruited to fight for their cause, let one of them teach me how to feel pleasure as a woman, and now I'm going to help them save the planet as a magical catgirl? "I... don't remember. I remember hitting my head on something trying to get away, then it all gets kinda fuzzy."

"You got hit in the head? You better stay here, then, I'll let the medics know you're here so then can check you out." Rachel ran back to the entrance of the hall and started to call for help.

It all had to be some crazy dream, right? I lied to Rachel about what I remembered because it didn't really happen, not because I wanted to keep her in the dark to protect her from the evil trying to take over the planet, right? Of course, that was it.

I did my own self check for injuries, slowly running my hands over my body for obvious wounds. No bumps or cuts on the head, no wounds to my arms or legs. Stomach feels kinda weird, probably just hungry. Heartbeat feels normal...

I glanced over to confirm Rachel was looking away before I peered under the collar of my shirt and confirmed visually what I just felt on my chest. It was a pink crystal, hanging from a necklace that was hidden by the collar of my shirt. She was still in me somewhere, the catgirl, and I could feel she was ready to come out again when I needed her.

Looking at Rachel as she came back to me, and seeing the destruction in the room around us, I knew I'd be calling on her again soon.