Draco and Lily: Prom Night

Story by DracoMancer on SoFurry

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#1 of Draco and Lily

As always do not read if you are under 18. This is not meant for you and you should leave now. But then again I may not be able to stop you.

Author's Note and semi warning- This is the story on how Draco and Lily met. This story gets pretty serious and graphic. Not sad, just serious.

Draco was a black dragon who always had a smile on his face and a happy demeanor. He was a college student with intelligence to rival his professors and a humble attitude. Always wanting to be helpful he did whatever he could whenever he could. Never one to boast he protected his friends and always came up on top. He quickly gained respect and a good reputation.

Draco woke up one morning before the sun came up. This is a daily ritual for him. He would wake up, put on clothes, go to the park and climb the tallest tree to watch the sunrise then again at the sunset. When he got to the park he walked up to his favorite tree on top of a hill and proceeded to climb it. As he got to the top he started to let his mind wander. 'Hmm. I think I need a girlfriend. That'd do me some good it'd be great to be able to share this with somebody else.' And as he thought. The sun started to rise. He felt that today was going to be a great day and with that thought he let out a stream of fire as part of his ritual. To him it made all his stress go away and made the things he wanted to happen come true.

Lily was watching the sunset when she saw a black dragon jump out of the tree in front of her. She was the only one who noticed that black dragon everyday and decided that today was the day that she should go and talk to him. When the dragon was close enough she had jumped out of the tree to land right in front of him. She was expecting to scare him but was surprised when all she got out of him was a smile.

"Hello. What are you doing here so early in the morning." He started.

"I could ask you the same question."

"Well for your information I was watching the sunrise. I'm guessing you were too am I right?"

"Yes I was actually and then I saw you jump out of a tree and ruined my train of thought." She got a light chuckle from him.

"My name's Draco. What's yours?"

"Lily, my name is Lily."

They sat down near the tree and conversed for a long time and all the while all he could think was 'She's actually pretty great, and beautiful.'

"So Draco I haven't seen you around the high school but you look my age. Where do you go?" Lily asked

"The reason you've never seen me is probably because I go to the college."

"Wow! What do you major in?"

"Actually I haven't made up my mind. I'm still in my first year, but that's the great thing about it. I don't have to choose yet."

"That's pretty great. How is it?"

"It's got a sense of accomplishment to it and it gives me something to do."

A little later their conversation steered towards their love lives. Draco finally asked

"So Lily, you got a boyfriend?"

"Yes I do actually his name's John. Do you have a girlfriend?"

'Oh well,' Draco thought 'I'm sure I'll find someone else' "No actually I don't."

"What! You're a nice guy and look pretty good. What are you gay?" She got a hearty laugh out of him

"Funny you should ask that. I'm bi really"

"Well how about that. So you have a boyfriend then?"

"Nope I just never got around to doing it. Never felt like it I guess."

The conversation went on and soon they had exchanged cell numbers and Lily had to leave to get back home. Turns out she had walked the whole way.

"Let me take you home" Draco offered.

"Sure didn't feel much like walking anyway."

Draco and Lily walked to his car and the ride to her house was uneventful with most of the ride consisting of her telling him the directions to her house. The two stayed in contact with each other with Draco usually taking her home from school whenever her boyfriend couldn't they would usually meet up in the same tree whenever they would go to the park to watch the sunset. The two talked about what was going on in their lives. At one point it was Lily's birthday and at another it was Drake's new project in Chemistry.

They quickly became close friends seeing they both had much in common. At one point she told him about the prom night her school was having.

"Well good for you Lily. Is John taking you?"

"He hasn't asked me yet but I'm sure he will. It's prom you know, he has to ask me to it."

"That's the spirit, be an optimist it's how I get through. Listen I gotta go now but I'll see you later ok?"

"Yeah sure, bye Draco."

With that he jumped out the tree with a geronimo and a laugh.

"You break your legs doing that one day I'm gonna laugh!" he heard Lily yell from the top of the tree. He left with a chuckle and drove home. It was almost six thirty and time for his sword practice. You see Draco was a collector of old Japanese weapons and decided he should know how to use them just in case something were to happen. He tried to get everything he could lay his hands on. Naginatas, katanas, shuriken, kunai, and staffs. He grabbed one of his wooden practice swords and went into his backyard. He had converted the tool shack in his backyard to a dojo. He went in and practiced for nearly an hour with all his weapons and afterwards took a shower.

He left the bathroom and went into his room, turned on the radio and grabbed the current book he was reading. Draco was in his room listening to music while reading when Lily had called him. He picked his phone up and answered it.

"Hey Lily what's up?" he heard sniffling on the other end "Is something wrong?"

"Draco... John broke up with me."

"What! Why? What happened?!"

"Well... he wanted me to have sex with him. I told him I wasn't ready. He got angry at me and told me if I can't do what he wants me to do why should he stay with me and then he just left."

"I'm sorry Lily is there anything I can do to help?"

"Actually there is one thing," he heard the sniffling stop for a while.

"Anything Lily."

"You can take me to the prom." She said hopefully. Draco paused this was a little bit of a surprise to him but eventually he said.

"I'll do it. To make you happy Lily"

"Thank you Draco. You're the best."

"Goodbye Lily." And with that he hung up. He then got a text message from Lily

You didn't let me tell you when it was. Its in three days. Saturday at 8:30 Thanks again ;)

'Looks like she's getting better already.' He thought. He then picked his phone back up and then looked through his phone until he found who he was looking for he called it and then waited for him to pick it up.

"Hey its Draco. I need you to watch a guy named John. He goes to Gerald D. Cobb High. That's all I know about him really. Is it enough?" he waited for the reply. "Great. Gonna need your report by Saturday. Thanks old friend. Goodbye."

'Always gotta be prepared' he thought. The days between then and the prom were uneventful and unimportant. Saturday came quick and Draco had already gotten ready. He had prepared a white suit with a black collar shirt and white pants and fedora to match. If he was going to go might as well look good doing it. His friend had called him back with his report on John and apparently John had heard about him and had prepared some things for him at the prom and Draco had added a few more "accessories" to his outfit just to prepare.

Draco had gotten into his car and went to go pick up Lily and when he got there he rang the doorbell and waited. Lily had answered the door and she looked beautiful. She was wearing a long blue dress and had a lotus flower bracelet on her arm.

"You look great." He said with a wide grin.

"Thanks you too. Come in I want you to meet my parents."

Draco walked in to find another white dragon with a color just like Lily's then he saw a bigger dragon who he assumed was her father. He had yellow scales with a golden luster and smiled when he saw Draco.

"Oh good you bought home a dragon this time. I didn't much like the other one." Draco smiled and held out his hand.

"Draco Blackscales. As you may already know I'm taking your daughter to the prom." The yellow dragon took his hand and shook it.

"I'm Raz Goldflint. Come here a minute into my study my wife and I would like to talk to you." Draco entered the study already knowing what was about to happen. Lily's dad closed the door after his wife came in.

"As you should already know Lily's old boyfriend broke up with her. She's already told me everything about it all the way up to you. She talks about you a lot and she's already impressed me by bringing home a dragon. I want to know more about you. So tell me, how did you two meet?"

"We met in the park. I was watching the sunrise thinking and after it was over I got up to the leave and then she jumped out of the tree landing in front of me. The rest leads me up to where I am now." This seemed to impress the two parents for the nodded approvingly. The white dragon spoke up.

Her mother spoke up"I want to know how you plan to protect Lily." Draco smiled. This was something he wanted them to ask.

"I'm actually a black belt in tae kwon do. But if my martial arts isn't enough, then it turns over to having to use weapons. For safety reasons I always try to carry some kind of weapon with me, and no I don't use guns."

"Really," her father said "I don't see any on you right now." Draco laughed.

"Really now," he said chuckling. "Look closely." He started to show all the hidden weapons he had strapped to him. Kunai up the sleeve, daggers in the belt, another in a fold in his shirt. An assault spike inside his coat.

"But then even that might not be enough and if it isn't then I go to a last resort. I'm a firebreather." He showed him by making a small jet of fire. The parents seemed to be surprised and started to speak in a foreign language he recognized as Japanese.

"This boy is crazy but I like him. He seems different from all the other guys Lily's bought home." He said still speaking in Japanese.

"Excuse me," Draco interrupted speaking the same language shocking the parents even further. "but isn't a little rude to call a guy crazy in front of him." The room was silent for a while then Raz broke out laughing then Shari, then Draco.

"I like you and if you ever start dating my daughter I'd have no problem with it."

The conversation continued in Japanese until it was time for Draco to leave.

"Sorry to go but I have to take your daughter to the prom."

Draco got up to leave and said goodbye to Lily's parents. He left the room to see Lily on the couch showing mock impatience.

"Can we go now?"

"Only if you're ready."

"I've been ready. Now c'mon and take me to the school."

They both walked to the car and as soon as the doors closed Lily said

"You know I tried to listen in on the conversation but you all were speaking... foreign."

"So your parents never taught you Japanese?" said Draco laughing

"They wanted to but I never wanted to so they stopped trying. Oh and Draco, thanks again for doing this."

"As long as it makes you happy." They soon arrived at the school and when Draco finally found a parking space they proceeded towards the entrance. When they got close to it Draco heard someone say

"Hey Lily wait up!"Draco and Lily turned around to see a black wolf and a few other guys following him. When he got up to them he gave Draco a sour look.

"Who is this guy?" The wolf asked.

"This guy," Lily started "is the one taking me to the prom." He gave Draco another sour look and said

"Look I'm sorry for dumping you Lily so can you drop this loser and come with me." That got a large laugh out of Draco. The wolf looked at him angrily and asked "What's so funny?" still laughing before answering the wolf and said "John I presume?" getting a nod from Lily. He then turned towards the wolf still smiling and answered his question.

"This guy," Draco started "is the guy that Lily came to after you dumped her. This guy, is the one Lily wanted to take her to the prom. This guy," he paused "is the one making the girl you want back feel better." Draco started to laugh again. He turned to Lily who was standing shocked.

"So Lily tell me, do you want to go with him?" Lily nodded no and Draco turned back and said "That settles that" he then started to leave when John yelled to him

"Have fun with your bitch!" That immediately made Draco stop laughing and he saw tears well up in Lily's eyes. He turned around with a serious look on his face.

"Now that," he began "wasn't funny. You should apologize right now."

"Or else what?" he said with the posse of furs behind him stepping up.

"Or else, I'll kill you." And with that one of the furs with John ran up to attack Draco. Draco grabbed his fist and looked up smiling again.

"Can't touch this." He said giving the fur an uppercut knocking him out. Another two ran up to him with the same intention and he swiftly gave a roundhouse kick to take them both out. One got back up and he gave him a punch to the face knocking him out cold. Draco stood there with three knocked out furs around him. All that was left was John who was standing shocked at what had just happened. Draco looked back up at him and said seriously

"You should go now." And John ran off. Draco turned back towards Lily who was crying but had a smile on her face.

"No one's ever done that for me before, thank you." Draco smiled

"I'm not letting anyone or anything ruin this night for you." With that they walked towards the entrance uninterrupted. They walked in and were greeted by the sound of music. Draco held his hand out and asked

"May I?" and she took it and they started to dance the night away until at one point the music was disrupted and they saw John up on stage with a smile on his face but an evil glint in his eyes.

"Sorry to disrupt the music everybody but its just that my friend on the dance floor said he'd do a little song for us. Then the spotlight turned on Draco.

"Damn him," Lily said "Don't go up there Draco he's trying to embarrass you." As always Draco let out a laugh

"Don't worry Lily I got this." Draco walked up to the stage jumped up and took the microphone away from smiling John. "Ok everybody my name's Draco and I'm here to play a little song for you all, hope you enjoy it." He walked up to the piano set onstage and started to think of a song that he had heard somewhere. He started to play a slow song one people could dance to. He started to sing, and to him it was great.

"On the days I can't see your eyes, I don't want to, open mine. On the days I can't see your smile, Well I'd rather sit, wait the while. For the days I know you'll be near, 'Cause a day without you, just isn't fair. See the days I can hear you voice, I'm left without a choice.

But to get weak in the knees, Fall head over heels baby, And every other cheesy cliche'. Yes I'm swept off my feet, Oh my heart skips a beat. But there's really only one thing to say.

God damn you're beautiful to me, You're everything, yeah that's beautiful Yes to me, Ohhh"

He sang on until the he could sing it no more and after he stopped, he heard applause. He singled one person out and she was smiling happily. He got up and took a bow then he heard a gun cock and the applause stopped. He looked behind him to see John holding a gun pointed at him. Draco being who he was, smiled.

"Now man you don't want to do that."

"No, I think I do." And he pulled the trigger. Draco felt a sharp painin his chest and he looked down to see red. And he started to walk backwards. Another gunshot and he before he fell he looked at John and smiled.

"Even 'til the end I'll smile." And with that he fell backwards off the stage. He heard a scream knowing it was Lily...

To Lily everything happened slowly. She saw John pull out the gun, Draco get shot, him fall backwards, the words he said. She ran up to him while everyone around him was quiet in shock. She heard him say

"But luckily that's not today." And he got up. He got up and looked at John.

"Nice try but umm I'm still alive." John stood there in disbelief. He had just shot a guy twice in the chest and he got up like nothing. His face quickly turned back to one of rage and he shot Draco four more times each time Draco winced in pain and he saw that.

"Can you stop that? It may not be killing me but it still hurts like hell." Draco said still smiling.

"Why aren't you dead?!" getting a laugh out of Draco who opened his shirt to show fake blood backs and a thin layer of Kevlar.

"A while back I hired a private investigator to follow you. I like to be prepared so when he told me what you were planning when you heard about me, I got ready."

John got angry again and saw a smiling Lily. He picked up his gun one more time. This time Draco reacted in time and he pulled out of the kunai out his sleeve and threw it at the gun. Before John had pulled the trigger he had hit it out of his hands.

"Leave now before I have to hurt you myself" Draco said with smoke starting to steam out of his nostrils. John ran and Draco got up on stage.

"Sorry for that everybody, now how about we continue this dance and act as if nothing happened 'til tomorrow" and he got cheers and soon the music started up again. Draco went back to his car and changed into the extra suit he had prepared. The dance continued and when it was over Draco took Lily back home and when they got there Lily said "Come inside with me" and he complied. They went inside with no trace of her parents.

"My parents have to leave every Saturday night for business." Lily explained

"Then why am I here?" he asked

"You're here because I wanted to thank you for everything you did tonight." She said hugging him. "Your not like the other guys. You actually care for the way I feel and you're always caring for me and I have to say Draco," She looked up to him smiling. "I've had a crush on you for a while now." She said giving him a kiss and hugging him tighter. Draco kissed back and soon they were making out. She soon reluctantly broke the kiss and said "I'm ready Draco. I want you to take me." Draco thought about this for a second and asked

"Are you sure about this Lily?"

"Yes I'm sure. I want you Draco." She said moving her hand down to his crotch. She kissed him again while slowly unbuttoning his pants. "I want you inside of me." She said moving down teasing him as she went. She took off his pants, being greeted by the 11" cock already rock hard.

"Looks like someone is ready for me." She said giggling.

"Can you blame me?" She bought the head of his cock into her mouth and suckled it gently getting an encouraging moan from Draco. She then started to slowly take more of it in licking the underside to give more pleasure to Draco. Bobbing her head up and down ,wrapping her long tongue around his cock. She then started to take the whole length in her mouth deepthroating him. Draco could feel the warm ring around his cock making him closer to his orgasm each time she went down.

"Lily don't stop," he said between moans "your going to make me- CUUUM" he yelled before releasing his load into her mouth. She swallowed down every drop until he was drained. She moved up to kiss him and he accepted it and he pushed his tongue into her mouth and he could taste his cum.

"Your turn Lily" he said when they finished French kissing each other. He then gently pulled off her dress to see her ample breasts in a black bra and her panties already starting to get wet. He took off her bra and gently grabbed her breasts and started to suck on her nipple while massaging her other one. Lily started to moan making Draco squeeze her breast a little harder loving her taste. He stopped suckling on her breasts and slowly moved down, kissing her stomach as he went until he reached her clit which he sensually licked. As he heard Lily moan he started to finger her pussy still licking her clit. He reluctantly stopped and picked her up starting to kiss her. He dropped her on her bed and told her

"Get on your hands and knees Lily." She smiled and nodded knowing what was coming next. She complied and Draco walked up behind her and started to prod her wet pussy and then started to push his cock into her. He felt something warm go down him knowing it was her popped cherry. As he slid more of his length inside of her he started to hear more moans of pleasure from Lily. When he had gotten his whole length inside of her he paused to enjoy the wet sensation. He started to move his hips back and forth pushing in and out slowly then moving faster and harder feeling a jet of pre squirt inside Lily. He started to feel his orgasm come closer with every push so he started to move faster and harder intending to make the best out of the last few seconds. He couldn't hold back his load for any longer and Lily felt this and yelled "Fill me!" and Draco did feeling his cum flood Lily's insides and they both fell to the bed, spent, and both fell asleep in each other's arms.

Soon Lily's parents came home seeing Draco's car in the driveway but seeing no lights on they wondered if anything was wrong. They went inside calling them but got no reply. Raz had gone upstairs looking for them and saw Lily's door ajar. He opened the door and immediately smelled the musk of sex and seeing the two asleep he smiled and closed the door. He called his wife and told her they were ok. The two had then gone into their bedroom happy for their daughter and gone to sleep. Draco woke up and saw Lily in front of him. She looked content and happy. He put on his clothes and gently picked up Lily wrapped her in his coat careful not to wake her and put her in his car. He drove to the park and parked. He kissed Lily's forehead which woke her up and she woke up to the sunrise. She smiled and held on to Draco watching the sunrise which seemed to be more beautiful than ever.