Blair at the Beach

Story by CityOwl on SoFurry

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A good first story for the new original character, Blair Etson. This story shows a lot of his character, but is pretty long, so for those of you who want to get to the good stuff, I'll post a message in large, bold letters telling you when he gets to her place.



Luckily, it was sunny when I woke up that morning, or I'd have been quite upset. It was about eleven A.M., but for an owl, sleeping in during the day is just in my biology.

It was one of the first sunny days of the spring, and by mid-May it was pretty late. Luckily, it was warm enough to go to the beach, and Adrian, the brown panther who owned a flower shop a few blocks down, had invited me to hang out with her.

We had been friends for a while, so this wasn't romantic or anything. In fact, she was the one who had sort of introduced me to the whole place. Over the course of my residence, she had become my closest friend.

I sat in bed for a while then decided to put on some boxers. I grabbed a towel from the cupboard and headed downstairs for a shower. About a year ago I turned the bottom half of my lovely apartment into a duplex and rented it out to a semi-struggling artist and actor of a crow named Ferris. While my apartment was generally larger and more accommodating, he got the shower, and since I had heard the door slam from my room the night before, he wasn't at his boyfriend's place.

Don't get me wrong. I played for both teams, so there wasn't anything really awkward about one of us passing the other in our underwear for a moment or two, but we were just roommates. Not even close ones at that. We made a point to be social, but there was sort of an unspoken agreement that we really didn't want to be involved in one another's lives beyond the casual. So doing anything that resembled something that would happen in a cliché porno wasn't exactly exciting.

But I walked down anyway, as was custom. He was sitting on the couch in the living room in just his jeans watching some old movie with some now old actress. It seemed like a good film if you were good at the critical analysis of every character and plot device, but that was his living, not mine. He was a smaller male and quite skinny, but dancing around the theater stage five nights a week for a few weeks plus practices had developed his lean muscles, and you could see his shapely thighs through the tight jeans. Two silver studs shone brightly above his right ear hole and one in his tongue flashed when he yawned.

We exchanged dismissive "Hey"s. The most remarkable thing about Ferris was that he didn't care. Not in a defiant, "fuck whatever you think" kind of way, more that nothing really interested him. Hell, I could probably take back what I just said about the clichéd porno and shake around my feathered ass stark naked and he probably wouldn't bat an eye.

Although I got the feeling that he did a lot of observing, but not a lot of telling. He probably knew almost everything about me but kept it to himself just because it amused him to know.

The shower was brief because I had already slept later than I should have. I rubbed the soap on my firm abs essentially out of habit than for cleanliness and got out. I walked passed Ferris again, this time in a towel, and he was still doing the same thing. After I had dressed in a t-shirt and swim shorts, grabbed some sort of quick-breakfast bar and had gulped down a mug of coffee, I was out the door.

It was actually closer to noon now, and the air traffic overhead was buzzing with all sorts of eagles, falcons, gryphons, owls, and even dragons all on their lunch break. I decided to walk, the flower shop being only a few blocks down.

The air seemed so clean today, even with all of the cars being driven by the land-bound creatures. That was one of the attractions of the city: the shining brilliance. Most of the buildings gleamed as if they were polished gems, and there were plenty of parks with all sorts of non-anthro creatures running around. Sidewalks were generally clean and modern statues dotted a corner every now and then.

I took another deep, refreshing breath as I rounded the corner to Adrian's block. A small bell tingled when I opened the door and overpowering freshness hit me, the perfume of flowers being particularly strong this time of year.

I saw her caramel-brown head with long, flowing auburn hair poke out from around the corner. "Hey, Blair," she said. "I was just closing up."

She disappeared to tend to her business while I stared at all the flower arrangements sitting on tables. When she returned, she was carrying a beach towel and wore a white sundress, but you could see the black g-string bikini underneath if you looked pretty hard. She loved the summertime because she could get away with less clothing, and after adhering to a strict cardio routine, she had every right to show off her supple body.

We took a taxi to the beach, and were lucky that it was one of the ones that didn't smell like smoke, especially considering it was a burly dragon who drove. Adrian asked how work was and I said, "Fine." I asked her about her weekend, and she said, "Fine," which meant she had stayed home the whole time. No wonder she wanted to go to the beach.

The taxi puttered to a stop and we jumped out on the sidewalk, the ocean splayed out before us like a big blue adventure. Although neither of us liked swimming unless necessary. Being currently single, we both came mainly to admire, her a little more aggressively than I.

So when we had selected a spot, she spread her towel out on the sand, slipped off her sundress and we laid around for a bit, checking out the view. There were plenty of families who splashed around in the water with their kids, but most of the ones we were watching for were wandering the beach in a glorified peacock display.

She pointed out a few cute women that vaguely aroused my interest, and I would occasionally comment on a particularly juicy male whenever one walked by. While I neither of us were really expecting to walk away arm in arm with someone, eye candy had just become a thing Adrian and I did as friends.

Although, of course I couldn't help but look over at that lithe body. Her stomach seemed as soft and inviting as her hair, and her hips were even more enticing. Her bra only half-contained her ample breasts, and I briefly got the impulse to slip my hand in and fondle one.

I didn't feel too strangely about this impulse. After being friends with the sensuous cat for almost three years, it wasn't like I hadn't gone exploring before. We weren't friends with benefits, though, unless there was drinking on both parts. Then it got sloppy.

The first time we had fooled around with her actually happened within my first week of being in the city, and I have to say, even though my sex life was relatively dry, it was one of the best lays I'd ever had.

My erection slipped out and created a tent while I revisited the memories. Adrian might have noticed and she might not have, but I had been propelled years into the past...

This city was still unfamiliar three years ago, as I had only just moved to my apartment that week. I hadn't found a roommate yet, but I was planning to start looking. Maybe he or she could help me find my way around.

It seemed so different from the city that I had left behind, but it was good. Full of opportunity and promise.

Exploring was something that I thoroughly enjoyed. Wandering about, searching for any kind of surprise was terribly interesting to me, and in the city there was always something fun going on if you cared to find it.

This desire led me to Adrian's on a warm Friday night. I stepped outside of my apartment door and began wandering down the block, keeping my eye out for fun shops, activities, or people doing interesting things.

Adrian's flower shop is still five blocks down from mine, and after five blocks of nothing happening, her quaint little store caught my eye. It wasn't the kind of store that had tons of money or a monolithic franchise in its future, but it had curb appeal. Tulips arranged in windowboxes brightened the front, and wooden-paned windows revealed the small main room within, and these little things caught my interest. Not intending to buy anything, I entered merely to see how different a flower shop could be from the tall buildings that surrounded it.

Adrian wasn't at the register when I first entered, so I poked around, smelled a few budding plants and turned when she entered. If I recall, I was rather stunned by her beauty. Her auburn hair flowed down to her caramel shoulders, and an olive green tank top and short jean shorts parted to reveal a lightly tanned and thin stomach. A teasing amount of cleavage peeked out from her top, and overall her figure was impressive. She stared at me with icy green eyes and her sinuous tail flicked about in interest.

"Hey," she said with a smile, her voice was casual and honest, but quiet enough that made one want to listen closer. She then followed up with, "Do you need any help with anything?"

I took the opportunity to get to know at least one person in the city. "No, I was just looking around. I just moved in a few blocks down, so I was just..." I searched for a word, and I may have stared a little.

"Getting the feel?" she offered. With another sly smile.

"Yeah. It's awfully... bright." I finished my own sentence that time, turning my gaze toward a blooming sunflower.

"That's one of the reasons I like it here so much," she said. "It's friendly. Clean."

"Do you live near here?"

"Yeah, I'm three blocks that way," she pointed thumb pad in the other direction from my apartment. "You?"

"Five in that direction," I said.

"Close," she observed. "Adrian," she offered a paw.

"Blair." I took it but there was no shake, just a flow of kind warmth.

"So, Blair," she started, walking from behind the counter and leaning on the side. "How'd you end up here?" I think she might have given me an up-down look at this point.

"Job," I said. "I moved from one pencil-pushing job to another, only now I get to record rock bands for Zenith records, so it's not all bad."

"I think I've heard of them," she said. "Very cool." There was an awkward pause where I couldn't find anything to say, so she continued for me. "How do you like the place so far?"

"I haven't gotten to see much of it. Like you said I was getting the feel for it."

"Shame," she said. "You know," she said, getting closer to me so she could get to the point. "I haven't had a night out in a while, and I know some good places. I could show you around."

I had only just been introduced to this girl, yet I knew I was going to say yes before she even finished. It had been a while since I'd been out, too.

So I wandered around for a few more hours before I'd return to pick her up. I located all of the book stores and libraries within a five block radius of my apartment so I could properly avoid them until I caved in and needed to succumb to the stereotype of an owl in a bookstore or library, and that ate up most of my time. I went home and changed into a button down shirt with a white tee showing underneath and some dressier pants.

The streetlamps flickered on and I headed out to Adrian's apartment. I knocked and the door swung open a few minutes later to reveal the brown panther in a slinky black evening dress. It was surely more tasteful than her other outfit, but now I could clearly see the tempting curve of her thighs...

"Ready?" I asked, my gray feathers ruffling as I took a deep breath.

"Yeah. It's not far." We climbed into a taxi and drove off. The light from the other cars and the streetlamps gleamed along the surfaces of the skyscrapers we passed, and bright neon lights illuminated the road like a carnival. "You don't really seem like the kind of guy who's spent a lot of time in clubs," Adrian said.

"I've spent a little," I defended. A little to me meant once.

She seemed to know. "Just relax. You come to have fun, not to be tested on a bunch of trendy etiquette."

That made sense to me and I did relax a little.

The club itself must have been foreign, because I couldn't pronounce the name if I tried, and I spent a great deal trying as I walked to the line. The bounce was a big black bear, but Adrian waved to him cutely and he smiled let the two of us through without any wait. I guess they knew each other.

I'm not exactly sure why I agreed to go to the club in the first place. Large social gatherings weren't really my thing, and I wasn't too keen on going to a place where I would be expected to dance. Not that I couldn't, but I didn't like it expected of me.

That said, it really wasn't that bad. The dance floor was lit in all sorts of colors, even from the floor panels, but it was difficult to see the size of the floor with all of the dancing bodies that covered. Music blared from huge speakers, and while it wasn't rave music, it had a solid beat.

Adrian told me to relax again and I went to order drinks. She suggested I buy one for the bartender, and the panther that tended seemed grateful. Adrian had downed her drink before I could finish my white Russian, so she talked about the city while I finished it. I had enough sense to know she wouldn't want to talk the whole time, so I drank faster and pulled her out to dance.

Normally, I wouldn't have been so forward, but she looked so enticing that I recall being a little more eager I would be in a big crowd. The space was tight, so we pressed close together, her taut muscles rubbing against mine. She didn't waste time in brushing her hand across my feathered stomach, and she seemed to approve. I returned by running mine down her warm sides and back, pressing her closer to me. She didn't hesitate, letting her hips do the talking as they met mine.

After a few songs we went out and bought another round, maybe two, and then things start melding together. We weren't plastered, but we spent a lot of time dancing, more confidently, too. I was free to run my hands down her sides and butt, and I remember getting a lot of thigh when she offered it to me. She had a thing for my stomach, but toward the end I remember her not being so shy about squeezing my ass. Sometime soon after she did, we kissed. Then I remember my beak running through the fur on her neck, and I was met with hisses of delight. As I did that, I clearly remember her paw slipping down to grope my package through my pants. My erection had been obvious for a while at that point, and she definitely liked what she felt, because she continued to massage my member while we moved to the beat.

"Why don't we go back to my place?" she whispered in a steamy voice in my ear, her paw now massaging my eager sack.

"I thought you'd never ask," I replied.

We left quickly, and even in my lusty state, I was glad to see that she wasn't actually very drunk at all. She kept up intelligent conversation, perhaps for the taxi driver's sake more than anything else, and her legs still retained all of their tempting elegance with every step up to the door.

The Bedroom

Once we were inside her apartment and not in public, we made out for a long time, our tongues dancing in each other mouths through hot breath, but the real action was lower. She continued to fondle my goods, but now that no one was around, I was a little more cavalier and stealthily slipped a talon into her panties to rub her soft lips.

She moaned loudly and said, "God, it's been a while, hasn't it?"

Not realizing that she was talking to herself, I answered, "Oh, yeah," in a low voice. She chuckled but gasped again as I renewed my efforts, letting a digit barely slip into her hole.

She led me into her bedroom, which I remember was small and dark, but the bed was soft and had a fair amount of squeak. I had slipped off her underwear before we even got to the bedroom, and she had begun unbuttoning my shirt. Soon I had slipped her dress off and she was undoing my pants.

I was running my tongue over a nipple of her soft, lush breasts when my cock flopped out. I grabbed a handful of her hair, remembering not to grab too roughly, as she slowly ran the back of her paw over my slick red meat.

My pants were completely removed, leaving nothing but our sweating, nude bodies and the warm night air. We continued to make out, our technique turning sloppy as we fondled each other's genitals producing a wet mess of my precum and her fluids on the bed and our stomachs.

Eventually she decided that she had had enough, and with a firm kiss on my neck, she slipped off the bed in front of me. She then kissed my nipple with a playful bite, then moved lower, lingering on my abs, letting her tongue run over them for a while. I moaned and felt my erection throb against the two soft breasts it had been momentarily put between, issuing a spurt of precum on her chest.

I placed my hand on the back of her head and she obliged by moving lower. I looked to see her open her mouth, ready to swallow the hard flesh that protruded from the sheath that lay hidden in a mess of warm, ash-colored pubic feathers.

My eyes closed again with a gasp as her rough tongue lapped against the sensitive tip, and she was rewarded with another spurt of precum. Then she, being the teaser that she was, ran that glorious tongue from thick base to tapered red tip in one slow, wet lick. She bathed my manhood a little longer, her paw kneading my full testicles. I let out a moan, but it caught in my throat as she swallowed half of my erection in one fast gulp.

I should have been a little worried about her feline fangs, but she knew what she was doing and I never noticed. Her tongue glided over my shaft and she applied suction at all the right places, her tongue dancing on the flesh. More and more of my malehood disappeared into her throat, and I glanced down to see that she had made it all the way to the base.

Then she removed herself from my member and dipped lower, and I could feel her rough tongue lapping against my balls. That had always been a major fetish for me, and I took a sharp breath in pure pleasure. Her paw lazily stroked my cock, and her hot breath on my orbs drove me wild. I was melting in her hands as she continued to bathe my sack, every long, wet lick sending a jolt through my crotch.

My beak started to compliment her, but she silenced me by wrapped her tongue around my meat again, and then she did... something that felt amazing, halfway between suction and dragging her bristled tongue along my most sensitive spots as she began to deepthroat again. Another spurt of precum went down her throat, and I knew I wouldn't last long if she kept this up.

I gently placed a hand on her head and let her suckle on my shaft for a while longer, savoring every movement of her tongue and lips. Then, I pushed for her to stop. She pulled off, and I took her in my arms and began kissing her roughly and sloppily again, my cock rubbing against her belly and occasionally teasing her lips. Slowly, I began to lay her down on the bed, but she contorted herself before she fell so that her back was to me. She wanted it from behind, the dirty girl.

She spread her legs apart, propping herself up on her elbows as she bent over the bed, presenting herself to me, her vent red with desire. I ran the back of my hand across her bare shoulders and down her spine, the other gripping her hips, and I pressed my malehood against her soft, inviting lips. Her taut muscles clenched and she shivered with anticipation. At that moment, I slowly moved my hips forward to enter her, the tapered tip of my red meat sinking into her rosy flesh.

A hiss of delight escaped her lips, and I smiled. Causing her to shiver was a trick I had learned from my last girlfriend, and I was pleased that it still worked with Adrian. A moan sounded from her as I plunged myself in further, slowly, savoring the feeling of her tight, wet walls as they slid around my member. The texture was rough, and she gripped and tugged at my meat, not unlike how her tongue pulled at my cock moments ago. Together, we enjoyed every inch that sank in further, our breathing getting heavier, masking the soft, wet sound of my meat sliding into her opening.

I hilted moments later, and then pulled out just as slowly, the reverse of motion and textures causing us to hiss and moan again. Once I was almost out, I began to thrust into slowly, pulling in and out with a slow shhhck, shhhck sound. Her vagina squeezed around my member more hungrily, now, and I wondered if she was doing it voluntarily. Nevertheless, I used the slow speed to search for her sensitive spots, knowing that if I didn't find them now, I wouldn't when we sped up, as my mind would be lost in pleasure. I tightened my grip on her hips and closed my eyes as I thrust, trying to take in every sensation, trying to feel her every movement.

Adrian's arm reached back and grasped my silvery-feathered arm, either for support or intimacy, I didn't know. I thrust with a little more confidence, and began to find the spots deep inside of her that made her clench at my wrist and moan. I moved my hips to hit them a little better, and I could hear her gasp under her breath, "Oh, fuck."I had her right where I wanted her.

I plunged my hot malehood into her with a little more force, now that I knew where to go, and she responded, her vent clenching around my stiff girth in perfect timing to hit my own sweet spots. My other hand left her hips and dragged along her belly before stopping to squeeze at her breast. This caused me to lean over, and I began nibbling at her neck again, fondling her breast and teasing a nipple.

She reached her other arm around me and wrapped around my neck, craning her own to turn and kiss me. Now I was all that was holding her up, and I continued to push my rock-hard malehood into her with my slow, steady, forceful rhythm, making every thrust send jolts of red-hot pleasure through our veins, making every movement count.

Our breathing quickened as I kissed her neck more firmly, and she gripped me tighter, still bent over the bed. I would later learn that this whole thing was one of her biggest fetishes, but I could feel it then in the way she moaned steamily into my ear, or in the way her slippery vent hungrily slid around my shaft, her body begging for more. I obliged, picking up speed but still keeping the same power and beat, still poking at her most sensitive spots.

A copious mixture of our fluids began to stain the edge of the bed and started to collect in a wet patch on the floor. The shck shck sound of my pounding began to form into one, continuous sound, but I couldn't hear it over her hot breath in my ear.

"You like this?" I said in a low voice, interested in what her reply would be. She merely moaned into my ear, so I took a rough stab at one of her sweet spots, causing her to gasp loudly and smile at me.

We were now really starting to sweat, and our tongues wrapped around each other in between hot breaths. My hands groped at her lush breasts, lightly tweaking the hard nipples, eliciting another delighted his. Our crotches were now wet and sticky with our arousal, and my mind became foggy with the sensory overload of her fur and breath, and of course, her wet, needy pussy that was simply begging for my now diamond-hard shaft. My thrusts still searched for the sweet spots deep within her, but they were quicker and more forceful now, and I'm sure my malehood pounding her hole could be heard far outside the room.

I could hardly stand it anymore, and all I wanted to be deep inside of her. I raised a leg and placed it on the bed, giving myself more access, the arm that gripped her hips moving to squeeze her other breast. As soon as I had my balance, I began fucking her hard, each thrust sending me balls deep within her. I must have found another spot very deep inside of her, because she gasped quickly, each sharp breath cut off by my pistoning malehood. I maintained my rhythm, hard and fast, and my ballsack, aching with the need for release, slapped against her underbelly. My breathing was deep and heavy, and the mess that dripped from our genitals became thicker with more of my precum. I was so close.

A loud, long, and sharp gasp tore from Adrian's lips as her head bolted up, her eyes wide open. Her breathing stopped as her back arched, and then a loud moan sounded as her orgasm hit her hard. Her vagina clenched hungrily around my cock, and the pressure on my stiff meat was overwhelming. I continued to thrust into her, my fast and hard rhythm maintained only out of animalistic instinct as my length was tugged and pulled. Her fluids leaked around my thick member, and I could feel a moan building in my throat and a pressure in my sack. I thrust harder, sweating heavily with the effort. My eyes shut, my beak clenched, and my orgasm was at hand.

My own back arched and I pressed my belly to her back and gripped her chest and stomach tightly. Her orgasm continued to rack her gyrating body as I thrust my entire length into her, as hard and deep as I could. Eyes shut tight with blinding pleasure, my beach loosened to let a loud and ragged moan escape as I emptied my balls inside of her. I mashed our crotches together without pulling out, thrusting my hips forward and hers with mine in time with my powerful spurts. Months of pent up desires flowed out of my cock, and I could feel the warmth of my heavy semen flow around my still-pounding shaft, the thick cum flowing out around my malehood and spattering wildly on the floor and bed as I rocked my hips forward into her. Her vent still clenched at mine, and I couldn't tell you how long my cum coated her insides, but it felt like a glorious eternity.

Her contractions died down around the time my seed ceased to flow from me. I remained inside of her for a few minutes, still hard, our messy crotches mashed together in a sticky mess. She smiled up at me, panting heavily, as I smiled back, sweaty and spent. We kissed, wet and sloppily, but that died down into a more romantic make out session, as my hands slowly traced her curves, our tired genitals still giving the occasional contraction at the pleasure.

We were still drunk too tired to continue, though. I pulled out of her, and a dose of my cum splattered the messy floor and bed. We climbed under the sheets, kissing lightly and fondling each others' bodies for a while longer, before we simply rested, our sweaty bodies pressed together.

She fell asleep on my firm but feathery-soft chest in time, and I laid awake a while longer, my arm behind my head. I stared at her, and traced her neck and bare back with my other hand, and smiled. I didn't know what the future would hold between this woman and me, but I didn't care at that moment. I was pleased with whatever we had, and I fell asleep with this thought in mind.

We woke up the next morning with headaches. She looked up at me, her paw gripping her skull. "Hi," was all she said. I smiled but didn't respond. There was a feeling of mutual foolishness in the air, but neither of us knew how to address it.

I helped her clean the room, and neither of us bothered to dress, but afterword we quickly threw on some clothes to reduce the awkwardness of our attraction. "You okay?" she asked as she slipped into what looked like her comfy pajamas, a tank top and some sweatpants.

I replaced the clothes I wore the night before, thinking of how to respond. I didn't want to lie, so I told the truth. "I just have the feeling that we might have rushed into something we shouldn't."

"Me too," she said with a sigh of relief. "I mean, the sex was great, but I usually don't do stuff like that unless I really know the guy. I guess it was the alcohol.

"It was awesome while it lasted" I agreed. "But I just sort of broke up with my last girlfriend, and I probably wasn't even ready to handle what we did, let alone a relationship."

"I'm sorry," she said, turning toward me and putting a hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine," I said, "but I just don't want to go any further with this, if that's alright?"

"Definitely," she said with a nod. "I can tell you're a good guy, but this just happened way to fast."

"Then we just call it a fluke and decide to be friends?" I offered.

She smiled. "I'd like that."

"You okay, Blair?" I heard Adrian say to me, snapping me out of my flashback. She smiled wryly at the tent I was pitching.

"Fine," I replied casually, sitting up to make my erection less obvious.

"What were you thinking about?" she asked.

"You know what I was thinking about," I retorted.

She sighed and laid back, closing her eyes. "Interesting."


"Because," she started. "Your body told me what you were obviously thinking about, yet your face didn't match. What else were you thinking about?"

"Just our relationship," I replied, laying down again now that my boner had died down. I placed my arms behind my head and closed my own eyes as the conversation continued.

"We don't have a relationship, really," she said.

"It's a little more than a friendship," I said.

"We only fuck when we're both drunk, which isn't often. We aren't friends with benefits or anything," she came back.

"I know, but we're still more than friends."

The silence told me she was pondering this. "Then we're best friends," she said.

"Who screw when we get stupid," I said.

"Are you complaining?" she asked, the question clearly loaded.

"No," I answered quickly. "I like whatever we have."

"Me too."

We laid on the beach a while longer, soaking up the sun swimming in lazy memories while everyone else around us swam in the gentle, rolling waves.