huskys hot alone time part 4

Story by Luke_Sukronius on SoFurry

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a little side note before we start yes husky killed his killer witch is a bit of a paradox but who cares it's just a story it does not need any logic or turth to make it a good one and sorry about husky life I got bored with the idea and stoped bothering with the main guy or makeing him anymore intresting.

With huskys hot alone time I want to make this guy go somewhere and have something most other guys in my storys don't devlopement and this is mainly an experiment to see if i can make my guys in storys more intresting and make you readers understand the mind of the guy.So enjoy and thanks for reading.

The husky whipes his mouth and grins with glee and cheers and says"well little mut gess you learned your lesson the hard way."The husky gets dressed his eyes gleam and glow red like a rose and says"I should go find my next meal I'm still hungry for revenge." He gigles evily pre drolling of what possible meals he may have. The husky walks to his door picking up his keys and opens the door then goes outside and closes it locking it behind him.

The huskys smiles evily and trots to a bench then sits down at the bench he says"oh my I miss you already mut because i could of made you watch of what horror you unleashed upon idocent vitcums." He sighs and crys" I miss you mom and dad why did you become a meal for that dragon why could'nt have saved you oh well you both would be proud now i'm able to fight for myself."

A male border collie sits next to the husky and says" you waiting for the bus or just sitting here for nothing." The husky replys in a cooing soft manner"I'm waiting for the bus."he lied what he was waiting for was his next victum.The collie says"oh cool."the huskys picks up the collie and the collie says"what are you doing let go of me." The husky stuffs the collie into his jaws within seconds and swallows him whole and the collie lands into his stomach.

The husky burps and says"ah enjoying it down there hope you can stand the smell of dead meat and boling skin." The husky gigles as his stomach makes a gurgling sound.The husky says"well im stuffed time to go back damn and i just started." The follwing days after the husky consums a larg population of the city hes in news reports of missing people are reported throughout the next weeks.

Soon the whole state is just one person liveing there and thats the husky within the year the husky quit his revenge and relaxed for a while until the cops finally found out the source and killed him at the spot but days after he's found one of the greatest heros of all time they found out the state he lived in every last person camited a murder crime.

Days later the husky brings himself to life and kills hundreads and thousands of idocents and that was justfied as well in the end the husky never died truly and nobody could stop him the ones that could where dead along time ago and that was his parents.