Shift: Stalling 3rd

Story by Arxl on SoFurry

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#3 of Shift

Shift: Stalling 3rd

"Let's just walk down there Chris." Shadow whispered in my ear. I guess we should stop spying on him I thought. With that I took Shadow's paw and continued down the stairs. My dad's ears perked and he spun to look at us, smiling. He was still in his jogging outfit but he didn't look sweaty or tired at all.

"Oh, Chris! We were just talking about you." My dad said. "Chris, Shadow, this is Parker." He gestured to the smiling fox and he extended a paw.

I took his paw to shake it first, "Chester has told me all about you, it is a pleasure to finally meet you." Parker started, I noticed he addressed my father by his first name so he definitely isn't from the office. I exchanged quick pleasantries before he shifted attention the wolf beside me, greeting him casually.

"My other son is upstairs sleeping, so when he decides to come down you can meet him too." My dad explained to Parker. I hope Trevor is okay...

"So, Dad, where do you know Parker from?" I inquired, curious about the fox. My Dad is 40 but definitely doesn't look it and this fox seemed to be about the same as him.

"I met him in one of the booths at a race you had, I invited him to ours but he had to rejoin his own before you were able to get off the track." He paused for a second before Parker jumped in.

"Go on Chester, its okay." The fox put his paw on my Dad's shoulder. Dots started connecting in my mind, there is no way...

"And... One thing led to another, well... This is a bit hard to explain. I guess after your mother passed away I closed myself off from anyone else romantically. So I focused more on you. But about a year ago I met Parker and since then he has helped me really come out of my shell with that issue. It might be a bit odd for you but... Parker is my Boyfriend." Well I guess I know where I got the gene from now.

"Y-you're bi?" I stuttered out. A stupid question, but for what has happened the past few days, I guess wrapping all of this together in my head was making me loopy.

"Yes, I have been all of my life. That is part of the reason I was so keen on-"He gestured between me and Shadow, "This. I figured since I knew you were gay you wouldn't be so freaked out at this." He lowered his ears a bit. This was one of the few times I have seen him so distraught. "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, can you forgive me, Son?"

I immediately started tearing up, I love my fucking family. I reached out and embraced my Dad; he hugged me tightly as well. "Of course I forgive you! I'm so happy you finally found someone! I knew how lonely you were!" I nuzzled his cheek, things were working so well.

Almost as if on cue Shadow tapped my shoulder; I looked back and he started, "Hey, Chris, I could be wrong but I think I hear your Corvette." My ears perked, yup. I also heard the engine roar and someone peeling out of the driveway.

My heart dropped but before I said anything my reflexes caught a keyring that was thrown at me. "Take the Cobra, you will need it to catch up to it. There is a pistol in the car but I am calling the police, I hope you don't have to use it." My father said flatly, this is no time to hesitate! I forced my paws to move. I ran to the door, flinging it open and jumping in the Cobra. I shoved the keys in and started it up, throwing it in first and gunning it out of the lot. Seeing skid marks at the end of the driveway I knew it was someone who didn't drive professionally. They ended with a turn to the right so that's where I turned. I was so thankful that Dad kept this monster tuned up. It was like I didn't have to wait a few seconds before it was time to shift into 4th. A turn came up and, relying on this car's low to the ground traction, took it at 50. If I wasn't in racing seats I would have flown out the side of the open top car. Gassing out of the corner I gained a good amount of momentum to see the rear of my Corvette rounding a corner. I pushed the antique car to 5th and had to lower it once I hit the turn. The tires squealed and the front right was nearly off the road. I was being reckless but I didn't care, I wasn't going to let some thief take what I earned not a day ago. As I came around the turn I had to slam on the brakes.

I rounded the corner to see fishtail marks from him overcorrecting the turn and my Corvette off the side of the road, on its side and against a tree. Immediately I thought to when I was in the exact same position in my Dad's old Viper all those years ago. I came to a stop in the gravel on the side of the road and got out with the pistol in my paw. I wasn't taking any chances.

I approached the wreck slowly, ready to tear off the fur's head inside for stealing and totaling my car. I was crying from it as I walked around to the side against the tree and pushed it, making it flip onto its wheels again. Then I heard something that made my blood turn cold.

I looked into the shattered window to see a Jackal, groaning in pain. It was Trevor.

~Well guys, sorry for the wait for the next chapter! I had to graduate and entertain my father for some time IRL and get some affairs in order. Now I can focus a bit more on writing stories again! I cleared up the cliffhanger from 2nd Gear but left you with another here! I'm such a stinker, aren't I? Stay tuned as I immediately start on Shift: 3rd Gear (It will be much longer than this I assure you). Why Did Trevor steal the Corvette? What will happen to him and the car he wrecked? What about the secondary plot between Chris's father Chester and his not-so-new boyfriend Parker? You will have all of these questions answered when we re-apply the clutch and Shift into 3rd!