Saved From the Streets Ch.1

Story by Bear the Husky on SoFurry

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So this is Chapter one of a few I'm doing. Originally started as an RP, this will end up just being a story. Right now, for chapter one, ive devided the characters as wouldve been done in a roleplay. They will tie together better in the next chapter.

Also, just because useage of character names in this one is the same as the other series, doesnt mean they are related. This one is COMPLETELY SEPERATE!

All characters are mine, and may only be used by me!


It was early morning, and Bear was high still from the night before. The life she was leading now was just as bad as the one she had left. The difference was she didn't remember most of this life. From the age of 15 she had been living on the streets, doing drugs and just trying to survive. Now she was 19, and the "party life" consumed her. Last night she had brought some heroine over to a "friend" to have a roof over her head, and both of them had spent all night high. Waking up on the couch, sprawled over it, half naked, she shook her head. Getting to her feet, Bear groggily looks around, gathers her stuff, and starts to sneak out. The voice came from nowhere, hushed in the dark shadow of the apartment in the early morning.

"One last shot for the pretty girl", a sharp pain in her neck, and her world turned upside down. "A new brand of heroine to test out" he whispered gently in her ear.

"Wait no what?!?! "Bear fought against the hands momentarily, but they let go as soon as she had been injected. She turned. It was the guy from last night. He was mid 20's and well known in the ring. His black dyed hair and scruffy style was what kept her coming back. Bears vision went blurry as her adrenalin levels skyrocketed, the drugs taking immediate effect. Tyler watched, a smirk on his dark face. The German Shepard observed Bear's pupils dilate, and grabbed her wrist. Doing the only thing she could think of, the husky swung her fist, connecting with the side of Tyler's face. He went down, and Bear ran for it. Stumbling down the stairs, her duffel bag slung over her shoulder, clothes and hair still skewed from the awkward night she had just experienced, she did her best to not fall and clear her head.

Bears vision was blurry and her head was now pounding. "Damn" she whispered, reaching the bottom of the steps. As she exited the apartment complex, Bear shielded her eyes protectively. Breathing heavily as she tried to think of who to call for help this time, she stepped out onto the sidewalk, fighting to keep her balance as the drug raged through her system. Shifting her duffel bag higher on her shoulder, Bear tried to concentrate her thoughts, but only succeeded in confusing herself more. Losing her balance, she stumbled into the middle of the road, falling to her hands and knees.

"I swear to god Claire, I'm so glad your sister decided to stay at moms this week. I don't think i could have handled both of you today" Ozzy yelled. It was a drizzly Tuesday morning and Ozzy had just finished cleaning up his little sister's breakfast bowl.

"I thought I told you to wash your bowl out after you finished it Claire!!!" Yelling was relatively pointless at this time, as his little sister, who was now hopping down the stairs had her iPaw'd turned all the way up and was clearly ignoring him. Ozzy allowed Claire to pass him through the front door, and followed her to the car. With a grim expression of his face, he locked the front door and made his way to the driveway, where Claire had dropped her bag on the ground for him to pick up and put in the car.

"...for fuck's sake..." he mumbled to himself, picking her bag up and lobbing it into the passenger seat quite roughly.

As Ozzy began to reverse the car, he tried to get Claire to explain how the hell he had become her slave all of a sudden. Amidst all the sarcastic remarks and various curse words during the drive, they had arrived at the school yard and before the car had fully stopped, Claire was already getting out of the car, and hopping over to her clique of friends, who were eagerly waiting.

With his sister out of the car, he now had the whole day to himself, and thought it would be the perfect time to catch up on his Xbox'ing, Ozzy figured he'd get a couple of the guys over and just have a fairly chill day. As he began to turn his car around the drop off zone, he shouted out to Claire.

"OH SWEETIE!!! CLAIRE? LITTLE PRINCESS! DONT FORGET TO EAT YOUR APPLE AND MUESLI I PACKED JUST FOR YOU! HAVE A BEAUTIFUL DAY KITTEN!!!" He hollered from the car, blowing a kiss, as he chuckled victoriously at his now scowling and bright red-faced sister. Returning the car to "drive" he turned the corner and drove off down the street.

Passing the familiar sites of his usual drive home, Ozzy rounded a corner, and immediately slammed the breaks , but not fast enough as he saw figure step out into the street and fall to the ground on her hands and knees. The car came screeching to a halt, but still managed to hit the female quite roughly knocking her completely to the ground.

He sat there staring out the windshield, wide eyed...unable to quite fathom what had just happened. Peering slightly higher out the windshield to try and see any signs of life, all he saw was the relatively motionless figure of the young husky sprawled across the ground, in a semi fetal position.

Was this real? Is this seriously happening to me? he thought to himself over and over again.

After what felt like an eternity, he opened his door, and moved swiftly over the the now noticeably conscious, woman. He noticed her eyes were ice blue and blinking, yet staring straight ahead as he quickly collected her duffle bag and hopped back over to her side, where he tried desperately to get any other signs of life.

"Miss!!! MISS!?? Oh god NO, are you okay? Oh please be okay..." In his panic, he didn't notice he was yelling as he reached for his phone, which he discovered was completely out of battery life.

"...Hello!? Please speak to me miss...PLEAASE DONT BE DEAD!". He crouched down next to Bear, and tried to feel a pulse and tried to get her to say anything at all...he didn't quite know enough about CPR to act on it without the fear of causing any damage to her chest... so he continued trying to get some sort of response from her.

Bear couldn't even being to understand what had just happened. "Fuck" she whispered, not daring to move from the pavement. Every breath now hurt, and her chest raggedly rose and fell. Fighting to stay conscious she saw a kangaroo about her age frantically talking to her, after grabbing her bag. Strangely enough she couldn't hear anything he said, everything was like a dream. Finally giving her body over to the drugs she began to violently shake, her eyes rolling back in her head. This went on for about a minute before the husky suddenly went deathly still, the only movement being the tiniest rise and fall of her chest.

"Oh Fuck!..." Ozzy said through gritted teeth as the husky began to seize. "...ok, i get this goes against everything i know about this sort of situation...but fuck it!" Her body went still and the Roo put her duffle bag down, and placed his left hand behind her head, supporting her upper back with his forearm. His right arm heaved her legs from the ground. As he carefully lifted her up off the pavement, he could feel her warm breath against his lower neck. It was faint, but still comforting to know she was still breathing. He leaned across the driver's seat and slumped her in the now laid back passenger seat, which he had adjusted.

He hopped back over to the crash site, and collected her bag and his phone, which he'd dropped in the haste and frustration, and made an attempt, to collect himself. Thoughts were flying through his mind at a million miles an hour. "Ok...she's going to be fine. She doesn't look that bad. She's not bleeding from her head...which is good. Or was she? Oh fuck..." He returned to his car, to notice the female had adjusted her head into leaning in the opposite direction, to which he realized perhaps she could hear him.

"Please Miss! Say something, anything! Listen, if you can hear me..." he said as he fastened her seatbelt..."I'm going to drive you to the nearest hospital! TRY AND OPEN YOUR EYES! AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, Try TO STAY CONCIOUS!"

Ozzy was on the verge of a nervous breakdown as he sped down the street, and began the 15+ minute drive to the hospital, trying not to attract too much attention. Calming his nerves he continually looked over to check on the figure in the passenger's side seat. As he ran the 4th red light in 5 minutes, he noticed the young woman was fairly attractive to say the least. Her tinted blue hair, and dark grey, black and snow white Fur Tones were intoxicating to the eye, despite being slightly spattered in dark red blood and gravel, both of which were glistening in the morning sun. He tried again to coax the young woman into responding to his voice,

"Ma'am? can you hear me?..."

Bear slid in and out of consciousness as she was carried by the male. Then they were moving, she knew that much, and he was talking again. She heard something about hospital, god, and staying conscious. She couldn't tell which was worse, the pain, or the irresistible feeling that she had to move. Her fingers twitched as she blinked, fighting the black again. Facing the window, she saw the pavement and other cars going by the one she was in. She could tell he was speeding, watching as the car swerved in and out of traffic. She blacked out again, time being nothing to her. As she regained consciousness she could barely make out the strangers face in the reflection of the window. He was worried. About what? Ill be fine. Just another bad high.... or low? Hours of drugs? Or...the new stuff? Her mind wandered aimlessly, before the blackness engulfed her once more.

Ozzy almost hit an ambulance as he illegally pulled into the ambulance bay. "Ok. We have to move now. You'll be ok..." he told her reassuringly, still unsure if the husky could even hear him, "They'll take care of you here." As he rounded the car to the passenger side, he noticed and ambulance driver run inside the hospital doors with a look of urgency. Ozzy opened her door, unbuckled her seatbelt, and lifted her out of the car, trying with all his might not to bounce her around too much. He closed the door with his tail and began to move swiftly to the duel doors. As he neared, 2 uniformed hospital workers came out with a gurney. The doctors both took her from his arms and placed her gently on the gurney. He wasn't sure what to do at this point, so he followed them into the hospital, but stopped as she disappeared down the white hallway now surrounded by several doctors and nurses. He sat and waited anxiously, the only thing he could fully remember about the stranger was the lost look in her ice blue eyes, and the black highlights that made the light dance off her electric blue hair. Biting his lip nervously he settled in for a long wait.