On The Playlist #3

Story by Kayle Storm on SoFurry

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Wow, I haven't posted anything in a loooooong time... Well, here's something new, an addition to "On the Playlist". This one was inspired by "Kryptonite" by 3 Doors Down. I shouldn't have to post lyrics or a video, since just about everyone and their dog has heard the song, but here it is anyway. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPU8OAjjS4k

On the Playlist #3

"Thomas! Move!" Thomas heard a loud "pop" and looked up, frozen in place. He could see the steel girder beam falling, the broken cable that had been holding in up whipping through the air. The fox stood, transfixed, as the beam fell, seemingly in slow motion.

Suddenly, he felt paws pushing into his back, throwing him clear. He fell to the ground, and, an instant later, heard the beam hit the ground.


Thomas awoke from his light doze in a panic, expecting to be back at the construction site, watching that deadly mass of steel fall toward him. Instead, he was in a hospital waiting room, with an unopened issue of "National Geographic" laid across his lap. The fox jumped a bit when the door to the emergency room down the hall swung open and the doctor, an old grey rat, strode through it, looking as tired and haggard as Thomas was. The rodent conversed briefly with one of the nurses, then walked over to where Thomas was sitting.

"Thomas Raines?" The fox nodded and stood to shake the doctor's paw. "I'm Dr. Jenkins. I'm afraid I have some good news and some bad news about your friend, Max." Thomas felt his throat tighten as the doctor continued. "The good news is that Max is in stable condition and will probably be able to leave the hospital by next week." Thomas breathed a sigh of relief. "However, that brings me to the bad news." Dr. Jenkins took a deep breath before continuing. "Max's injury has caused some brain damage."

The fox's mouth went dry. "H-how bad is it?"

"We aren't sure. We believe that he'll maintain most of his motor skills, but beyond that, I can't say." Thomas nodded as a knot of despair formed in the pit of his stomach.

"So... so what will happen to him after he leaves the hospital?"

Dr. Jenkins sighed. "I don't know. Does he have any family he can live with?"

Thomas shook his head. "No, none that I know of."

The rat rubbed his temples before responding. "Well, if the damage is too severe, he'll probably be admitted into a mental hospital."

Thomas heard the doctor's words as if from a great distance away. He couldn't imagine his best friend, his mate, being put into one of those hospitals, but he just nodded. "Thank you for the news, doctor."

"You're more than welcome to come and visit him tommorrow, if you'd like, Mr. Raines." Thomas nodded again.

"I'll be here."


True to his word, Thomas was at the hospital early the next morning. He had hardly slept at all, save for an hour or so of light dozing. One of the nurses showed Thomas to Max's room, and he stepped hesitantly inside.

Max, a handsomely built German shepherd, lay asleep in his pristine white hospital bed, his forehead wrapped in bandages. Thomas could barely breathe, seeing his mate in such a vulnerable state. Max had always been the strong one, someone who was always there for Thomas. For Thomas, Max was like Superman; able to do anything, always ready to help, always knowing what to say, no matter the situation.

Tears welled up in Thomas's eyes. He gently rubbed Max's limp paw for a moment, then slowly turned and crept quietly out of the room.


For the next three days, Thomas couldn't bring himself to return to the hospital. Work at the construction site continued as usual, despite being a man short. All the while, Thomas couldn't stop thinking about Max. He couldn't sleep, couldn't eat... A constant, pervading sense of hopelessness filled him. How could he live without Max? The fox couldn't even imagine such a life.

On the fourth night since Max's accident, Thomas sat alone in Max's bedroom. Their small house felt so empty, almost hostile, without Max around. As he looked around the empty bedroom, Thomas felt a sudden steely resolve build up inside him. Without a second thought, the fox pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed the number for the hospital. It rang twice, and then one of the nurses answered.

"Mercy Cross hospital, how may I help you?" Thomas took a deep breath.

"May I speak to Dr. Jenkins, please?"


Exactly a week after the accident, Thomas walked back into Max's hospital room. The big German shepherd was sitting up in his bed, watching television with a childlike intensity. He looked up as Thomas entered the room.

"Hi! I'm Max! What's your name?" The fox couldn't help but smile a little.

"I'm Thomas." Max stuck out his paw enthusiastically.

"Nice t'meetcha, Thomas!" Thomas shook Max's paw, barely holding back a sad smile.

"So, how are you, Max?" The shepherd shrugged.

"Okay, I guess. Bored." Max's ears drooped. "The nurse said someone was coming today to take me home, but no one has showed up..."

Thomas laughed. "You're going home with me, Max." Max's face lit up with childish glee.

"Really?! You mean it?!" Thomas nodded.

"Yes, really." Max lunged forward and hugged Thomas tightly around the neck.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!" Thomas smiled and embraced his mate. He laid his head on Max's shoulder, and a single tear ran down his face. It was his turn to be Superman.