A Special Gift

Story by Jean_N on SoFurry

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A Special Gift

It was a beautiful winter's day. There was no snow and no breeze, just the sun and its warm rays mixed with the chilly air. Outside of Jean and Jessica's house lay several tables and on top of them many different boxes with all sorts of different things in them. The front door opened and Jessica walked outside carrying another box with Jean riding right on top of the box. Jess gently placed the box on the closest table and smiled. "Hmmm, well I think that's everything. Now to just put up some signs pointing people to our yard sale." Jess smiled. "Hmmm, I can place them. I made a mini motor car that hits about thirty miles per hour. I'll place the signs and you go make some treats for those who buy our stuff." Jean smiled. Jess handed Jean the light cardboard signs. "You be careful." She warned. "Don't worry. I will. Promise." Jean smiled hoping off the table and landing in the grass. Jean raced across the yard entering a mini door in the garage door. Once in the garage Jean hoped onto a car made of a Kleenex box, mini skateboards and a complicated array of batteries, wires and other various components. Jean opened the garage door with a small button he invented and he was soon zooming down the streets with the signs attached to the back of his car. He reached the end of the street in less than two minutes and placed one of the signs taping it with some duct tape he kept in his car. He zoomed down each street placing signs. All who saw his incredible car gawked in confusion and amazement. At the last street corner a middle aged woman who looked to be an angel watched Jean place the sign. "Hello, that's an incredible machine you ride in." The angel smiled at Jean. "Oh... uh thanks. Made it myself. There are a couple of inventions of mine I am selling at this yard sale if ya wish to join us." Jean smiled getting back in his car. "Oh? I may very well do that." The angel smiled. "Ok, I'll see ya there." Jean smiled zooming off down the street. Jean parked his little motor car in their open garage as he got back. Jean had been gone for maybe ten minutes. He closed the garage and entered the house. "Hon, I posted all of the signs." Jean called out. There was no sound and Jean looked around. The smell of various baked goods filled the air but no sign of Jess could be found. Jean was just exiting the kitchen when Jess pounced on him. Jess pinned Jean to the ground and giggled. ""Left your guard down." Jess laughed licking Jean and letting him up. "Hehe I don't need it when I am around you." Jean smiled back. "Awe that's so sweet. I just finished making cookies and some cake that was baking before ya left." Jess smiled. "Ah, well I am gonna go change and then I will sit outside and wait for customers." Jean giggled walking into the nearest mouse hole. After changing into a blue shirt and blue jeans he exited his mouse hole and smiled. "Looking good?" Jean asked. "You look hot." Jess giggled picking Jean up and giving him a kiss. Jean kissed back and hugged her cheek. "Hehe, ok. Well I am ready to manage the customers." Jean laughed. Jess smiled and carried him outside placing Jean on the nearest table. "Good Luck." Jess smiled going into the house to make some goodie platters. Jean waited for about an hour before the first customer entered their yard. "Welcome, please take a look around and if ya find anything you like we can discuss a price." Jean smiled watching the naga looking through some boxes. The naga returned to Jean holding a mirror. "Ah, that is a mirror that updates the latest in hair fashion and will cut your hair with these two lasers on the sides.... Um..... I'll take $25 for it." Jean smiled. The naga thought for a moment. "Hmmmmm...... how about $15?" she asked. "Twenty and its yours." Jean smiled. The naga dug into her coat pocket and handed Jean a twenty before slithering away. Jessica soon brought out a goodie tray with cake and cookies on it and over the course of four hours several customers came by and bought some of Jeans goods. The angel stopped by and was going through the boxes when the foxelles stopped by. "Your not welcome here." Jean told then scowling. The Foxelles approached Jean and looked from him to Jess. "I see you didn't digest properly..." Mr. Foxelle smirked as Ms. Foxelle kept watching the angel. "I was smart. Now leave." Jean said insulting the Foxelles. "You better watch yourself." Mr. Foxelle threatened. Ms. Foxelle whispered into Mr. Foxelle's ear and he smiled. "I agree hunny." Mr. Foxelle said as Ms. Foxelle headed over to the angel. Ms. Foxelle grabbed the angel and covered her mouth and Mr. Foxelle bid Jean goodbye. Seeing that the Foxelle's have kidnapped the angel Jean hoped into Jessica's hand. "Quickly, toss me over to them." Jean instructed Jess. Jessica did as she was told and tossed Jean onto Mr. Foxelle. Once on him Jean pulled out a small glove that he put on. Mr. Foxelle noticed Jean and was trying to shake him off. Jean smacked Mr. Foxelle with the gloved hand and an electric current shot through Mr. Foxelle paralyzing him. Jess was already charging at Ms. Foxelle and in one swift motion punched her in the face and grabbed the Angel who had fainted. The Foxelle's lay paralyzed and unconscious on their lawn. Jess carried the Angel inside with Jean on her shoulder. After placing the Angel on the couch to rest Jess and Jean packed up the yard sale and went inside to look after the Angel. A couple hours passed as the Angel remained asleep and Jess started to cook dinner while Jean helped her cut some vegetables. After the Vegetables were cut up Jess tossed them into a stew and kissed Jean passionately. The Angel woke as they were kissing and she thought Jess was trying to eat Jean. "NO! You must not eat him!" She cried. Jean and Jess were taken off guard and Jess gasped sucking Jean into her mouth. Jess opened her mouth and pilled Jean out. "I'm not going to eat him. He's my boyfriend." Jess laughed and Jean giggled. "Oh...." The Angel said blushing. "Come, sit at the table. Dinner will be ready soon." Jean smiled hoping off Jess and onto the counter. "Oh, thank you. My name is Clair and it's nice to meet you." Clair smiled. "Likewise. My name is Jessica and this is Jean. If it wasn't for him you would be in the bellies of some very rude foxes." Jess smiled. Jean rubbed the back of his head. "Awe it was nothing. I couldn't just stand by and watch." Jean blushed. "I thank you. I may have a gift for my hero and his darling." Clair smiled as Jess started pouring the stew into bowls. "Hmmm? A Present?" Jean asked curious. "Yes. I won't have any stew thank you." Clair smiled. "Oh ok." Jess smiled back placing the bowls on the table. Jean and Jess both ate and Clair watched smiling every time Jean and Jess noticed her staring. After dinner Jess collected the bowls and placed them in the dishwasher while Jean led Clair into the living room where he lit a fire. Jess joined them and Clair smiled. "Ok, would you like your gifts?" Clair asked and jean smiled nodding as did Jess. "Ok..... Don't be scared." Clair smiled as she grabbed Jean and froze Jessica in place. She dangled Jean above her open maw and Jean struggled and fought as she lowered him into her mouth. Clair closed her mouth around Jean and licked at him tasting him before swallowing. Jean was soaked in Clair's saliva and as she swallowed he tried to climb up but Clair's throat muscles were too strong. Jess watched as the bulge that was Jean slid down Clair's throat and into her belly. Clair then turned her attention to Jessica and unhinged her mouth. In large powerful gulps Clair swallowed half of Jessica. Jess could not move an inch and was forced to watch Clair's throat muscles pull her further into Clair. With a couple more gulps Clair had completely swallowed Jessica and her belly was swollen to the size of a person. With a burp Clair started to rub her belly and giggled. "You both were delicious. Don't worry, when I poop you out I will reform you and you both will gain a special power." Clair smiled rubbing her swollen belly. Inside of Clair Jean punched and kicked trying to upset Clair's belly. Soon Jess landed on top of him and she unfroze. "I'm sorry Jess..... I can't get us out..." Jean said. Jess said nothing but hugged jean and kissed him as the stomach acids started to pour in. After Clair explained they will have powers after being reformed Jean cried out. "We don't need them! Just puke us out!" Jess just rubbed the belly walls and murred. Jean didn't know what to say but started to rub Jessica's belly. Soon both of them went numb and got very sleepy. Jean refused to look down for he didn't want to see half his body gone. He just snuggled up to Jessica and gave in to his sleepiness. Jessica smiled and fell into a deep sleep as well. Clair was already asleep leaving her swollen belly to digest her large meal. The next morning Clair awoke to a full and grumbling gut. She slowly stood and wondered through the house looking for the bathroom before giving up and pulling down her pants and panties in the kitchen. She squat and first a powerful stream of urine sprayed the kitchen floor painting it a mild yellow. "Ah... that feels better.. but the best is to come..." Clair smiled as her anal ring opened wide. Slowly a large log descended from the anal ring. The log was decorated with fur, bones, and some clothing. The smell was horrible and Clair pinched her nose. She pinched off that log and another large log slid out a little faster containing smaller bones and clothes. After pinching off that log there was a loud "Pfffffft!" As Clair farted out the air that was previously in Jean and Jessica's lungs. With one final push Jessica's skull plopped onto the large pile of poop. Clair wiped herself with some tissues and turned to look. "Ah, two lovers now made one... It's beautiful..." Clair smiled pulling up her panties and pants. Clair then raised her hands over the pile and chanted. The urine on the floor was being absorbed by the pile and in a flash of light Jean and Jess were reformed in their own bodies and collapsed as there was no pile or mess anywhere to be seen. Both were passed out and Clair wrote a note before leaving the house and disappearing down the street. Jessica woke first and slowly stood rubbing her head. "What a night....." She said sleepily. Jean slowly stirred after Jess got up and sat up. "I have such a headache...." Jean said rubbing his head. "Well it was a long night and I think you and I are lucky." Jessica smiled reading the note. "How so?" Jean asked. "Well we now have the power to reform according to this note... This means we have no need to worry about being eaten." Jessica smiled. "That sounds nice..." Jean said before climbing up the counter. "Jess.... Can you make me some eggs?" Jean asked smiling. Jess smiled and nodded as she started cooking for her love.

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