Life Beyond the Stars

Story by Jean_N on SoFurry

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Life Beyond the Stars

It was a beautiful summer night and a half moon hung high in the sea of stars. Jessica lay on the soft grass of her backyard, Jean resting on her belly, both stareing up at the stars. The warm summer breeze blowing over both of them and a small radio playing a news station. Jean smiled and pointed at a constelation. "Theres the big dipper." He smiled. Jessica nodded and pointed at another. "Theres Orions belt." She smiled gently petting Jean. Jean rubbed Jessica's belly and she purred tenderly. "You know we could go inside.." Jessica giggled lifting her shirt and placing Jean on her bare belly. "I know, but lets relax alittle longer ok?" Jean asked kissing Jessica's bellybutton lovingly. Jessica nodded and they looked back up into the sea of stars. A shooting star streaked the sky and Jean sat up quickly. "A shooting star! Make a wish." jean cried out. Jessica closed her eyes and thought. "I wish.... We knew if there was life beyond the stars." She smiled. Jean smiled and nodded. "That would be interesting to know..." he laughed as Jessica sat up and placed Jean on her sholder. As Jessica started to head for their house an explosion behind them knocked Jessica and Jean to the ground while dirt covered them. Jessica picked herself up and looked behind her to see half their backyard now a giant hole and some of their lawn on fire. "What the..... Jean! Jean where are you?" Jessica called out. "Down here!" He called out. Jessica looked down and saw Jean resting safely between her breasts. "What happened?" Jean asked as Jessica walked closer to the hole. A large glowing object could be seen and a door slowly opened flooding all visibility with white light. Out from the glowing oval object a girl appeared rising from the hole and standing next to Jessica. Jean and Jessica looked over the naked girl with their mouths wide open. The girl had Pink short hair and a very slender and curvy body. Jean got a nosebleed as he looked at her sex and Jessica couldn't figure out what to say. The naked girl looked over Jessica and Jean curiously tilting her head cutely. "Uh...... Hello." Jessica finally managed to say. The girl said nothing but stared at Jessica and smiled. "Hello?" Jean asked curiously. The girl looked at Jean and then Jess before opening her mouth and saying "Hello. I am called Lilly." Lilly smiled. "Um hello Lilly, I am Jessica and this little one here is Jean." Jessica introduced. "Nice to meet you both, May I have some clothing?" Lilly asked smiling as if being naked was nothing too embarrassing to her. "Sure, follow me Hun." Jessica said leading Lilly into the house. Once inside Jessica sat Lilly on the couch and went into the room to pick out some clothes. Jean had jumped onto the couch and kept Lilly company. "So uh.... Are you an alien?" jean asked curiously. "Hmmm yes. I have come from far away to observe your planet and collect information. If your race passes my examination possible trade routes and communication to my planet will become available." Lilly explained as Jessica returned with some clothes. "Here, put these on. They are alittle old but they should fit." Jessica said shyly. Lilly slipped into a striped shirt, pink panties and a pink skirt with white running shoes. "These will do. Thank you." Lilly smiled hugging Jessica. Jessica was surprised by the hug and hugged back. "That was surprising.." Jessica blushed and Lilly smiled. "Hehe sorry if I am abit straightforward." Lilly smiled as Jean got closer. "What about me?" Jean asked hoping for a hug. "Oh, I am sorry... come here." Lilly smiled picking Jean up and kissing him. Jean blushed as he was kissed and Jessica smiled. "Well Lilly... somethings you should know about this planet... One of the things that happens here is called vore. People will eat others with or without their permission. Some die and others have the power to reform." Jessica explained to Lilly. Lilly nodded and sat down holding Jean. "I will remember that. May I stay here while I live on earth?" Lilly asked curiously. "Oh of course. But I warn you, we have some interesting neighbors." Jessica told Lilly sitting next to her. Lilly held Jean closely to her breasts and Jean laid back into the soft breasts. "I hope you don't mind." Jean smiled. "of course not... in fact for being so kind I want to give you both something." Lilly smiled happily. Jessica looked at Lilly confused and had to ask. "What do you mean?" Lilly smiled and sat down next to Jessica again. "Well, Jean here wonders what it is like in my stomach and you are thinking about how slender and warm my body must be." Lilly giggled. Jessica and Jean looked to each other and blushed deeply. "Give me a second and we will see about those wishes." Lilly giggled walking out to her crashed ship. Lilly returned after about five minutes with a scanner of sorts and something else she kept hidden behind her back. "Hehe back, Ok, just so your familiar this scanner is gonna tell me everything about your bodies including how long you will live." Lilly smiled showing the scanner. "Oh? Very interesting... do me first!" Jessica cried happily standing up in front of Lilly. Lilly smiled and scanned Jessicas body, a green light traveling over every one of Jessica's curves. Lilly looked at the scanners screen and read the results. "Well Jessica, it says you are in good shape, your body has the power to reform and you will live to be about.....eighty-four."" Lilly smiled up at Jessica. Jessica giggled and lifted her shirt poking her belly. "Are you sure I am in good shape? I feel like I have eaten Jean alittle too many times." Jessica blushed. Lilly got really close to Jessica placing a hand on Jessica's semi-pudgy belly. "Under that pudge you have abs and from what I can see your whole body is in shape." Lilly smiled kissing Jessica with a wink. Jessica blushed but kissed back while Jean watched wide eyed. Lilly broke the kiss and looked down at him. "Well, its your turn." Lilly smiled scanning Jean. A chart of readouts filled the screen and Lilly examined it. "Well it says here Jean that you are of average body type... you have a very large mentle capacity and you will live to be.......... Seventy-eight." Lilly smiled down at Jean. "Oh.... I will die before Jessica?" Jean asked Lilly with great sadness in his voice. "Yes. Don't be sad, Just enjoy the time you both will be together." Lilly smiled. Jean nodded and Jessica saw how much it troubled him so she picked him up and kissed him. "Don't worry, I would never be with anyone else and I promise to make the time we have together memorable." Jessica smiled. Lilly smiled at Jean and Jessica's special moment. "Ahem, well.... Jean, did you still want your wish of being inside me?" Lilly asked curiously. Jean looked at Lilly and nodded as Jessica smiled getting an idea. "Lilly, read my mind and tell me what you think of my idea." Jessica purred happily. Lilly read Jessica's mind and nodded both of them taking off their shirts and throwing them to the floor. Lilly hugged Jessica with Jean right in between them being squished between their breasts. Jessica kissed Lilly and both lay on the couch, Jean sliding down onto Jessica's belly with Lilly's belly squishing gently on him. Jean blushed as he heard Lilly's belly growl and he rubbed her soft warm belly. Lilly smiled and grabbed Jean placing him in her mouth before kissing Jessica again. As Jessica and Lilly kissed they passed Jean back and forth. Jean could feel Lillys warm saliva covering him before being transferred to Jessica's mouth and being covered in her saliva. After being passed from Lilly to Jessica several times jean was finally swallowed down by Lilly. He felt her tight throat muscles pull him down and massage every fiber of his being. He soon felt the fleshy tunnel end and he dropped into Lilly's hot and very sticky stomach. Jessica saw the lump that was Jean travel down Lilly's throat before Lilly kissed her more passionately. Jessica kissed back and felt Lilly start to tug down her pants. Jessica allowed it and did the same to Lilly's skirt as Lilly's belly started to work on Jean. Jessica ran her hand down Lilly's belly and to her sex where she rubbed and fingered Lilly. Lilly moaned and followed Jessica's lead rubbing and fingering Jessica as well. As she was fingered Jessica moaned and started kissing and biting Lilly's soft neck and Lilly grabbed Jessica's ass. Jessica cried out and pushed her fingers further into Lilly, Lilly's vaginal walls tightening around Jessica's fingers. Jessica's vaginal walls also tightened around Lilly's fingers as Lilly had found her G-spot and she was crying out in ecstasy. Lilly and Jessica rubbed more and more as they felt themselves getting close to releasing their juices until both cried out, their juices mixing and flowing. Lilly went limp ontop of Jessica and Jessica hugged Lilly closely. Inside Lilly, Jean was digesting, already passed out and resting peacefully. Lilly kissed Jessica and cuddled falling asleep in her arms. Jessica kissed Lilly back slowly drifting off to sleep herself. The next morning Jessica awoke to a sleeping Lilly still on top of her. Jessica smiled and slid out from under Lilly leaving Lilly to rest on the couch. Jessica snuck into her room and showered, then she dressed and headed back into the living room. Lilly slept soundly still naked and Jessica smiled laying her head on Lilly's soft belly hearing the glorp and churn of her one and only love who at that moment was making his way through Lilly's intestines. Lilly slowly stirred and opened her eyes slowly seeing Jessica resting her head on her belly. "Mmmm listening to your love?" Lilly yawned as she sat up. "Mhmm, He said good morning." Jessica laughed as she stood. Lilly smiled and looked around, "Do you have a bathroom? He really wants out..." Lilly blushed. Jessica nodded and showed Lilly to their bathroom closing the door behind them. Lilly looked at Jessica and blushed. "Your going to watch?" She asked curiously. Jessica smiled and nodded as Lilly sat on the toilet. Jessica sat in front of Lilly as Lilly started to pee. Lilly released her stream of urine and once finished started to push hard to release her waste. Jessica held her hands under Lilly's loosening hole to catch her now smelly and brown love. Lilly pushed harder feeling the brown sludge slowly decend from her now wide hole. Lilly dumped her entire load into Jessica's hands and Jessica held it until it started to glow. The smell was horrible but once Jean was reformed it lessened and her love stood in her hands covered in Lilly's poop. Lilly wiped and stood headed out of the bathroom as Jessica washed Jean off really good. After being washed off Jean coughed up some water and smiled. "Good Morning love." Jean smiled happily. Jessica kissed Jean and hugged him to her breast. "Good Morning." Jessica replyed. Jean smiled seeing Lilly getting dressed and whispered to Jessica, "So how are gonna fix the backyard?" Jessica shrugged and kissed Jean, "I don't know, but we will figure it out"

To be Continued....

Drinks and Secrets

Drinks and Secrets Jean stood in the living room window watching as movers helped their newest neighbor move in. He hadn't seen the new neighbor yet but he was hoping to catch a glimpse. Jessica had left for work hours ago and he was cleaning when...

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A Casual Day

A Casual Night The house was quiet as Jessica left for work. The clock in the kitchen read 7:00. The sun was rising and its warm rays started to bathe the driveway as Jessica got in the car and left. Jean lay on their bed sleeping soundly....

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A Night on the Town

A Night on the Town Jean lay on Jessica's lap as they both watched the TV. It had been about three weeks since they both supposedly got the powers to reform after being eaten. Neither had talked much about the ordeal and neither remembered too...

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