To Alaska:Chapter 3

Story by outdoorfurry101 on SoFurry

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I streched out across my red beanbag, yawning loudly. Hazy yellow light flooded through my window, illuminating my entire room. I could smell bacon, hear it sizzling. I pulled my self up wearily from my beanbag, and slumped over to my dresser. I certainly had no intention of going downstairs butt naked. I threw on my underarmor underwear, and without thinking, my khakis. I threw on my black aeropostale t-shirt, and headed downstairs.

I went in the kitchen, and found mom and dad standing at the stove, cooking. Dad was mixing up some pancake mix, mom was cooking bacon, and I, was now at the fridge, grabbing Orange Juice for everyone.

"Wow, Lucas, your up late." Mom griped. I glanced at the clock. 1:30 P.M. _Shit! I have to be at Trents in two hours!. ** ** _

I thought to my self.

"Sorry, Mom. Had quite a day yesterday." I mumbled.

"Oh, really? Mind filling us in?" She said, turning and wiping her paws on her apron.

"Our neighbor, Trent? He stopped by yesterday, and he wants me to come to his house at three. Would that be alright?"

"Oh, well I suppose. Just don't do anything stupid while your there." She warned. I turned and went to walk out, when mom stopped me. "Oh, and one more thing, take a shower."

"Got it." I scurried into the upstairs bathroom, and got nude as fast as possible. I popped into my lukewarm shower, and scrubbed my fur like a maniac. I wanted to be clean when I got to Trent's house, so he doesn't think less of me, if he thinks anything yet.

I re-dress, and fly out the door. I check my watch; 2:54. I begin to sprint. Trent's house is just around the corner, and I begin to fell a sense of peace and tranquility. This is quite a guy, and I hope he thinks the same of me. I'm at nearly a full run when I get to his house, and I jump onto his porch. The door is elaborate, with intricate carvings, and a golden knocker. I knock twice, and step back from the door.

I wait around 2 minutes, then I hear footsteps coming to the door. The door swings slowly open, and Trent is standing there, in nothing but his boxers.

"OH! Hey Lucas! You caught me just getting out of the shower. Uh, erm, come on in!" He said, a little faster than normal. He walked to his stairs, and told me to go ahead and sit down in the kitchen. As Trent went up stairs, I stared at his sleek, wet, white fur, his very cute body, and a couple naughty glances at the ass, before I went to the kitchen. It smelled like cinnamon, with a hint of citris. The chairs were comfortable, with cushions, and I plopped down into one.

I heard Trent yell "Lucas, come up here" I was already up before he finished.