
Story by Tyson Shadowfur on SoFurry

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It's about time I wrote a new story the last one i wrote was about two years ago.. People seem to like my writing though so I'm going to start again :D This story is partly dedicated to my friend Kiba Whitewolf from FaceBook who is probably my best friend in the world. I love him and hope he gets his router fixed soon.

It had been a long couple of nights the past week with work in the mornings and evenings so as soon as Jake got home he hit the bed expecting to finally get some sleep after the mind-numbing work he'd been doing.

No sooner had he closed his eyes that his cellphone rang next to him in the dark.

"Damnit." He grumbled, getting to his feet and picking up the phone, almost ready to throw the damn thing when he saw who was calling.

I put the phone to my ear. "Hey Kiba, what's up?"

"Hey not much man, just wanted to know if you are going to my bonfire tonight?"

I considered my options; on one hand my eyes were crying for sleep and on the other I could go to one of Kiba's fun parties, which ment booze, fire and all sorts of other fun. Despite my sleep deprivation I chose option two because a little fun sounded really good at this point.

*Yeah man I'm on my way, should i bring a keg or somthing?" I began looking for my pants in the cluttered mess that was my room. I need to clean later.

"Hahaha sure, bring whatever you want. Might want to bring a gun actually."

I paused. "A gun? Why?" This was odd even for Kiba's parties.

"Well the fourth of July's to far away so we figured we'd just shoot some bottles... Maybe some fireworks later on hahaha."

"Well all right but I don't even own a gun so I'll just bring the keg. Seen you in a bit." I finally recovered my pants and pulled them on. New record.

"Ok see you here."

The call ended and I began looking for my shirt in the endless mess of old clothes and junk. I really need to clean. After grabbing my shirt, keys and belt i bolted downstairs to the bathroom, doing the best i could to make it so no one notice the sleepy deserted look in my eyes

. Splashing water in my eyes I looked up to see the same old wolf muzzle staring at me in the mirror. Twenty-two year old wolf with half a career slowly on the rise with no sign of a break in sight. The best years of my fuckin life were getting to me..... God I need to get layed.

I growled at the mirror half satisfied and slipped into my coat.

It was decent outside for once and I enjoyed the calm sky as I sped along the highway towards Kiba's house in my truck, The air smelled of tangy pine and fire from somewhere far away as the wind whipped at the sides of my truck as I passed mile marker after mile marker.

It felt good being alone in the semi-dark truck speeding down the road, it kept me awake and focused as I neared Kiba's house.

There were so many furs at the party it was difficult to describe. Instant headache is a good way to put it. Music blaring everywhere. It hurt my ears and I was thinking about leaving when two big white paws wrapped around my belly.

I growled in surprise until I realized who it was.

A white muzzle poked over my shoulder. "Hey stranger glad you could make it."

I pulled Kiba out from behind me and grinned "Glad to be here."

He gave me his silly wolf grin. "I dont think you are. Not yet anyway, let's get you a beer." Without another word he paded off over to a box filled with beer and empty cans by the fire.

After a couple beers I definitely felt better, still tired but better. Furs were now shootin rifles, pistols and shotguns at whatever got in the way and I began to worry slightly. Each crack of a gunshot sending shivers down my spine.

My worries soon were made realistic as a bottle exploded near Kiba, sending him paw over paw onto his back.

"Holy shit!!" He yelled as he tried to stand up in a drunken shocked daze. Blood ran from his paw and his shirtless chest where his fur had been singed by the blast. Idiots were shooting bottles of vodka.

I ran over and gasped at the sight of his red-stained fur. I pulled poor kiba inside as he stared at the blood matting his fur in shock.

I turned back to him after frantically searching. "Kiba? Look at me. Do you have a first aid kit somewhere?"

He stared dumbfoundedly at me and nodded, still in shock. "Hall... C-closet..."

I retrieved the kit and set to work, gently pulling glass out of his paws and mopping up the blood with a towel.

After awhile he calmed down, whincing when i pulled out the glass and swabbed antiseptic in his wounds. He tilted his head to the side when we finished, deeply in thought about somthing.

I looked at him, eyes filled with concern. Did he have a concussion?

He seemed to make up his mind and pulled me into a hug. I was surprised at first but i hugged back, feeling his warm breath on my neck as he nuzzled my neck.

This huge show of emotion swept over me as his arms rubbed my back. I could practically feel how much he cared about me in that one little moment and I realized I liked him more than even I knew.

As his nuzzling became a little more urgent an odd thought occured to me; we are the only ones in the house.

Curiously I let my paws wander down to his butt. Expecting him to hit me I stopped right above it, instead he licked my neck gently caressing my fur with his tongue.

Satisfied, I reached down and grabbed his toned, muscled ass.

He gave a light mur in response and pulled away from my neck to stare deeply into my eyes.

I closed my eyes and felt our muzzles connect, tongues meeting and playing together like happy pups. At the moment I didn't give a shit that I was kissing another male all that mattered was the sweet warmth of his body against mine.

I fell backward as the kiss intensified and we feel onto the floor, making a loud crash as a lamp fell over. In that moment I snapped out of my odd bi-sexual thoughts and realised what I'd done.

He stared awkwardly at me, a glimmer of longing still in his eyes. He was still on top of me with his paws around my shoulders and I nodded silently to his room upstairs as I heard furs enter noisily into the house.

We got up out of the uncomfortable position and ran upstairs to Kiba's room just as a bunch of furs brought the party into the house.

As soon as the door was shut and locked I pounced on him, sending us crashing onto his bed as we kissed and pulled off eachothers clothes in a rapid procession. I could feel my cock growing harder everytime his soft fur touched my body and even though he was injured he was still very sexy looking without his clothes as he lay back on the bed.

I murred just at the sight of him and my cock definitely agreed that he was hot as it shot straight up like a metal bar bending back in place.

He gave me one of his silly smiles and spread his legs so I could see his large, red rod and his huge snow-white balls.

I grasped my cock guiding it toward the small pink hole just above his tail, murring as he spread his legs farther.

SORRY folks you will have to wait till next time to see some yiffy action, that's how it goes bitches lol a tease and a wait, then you can have your fun hahahahahahahahahaha :3

locker room fun ;3

Life sucks. Older people say how lucky we are to be young but they don't know what we go through. They don't know the pain we face day after day. I'm one of those people who suffer more than most; life is hell for me and probably will be that way...

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