Trent the Dominating Cub part 2

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Hello and welcome to the second part of "Trent the Dominating Cub" A few of you guys liked the first story and so I decided to do a second one. Here we go.


Story contains: Fox, Lion, Cub, m/m, bondage, rape,

English is not my native language so please excuse some errors.


Trent the Dominating Cub

One week passed since Trent dominated his dad and from that moment on his life only got better and better. His father was not his father anymore, no he was more like a pet to him. Whenever the boy came home from school the larger fox was greeting him on his knees, naked most of the time or on occasions wearing thongs or panties. But as much fun as all this was for the kid, he needed more...

Dominating his dad was actually very easy and now he started to wonder if he could do more...

Trent was on his way to school but was not really paying attention as he suddenly pumped right into one of his schoolmates. "Oh hey Stanley, sorry for that, I was a bit lost in thoughts." Trent said to the mouse that fell to the floor because of the bump. The vulpine reached out his hand and helped his friend back to the feet.

"Man lately you are really acting weird you know that? Also how the hell did you managed to get all this new and cool stuff... I mean I know that your dad has enough money but he never buyed so much presents for you before." The mouse then said as both of them started to walk down the road.

"Oh well... that is a bit of a complicated story... Maybe I'll tell you about it later, but now we really have to hurry up. If we come too late again Mr. Thyson will give us more homework again...This guy really annoys me with all his rules and stuff you know?" Trent then said to his friend and both laughed a bit.

"Yes someone really should give him a lesson in how to treat us. I mean who needs that stupid homework anyway huh?" The mouse boy then replied.

"Yeah... a lesson..."The young vulpine mumbles to himself as he looks over to his friend. "I have the feeling something will change soon..."

Of course Trent's friend absolutely did not know what the vulpine meant. But there was no time left to ask further as both of the boys walked through the entrance of the big school building. Quickly they moved to there classroom and sat down behind their desks.

Of course shortly after them Mr. Thyson, a huge lion entered the classroom. "Hello all. I hope you had a nice and relaxing weekend because this week we have to go through a lot of stuff, but gladly after this we will be done with the main stuff for this year and so the last month will be more relaxing for you kids" The lion said in a rather friendly tone, but of course some of the young students moaned out exhausted at this news. The rest of the day was rather usual and luckily for Trent it went by rather quickly through all this work.

The bell was ringing and the school kids started to put away their books. Slowly the kids started to leave the classroom as Trent suddenly heard the lion calling. "Trent! Could you please stay for a few minutes? There is something I want to talk about.

Trent stopped and sighed as he heard that. "Oh man... what now..." He thought to himself and turned around and walked back to the large lion. Mr. Thyson waited until all the other kids left the room and then started to talk.

"I want to talk with you about your homework. You know lately your homework is much better then it used to be. Believe me if I tell you that I would be very happy for you that you made such an improvement, but the truth is that this is very unlikely. I have the feeling someone is not just helping you with your homework now I think someone is doing it for you." The large feline said to Trent.

Trent looked down to the floor now. The teacher was right. All the homework from this week was done by his dad. He never thought that this stupid Mr. Thyson would notice. Of course Trent was not sure what to say, He cannot tell his teacher the truth. But before he was able to answer Thyson started to speak again.

"Trent, you are in school to learn something. If someone else does your homework you never will become better. I will have to talk to your father about all this. Do you know if he has time this evening?" The lion then asked.

And that was the moment a smirk grew in Trent's face. "Oh... Uhm... Of course sir, I am sure my father will have time this evening. So you'll stop by around... let us say 7 pm?" Trent asks now and looks back up at his teacher.

Of course Mr. Thyson was a bit surprised at the sudden willingness of the fox, but then again he was thankful that the whole thing did not seem to get more complicated. "Ok at 7 pm I'll arrive at your house. You can go now, and be careful at your way home ok?"

"Of course Mr. Thyson" The young vulpine then said and quickly left the classroom. "This is going better then I ever could have imagined..." The foxy thought to himself as he left the large building.

Exactly at 7:00 pm the teacher arrived at Trent's house. Slowly he stepped out of his car and moved over to the door to give it a few knocks. The lion was now wearing more casual clothes then he normally wears in the school. After 1 minute still no one opened the door and so the feline decided to knock again. Then suddenly the door sprung open but no one was opening it further so he could step in easier. He pushed open the door himself only to notice that no one was there. "Hello? I am Mr. Thyson the teacher of Trent." The lion called into the hallway not sure what to think about all that.

Then suddenly the lion was able to hear the voice of Trent's father. "Good day Mr. Thyson, please come into the living room, the male voice said. The feline shrugged and moved along the hallway until he reached the entrance to the living room.

And that was where he suddenly felt a sharp pain jolting through his feline body. The large cat fell down to his knees and looked around not sure what the cause of the pain was. It was clear that this was an electrical shock, not a strong one but it took him by surprise, but the next thing the teacher saw was even more surprising.

Trent was standing in front of the lion, completely naked except for his nice fitting leather thong. "Well hello there Mr. Thyson. I am very glad you could make it over." The young fox said to his teacher and grinned wide.

The larger creature blinked as he looked over the fox again but then tried to stand back up only to notice that Trent's father was standing behind him. The older vulpine acted quickly and bound the wrists of the lion together so they where behind his back. "Fuck... what is going on here what are you doing here?. Stop instantly or you'll regret this." The lion then yelled at both of the vulpines.

"Slave!! Could you please gag him? As fun as it is to listen to his angered yelling, it starts to get annoying." Trent then commanded to his father.

Mr. Thyson could not believe what he heard. Did a 12 years old fox just gave an adult being a command and called him slave? But there was not much time to think for the large feline, because his maw got yanked open quickly and before there was time to react the rubber ball was fitted right into Trent's teacher's maw.

"That is much better, thank you slave. Now go and get the knife so we can take off his silly clothes and see how he looks like without them." Was the next thing Trent said and so his father released the lion and let him fall down on the floor. After a minute the older vulpine returned with a sharp looking knife and started to cut off the shirt and the jeans the feline was wearing. The shirt was peeled off quickly but the jeans made some troubles. "Do you want to sleep in the bed today? If yes, then please be quicker." The fox kid then said in a dominant tone.

"Of course sir, I am sorry..." The older vulpine said and lowered his ears some as he finally managed to cut off the lions jeans as well. Trent was now moving around the still confused looking lion and grinned wide as he saw that the lion was wearing tight underwear. In the meantime Trent's father was tying up the large feline's legs as well.

"What a pert rump you have Mr. Thyson I am a bit surprised. Do you work out?" Trent said almost sounding like he was mocking the much larger creature. Slowly the little foxy moved his hands to the waistband of the underwear and starts to draw it down, only to place his hands on the nice rump cheeks. "Oh I am going to enjoy this so much... but first we have to look how well you are in taking stuff up your bum." Trent said and chuckled childishly.

The lion started to growl and of course tried to escape but all his affords didn't show any results. He wasn't even able to talk his way out of all that because of the rubber ball in his mouth.

Then suddenly the feline was able to feel something cold on his rump cheeks, something that felt like liquid. It was lube and the young vulpine started to rub it into the lions strong and firm cheeks, slowly he moved his little fingers right into the crack. The young vulpine murred loudly as his finger started to prod at the hole of his teacher and a muffled groan was to hear from the large feline, of course he tried to squirm away from that but again with no use.

"Oh Mr. Thyson, you really shouldn't act like that. I am pretty sure you are enjoying this aren't you?" And with that Trent pushed his finger into the hole. "Hmrr... tight fit for such a big kitty. You have to know that I am really looking forward to that. I don't have too much experience so far and the only ones ass I fucked so far was that one of my father, but you are next on my list. But before we start we have some fun..." The young foxy said and directly after that his father came back to him with a large and black dildo in his hands.

The large lion himself gave up trying to get free, the bonds where just too strong. He still could not believe in what situation he was in. Tied up and about getting raped by a 12 year old boy. Trent removed his finger from the nice and slick hole of his teacher and started to push in the fat tip of the black dildo slowly.

Suddenly the young vulpine was able to hear a gasp. "Oh? Does the kitty like this?" He said mockingly and started to push the dildo in further. "Slave! Go down under our guest and give him some pleasure. I am sure the big kitty would like to enjoy that a bit more." And with that the older fox moved down to the floor on his back pushed up the lion's body so he was able to access the thick sheath. Without waiting any longer the older fox's tongue started to lap over the feline's sheath and balls.

Mr. Thyson's eyes did go wide as he suddenly felt how the fox pushed under him and started to lick at his private parts. The dildo in the meantime started to go deeper and deeper and soon was hitting the prostate of the lion. That was too much for Mr. Thyson, as much as he tried not to get aroused it didn't work anymore. Slowly the thick shaft stared to leave the sheath and the older vulpine instantly started to lick and suckle on it to add even more pleasure.

Trent in the meantime started to push in the dildo even further only to draw it back out and push it in again. Muffled moans where to hear from the young fox's teacher causing a wide grin to form on the muzzle of the young vulpine. "Hmm... There you go Mr. Thyson. I just knew you you'd enjoy the treatment. "The fox said and placed a slap on the right rump cheek of the large feline. "But I guess it is time for me to have some fun don't you think?

Of course Trent was not waiting for an answer because he knew that the Lion doesn't have the possibility to do so anyway and slowly removed the slick and black dildo from his hole. After that he started to take off his leather thong to free his already completely erect cock.

The large feline's shaft was completely hard and the older fox was sucking him off very nicely as Trent started to press the tip of his own cock at the slick hole. Slowly the young vulpine enters that tight hole and Trent seemed to enjoy every second of it. " Uhmr... that feels good..." He then said almost in trance as he finally entered his cock completely. In the meantime the young fox's father is able to taste the lion's pre on his tongue and keeps sucking the thick shaft of the feline.

Mr. Thyson was not able to concentrate anymore. His hormones took control over his body and so he even started to buck into the older fox's mouth and that causes his rump to press back against the invading cock of Trent.

"That is the spirit I wanted to see. I always knew that someday you would learn something from me." Trent said in a sarcastic tone as he slowly started to withdraw his cock only to slam it back in. Now it didn't took long and the room started to fill with the smell of sex and the sounds of three moaning furs. The thrusts of the young vulpine started to get harder and the cock tip was hitting right at his teachers prostate. That causes more pre dripping into the lapping mouth of the older fox that didn't wasted time and swallowed down everything he could get.

Then suddenly a loud but almost cute sounding groan was to hear as Trent climaxed hardly. "Uhrm... that is ... it" He says with gritted teeth as he starts to cum right into his teacher's hole. The lion himself was not able to hold back either and came into the licking and sucking maw of the older fox.

Trent had to chuckle a bit as he slowly removed his cock and placed another nice slap on the lion's rump. After that he slowly moved over to the face of the lion and placed a lick on his nose. "You had fun?" He asked mockingly but continued to speak. "I am sure you are mad at me now right? And I am also sure you are planning on going to the police or something like this, but before you do that listen carefully. First of all: If you go to the police and tell them you'll have to admit that 2 weak foxes overpowered you. I am sure some of your friends will be very amused by hearing that. And second: If you really go to the police, I'll hit my dad with a pan and tell everyone that you punched down my dad and then raped me. I can assure you the police will believe my story... Do you understand that kitty?" The fox finished talking and looked right into the larger creature's eyes with a gentle and boyish smile.

The lion knew that he stands no chance and so he just nodded to the dominant fox boy. After Trent received the nod he slowly started to undo the lion's ties and took out the gag as well. "Now please sir, take your clothes and leave our house. I think there is no problem with my homework anymore right? Oh! And feel free to visit us anytime you want. I always wanted a kitty you know?" He then adds in a teasing tone.

Mr. Thyson just growled silently as he putted his clothes back on his body and quickly left the house. He stepped into his car and started to drive back to his home. His mind still has problems to realize what just happened in there, but deep inside he knew that it was the most exciting evening he had in his whole life...

Inside the house Trent took his thong and throwed it at the head of his dad. "I want you to clean that. But first you come with me to my bedroom. I want you to read me a good night story..."

The older Fox had to blink at that "Uhm... yes sir..."


So I hope you liked this instalment of "Trent the Dominating Cub"

As always I am very glad about every fav and comment. After all I want to know what you people think. So if you think it is worth it don't be shy.


Jack ((Jacko))