Muscle Musk of the Dead

Story by Maxon on SoFurry

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Muscle Musk of the Dead

Muscle Musk of the Dead

Busting through the glass of the store window, Randy cried out as some of the glass cut through the sleeves of his leather jacket, tearing into his arms as he tried his best to ignore the pain, pulling out a few huge junks of the glass as he ran for his life.  The street lights were the only light he had as he could hear the monstrous groans and scrambling from the broken window behind him. Blood trickled from his wounds as he tried to find somewhere safe, somewhere to rest.  He thought he would be okay in that store, some food left over and medical supplies, but he had accidentally knocked over some cans, attracting some of the creatures that were shambling around outside.

Gasping fo air, the bear had to stop.  He was a young man, only 19, slender build, not very much tone as he didn't do much working out and it was showing as that few blocks of running had worn him out.   He saw that he was alone for the moment, but he was more worried about what he couldn't see.  Searching around he saw what looked like an cracked open garage door in the back of some storage facility, semi's parked around with trailers attached, he bolted for the opening, not caring if anything saw him, diving into the opening, rolling it, and pushing the garage door down to close it completely.  The metallic sound rung through the warehouse and Randy went silent, not moving, not making a sound except for his racing heart beat as he waited for any sort of noise.

Minutes he waited, not hearing the telltale moan of one of those...things...And just hoped he was safe for right now.  Not much could be seen in the dim storage area, most of the only light coming through the garage door windows, streelight shining in.  Slowly moving for anything to help him.  He nearly banged into a desk and heard a bang and cringed, feeling something roll up against his foot.  Bending down and picked up what felt like a metal can.  A quick feel and he realized he found a flashlight.  Turning it on, he finally was able to see that the warehouse was full of boxes and it seemed like the area was basically enclosed from the front half of the building, blocking the door with the desk as he thought for once that he would be safe.

With some of his tension relieved, he then was reminded of an earlier problem, his arms still bleeding from bashing through the glass window.  He took of his jacket and shirt, stripping down to just his pants and shoes as he went into the bathroom closet, turning on the light and grimacing at the sight, some deep gashes in both forearms that was bleeding pretty bad.  Grabbing some towels and duck tape, he wrapped them around both forearms, seeing the bleeding sopped up some as he went to the boxes kept in the facility.  Countless boxes were stacked int the big warehouse area.  Pulling out a pocket knife, he set to opening boxes, hoping to find something that he could use for medical supplies.

After an hour, the bear was starting to get extremely tired.  His bleeding hadn't completely stopped and he realized that he would be getting to a point where if he didn't stop the bleeding, he might pass out from blood loss or worse and the last thing he was going to was die in the back of some random warehouse.  Climbing to the third tier of some high shelves, he scrambled at a box, suddenly realizing the box itself wasn't very heavy and it pulled back with him, his clawed hand trying to dig in for a better grip and failing as he plummeted below.  His fall was cushioned by some boxes below, crushing a container of toys from some of the plastic bits poking into him, but he was alive and that was all that mattered, though he had forgotten about the box he pulled free which landed right on his head exploding open and tossing it's contents everywhere.

Not sure what was inside, it was certainly some sort of aeresol can as a few hit the ground and busted open, spilling it's contents into the area, all of them soaking the bear in what he thought had to be some sort of perfume, but was so strong, so...manly he was thinking.  Coughing for air as he struggled to get away, eyes burning slightly, he was hit by an overwhelming rush of energy, his body heating up quick and fast, thinking he was having an allergic reaction to the spray.  Within seconds he had stopped and collapsed to his knees, his bleeding arms bracing him.  As he looked down to them, he was amazed to see the ducttaped rags snapping off as his forearms ballooned out with muscle.  He gasped and watched as they grew longer and more powerful, biceps swelling with them and soon seeing what looked like his chest puffing out more and more.  Rolling over, he groaned out as his began to sweat hard, soaking his pants he wore down to the underwear, feeling his entire body start to grow now, his clothes somehow managing to stay attached to him, but looking like a seond skin as his thighs swelled out obscenely.

After what felt like an entertinity, but only lasted a few minutes, the bear laid out there on the floor of the warehouse, writhing in a pool of his own sweat, a pungent musk hitting his nose that smelled like him, but newer...stronger...more intense.  He slowly began to stand, pushing himself off his arms which felt like they were brand new.  Standing up, the bear was now in line with the second tier of packages on the shelves, having been much shorter than that before.  He must've gained a few feet of high and with a quick flex of his new msucles, it was a few hundred pounds of bulging mass added to him.

Feeling over his new body, he didn't know what happened as he felt down his swelling pecs, easily able to make them bounce with his new found muscles, caressing down his muscle gut and over to his crotch.  Shocked even more was how big his package was, straining the limits of his stretched out jeans, looking like he was smuggling a watermelon atop two canteloupes.  He gave a low rumble through his chest as he squeezed it roughly, the feeling making him let loose a thick blast of pre inside of his musky pants, grunting as he wanted more.

Moving back to the boxes, he laid down, crushing them even more as he unzipped his pants and pulled out a monster from his pants.  The cock had to have been as thick as his old thigh was, but it was still soft and over a foot and a half long.  Squeezing it firmly with both hands, he moaned out into the empty warehouse, letting loose all over his pants, staining them pre, but not caring as they were already soaked in his intoxicating musk and sweat.  Moments of blissful pleasure rocked his dripping wet body, panting hotly as he suddenly let loose a torrent of cum.  Each blast shot out higher and higher, soon hitting the third tier he had fallen from earlier, dripping down over his body and off the shelves as he felt like he was pumping bucket loads.

Nearly passing out from the immense pleasure of his climax, he laid back, his over two feet of throbbing bear cock slapping against his belly, spewing leftover cum on him as he didn't have a care in the world right now...till a slam startled him out of his pleasure filled daze.  It sounded like it came from the garage door and he knew that the monsters had found him.  Flexing his mountaneous bicep, he decided he was through running.  He'd make those bastards run from him.

A huge shoe crushed the skull of one of the creatures, eyes popping out and shooting across the pavement as Randy growled in a fierce battlecry.  The area outside the warehouse was scattered with corpses, the only thing standing was a muscle bound bear giant, swollen with powerful muscle, his body nearly naked as he wore jeans that were torn above his massive calves, his chest naked and glistening with sweat, holding onto what looked like a massive piece of steel the bear had turned into a powerful blunt weapon to crush anyone with.  Moans were heard from all around as they came to aid their fallen brethren and feast on the giant piece of meat, though Randy had other ideas as he grinned and lunged into the fray.