Colony, August 2nd, 2011, 9:24 A.M.

Story by MrFox on SoFurry

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#3 of Colony

Warning! This story is intended for a mature audience. The story deals with topics like male on male sex, asexual reproduction, cock vore, transformation, and others. If you are not into those things than stop here! If you are into those things, enjoy!

This is the third book in the series. If you want to read the first and second look for a posted link at the bottom of the story. Thanks :)

Colony, August 2nd, 2011, 9:24 A.M.

Morning at the den started like normal with everyone waking up and watching the news on Garry's cum powered lap-top. The device was quickly growing larger now, which was fine considering how big John had gotten. The news caster was reporting rain, but John and the hunters were still full from hunting last night. After the morning feeding everyone got busy around the Den. John was happily making a massive column of cum in the back chamber where he liked to sleep. Mark and Garry had plenty to do, what with the den being less than half built. The fur had covered the cabin so quickly, but here in the cave it was spreading much more slowly.

Pat was wondering around in the Den when he stumbled upon Colby in the far back chamber. "Hey Pat" Colby said when he noticed the beta had walked into the room.

"Hey Colby" Pat said and smiled at the mostly unchanged soldier.

"Please, call me Col" he replied and scratched his head nervously. His hair had fallen out a few nights ago and he was growing fur in its place now.

"Alright Col" Pat said and smiled when Colby relaxed a little. "What's wrong?" Pat asked as he sensed conflicting emotions in the soldier's scent.

"Well..." Colby said sadly and shuffled as he looked away from Pat and down at the ground, "I was just thinking about how everyone else has a mate" Col said and blushed, "There's Rick and Brian, you and John, and even Garry and Mark!"

"You want a mate too?" Pat said and walked up to the distressed soldier.

"Well..." John said and straightened up, "I'm not as developed as the others. I don't want to risk getting caught or jeopardizing our security"

"That shouldn't mean you can't have a mate" Pat said as he pulled the smaller male towards him, "and you're just about due for another round of changes"

Col offered himself willingly to Pat, who enjoyed himself as he pushed four of his cocks into the soldier and used his largest cock to feed off Col as he prepared to make some adjustments to the soldier.

As soon as the link was established Pat was surprised by how much potential Col had stored up. A loud crack signaled the beginning of Col's transformation as his legs changed to support walking on all fours, but also upright if needed. Col's cries of pain turned into whines as his face pushed outwards into a muzzle and his facial fur grew over his new canine head. Col grew large saber tooth like teeth similar to John's and those that the guardians possessed, but not as long or as big.

Col's whines stopped, turning to grunts as his arms and legs began to pack on muscle. His grunts and growls began to grow deeper and lower as his chest cracked and expanded. Col developed a second set of arms just like John's first pair of lower arms. Pat also thought the Soldier could use another pair of climbing arms to assist his wings on his back. As Col changed the muscle kept on packing on thicker and heavier. In a few moments Col was pushing into his eleventh foot of height. Pat could sense that Col was easily as strong as the guardians, but that his body was more compact compared to his hulking counterparts.

Now that Col was decently sized for the offensive right arm of the pack, Pat decided to give him his weapons. Col's cock began to push forward as it surged from four feet to a hearty eight. The massive cock was quickly joined by two smaller six footers that grew on either side of the first cock. These three cocks were different from those of the rest of the pack. Pat smiled as he gave Col a unique pair of glands on all three of his huge cocks. This new glad produced a chemical protein that caused Col's cum to break down into a powerful acidic compound. The new acid cum was so potent that it could eat through rock and metal!

As a defense against Col's weapon Pat gave his body a unique adaptation. Col could only use his acid cum when he was defending the pack or when John or Pat gave him a unique kill command with their own pheromone glands.

In addition to the acid Pat wanted Col to have a spine shooting tail like John. It took up a huge amount of the soldier's potential, but Pat was happy with the long appendage and the spines growing down Col's back and on his new tail. There were still changes to make, but Col was reaching his limit. Pat decided to give Col the spikes on his joints like John had. They would help protect him from taking damage to his precious wings, two back arms, four front arms, and his back legs.

When the transformation was done Col inspected himself with barely contained delight. "Shit Pat!" he said in excitement as he looked at his wolfish features and massive body. "I'm a fucking beast!"

Pat smiled as he looked at his handy work and pulled out of Col. "You're about as big as you should be" he said and inspected the soldier, "but I want to make some more changes later"

Col nodded as he scooped Pat up with his four arms and gave him a huge hug. "I'll go talk to John about maybe finding a mate" Col said and smiled.

Pat watched the soldier stalk off on all fours to find the alpha. In a way Pat was glad for Col. He might have been a late addition to their ranks, but Pat naturally felt like he was a good wolf. Turning him like they had was the right way of bringing people into the pack. Pat only hoped that Col could find someone who was worthy of his love.


Tony Ward had been hiking for a long time up in the Pike National forest. Every year around July and August the veteran mountain climber would make his way up into the mountains to enjoy some time away from the busy city life. Tony was a well built man, about six and a quarter feet tall, with a mop of dark brown hair on his head. He had always thought of himself as a resourceful man, but as fate would have it he would find himself at the mercy of nature.

Tony had decided to make his way up into the forest and towards one of his favorite climbing spots. He usually only carried light equipment in his pack and what he needed for shelter and food. There were always dangers out in nature, but Tony was an experienced outdoors man and he prided himself on getting by with less than what most people needed.

Unfortunately for Tony he didn't know about the rain forecasted for the area he was hiking into. He had just started up the side of the mountain when the winds and rain hit. The human fought valiantly, but he was no match for nature's fury. In the end he took a wrong step and cursed as he lost his footing. Tony tumbled off the side of the cliff he had been free climbing. He wasn't too far up, but the rocks below him weren't going to do much to break his fall.

As the rain started to fall Tony hit the ground and passed out from the shock of the impact. He wasn't dead, but his right leg was broken and he would need medical attention soon. There wasn't a human around for miles, but not too far from the unfortunate man was a hungry and recently transformed alien wolf.

Col was having fun stalking the forest. He had already caught and eaten some smaller animals with his three cocks when the rain started. The precipitation hit his dense fur and rolled right off him, but the winds were a bit of an annoyance. The rain and wind was forcing the animals into hiding, which was why Col eventually made his way south along the cliff side towards where Tony had been climbing.

Humans don't know it, but they smell quite distinct. Col caught the scent of a large human male as soon as he was up wind from Tony. Alarms sounded in Col's brain as he scented the man, but something distracted him from the urge to flee. Col smelled blood, human blood. Whoever was nearby was hurt!

Col hurried to track the smell cautiously looking around the mountainside as he followed the cliffs further and further south. Eventually Col came upon the fallen man and noticed right away that he had a compound fracture on his right leg. Col was instinctually aware of the healing properties of his own cum. When Col's alien cells are damaged they rapidly multiply to heal themselves. This healing could be used on other wolves as well, but Col had never tried to cocoon a human before.

Cautiously and slowly Col snuck out of the forest towards Tony. His heart was beating a mile a minute as he approached the injured human. Tony groaned in pain as soon as Col got close to him causing the alien wolf to freeze in place. The human looked over at the massive black shape looming over him and weakly reach up towards him. "Help me" Tony said weakly before fainting again.

Col felt terrible for the man, but he knew he shouldn't help him. He was human, and naturally that made him an enemy. Without Pat or John's help Col couldn't turn the man, but if he was careful he might be able to help him. "This is so stupid" Col said as he pointed a cock at the man and sprayed cum at his injured leg. The cum formed a black furred cast around his leg and Col had to lift the injured limb up to get it completely wrapped in his cum.

The cum would both immobilize the leg and help it heal. If the man was lucky he wouldn't meet Brian or Rick who would have preferred to eat him instead of helping him. "Wait" Tony said as he roused from his slumber and reached out a second time towards the huge black shape, "don't leave me"

"Stay here human" Col said in a low growl, scaring the man awake as he spoke. "I will return tomorrow to see if I am supposed to kill you"

Col growled at himself as he left the human and made his way back to the den. He knew they weren't supposed to help humans or even reveal themselves to them. There would be no hiding what Col had done from his pack so he could at least tell them what had happened and why he stunk of human.

When he arrived back at the den Col was greeted with growls from Garry and Mike. "You stink of human brother" Garry said and approached Col, but didn't touch him.

"I found one dying south by the cliffs. I need to tell the alpha before the hunters go and eat him" Col told the guardians.

"They're helping Pat in the upper chambers" Garry said and smiled as he saw Col's eyes light up, "John is out hunting right now"

"Then I will tell Patrick" Col growled as he stalked off into the darkness.

Pat was with his father and Rick in the upper chamber when he Col emerged from the tunnel entrance to the room. The hunters broke into a low growl as Col walked in "Human" Rick growled and looked at the larger soldier wolf.

"Calm down" Pat said and sprayed his command into the air before turning to Col. Pat might be the youngest alien in their pack, but Col trusted the beta's judgment. Pat quickly slid his cock over Col's and linked with him. There was nothing Col could do to hide what had happened and what he had done. Thankfully Pat was much more reasonable than John. "You should not have revealed yourself to a human Col... but I think I understand why you did what you did"

"I'm sorry Patrick, I have failed you and the pack" Col said and growled as he looked away from the smaller wolf in shame.

Pat reached up and pulled Col's face to look at his, "You are my soldier and my brother" Pat said gravely, "I have nothing but love and pride for you Col" he said and Col knew through the link that Pat spoke the truth, "If you cannot convince the human to willingly join us than you must eat him" Pat instructed and frowned. "We will offer him the same choice we offered you, but freedom is not part of that choice"

"How long do I have?" Col asked.

"Return to him tomorrow with food" Pat instructed. "You must ensure that he does not suffer before he makes his decision" Pat paused as he considered his next thought, "You should probably stay away from the den while you deal with the human. If he decides to accept your aid you can return with him tomorrow night. Announce your arrival at the den before you bring a human inside. The guardians will probably kill him if you just carry him in"

"What about John?" Col asked softly.

"I will explain things to him" Pat replied, "he will want to know what you are doing, so expect him to visit you while you watch over the human" Col didn't like the sound of that. Pat chuckled as he sensed his thoughts through the link. "John is more reasonable than you probably think" Pat added and smiled at the soldier.

Colby nodded, but didn't offer his affections towards the beta. Nobody wanted to stink like humans, and Col had to admit that the smell was making him feel dirty. Maybe he could wash it out of his fur once he finished with the man.


John returned from hunting less than an hour after Colby left the den. He could sense the faint odor of human in the air, but it was too faint to be an actual intrusion. John found his mate and promptly shoved his middle cock up Pat's ass. In the fraction of the time it would take to explain what had happened John just searched through his mate's memories and the memories of their soldier. "He's lonely John" Pat said from below his mate.

"That doesn't mean he should give away our position to humans" John said and frowned at the beta in his arms.

"He did the right thing " Pat said smugly, "If you had found an injured man you would still help him... right?"

John growled before he grumbled his reply, "I guess so"

"Then go check in on our lone soldier. He needs to know you aren't angry with him" Pat instructed.

John growled at Pat, but he knew the beta was right. Colby needed affirmation and affection just like everyone else. If he could convince the human to turn than he could have him as a mate. If he couldn't though... John didn't want to think about having to eat the man, but he knew he could deal with it if he had too. Before John left the den he stopped by the entrance where Mark was standing guard. "Mark" John growled as he turned to his old partner, "What would you do if you were in my foot-paws?"

Mark chuckled at the way John had phrased his question, "I suppose I would go tell Colby that he needs to be ready to eat the man if he won't turn" Mark said and looked sad, "At least that's what the human inside me says"

"What does the wolf in you say?" John asked.

"I'm afraid it's not so nice... I think I would just kill him" Mark said sadly, "before he caused us any harm"

John nodded and put a massive paw on the guardian's furry shoulder, "Thanks" he said before climbing up and out of the den.


Colby was watching the human from the tree line when he felt the presence of his alpha behind him. John was oddly good at being quiet for a sixteen foot tall alien wolf monster. Col tucked his tail as he turned to look at the massive wolf behind him. John could read his scent and knew what the soldier was thinking. "I'm not angry" John said as he dropped down to stand close to Col.

"You're not?" Col asked, slightly confused by the alpha's scent and body language.

"No" John growled, "I came to give you some advice" he said. Col was all ears as he looked up at the powerful alpha. John had to pause before he continued, "I know you want him to join us Colby, but it is his choice after all"

"I know" Colby said sadly.

"And if he won't join us than you need to kill him" John instructed. He paused before he continued. "If you cannot eat him than I will do this for you"

Colby looked up at John with admiration shining in his yellow eyes, "I... I wouldn't ask that of you John" Col said and smiled, "if he won't join; he's a threat to our pack" Col said and growled and bared his fangs, "threats must be eliminated"

John was surprised to see Colby acting so fiercely.

"I'll make sure, whatever happens, that my pack is safe. I am a soldier and a wolf! The pack comes first!" Col said and looked up at John as his features betrayed his inner conflict.

"Do what you must" John said and nodded at the soldier, "You have till nightfall tomorrow"

Col watched as John pulled himself up and into the trees. The Alpha made his way back towards the den through the dense trees. The wolf in Col made him growl as he turned back to the human sleeping against the rocky side of the cliff. The man had managed to get a blanket out of his back pack and was using it to protect himself against the cold and the rain.

It was almost strange to watch a human like this. Col remembered his human life perfectly, and thanks to the link he shared with his pack he had memories from the lives of his pack mates as well. This man was not unlike themselves before they had become alien wolves, but in a way he seemed very different. Tomorrow Col would offer the man a once in a life time opportunity to join their small alien race. If he was smart than he would accept. If he wasn't than Col had already decided to eat the man himself. It was high time the soldier started acting like a wolf. The future of their entire race hinged of remaining hidden from humanity, and Col would never put the thought of a potential mate before his own pack's safety.