Shadey's breaking news

Story by Sissthiath Blackfang on SoFurry

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#10 of A Wolf's Last Gift

Shadey's breaking news

It's been a week now since Liki had gone.

Shadey's breaking news

It's been a week now since Liki had gone. Silver was now training Shadey on how to be a good pack member and how to survive in the wild if needed. Liki came back and saw how big Shadey had gotten and how strong he looked. Liki thought to himself when he saw Shadey walked by, "Dang... My brother sure has what it looks like to be a good and powerful pack member."

Liki walked up to the Den which the Alphas stay in. He saw his dad sitting on the rock that overlooked the pack. Before Liki could speak Silver asked, "Did you fix what you have done? To show the God that what you did was wrong and that you learned from what you did?" Liki sighed, "Yes dad I did what the elders and you told me to do. I have fixed everything. But I have a question and it's about my uncle." Silver turned and looked at his son.

"What about Shadow?" Silver gave a concerned look. "Well I saw him. I saw an outline of him and the glowing red eyes. When I was at the sacred grounds and I was speaking to our God I thought I saw Shadow." Silver looked at Liki for a moment and shook his head. "What you saw was maybe him. I'm not sure. But.... More or less who you saw was my half brother." Liki couldn't believe it, but he grinned and walked away. Silver turned back around to watch over the pack again. He noticed Shadey had been working hard and done so much for the pack. He could tell that Shadey was bigger then Liki. Silver thought to himself for a moment, "I see my brother's son but yet my son has gotten a lot bigger than our average pack mates. Maybe it's because of Shadows bloodline that flows in him and gives him the same strength that's been in the veins of the pack Shadow was in when he was a pup." He noticed Liki was walking to Uni and Silver knew the first thing on Liki's mind. Since he hasn't seen her for so long that they are going to run off and do what the one thing Liki's been waiting for. Silver sighed. He looked back at the pack but he decided to take a walk and watch his territory. Shadey saw his father leaving and decided to join up with him.

"Hey dad." Shadey said. Silver moved his blue eyes over to Shadey. "Hey son. Been keeping up on your practicing?" "Yes I have, I've been doing what you told me and doing things for our elders. I see my brother's back home. Why hasn't he come up to me? I know I didn't do anything wrong to him. He could have at least said hi but he didn't." Silver sighed and spoke. "Liki has one thing on his mind since has been gone. Since he's back and has decided to run off mating with Uni. He's not mad at you he's surprised to see how much stronger and bigger you are. I know you will be a good pack member but the sad part is... is well- both of you can't be alphas. Only one can. Since Liki has a mate that puts him up there more but then there's a thing the elders do. It's where if there are two males either you both fight and the winner is the alpha or one leaves their pack and lives with another one and becomes alpha to bond the two together."

Shadey looked down and spoke as they came up half way to Shadow's cave. "I can't fight my brother, I just can't. I know you trained me but I can't do harm to a family member. I can kill things-you saw me when you took me out hunting and I killed that elk by myself. It's like you said, I'm like my Uncle Shadow, I have the looks of him. Why is it I'm different from the others you saw, why am I not like them? The pack looks at me like I'm a God to them. Why is that?"

Silver looked down and sighed. "I wasn't going to tell you really and I think Shadow didn't want me to tell you.... You're not my real son." Shadey's red eyes widen. "What do you mean I'm not your real son? I have to be in order to be here." "No not really before Shadow was executed, mating season had begun. Shadow's mate didn't want a pup. He wanted to continue the blood line his pack. His family was killed and he was the only survivor. You are part of that pack from the blood that flows in you. Terra is your real mom though but Shadow.... He's really your father." Shadey was astonished.

"So then I'm to do the same? Try to get a mate and have a pup to further the bloodline, then?" "No.... that's your choice you can do what you want. But Shadow, he wanted to know he brought life and did something right. All he wanted was to have a pup and know that his pack was still going on." Silver looked at Shadey and saw something in his eyes. "Dad.... I want to find a mate. But all of them are taken. I don't know if I could get one. Uni is Liki's and well the others found theirs. There is one black wolf with the silver fangs you know. Well SilverFang is her name but I think I'll try her. I hope she likes me." Silver smiled. "I think she will. Now let's go home, this old bag of bones is tired." Shadey rolled his eyes but asked his last question. "Do I still call you dad?" Silver sighed. "Only if you want to. I'm letting you choose that position." Shadey smiled and spoke. "I'll still call you dad."

The two made their way back to the pack. Shadey went off to see the female. Silver didn't see Liki anywhere, Silver had a pretty good idea what he was doing. So, he came over to Terra and joined in on her nap for the afternoon.

As Silver slept. he knew he was being visited by Shadow. He woke up to the mouth of Shadows cave. He stood up and saw Shadow staring at the blue sky as he howled a song. But this wasn't a song Silver knew, he knew every song a wolf could know but not this one. Shadow finished, looked at Silver and smiled. "I see you told my son. I'm surprised you would but I'm glad he knows. It's for the best. He should really have known in the first place. But you see he's grown fast and it's just from our pack we grow to live for many years and we die. When we do we give our knowledge to the next in our bloodline. But if we don't die we give the knowledge we know and train them."

Silver understood why Shadey is the way he is. "I see and did Liki do what he was supposed to?" "Yes... yes he did. Don't worry." Shadow nodded his approval of Silver's son.

Silver spoke then again, "Do you think you could convince our wolf God himself to let you live again? I know he doesn't do that, really, but you were put on this Earth to live and teach and learn." "Like I said. He won't do it even though my pack was the pack of the God himself. It's not allowed. If we die we stay dead. I could try again but I know the answer. I will not fight this problem for a while." Silver understood and got up he saw what looked like other wolves resting in one big group. "Your pack?" Shadow nodded. "Yes...yes it is. They will not harm you they know what you've done for me and will not do anything to you, what you did was you kept the last of the bloodline safe and allowed it to make the chain continue." Silver smiled and woke up to a smell. He woke up to a big butt right in his face and saw it was Liki's.

Silver growled lowly as he got up quietly and saw the sun was half way up. He noticed Shadey was sitting next to another black female wolf. Silver smiled as he knew that he had found his mate.