Battle on planet Traquil Chapter: 2, the factory.

Story by Tone Fox on SoFurry

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Two weeks passed after the battle in the forest of Galp Tone's squad decided they should make a near by enemy bunker that was captured into an HQ waypoint.

Soon enuf, the squad had the bunker under control and powered up, Tone and the rest of his group walked into the base, he pointed out toward a pile of files locked away. "I whant that opened, search everywhere you can to find anything of value at all. I whant this base up and running soon..." Tone glanced over to the computer terminal, he walked up to it and looked about the controls. "I see that this base has an intresting code. Haxor come here."

The moment Tone spoke that, an racoon fur walked in, he was wearing small glasses with a red dirty shirt along with blue jeans. As he walked up toward the computer he opened a laptop and placed it slowly onto the terminal, soon after takeing out a plug in from the laptop and plugging it into the computer. "This is going to take some time to crack sir." Haxor said, typeing in a series of hacking tools into the terminal. "Alright, so long as you can get me in." Tone replyed pating him on the back then walking off toward the exit. "SIR!" Yelled out Lt.Powell suddenly, running up to him. Tone quickly stoped and looked at him. "Yes powell? What is it?" Powell quickly gave a salute and handed him a red document that was found in the files locked away. "We found this all the way in the back chained to a box." Powell replyed.

Tone took it and looked into it quickly. "Hmmm...the enemy has a weapons factory nearby eh?...ok we strike in one week, lets make them think we forgot and dont know." He said with a smerk giveing the document back to Powell. Powell took the document and ran back to tell the others.

Tone retreated back to one of the rooms back in the bunker.

Dureing the week the squad trained themselfs hard, getting ready for the battle due next week, testing there armor and weapons for any flaws or disfunctions, none where found accept one weapon that whould not fire at all.

The days flew by fast and next thing they knew they where in the site where the weapons factory is located. "ok men, we have two ways of doing this, charge in from the front, take out the two bots protecting the entrance and take out the factory, or two, go in from the side and cut a hole into the side, letting ourselfs sneek in and kill them all off, takeing the base for ourself. I suggest number two since it wont cost us any lives most likely. Any suggestons?" Tone said as everyone took cover behind the trees and the darkness.

"Can we do both, Sir?" Said one of the men in the back.

"Shure" Tone said with a grin. "Our army is strong enuf to take out the bots anyway. So go ahead and have fun, it will help us take the factory form the side anyway." Just then it started to rain, a flash of thunder echoed from the back. At the factory everyone noticed the bots guarding the front went inside. "What the heck....they are leaveing the front open for attack? all because of rain?" Lt.Powell said, hideing behind a bush to the side.

"Ok everyone, we need to be careful and try not to get sneeked up on." Tone said then giveing the gesture to move out, everyone moved up to the factory quickly but quiet.

The Factory: The factory was old and rusted from over use dureing the war, bullet holes covered spots at which the blast doors where it was discovered by the army of tech city, but none made it back, nobody knew why, they thought that the tech city army was either retreating or mia.

"Ok get that door open!" Tone wispered to the others. The engineers rushed up to the door and started to slowly cut the controls and the wires at the controls. Suddenly the doors burst opened and everyone took out there weapons and aimed.

"What the hell?.." Said Lt.powell soon enuf.

The factory was empty, nobody, not even the bot guards where seen.

"Ok everyone, move in. But whatch your backs...." Everyone walked in and looked everywhere with there flash lights that the sun chould not reach, it was dark, damp, nothing but silence and rust scraps where heard as they fell to the ground like dirt slowly dissolveing as it went toward the ground.

Back at the base: Haxor was still at work on the computer, suddenly with a comformation beep he finnaly did it. "Yes! finnaly, after a whole week of trying I did it!" Suddenly the computer terminal went red and the alarm system turned on for a few seconds with a siren. Haxor turned off the siren but the red light continued to flash and the terminal still glowed red. Suddenly the screen started to go into a data trasfer frenzy, rapidly showing data being trasfered to the factory. Haxor quickly read the data as fast as he could, getting out only some facts about what is happening. "Oh geeze! A security sytem!" He instantly went to work on it, trying to kill the security system. "Come on come on!" Suddenly the laptop froze and then shorted out. "DAMN!....this is not good.." He said running his paw through his hair.

Story: The factory continued to stay quiet for a moment. Suddenly the doors slamed shut and a lock sound went off. "What the!?" The engineers ran up to the door trying to get it open once more. "Get that door open! NOW!" yelled out Tone, looking around for any enemy's.

The roof then blasted open with turrent guns and small hover bots that had guns attached to them, laser sight as well. "Crap..." Everyone took out there weapons and started to fire at the bots, first takeing out most of the turrent guns. The guns locked up and loaded, fireing rapidly at the targets, takeing out a few men, there blood splattered on the engineers as they continued to do there work at the door. "GAH!..." Lt.powell yelled out in pain, he was shot in the arm. Tone quickly ran up and hid him behind a few crates.

"Stay here powell!." Tone yelled out to powell running out to the robots and shooting them, takeing out a few.

"WE GOT IT SIR!" Said the engineers makeing the door slam open.

"Right...." Tone quickly ran to powell, picking him up and running out of the factory. Just then, the bots guarding the entrance earlyer jumped down and landing right infront of them. The rest of the squad took out the rest of the bots inside, running outside but then everyone stoped infront of the bots. Soon enuf, 4 more jumped down and surrounded them. "Crud...we are done for.." Powell said hoplessly.

The bots charged up there cannons, but just at the point they where about to fire. Three of the robots where blown away with a sudden blast. A ship hovered over at the distance it was haxors ship, they chould tell by the glasses used for his symbol on the side of the ship. "COME ON!" Haxor yelled out on the intercom, the hatch doors open and the squad incudeing powell and Tone ran inside, the doors slamed shut and the ship flew off, the bots fired at the ship, only hitting the tip of the wings, makeing the ship arch slightly.

They soon reached the base, the ship landed ontop of the bunker and the back ramp on the ship opened up and let the men out, they went down the stairs on the roof top. The rest of the squad went to there bunkers as Tone helped powell to the medical room to rest. "How did they get that kind of weapons? They dont have that kind of technology yet!...unles....they...captured our men...and made them say everything. HAXOR..plan up ahead and get everyone ready...try to find a Jail chamber in this forest...we are going to save a few men...."

~Tone Fox

Battle on planet Traquil Chapter: 1

The year is 4,327 on the planet Tranquil, a war as broken off and has broken off into two army's, once a peaceful world, crupted by power and freedom, the two army's control one side of the planet, spliting it almost in half. One side included an...

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