Winter Nights pt 3

Story by MrTibbles on SoFurry

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The husky finished cleaning his face off, he stood up, handed the towel back to the feline and headed for bed, Drake turned the TV off and followed him, "Are you sure you want to be alone after what has happened to you?" Drake asked him, "Yeah, i'm fine....Are you, you give me the feeling that you want to sleep with me" Nate explained, making the lynx go redder by the second, the husky giggled, "Cute" he said poking the felines nose.

"A..about earlier.....Thanks" Drake replied, kissing the husky back, Nate's eyes widened but he soon shut them and melted into the kiss, trying to manipulate his tongue to enter Drake's mouth, which succeeded to do so, he explored the feline's mouth for a second time, brushing the roof of his mouth and he curled his tongue around the feline's, suckling on it.

Drake moaned a little as he did this, wrapping his arms around the husky, pulling him close, Nate put his hand down the front of the lynx's jeans & boxers feeling up his limp cock, after that he began to fondle with the feline's sack, Drake moaned more during the process, before doing the same back to Nate, both of them ended up feeling each others privates.

The both stopped to gaze in each others eyes, "I love you Drake..." Nate whispered, Drake smirked and stroked the husky's headfur "I love you too...." Drake whispered back in reply, "WIll you be my....mate?" Nate asked smiling happily, Drake smiled back and nodded before locking Nate into a make out using tongues.

After, the husky licked Drake's cheek, "Can I sleep with you?" Nate asked, "Yeah sure..." Drake replied and walked him to the bedroom, where Nate slipped into the right side of the bed, leaving Drake with the left, "Hehe, you're eager aren't you?" Drake chuckled before he stripped to his boxers and slipped into bed next to Nate.

The feline purred excitedly as the husky bushed his leg against Drake's, Nate giggled and cuddled up to him snuggling his cheek into the lynx's nude chest, "mhmm...soft" Nate murmured before falling asleep, the feline chuckled softly and began to stroke the huksy's hair, running his fingers through it slowly, he purred at the feel of his silky hair, before he too, fell asleep.

(sorry its short, ran outta ideas at this point, look out for 4!)