
Story by Afril on SoFurry

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Ghost 2, Part 3 - M/M, Oral/Anal/Caressing/Semi-NC/Rough, Violence/Humor/Fantasy/Language/ - July 19, 2011 By Afril, With help from Chaos Blackwing (cl) The Gay Furry Association

Chapter 18 - Kinney

The hyena awoke, thinking a mule had kicked him. "Ohhh my jaw... What happened?"

"You wouldn't shut up, is what happened." The feline was staring at the wall, still feeling the calloused hand on his, the power surging through the white arm, aiming the dagger. The meaty *thunk* of the pummel. And how, with very little effort, it could have been the Blade that was shoved into the idiot's head - All He did was hold onto the damn thing!

Kinney rubbed his jaw... And launched himself at the feline!

Tequah didn't even have time to screech when he was shoved against the wall, the hot muzzle covering his own in a deep, hungry kiss. Kinney didn't kiss other males! Kinney didn't run his hands down their bodies, nor open their pants and tug them down to their ankles, while caressing their butts and stroking them to hardness either... What the hells was going on?

"Boss..." the male breathed, kissing the feline's chest, "I Knew you would put me in my place someday."

Canines! Slap them around every once in a while and they fawn all over you. "Please let me suck your cock, Boss... Please." The big brown eyes shone as the shaggy head dipped lower...

"No." dropped out of the cat's muzzle before he could even think. That sank in a moment, making the hyena cringe. "You know where I like it."

Kinney didn't even bother taking his pants off - He just ripped them to shreds, and almost ran to the shelf, pouring oil into his palm. He returned to kneel, slapping his hands together, working them back and forth to warm the liquid before applying it to the feline penis. Gods, how he wanted it deep in his muzzle... To feel those spines scratch his gullet as he swallowed his Alpha's cum. But Boss wanted his ass First. He dared a kiss on the tip, getting a bubble of pre to swipe across his tongue. Massaging the excess into the furry ball-sack with one hand, he shoved a couple of fingers up his rump with the other, just to make sure he was ready.

He breathed, harsh, hot breath over the trembling male's crotch. "How do you want me Boss? Against the wall, on my back..." He nuzzled the slick stalk, watching it flex. "On my belly, biting a pillow so only You can hear my whines?"

Gods... The cat pushed the half-dressed male onto the bed, mounting his upturned ass, stuffing his cock-tip in... And he had to stop as Kinney *Squeezed* him! And every inch he tried to shove in was the same way - Stop. Moan. Wait until the vise stopped gripping his dick. Push in deeper... It wasn't until his balls were nestled against the firm ass that the dog started moaning himself, allowing the Boss to fuck him rough and hard and fast, the spines scratching at his inner walls, making the hyena screech and grip the bed, pushing back against the pounding hips.

Tequah Stared at the brown spotted male who was slamming a hard, hot ass into his crotch with such lust... Who Was this creature? Kinney would have been laughing, not Moaning. He would have been on Top, or at the most, taken a cock with an 'Are You Done Yet?" attitude. This dog was humping against him Roughly, and Squeezing every inch of his feline penis, and... The cat screeched, arching up, gripping the strong hips as his balls swelled, blowing his lust into the gasping, yipping male. He dropped on top of Kinney, just holding the hyena still as Any movement was too much to take. Did they really just do... His free hand idly toyed with a dick bigger than his - Playing with the knot, the length of Kenney's throbbing maleness. He stroked it, moving his hand faster, feeling the canine move against him until the male screeched and blew a huge load all over the bed. Which made the feline yowl and cum a second time, just as hard as the first...

* * * *

After a Long few minutes of neither of them moving, the cat slowly pulled out of the hot ass, gasping loudly - Not because he wanted to, but because if he didn't he was going to pass out! Shit! Now he owed that fox a favor... Get in line, Eh? He yeeped as the mutt turned under him, the big hands started stroking and caressing his body, as Kinney looked up at the male.

"Again, Boss?"

Tequah Was still hard... And the canine wriggled his hips so his butt tickled the feline's nut-sack, a hand squeezing the spined dick, wanting to feel the Burn of those spines raking his insides again. As he lifted his legs, gripping his ankles, the Boss shoved the tip of his fat meat in, slowly thrusting into the hot hyena who loved every inch of cat-cock buried in his ass. Kinney only Acted stupid - He knew the feline hadn't knocked him out... Not without help. He would have to visit the white male himself - With muzzle, ass or strong arm, the hyena Always paid his debts.

Chapter 19 - Interlude

Orglin was in a bad mood. Rhinos are usually in a bad mood, but he was in a Really bad mood. Furs jumped over each other to get out of his way. Except for one... A white fox who sat, reading a book, totally ignoring him.

"Hey," he snarled.

Still no response.

"You, White Bitch. Move it."

The fox sighed, closed his book and looked at the rhino... Then he Stared at the male.


A white finger lightly tapped his nose. "Is your horn supposed to be cracked like that? I mean, I am no expert... But That doesn't look good."

The rhino gripped his nose-horn. "There ain't no crack in my..." It shattered in his hand.

The fox took several steps back. "Eeewww... Horn rot."

Shit! Orglin *Grabbed* his face with both hands. Horn rot? He started to panic a little...

"Are... Are any of your teeth loose?"

Wha...? No! Well - Maybe? He couldn't be sure.

"Look," the fox said, "Put your hand in your mouth, just to be on the safe side and get to the Infirmary. I am sure the Doc has Something that will help."

The big male stuffed his hand in his mouth. "Fank woo." he managed, before trotting off. Ghost sat down and continued reading his book. The others slowly returned to their seats, unsure who was more frightening - The Rhino or... No - A rhino will just kill you... A Crazy will make you Wish you were dead.

And the bear had the hardest time keeping a straight face... Sure you could contract Horn Rot - If you stuck your face in a septic rice paddy, or a combat-boot for a couple of days. He checked the rhino's teeth (All sound). Used a grinding wheel on the stump to smooth it out. And he recommended a gold cap - At least until it grew back out again (A dozen or so years from now). Doc checked the calendar again... Annual check-ups were still a ways off. Hmmph! Still, nothing said a Brigade member couldn't visit with a friend.

Chapter 20 - Ermines and Nagas

Eproi had been busy smacking heads and grabbing things - And anyone who was a little reluctant, got told it was what 'The Ghost' wanted. Now the ermine had the last item in hand and was standing in front of the serpent, shivering a little. He was never good at apologies and as he tried to stutter one out, long fingers caressed the side of his face, making him gasp. As he stared into the gold eyes, the mammal found himself unable to move! He breathed a little faster as the other clawed hand undid his shirt buttons, fingers trailing fire as they caressed his body. Down lower, they went, unzipping his pants, letting them puddle at his ankles, his cock already full and firm in the warm scaled hand. The snout moved to touch his... And he was surprised to find it neither cold nor slimy. The bi-furcated tongue touched his lips and as he opened his muzzle, it slid inside, tasting of sweet grass.

When the male broke their kiss, the ermine moved forward, not wanting it to end.

"Do you fear me now?"

"No Sir..." the male panted, stepping out of his pants, his shirt sliding off his shoulders, wanting only to lay with this creature. To touch the jeweled body, to feel the snake-cock inside him - He hoped the Elder wasn't Too big... Before he could ask, the snout dipped down and engulfed his hard-on into molten heat. The tongue-tips twined around his shaft as the male pulled up, pre spurting along the ribbon that wound tightly around the throbbing member. A *squeeze* and more pre shot out... Then the snout slid back down to the sheath... And even That was taken in to be bitten on gently, making the ermine screech and shake and moan. Sometimes the tongue was a carpet for his cock to slide on. Sometimes it was a miniature snake, squeezing and wrapping itself around his throbbing meat. And sometimes...

The twin tips would slap his cock-head, wriggle around it, making the male arch and grab blindly for something to hold onto. And the snout... Dry scales covered wet warmth and prickly teeth that slipped effortlessly up and down his male-meat, until his balls lurched in a clawed hand and gave up wad after wad of creamy liquid blasting out the throbbing penis. Eproi would have puddled on the floor, if not for the other hand on his ass, a clawed finger teasing his puckered hole... Which only made him cum harder.

* * * *

When the ermine awoke, he was lying on a bed, and his balls were screaming at him... They screamed louder when the serpent kissed them, tongue cradling first one then the other... He didn't think he would ever get hard again - He was wrong. Blindly groping down the scaled body, he found a pole jutting out from above an armored sack. It was the length of his fore-arm... Which meant it Would fit - Just. Ridged like a sex-toy it swelled in his grasp, the tip leaking pre.

The naga chuckled as the mammal gripped and squeezed his cock - "I am sorry I do not take after my Wilder cousins and have 2 of them... But one will suffice, Yes?"

Most definitely Yes! Eproi tried to wrap his legs around the serpent, to shove his butt back, to Get that Cock inside him! Only to be kissed and as he lay like a limp furry rag... He moaned, the pointed head slipping into his back-passage as he lay on the 'bed', Toes curling as he arched his back so the male could hump him easier.

"Ahhhh... Fuck me!"

"Dirty muzzle..." The old male bit the little nibs on the white chest, getting gasps and legs doing their best to pull him deeper. He preferred taking it slow - He wasn't a horse, but plenty thick enough to be a challenge. When he got about half of it sunk into the shuddering ermine, he humped, working a little more in.

But Eproi didn't want nice and easy... "Come On! Bury that Huge Snake-Cock in me... Ream My Ass Out, You Scaled Basta... *murfle*"

The serpent stuffed a pillow into his new lover's muzzle. Vocal was one thing - Tossing around nasty words like dirty laundry was another. Of course he Did ream the mammal's tight ass out with his multi-ridged snake-cock - Several times.

On his back. On his belly... On his side, wrapped in the Naga's coils - The mammal moaned and did his best to rub his butt against those fat balls, wanting to feel them swell and squirt their contents in his ass just Once more. And he thought He was 'Talented'... And that Tongue! A lash to make him scream as it smacked his dick, a ribbon with a pair of ticklers to make him moan and beg and wrap His tongue around. As they lay together, Eproi sloshed, wondering why cum wasn't spurting out his mouth, and he moaned into yet another deep, hungry kiss.

"Marry me..."

The naga chuckled and bit the white-male's nipples. "I don't think it's legal for a mammal to marry a reptile - Not unless you bribe the Judge enough. How about... Whenever you want your tight little ass fucked for hours on end, you come look me up?"

Eproi kissed the bejeweled lips... The fox made his balls ache. The snake made his ass ache. And he couldn't decide which he liked better!

Chapter 21 - Interlude 2

It seemed half the Prison owed the fox a Favor for Something. And they All wanted to know...

"What's he like as a Lover?" they whispered in the wolf's twitching ear, sliding up next to him in the shower. "Is he good in bed?" they asked as he sat, eating.

"How the Hells should I know?" he growled in reply. "Every damn time I try and seduce him, I either end up crying my eyes out while he snuggles me or I pass out, white-washing the floor..." Temas sighed. "I have asked, demanded... Hells, I even begged him to fuck me. All the bastard did was pull me into his lap and put both hands on my face - And gave me one of those kisses you dream about for days afterwards. Long and slow and smoldering... All the while gazing into your eyes like some damn romantic novel hero.

" 'Don't beg for what you already own.' Aaaaaah! You know how many times he has knotted me? Twice. I keep telling him I am used to getting pounded every night... And all he does is press my ass into his crotch and nuzzle my ears and tell me anytime I want him, all I have to do is grab his sheath. Then he starts caressing my belly, scritching me with the tips of his claws. Slow, lazy circles that have me moaning and moving my body against his hand. By the time those claws reach my nipples, I am panting and usually hard enough to pound nails... And then I feel it - The tip of his cock presses against my ass. Sometimes it slides in the crack, sometimes it shoves itself against the back of my balls. Sometimes..." Temas shuddered.

"Sometimes, it finds my tail-hole and after an eternity of teasing, it slides in. Maybe an inch... Maybe two. Then he whispers, 'Lover' in my ear and nips it, his strong arm cradling my head while his other hand reaches down and squeezes my sheath. And I blow everything I have onto the floor again. And despite clawing like a rabid wolf at the darkness, I pass out."

Another soft sigh. "Have you ever been Afraid of sex? I don't mean rape... I mean, balls not-talking-to you, cock so raw you can't touch it, and you don't even Dare think of something erotic for days? There is this thing - Hells, may was well call it Torture, called 'The Gates of Heaven'. Ah! I see by the crossed legs some of you have been on the receiving end of his fingers... Ghost says there are Ten of them. I haven't made it past the fourth. It starts with swirlies all over my ass. Then one hand slides across to my balls tickling and teasing and of course I am hard in moments - Especially after he teases me with those claw-tips. Unnnf! And then - Gods I am hard just thinking about it... He puts his palms on my knobs and... I wake up the next day, wishing I didn't have balls. So, if you ever Get him in bed, or just plain get him to Fuck you - You tell Me what he's like, Ok?"

Dammit... Did sympathy-sex have to be so good? Especially when your ass was being plowed by a horse or bear or someone who knew how to pound you Through the mattress...

Chapter 22 - Raph The Stupid, Part 2

Raph growled. He had been yanked into the Council of Wolves and told flat out to leave the fox alone. Bitches were easy to get - But he didn't want just any 'Bitch'. He wanted his favorite 'punching bag'. And since when did wolves kowtow to foxes? Fuck Them All! The next day in the Recreation room, he confronted the white bastard.

"You think you are so special... Get me dragged up by my tail before the Council - After I get done pounding Your fox-ass, I am going to slap that Bitch around some before I fuck him raw and - *ohshit*" Raph wondered if he had time to piss himself before he died... He did.

Nobody saw Anything. They were much too busy hiding under tables and behind steel doors to witness the white fox start Glowing like his namesake... They also did Not see the male shove his arms forward - Nor watch the air ripple as Something lifted the wolf up, slamming him Through the wall, leaving a hand-print behind... Like you would see in a cartoon. And when the 'Ghost' stopped glowing, he walked over to the hole in the wall and looked down.

"Raph... Stupid is going to get you Killed, someday."

* * * *

"The Hand of The Dragon."

Nigi dutifully wrote down what the serpent had said. He had seen many things in his years as a Guard - A hand-print etched several inches deep in a solid concrete wall, in the form of a Dragon's paw, was not one of them. Nor was a wolf who whined every time the healer touched him. He was on the other side of that same wall, having been slammed Through it - Or so he was told. Right now, he wouldn't bat an eye if a tiny wolf with wings and a magic wand flew by. Nigi sighed again - More paperwork... As to witnesses - Hells, even the Guards talked quietly when the subject of 'Ghost' came up.

The Warden was easy - He took one look, grabbed a handful of what was left of the concrete, declared it 'Defective', and returned to his office to make sure whoever fixed it did a Better job than the ones who built it.

"Alive. Nothing broken. Bruised from ears to toe-claws, though." Doc said, 'for the record'. Those stairs were claiming a Lot of victims lately...

* * * *

Raph couldn't even sigh... It hurt too much! Bastard wouldn't kill him - Oh no. Death was too good for Raph the Stupid. Instead, he got to live while every hair on his body Screamed in agony. Even worse was the tone the fox used... Not anger - If that male had been angry, there might not Be a wall. And Raph would have been a long, red smear on the floor. More like, 'I'm sorry I had to run you over with a Freight Train. Don't make me do it again...' As the two males returned to the other side of the hole, a white form knelt beside Raph. No! Please... Anyone but Him!

His head was gently propped up on a foot, fingers massaging his temples. "You will be in enough pain in the days to come. You may even lose your fur. Sleep now."

Shi- The male's lolling head was placed sideways, and the fox disappeared as quickly as he appeared. Doc smiled softly, noting the position of the wolf. Carefully, he put the male on the stretcher, and wheeled him off for x-rays.

* * * *

Raph spent several weeks in the Infirmary, and he did lose a lot of his hair - It was literally killed by what amounted to a blast-wave. But it grew back... The wolf still swaggered (a little), still growled (sometimes) - And whenever there was any kind of light haired male around, he made Tracks! He also got to see the other end of things when a bull with no shirt harassed him...

Latjen got off making others miserable. He didn't give a damn... "Crazy, Schmazy - Kick'em in the balls and they puke just like everyone else."

So why was he straining to move his fist when a white fox stepped between him and this pansy-wolf? All he did was threaten the little shit with a good beating... He didn't even throw That hard a punch - Yet it Felt like he smacked into a steel bar instead of a leathery hand.

"Let Go, ya fagg..."

The male let go of his hand, grabbing the big arm and accelerating it straight into a wall, where several bones could be heard to break.

"My Hand! You fukkin broke my hand... I'm gonna kill yo-"

A finger was on his nose, rubbing his ring. "You know Raph, most males overdo the ring thing. Horns, ears, lips... Nipples."

The bull moaned loudly as his bumps got teased between thumb and finger, tweaked, twisted... A claw tickled them lightly, making the fleshy buttons *POP* out - Only to be mashed flat by rough palms that turned in opposite directions, so the male couldn't concentrate on one side or the other for too long.

"Cock rings..." *ohgods* Somehow, the white hand was Inside his pants, a firm hand gripped his short sheath, Firmly... Keeping the contents trapped inside as the other one slid a finger up and down the connecting flesh between sheath and balls.

"A sheath-ring used to be The thing to have - But I much prefer an old-fashioned 'In the hole, Out the bottom' penis-ring." The hand opened - And his cock snapped out fully erect, destroying the pant-snap so they hung half-open on the bull's hips.

"Simple..." Fingers gripped the throbbing meat-pole.

"Elegant..." A thumb rubbed the underside, making the male gasp, and wheeze, then shiver as a blunt claw-tip teased the slit at the end open, Not pushing in... Just teasing it open and closed, Open and closed... Pre slowly ran down the length, to be massaged into the heated skin by the other hand.

"And what's with a half-dozen of them along the shaft? Are you supposed to tie something to them, like a ribbon or a boot-string?"

Then both hands vanished, and the big male took a half-step forward. What was Wrong with him? He wasn't some fagg-bull to be played with like thi - Unnnhhh!

"Yet tails get very little accessorizing..." The hand clamped down just in front of the brown tuft. "A cuff right here. Nothing too fancy - He's not that kind of male. Gold would set his brown fur off, but would perhaps be too 'Lion'. Maybe something more Olde-Time... Like hammered Iron. Black would really stand out, Don't you think?"

Raph wasn't sure if he should laugh, run or just stand there and drool... He wasn't supposed to be turned-on, Was he? The bull was going to pound his ass into the ground - And not in a good way. And yet... All he could do was watch that white-and-black hand trail a claw up the long tail to it's base - Where a single snap kept the male 'modest'. Then back down, almost masturbating the appendage...

The bull was panting heavily, and ready to Explode! His already huge oval balls were threatening that strap in the back by pushing outward. His cock was an angry red pole of meat, ready to turn into a fire-hose with the gentlest of touches. And what did the fox do? Pulled his head down until their noses touched, the ring firmly in one finger.

"It would be... Without honor, to fight you in your... Present Condition. So..." A soft tongue slid over the ridge of his nose.

Unable to straighten up because of the finger holding his ring, the big male bellowed, semen literally pouring onto his belly and chest... Dripping on the floor in long strands of white. Suddenly he was free, and as the bull arched up, his snap gave way, pants falling to the ground. Which would have been fine, Except... He bellowed again as claws lightly raked the back-side of the low-hanging scrotum, while the other hand was rolling his cock against his belly, the short hair tickling and poking his flesh. His hips bucked as more seed spurted upwards to add to the morass.

"Are you going to ever bother Raph again - Raph, reel your tongue back in... Unless he Wants you to?"


"And are you going to be a good bull from now on?"

"Nononono... I mean Yes! Please..." he begged - But it was too late... A claw-tip flicked across his cock-head, causing the hyper-sensitive nerves to fire in pleasure/pain, blasting down his erection, through his groin... Up his spinal cord in a wave of intense feelings that blew his head off his shoulders. With barely a whimper, the bull fell like a toppled statue hitting the floor with a dull *Thud*. The male was a slick, cum-covered mess. The floor wasn't much better. The fox, on the other hand, was immaculate....

Raph *Yipped* when a firm hand grabbed His ass. "We bushy-tails have to stick together." *Pop* went his knobs as he watched his 'Angel' walk off, gasping as his nostrils filled with rut-scent. All the other males in the Cell-Block were in the same 'predicament', so it was a while a while before someone got around to cleaning the mess up. Idiot broke Rule One, and basically got his nuts stomped on...

The bull's back was a mess and would require traction. He had a pretty good lump where he hit his head on the floor, imitating a falling statue. But worst of all - He 'Sprained' his penis. No sex, not even caressing it for at least 2 weeks - Probably longer. How the Hells did you sprain... That! The pink worm wouldn't even go back in it's holder, it just lay over his leg or flopped on his belly.

And of course Psycho-Fox paid him a visit.

"Please..." The stricken bull whispered as those clawed fingers stroked his too-full balls. "Don't..." Don't what? Torture him some more? He had already gone a week without orgasm, and it was all he could think about - But Not by This Living Nightmare!

"Of course," the white male said. He lifted the brown, bovine hips, squeezing the nice-ass, working his claws around in a slow, circular motion. The big male gasped as a collection bag slid over the tip of his erection.

"The First Gate."

* * * *

When the orderly came by a little while later, he gasped... The bull's dick resembled a snake - A long wavy line that somehow got even more 'sprained'. His tape showed a Spike in both blood pressure and heart function that somehow lasted several minutes without the alarms going off. And all they could get out of the trashed male was 'Cook' and 'Creamed Glop'.

Chapter 23 - Sacrificial Offering

The brown male sighed, screwed up his courage and walked into the cell that housed a Very-Crazy white fox.

"Mister Ghost. Fox. Sir..?"

The blue eyes opened and looked at him. They widened slightly as the rabbit undid his shirt, laying it neatly on the bed that smelled faintly of wolf. Then his pants, lifting one long leg, then the other - Hoping he was giving the fox a good view of his body. They too went on the bed.

"I have been chosen to be your... Fucktoy. In exchange for my... Services, You promise to leave the Rabbit Tribe alone."

Ghost looked at the male who was doing his best not to tremble. "If I am not to your liking, Please specify what you would prefer - Younger. A different color..."

He lifted his head and took a step closer to the fox. "If you do not want me for sex, I can wash, clean, run errands. Even... Even be given to others, if you so desire."

When he heard nothing either way, the rabbit turned, moved his legs apart and lifted his spade-like tail enough to show his clean (and oiled) pink hole. Hands slid over his hips, down his thighs, and over to cup his cheeks. Inwardly, he sighed in relief as the fingers caressed his firm ass. His tail flipped up completely at the touch of a thumb, and he shivered when it rimmed his anus, pressing in just a little. About that time, a wolf appeared, carrying the laundry.

"Temas, this is..."

"Bimmly, Sir."

"Bimmly Sir, a rabbit with a very cute butt. He has been chosen to be our Fucktoy - Is that right? Yes, Fucktoy... As long as we promise to not bother the rabbits. Have we been bothering any rabbits? I would say by the way your tongue is slapping the floor, that he is certainly bothering You."

Temas almost burst out laughing as red ran down the sexy brown neck, and he pulled the fox up, slapping his rump.

"Out, you monster. Go and talk about musty old things, while drinking musty old tea with the... Elder. We will use My bed, so You don't have to worry about lying in anything sticky."

The white male went out - But not before stealing one more caress on the sexy bunny-butt.

"Is he always like this, Sir?"

The wolf laughed, putting a clean sheet on the bed, leaving the blanket folded up at the foot. If anyone wanted to come and watch him and the sexy male do naughty things... Hey, go right ahead and gawk. There were so many 'Watchers' and 'Spiers' and 'whatever-else' r's, that you couldn't get into the Main room, let alone into the Cell.

"Sometimes... Sometimes he is Worse."

He took his own clothes off, tossing both sets next to the bed, before helping the sexy male lay down, sliding in himself.

"So you are our 'official' Fucktoy. Lottery, Short-straw?"

"Competition. I was one of the best. I got to choose who I would... Service."

Temas slid a hand along the cute rump, squeezing it lightly, while he lifted the rabbit's head and kissed him softly.

"Now as to Service... As you can probably tell, I prefer the bottom - That is, I like to have my bottom pounded by someone on Top of me. As to The White Mystery..." he sighed. "I have been trying to get him to hump me more than once a week for a couple of months now. Don't get me wrong - I cum a lot more often than that... Just wait until that Bastard starts caressing your ass with those claws. And nibbling on your nipples, or your ears, or your toes... And when you are about to climb the walls, he rolls you over, stuffing his fat sheath between your cheeks. His breath pants in your ear as he slides his tongue along the ridge..."

They were both starting to pant a little. "And if you are careful and move your butt just a little... Up and down on his sheath, maybe squeezing it lightly, you can feel the tip emerge, Hot and slick and pushing against your hole. And if you ask nicely, he will slip it into you. It's only an inch, but you could swear it was a foot when your anal ring closes over it. And all the while his hands are working your balls over, torturing your cock with scritches and caresses... I learned quickly to put the clothes on the bed or against the back wall, because I have splattered cum all the floor - Several times. And just when you want him the most. When you are Begging him to fuck you - The Bastard kisses your cheek, whispers in your ear, 'Sleep, Lover'... And damned if you don't pass out!"

A caress between the bunny's legs got a very pleasant surprise sliding into his hand. Well... "Did somebody bed a Mule in your family, or are you just - Gifted?"

The wolf swallowed a growl at the heart-breaking little smile the male gave him for that silly joke. He kissed the rabbit again, stroking his 'gift' into hardness.

"Well, Sexy-Butt? Who screwed the mule..."

A laugh exploded from the rabbit, followed by a moan as manicured fingers caressed his rump. Lips took his in a soft, gentle kiss. He stared into those amber eyes, noting how the purple shadow highlighted them. There was lust in those eyes... But there was also concern. And... Curiosity? Suddenly embarrassed, Bimmly put his head down. The hand started patting his rump firmly.

"Tell me..." The brown male shook his head, trying to figure out what Temas was doing.

"Tell me..." Now the hand alternated between cheeks, sometimes digging clawed fingers into the bunny-butt. He shook his head again, wriggling a little as the feelings got tangled up inside him.

"Bad Bunny..." W-H-A-T Wait a minute... Was this queer wolf - Spanking him? Bimmly was an Adult, Mature male. He wasn't going to... The free hand lifted one long ear, so a tongue could tease the pink skin inside.

"When I get done... Maybe, you could - Spank me?"

He giggled. They just came out - 'Little school-girl' giggles. He tried to stop them, to hold his muzzle shut. "Bunny is Sooo cute when he giggles like that." Didn't help any either.

When Bimmly could breathe again, hands cupped his face. Amber eyes looked into his brown ones. And again, lips touched his. Dammit! Males weren't supposed to kiss this Hot. He was a Fucktoy, a sacrifice. Stick a cock in his mouth. Shove it up his ass. But Don't... Thumbs caressed the base of his ears. Don't... A soft tongue slid across his lips. He Wasn't a queer! He Wasn't supposed to be enjoying... His muzzle opened a little and the tongue slipped inside, caressing his incisors. While they were longer than most (Just like the wolf's canines were fangs, but not FANGS), they were by no means 'Bucked'. Then his head got tilted a little and the wolf did the same in the opposite direction. What was he... Now, more than just the front of their muzzles touched as their mouths slid across each other. Teeth touched his jaws until he opened them a little wider, allowing them to tap against his own.

That same warm tongue slid under his to hold it... Just hold it. And then - Warm, moist air entered his muzzle. The rabbit gasped, sucking the wolf's breath into his lungs. His nostril flared open, taking in the scent of rut and wolf and... Flowers? Hesitantly, he exhaled, feeling the bigger male take his own air in. Feeling his own scents being inhaled by the wolf. This went beyond two males. Beyond Predator/Prey... This was Primal. Shaking brown hands slid up to grip the canine head, holding him for several eternities... And digging in when the mouth pulled back. But they relented and again, the warm amber eyes came into view. The tongue slid from his muzzle, but not before giving his own a squeeze... Then it was 'Just' lips on lips again.

Chapter 24 - Confessions

Bimmly lay on his side, trying to understand what had just happened. There were no words - Words were the realm of the higher brain, and this was much, much deeper.

"So tell me, Lovely One - What is your favorite pos..."

Before Temas could finish the sentence, the rabbit shoved the startled male on his back and started beating on his chest, choking on a scream. They hurt a little, but compared to Raph, the male might as well have been patting him. "Don't Call Me That! Don't Ever Call me That!"

He struggled as Temas pinned his arms until the male was still again. In layman's terms, the rabbit had 'Cracked'. Something bottled up for way too long, had finally exploded all over the wolf. 'Let's even the footing a little...'

Still holding the bunny, he said soft and low, "My first Love left me holding the bag - Full of drugs. Which is Why he is out There, and I am in here, for at least 10 more years."

The brown eyes opened wide and Stared into his amber ones. "You know what his last words to me were? 'Hold this for me, while I go take a leak.' Not Lover, friend, guy... Bastard didn't even bother saying my name! He went inside a convenience store, and about a minute later, I was on the ground with guns pointed at my head."

Bimmly expected most anything except the arms enfolding him. The hands caressing his back.

"The second... You just met him. The most frustratingly wonderful male I have ever moaned against. I curse him with one breath... And beg him to stay with the next. We only have four more years to be together - Unless..." This time it was the rabbit lifting the wolf's head and kissing him. 'Unless he tires of me. Gives me to someone else.' He had been there several times before himself.

Tears came unbidden - And the wolf-muzzle moved to his cheek, kissing it, that same soft tongue sliding through his fur, wiping the salty liquid away.

"A Third?" made Bimmly jerk and Stare at the crazy male. "No. I do care about you... And not just because of what's between your legs. Although..." got another giggle as they held hands. "But because it wouldn't be fair to either of us. On the other hand..." The wolf lifted a brown hand, kissing the back of it. "If you are willing to stick around - Who knows what might happen..."

Another deep, hungry kiss left the rabbit panting... "That's my time at the Confessional... Now it's your turn. Ah... I want to know why you went all 'Punching bag' on my chest. Who all those tears were for. Come on now... Don't make me spank your cute ass again - Unless you are into that sort of thing."

It was so easy to laugh around the wolf. To get lost in those soft amber eyes... As the male gently hugged him, rubbing his back, he again re-lived the rainy night that changed his life forever...

* * * *

His wife of half-a-dozen years patted his leg. Lovely was all white, with a pink nose that wriggled so cutely. "It could be worse... My sister's name is 'Beautiful White Flower Petals'." They both snickered... Calling her 'Love' was easy. He would have said she was his life, but there were three girls in the back that were more precious to him Than life. Normally, he would stop when the light turned yellow, but it was late and he wanted to get his 'Treasures' home. Halfway through the intersection, he saw something big and bright hurtling at him like a freight train...

Mister SUV was drunk. Mister SUV ran the light. Mister SUV was the son of someone Important. Important enough to have the records... Fixed. He was the one who ran a red light. He caused the accident that killed his wife and children. Mister SUV got a slap on the wrist and a fine. He got 10 years for reckless driving and endangerment. He would have cut his wrists a long time ago, but somehow, he lost his wedding ring. His wife was buried with hers, He would be buried with his - No matter how long it took to find it.

"What does it look like..." startled them both. Of course the fox was standing there. Of course he had heard every word. That white bastard could hear a bug fart from clear across the room! While he rubbed the rabbit's back, Bimmly described a simple gold ring, with four names inscribed on it - The loves of his life. Then he suddenly *Blushed* bright red... He Couldn't be - Could he? The rabbit knew he could never love another female, But... Then warm wolf lips kissed his left cheek. And warm fox lips kissed his right cheek. Hands gripped his ass, squeezing the fur-covered muscles, caressing them and making the male gasp.

"Ever been the filling in a meat-sandwich?" made him shiver... He shivered harder when a blunt-clawed finger teased his puckered hole, making his tail snap straight up. Then manicured fingers ruffled the white fur, and he moaned... How could anything so simple as having his tail played with be so erotic?

"Temas, will you excuse us for a moment...."

The wolf got up and put his pants on, standing in the cell doorway. Being shirtless meant his bunk-mate was going to be...'Busy' - Lucky Bastard!

A white hand held the rabbit's brown one, rubbing it. "Would you like to take revenge on the male who put you here?"

The rabbit sighed. "You would think I would love to make him get on his knees and suck on as many cocks as I have had to. To have them shoved up his ass for months on end. But... When they handed down his sentence, he thanked the judge and as he walked past, he tossed me a look. It was full of sorrow and remorse and even fear. He looked like someone who had just been told they were going to be hanged the next day... I guess when we are both in Hell, I will ask him about that look."

He smiled shyly as a hand gently caressed his cheek. "And what makes you think you are going to Hell?"

"I... I just assumed -"

"Hell..." the blue eyes stared into his. "Hell is learning how to hold a knife as soon as you can walk, and how to use it not long after. Hell is killing your Friend, because he can't take the pain any longer. Hell is destroying your Centuries-Old mentor, knowing a single mistake will cost you Your life, your Honor. Hell is watching your Brothers fall with a bullet in them... Then watching that same rifle explode in the face of the male holding it - Both of them still very much alive... At least for as long as it takes to silence their screams. Hell is watching lovers die in your arms from age, disease, wounds... Or torn apart by an angry mob. Hell is losing it so badly you turn a City into a crater, going from Warrior to Butcher in moments... And breaking every Sacred oath you ever made. Hell is finding what is left of a cub after they open a Clay-pot mine, hoping it is something they can feed their starving siblings with."

The white fox patted his rump. "And you think you are going to hell for surviving? For thinking another male is sexy? And perhaps even forgiving yourself enough to love again?" He shook his head. "Dinner bell is close to ringing. Get dressed, and I will meet you there. I have some things to do."

* * * *

As Ghost walked past him, Temas could swear he heard, "You are not even in the running..." He shook his head, then grinned over his shoulder before returning to his cell and tossing his pants on the other bed. The rabbit was sitting with his hands in his lap, looking quite lost... At least until a wolf grabbed him and rolled him onto his side, making the brown male 'eeep' and laugh.

"We have some time before Dinner... You know..." he kissed the soft lips. "Like I said, I am a bottom." The bunny just giggled as another kiss warmed him. "But..." Bimmly moaned as the male nuzzled his throat. "If someone was to ask Nicely..." A pink nipple was tongued, kissed, nibbled on. "I just Might switch."

The bunny was rolled onto his back, the other nipple likewise teased. By now the brown male's dick was slapping his belly, a drop of pre oozing from the tip. "So..." The nose wandered down the shuddering rabbit's body, stopping inches from the straining penis. "Shall I stick my cock up your ass? Or would you prefer to shove this very generous piece of male-meat into mine?"

"No." Hands pulled the wolf's head up. "I am not a Doe, You are not a Bitch. If you want to be my Lover, then Yes. I would like..." he bit his lip. "Hells, I would Love to have you as my Lover. My Equal - No 'Drop your pants and bend over'. No limp-wristed, swishy hipped, movements - What?"

The wolf was laughing into his chest, then moved his head up to kiss the rabbit. "I am sorry Dear, but I Am a limp-wristed, hip-swishing... Male. I was queer before I came here. I will be queer when I leave. Now, if you can take that... I will be happy to be your Lover, Bunny-buns."

Bimmly tried to grimace... But it was hard when those so beautiful amber eyes were looking into his. And those so warm lips were pressing against his muzzle. A firm hand gripped his cock, stroking it.

"If we hurry, we may have time for..."

"No." The rabbit said. "No 'Quickies'... I have had a Lifetime's worth of, 'Stick it in. Cum. Pull it out.' No more."

"No?" whined the wolf, making him laugh. "Geez... You want me to yank you into a bathroom stall and pound your ass for like 5 minutes? Or shove you against the wall behind the dryers - Or over a folding table?"

"Oh Yes..." Temas moaned. Which made the bunny laugh and slap the silly male's butt. Which made the gray male murr and stroke the bunny-dick a little faster... Right then the speaker went off, telling everyone to stop pumping butt, and lineup for Dinner.

"I wonder what Cook had made into glop today?"

They both made a face and got dressed.

Chapter 25 - Rings

Meanwhile furs were quickly moving chairs and scrambling to get out of the way of the white fox, who was headed for a certain cell. The Gang parted for him, moving just within ear-shot. All except for one - He was on his knees, blowing an ermine who was holding onto the mattress, panting, eyes closed. John wasn't the best cock-sucker, just the easiest. Unzip your pants and he was on his knees. The problem was... John gave the same kind of muzzle-job each and every time - Not bad, not great. Good enough to get you off of course. It was just... Boring.

So the male was puzzled when the canine stopped for a moment... Then Mister Average turned into a runaway suction pump with a ribbon attachment! What was once just a long piece of flesh to slide a penis on, was now a whip. It slapped and teased and flicked over his throbbing meat. The up and down movement continued, but now the head turned side to side, sometimes allowing the sensitive tip to rake across the rough mouth-roof. Sometimes sliding it along the tongue. And sometimes... Teeth dug into his skin, being dragged up the shaft. Nipping on the tip. Pushing his sheath back so one more inch of ermine-meat could be coaxed out.

"Shiiiiiit!" The white mink's cousin managed before his teeth clicked together, his head jerked back and he Exploded into the hungry maw. The only thing preventing his balls from being sucked out his piss-slit was the hand latched firmly onto them, making them swell and contract against the stroking fingers. When the Hells did the mutt learn to do tricks like that?

When Eproi could breathe again, he forced his eyes open... And *Groaned* loudly. There was the demon who haunted his dreams... Erotic nightmares that jerked him awake, drenched in sweat and with a raging hard-on. One white hand was tracing patterns on the back of John's head, guiding the torturous movements. The other was teasing just one more splurt from his over-worked nuts. Then a thumb-claw started tracing swirls in his sack, and the ermine Begged the male to stop. Anything! Anything the fox wanted he would do his best to Get or Do - Just... The hand came off his balls and slid over his thigh, to lift his white tail, touching his pink hole. Was the male Sure he didn't want to go through the Fifth Gate? Eproi shivered... The last time the fox had led him through the Fourth Gate of Heaven, his balls hurt for days afterward. And he didn't even Think about sex for a week!

Well, at least John was happy - The Boss busted Both nuts in his muzzle real good! He was going to have to remember that head-twist trick. The canine got up and went out to get a drink. The ermine shivered and waited for the fox to stop driving him insane before quickly pulling his pants up.

"I want you to put the word out... I am looking for a gold wedding ring. It has four names on it, and belongs to a rabbit named Bimmly. I would be Honored if it turned up in a day or two. And if it has 'vanished', then the name of the one who took it will suffice."

The smile looked warm - At least to those several feet away. But to the slim male, it looked like a rictus... A parody. And like the eyes, it was as cold as the grave. Oh yeah - Something would be in that white hand tomorrow... A gold ring or a pair of balls... And not His!

End of Part 3