Nearly There Chp. 1 - Departure.

Story by Blazey Wavey on SoFurry

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#1 of Nearly There

Well, here's the first chapter for everyone. I feel some what satisfied with this chapter, I had no need of rushing and no need of introducing characters yet, so I'm some what okay with what I wrote this time. Hope you all enjoy, I also hope things weren't...So bad I guess I could say...? Meh, here you guys go.

It was finally over, soaring over the deep blue sea, I smiled as I looked over towards Luc and Troy. We were finally leaving for our vacation, the endless drama that had pursued was finally over and I was finally going to have some fun with two of my favourite furs. Glancing out the airplane window, watching as the overnight clouds were starting to turn a darker shade of blue, I took a deep breath, closing my eyes. Suddenly hearing a loud rumbling, opening my eyes to see a flash of lightening strike down into the water. Taking grip of Luc's paw more tightly as we start heading into the midst of a storm. Watching as countless times, thunder and lightening struck, the rain no longer falling downwards, it had turned vertical and it was as if the rain was trying to push the plane back to where it had came.


"Don't worry, it's just the storm causing turbulence."

"Yeah, don't worry Near." Hearing Troy speak up beside him

The big muscular wolf seemed to be calm as ever, stretching out his muscles as he continued on a conversation he had with the doberman beside me. I massaged my forehead, having trouble trying to focus onto the conversation as the thunder had made me jump every time I heard it clashing against the waters and sky just outside. Closing my eyes and holding tightly onto the dobermans paw. Hearing as the flight captain turns on the intercom, quieting the passengers on the plane as he speaks over the microphone, perking my ears up as he spoke of 'common plane trouble' a rough noise suddenly cutting him off. Starting to take a tighter grip onto Luc's paw more tightly as we started to lean more forward, taking grip of the seat in front of me from going any further. Looking out my window once again to notice that the fog had gotten thicker, taking another glance at the fog to see it wasn't fog, a thick layer of smoke coming from one of the wings of the plane. Looking back towards Lucas and Troy, noticing that Troy was no longer in his state of calmness, watching as he took grip of his arm rests, his muscles tensing up noticeably through his shirt. Feeling Luc's paw run along my jawline, making me look towards him as he grabbed hold of my paw tightly with his other.

"Everything is going to be okay... Look at me, hey... Look at me"

Shaking my head as his voice finally went through and into my head. Nodding slowly at his words, he ensured me that everything was going to be alright, but as I glanced around the plane, seeing Troy trembling in fear along with every other fur I saw. Watching as Troy unbuckle his belt and standing up, grabbing our three backpacks from the over head cabinet. Tossing them at us, grabbing it and unbuckling my belt as I slide it back onto my arms, the straps resting against my shoulders. Watching as gravity almost making Troy fall down the tilted isle, as he grasped onto the seat, preventing himself from slipping down the isle. The plane finally going into a full nose dive for the ocean below, glancing out my window once again to watch as the water approached closer and closer. Closing my eyes, hoping it would disappear if I just closed my eyes. Still feeling the plane shake and vibrate as our decent kept going, feeling a sudden jolt, my head whipping back and forth as a sudden sharp wind hit me. Opening my eyes for nearly a second to see we had impacted the water and upon impact the plane had split in half. A sudden shake of the plane making me sway, slamming my head into the window beside me as I heard a crack. Everything quickly going dark as I lose consciousness. Hearing Luc's voice in the distance, but it kept getting further and further away, my vision going darker and darker, everything turning black as I'm unable to keep awake.

Shaking my head and gasping as I awoke, quickly sitting up as I glanced around. I wasn't in the airplane anymore, I was sitting up in bed now, rubbing my forehead, panting and breathing heavily as I wiped away sweat from my fur. Looking over towards Luc beside me to see him make some noise before rolling over onto his side, taking the blanket off me and getting out of bed. Slowly making my way over towards the sink outside of Luc's bedroom, looking down towards my feet as I made my way over, flicking on the basement kitchen light and turning on the fosset at the counter. Putting my paw in the sink and splashing water up onto my face, leaning down over the sink as I take another couple of deep breaths, thinking of how real that dream was. Looking over towards the clock on the wall to see it was four in the morning, rubbing my head as my dream kept playing through my head. Hearing Luc's door creak open again, looking back behind me to see Luc slowly walking out, rubbing his eyes and yawning loudly. Making his way over towards me as he leaned up against the counter, his head barely holding up.

"What're you doing up mister, go back to bed." Running my paws through his fur, smiling softly at him

"Noticed you weren't in bed and I heard the sink running. Another bad dream?" Watching as he yawned out afterwards, his fangs glistening a little in the light.

"Err...Yeah." My smile fading away slowly

"What was it?"

"Can we not go on that plane today?"


"I just...Really don't want to be on a plane today."

"Tell me."

"Just because."

"You can tell me anything...C'mon...Tell me." Feeling his paw run along my jawline just as he did in the dream

"In my dream...The plane crashed..." Looking down into the running water

"Your just being worrisome. Nothing will happen, we'll be fine."

"Trust me Lucas, something will happen to that plane, please, let's not go on it. Please" Looking back deep into his eyes, with a certain puppy dog look to mine

"Your being silly...Nothing bad is going to happen."

"No...You have to believe me, I saw it happen. The crash, the water, the storm."

"Neon...Your overreacting."

"I am not! It was real, it's going to happen. I know it is."

"The plane is not going to crash Neon."

"Please, just believe in me... Do it for me." Grabbing the sleeve of his shirt


"It might sound crazy...But I just know."

"Fine... I believe you. What shall we do then?"

"I don't know..."

"Well, I still want to go on vacation, but we should call Troy later to tell him we changed plans."

"It was all too real." Grabbing him and pulling him in close for a hug, nuzzling into his neck

"It's okay, we're fine..."

Wrapping his arms around me, patting my back. Walking back with him to the bedroom again, following along closely behind him while holding his paw. Smiling as he jumps onto the bed, pouncing on top of him, watching him smile at me and wrap his arms tightly around me, snuggling into his chest as he kisses my forehead. Listening to his heartbeat, and the slow rise and fall of his chest. Closing my eyes slowly as the rhythm of his heart started to make my eyes more and more heavy.

Feeling a cold shiver down my spine as Luc and I walked down the sidewalk, looking up into the sky to see a nice showcase of stars lighting up the sky. Walking alongside Luc, tossing my keys in my paw as I sped up, walking faster towards the parking lot. My keys flying up into the air, and down back into my paw, finally within sight of my car. Stopping to turn back to look back towards the doberman behind me before feeling a cold paw grab my muzzle, and another arm wrap around my chest as I manage to let out a small yelp, my footpads now dragging along the ground as I'm being pulled away from the street and pinned up against a wall. Opening my eyes to see it all again, quickly glancing towards Luc to see him pinned up by the four furs again, the bundle of cloth shoved into my maw muffling my scream as I look around, feeling him shove me against the wall harder, tears blurring my vision as I looked around. Thoughts in my head spinning. "How am I back here, what's going on?"

"Now look. You can struggle and make this worse, or you can sit there and have this over quickly." Feeling a paw strike me across the face as I shook my head and focus back onto the dark fur who repeated the exact words.

This isn't happening again, I closed my eyes, hoping it would go away, hearing him continue on talking as he pressed his ice cold blade up against my neck, hearing him scream into my ear as he questioned if I heard him, unable to stop I nodded. Hearing him call out Neon I opened my eyes up again, tears unable to stop flowing from my eyes as it was still happening, my blood running cold again as I heard my voice being called once again.

I stood there helpless again, minutes passed by, maybe even hours, as the same conversation carried out, watching as Luc once again tried to break free but was met with a blow to his snout, watching as blood splashed against his shirt and ground. Suddenly being bent over, feeling that same paw squeeze onto my butt once again, whimpering as he groped and rubbed me. My eyes streaming more tears as I couldn't believe what was happening, wriggling my arms and body, unable to get free as I felt the same bonds, tying me to the crates.

I let out another muffled cry as I felt the rush of cold air press up against my fur as he tugged my pants down, the returning feeling of not wanting to be in my body anymore had been the only thing on my mind. Continuing to wiggle and shake my body, hoping that I'd be able to get loose and get away from this place. Turning my head towards Luc again, hoping this time he'd be able to get free in time. The sudden hot rod pressing up against me made me widen my eyes as I started to panic even more, the feeling of my blood running cold as I laid there helpless. Continuing to try and struggle free, the bonds around my paws were tightly secure and the rope had started to burn against my fur as I wrestled with them. The sound of everything around me had started to drift away, as I still tried wiggling myself to freedom.

Gasping as I quickly sat up in bed, resting against the backboard, my paws running through my head fur as I breathed heavily into the night air. Wiping away more sweat as I sat there, trying not to wake the canine beside me as tears ran down my face, quickly wiping away the tears and laying back down on my side, resting my head on my arm as I laid there in silence. Only being able to stare at the darkness surrounded room, the wall seeming to glow in the dark as I stared at it, a couple more tears straining from my eyes and running along my face and down onto the pillow. Letting out a big sigh as I laid there in the dark.

Before I knew it, the sun had started to enter into the room as I laid there, feeling Luc turn around and wrap his paws around me. Jumping out of bed as shivers ran down my spine, rubbing my arm and biting my lip as he looked at me, raising his eyebrow.

"What's wrong hun?" Leaning up onto his arm


"There's definitely something up, tell me."

"I had another dream of that night... It was horrible."

"Awww...It's okay, I'm never ever gonna let that happen again, okay?"

"That's just it...How come you couldn't break free? How come it wasn't until he was...almost...almost finished?"

"What? Neon, they had me tied up and pinned against the wall!"

"That didn't stop you from breaking free afterwards..." Feeling tears starting to form in my eyes

"What are you saying? It's not like I actually took joy out of watching him violate you!"

"I'm sorry...It's just so unbelievable that you'd-" Sitting back down on the side of the bed

"That I'd what? Choose to let him do that...Neon, how could you even..." As he slid up more against the bed backboard.

"What? You got free didn't you? You couldn't have done it sooner?"

"Put yourself in my-"

"In your situation? I would gladly switch with you."

"No...Neon, I couldn't do anything..."

"Yeah until he was almost-"

"Would you let me explain..."

"Fine." My ears lowering as I felt bad for even saying any of this

"I couldn't just break free at any time...There was-"

"Four of them, I know."

"Let me finish please...They were all keeping a close watch on me and every move I made was followed up by a blow to my ribcage or stomach, I really tried throughout the entire thing..."

"Maybe you didn't try hard enough..." Feeling more tears wash down my face as I looked away from his eyes.

"Neon...I'm sorry. I had to wait for the right moment when they finally stopped paying full attention to me so I could take them out..."

"You don't know how hard it is...For me, sometimes...Every touch of someone else, makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable."

"It's hard for the both of us, not just you...Not being able to touch you without you looking away, or pushing me away...How do you think that makes me feel..."

"Always me me me."

"Are you- No...Your joking right?" Hearing him scoff and widen his eyes a little.

"Well I'm sorry that I can't tend to you twenty four seven."

"It hasn't always been about me...Who took care of you when your dad was abusive? Who took care of you when your family kicked you out? Me."

"I'm still hearing a bunch of me me me's..."

"This is unbelievable."

"I know your-"

"This might sound harsh, but you need to get over this, look at what it's making us do."

"I am getting over it...It just needs-" Sighing and rubbing my head

"Just needs time...I know, I'm here for you and I'm not going anywhere."

"I have really been...Trying."

"I know sweetheart. You can handle a lot and we'll get through anything together."

"I'm sorry..." Rubbing my arm and looking away off to the side of the bed as more tears run down my face

"You don't ever need to be sorry..."

Feeling his paw slide around my back as he pulled me closer, another shiver going down my spine as I moved closer, looking into his eyes I felt safer and more secure. Letting go of my feelings of uneasiness, collapsing into his embrace I took a deep breath and rested against his fur. His paws running through my hair as he spoke. "See...Everything is fine." The sudden noise of my phone ringing, hearing Luc sigh and let me go, standing up and walking towards the phone, picking it up and looking at the caller display to see it was Troy.

"It's Troy, I'll tell him that the plans have changed." Seeing Luc nod as I click the answer button. "Hello?"

"Neon!" The sound of his excitement blasting through my speaker.

"Hey Troy. Listen-"

"Are you excited for our trip to Tokyo?!" Cutting me off from finishing

"Listen, change of plans, we're not going to be catching an airplane anytime soon."

"What do you mean? Trip cancelled? It isn't because of me is it...?"

"No no, I just think we should do something else for our vacation."

"Oh, well...What do you have in mind then?"

"I was thinking... a trip to New York, how does that sound?"

"It sounds wonderful."

"Alright, we'll just finished getting ready and we'll phone you in a bit."

"Okay, I have to get ready as well."

"See you later."

"Yup, bye."

Walking into Luc's kitchen, grabbing a cup and pouring a glass of milk into it, taking a sip as Luc walks by with a towel. Watching him walk into his bathroom as I continue taking drinks, tapping my claws against the counter as I hear the shower turn on. Gulping any of my fears and worries away as I tip the cup back, quickly finishing the milk in the cup as I put it in the sink and made my way towards the bathroom. I crept quietly through the door as it wasn't locked, walking up to the glass door and knocking on it with an innocent look spreading across my face as the canine inside looked towards me and smiled softly. Seeing him open the door slightly as I start to undress slowly in front of him. Tossing my shirt onto the bathroom sink, unbuttoning my pants as they dropped to the floor my boxer briefs dropping along with them as I slowly stepped inside the shower. I sighed as a gushing torrent of hot water flowed across my face from the shower head. Freezing as I felt a paw slide down my tail, momentarily gripping it by the base, then moving across my rump. Looking back to see Luc standing behind me, standing there smiling innocently as he wrapped his paw around my tail.

Washing away any feeling of uneasiness in my stomach as he continued to slide his paws through my fur, feeling his paws wrap around my chest, leaning back into his embrace as water washed over us, closing my eyes as he trailed his teeth along my neck, starting to kiss my neck lovingly as I stood there, my ear twitching slightly as I could feel him press more into me. My body stiffened as Luc's sudden engorged maleness slowly pressed against my backside. Blushing red as I could feel him slowly rub against me as he waited for an approval, I took another deep breath as I let out a soft moan. Taking that as an approval he slowly pushed upwards, his length slowly working its way into me. I gasped at the sensation, uncomfortable at first, then sliding slowly toward unadulterated ecstasy. Hearing him grunt, his paws sliding down to my waist as he took grip of my fur at my waist, sliding himself all the way into me.

He pulled himself back and then I felt his hips slam into my backside as he began thrusting into me hard. Luc wrapped his arms around my stomach and pressed his face against the back of my neck, moaning softly. Gasping out as I felt a new sharp sensation digging into the side of my neck. Realizing quickly that Luc had moved his muzzle and was now biting down into my neck. I felt his teeth sink into my soft fur of my neck, nearly screeching as a wave of ecstasy flared down my arms, making them tingle. Feeling breathless as another, more savage of a bite caused a surge of electricity to shoot through my body. Feeling my cock jerking reflexively as I almost came then and there. Just barely being able to control myself from screaming, I managed to issue a deep growl and seized one of the dobermans paws proceeding to suck and bite his fingers more gently than he was savaging my neck. It was almost agonizing as Luc, freshly aroused by my vocalization, began to thrust into me deeper and faster, biting my neck even harder. Feeling his body tense up in an instant. Hearing him thrust harder as I felt him starting to tense up, his teeth letting go of my neck as he howled out loudly, exploding deep inside me.

Luc pushed me upright then, nudging me back up against the shower wall, turning me around. Watching as he kneeled and swallowed my rock hard shaft. I felt my body buck, my tail thrashing against the glass door of the shower. Another growl escaped from my muzzle as I grabbed the canine by the back of his head, pulling his face to my crotch and shoving my cock completely down his throat. So far down that I could feel his teeth against the fur on my lower stomach before I began orgasming violently. I could feel him nearly choke as my cock tensed and spurted cum down his throat over and over, but to my admiration he didn't pull away until my cock ceased to pulse and my body went limp. I fell, sagging against Luc as we kissed. I could taste the stickiness of our mingled sex on his lips. I licked his muzzle as I pulled away, holding him against me, relishing in the feel of the hot water as it sluiced across our bodies. I grabbed a bottle of soap from the rack beside us as we wordlessly began to wash ourselves free of the evidence of our passionate loving. Still standing beneath the water, leaning against one another, I could feel the beat of the canines heart as I laid my paw on his chest. It had been several minutes before he broke the silence.

"God, how long has it been since know."

"Apparently a long time" I said, still feeling washed over by the orgasm I just had.


Turning off the water as we stepped out and quickly did our best to dry off with towels before picking up the dryer and turning it on as the quietness of the room was filled with the annoying sound of the machine blowing hot air out. Pointing the dryer out over my fur as it starts puffing my fur out, feeling the heat pressing and blowing my fur around, quickly blowing it over my body before handing it over towards Luc and wiping away the fog from the mirror. Glancing into the mirror, leaning up against the counter as I start playing around with my hair, spiking it up and messing it up before spiking it up to the side, feeling more satisfactory with the way it looked. Putting a little gel in it before nodding at myself and looking towards Luc in the mirror to see him smiling at me.

"Your so gay with your hair."

"Shut up, I like to take care of my hair. That's all."


Watching as Luc shakes his head, his hair shaking about before taking it's usual form. Looking in the mirror as well, nodding along with me before smiling at me and ruffling my hair, nudging him with my elbow as he walks out of the bathroom. Sighing as I start the process all over again, finally spiking it over towards the right before smiling at myself. Leaning back and looking more intently into the mirror, feeling a sudden uneasiness as I continued looking into the mirror. Tilting my head one way, then the other way, raising my paw and waving it around. Checking to see if the mirror had been reflecting my every move and making sure that it was just a reflection, always having a nervousness around mirrors, feeling as if it was never myself looking back at me, shaking my head as I turn towards the door. Turning off the light as I step out of the bathroom, walking back to the bedroom and tossing on some clothes. Watching as Luc collapsed back onto the bed I smiled softly, picking up my phone again to phone Troy. Hearing my phone ring a couple times before he answered.


"Hey Troy, you ready yet?"

"Yeah, I just finished showering, you guys ready?"

"Yep, I'm starving how about we go for some breakfast and discuss about our vacation?"

"Sounds perfect, I'll meet you guys at your house in ten."


Hearing the phone click before putting my phone into my jeans pocket, sitting at the edge of the bed looking over the dog on the bed. Smiling and standing back up to stand near the door before walking out, hearing Luc whistle before I am able to fully walk out of the room

"Oi, where you going?"

"Just going to see what's going on with mom and dad... Oh and... Troy will be here in ten."

"Oh, alright."

Continuing to walk out of the room, my tail swishing about before leaving the room, quickly making my way up the stairs to walk into the kitchen to see Luc's parents doing what they were usually doing. His dad reading the paper as his mom prepared breakfast, the air fresh of coffee and bacon. Hearing my stomach rumble softly as Luc's mother turned around to face me as she smiled brightly.

"Good morning dear, your just in time for breakfast!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Luc and I are going out for breakfast with Troy."

"Excited about Tokyo?" Hearing his dad speak up without lowering his paper.

"We're not going to Tokyo anymore, we're going to New York."

"Oh? Changed your plane tickets and everything?"

"We're driving."

"That's quiet a long drive, do you want any more money for gas?"

"No thanks, we should have-"

"Nonsense, I'll put more money in your bank as well."

"How do you-"

"Honey, we're agents remember." Watching as Mrs Goldshark smiled brightly at me before setting a plate down for her husband

"Yeah, so I think it should be easy for us to know your account information." Mr Goldshark grinned before folding up his paper and picking up his utensils.

"Okay, well. I should-" Being cut off by the sound of knocking at the door.

"That's probably Troy, go tell Luc to get up here."

"Okay mist- I mean...Dad."


Turning around and opening up the basement door again, quickly stepping down the staircase and peeking in the room to see Luc laying there still, staring at the ceiling. Jumping on top of him and telling him that Troy was here and we need to go, seeing him nod and smile. Pushing me off of him as he raises his paws, expecting me to help me up, looking down at him and poking him before slowly backing up towards the door. Seeing him let out a big sigh before slowly sitting up and make his way towards me. Smiling at him before turning around feeling him walk closely behind me as we jumped up the steps. Walking over and standing beside Troy as he conversed with Luc's parents, smiling as they talked for a few minutes. Nudging Troy a little to notify him that we should get going, seeing him nod at me before turning back towards Luc's parents. All saying our goodbyes as we slowly made our way towards the door. Turning back to give his parents big hugs before grabbing Luc's paw and walking outside with Troy, noticing that Troy had a similar black S.U.V. truck to the one he had in Europe, walking up to my car before looking towards Troy again to see him glance at our hands and back up to our faces.

"Where's your bags?"

"There already in the trunk of my car."

"Oh, alright. Where are we going to eat?"

"Just follow me, I know of a place."


Turning back towards Luc's home to give it one last look as we were leaving for our vacation, smiling as I noticed his parents looking out the window, waving at us. Waving back before getting into my car, a sudden feeling that we wouldn't be home for a while overcame me, shaking it off as my over thinking mind playing tricks on me as we pulled out of the driveway, taking a deep breath as we slowly drove away from the suburbs. My paws firmly on the steering wheel as I wiggled a little in my seat, still shaking the feeling of uneasiness away. Looking towards Luc as he smiled at me, letting go of one paw on the steering wheel to grab his paw, holding it as we drove onto the highway.

"Your all tensed and nervous looking...Relax, we're going on vacation now."

"Your right...Can't wait until we get there." Smiling at him as we drove through the traffic.