The Life and Lust of Vusty - The Wicked

Story by Maxon on SoFurry

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Vusty lets out her inner demon...

[Demonic T...

Vusty lets out her inner demon... [Demonic Transformation, Muscle Growth, Orgy, Worshiping]   The Life and Lust of Vusty The Wicked Vusty had been enthralled by a new book given to her by one of her magicians, said to have been pulled out of an ancient temple far away from her kingdom.  All night she had been reading about the power it held.  Destructive powers, powers to bring creatures back to life, one power in particular catching her eye...The power to embue one self with demonic power.  The writing said that it increased ones abilities countless times, the spell itself rather simple and not unlike the other magic and science experiments she had done thousands of times before. Now Vusty stood over the chalk powder pentagram on the floor, each point of the star holding a candle, the Koopa right in the middle of it, standing over a small pot filled with an assortment of items required to complete the spell.  The final item needed was one she was happy to give, gasping out with a soft cry as she orgasmed, squirting her juices into the pot as she crouched over it, licking her fingers clean and smiling as she looked to the book and began to speak the magical words of the spell. "Beings of the underworld! Grant me your power! Give me the abilities I crave! Klatuu Barada Nickle! I mean Nikto!" Feeling abit embarassed by the mistake, she was glad to have seen her spell had worked as the lines around her began to glow.  The entire room grew brighter with a violet light that warmed her entire body.  Expecting to be hit with a shock or something that would give her powers, her feet sinking into the ground was not it.  The floor had turned into a dark ooze pit, sinking slowly as she struggled to get out of it.  Worried that she had done something wrong, she tried to grasp for any sort of hand hold, but the circle was too big and she was sinking into the tar-like substance more and more.  It felt warm, power emanating from it that seemed evil, soon feeling it hit her neck and taking a deep breath as she was completely submerged. Bubbles popped across the pit, the ooze calming after what seemed like minutes, surely drowning the Queen.  Suddenly, sharp points began to push out of the pit,  growing and growing till the shape of a hand could be seen covered in this sticky substance, a faint glow coming from the claws as the body within rose from it's depths.  With a supernatural rise, the body of the Queen soon stood out atop the liquid pit, covered head to toe in this dark substance that dripped below.  While the body looked similar to that of he Koopa, she began to stretch, powerful and enormous muscles straining her taut skin, a gutteral growl coming from within as the body seemed to be growing larger and larger, soon a towering beast dripping with black ooze.  Parts of her body began to show throw, all of her claws, her nipple piercings and new horns that jutted up even farther, making her have a total of 4 horns, though these ones were glowing an evil purple light.  In fact, her piercings, claws, tail spikes, and eyes were a bright purple glow. Her powerful hands went to her tits, each one twice the size of her head as they hung heavy.  She gripped them tight and groaned out with a satisfying moan, her tongue flicking out, having become split at the tip, her piercings glowing bright there also.  Once having a swept hair with a mohawk design, now she had hair dangling down below her full rear, still dripping off the oozing mess, stepping away from the pit.  The most surprising of her transformations was that she had now become herm without using her mushrooms.  Those nuts were large and hefty, pierced multiple times at the bottom, the cock itself a thick monstrosity that could easily be mistaken for an extra arm, dangling at least two feet down her legs, also pierced on the underside, multiple times. Licking some of the dark fluid from her lips, her body huffing as a heat building with in, taking a deep breath as she smelled the air, her senses increased many times as she could smell every horny bitch in her castle.  The thought of ravaging each and every one made her cock hard instantly, jutting out nearly four feet and even thicker as she didn't care if it would take some work to get it in. The door to the dungeon chamber she was using was destroyed, the towering twelve foot Koopa demon having to crouch some, hunched over like a monster to get through the hallway as she was grinned wide with her sharp teeth, on the prowl for sex to satiate her increasing desires... "VUSTY THE WICKED DEMANDS SEX!" She roared through the castle, giving power behind it as everyone trembled, not sure of what was going on. Each step giving a shake, spikes and horn scraping along the ceiling, Vusty burst into her female harem, door crushed as she was able to stand now, surveying her sluts who were dumbfounded by what they saw.  Some cowered off to the side or behind another, but some began to start licking and kissing her feet, seeing that their Mistress had become a Goddess in their eyes, worshiping her to the best they could.  Grinning wide, Vusty let them as she pointed to a dark skinned female wearing silky gown, using her power to bring her over in a hove as she flailed, seeing just how gigantic the Queens cock was.  The poor human had taken some big dicks, but nothing like this as she struggled.  Laughing at the pitiful mortal, Vusty grabbed both legs and spred them, pulling the girl over her cock and spreading her rough.  Screaming out from the stretch, she tried to push away, only sinking into the soft tit flesh, more cock penetrating her now wrecked pussy.  Quickly the Demon Queen was fucking the slut nearly to the hilt, cock bulging up through the belly, straining the skin, the girl having passed out from such overwhelming pain and pleasure and now nothing but a fuck toy to get that giant dick off. Huffing heavily, the Queen quickly came to orgasm, pumping gallons into the girl who was pulled off and tossed onto a bed, letting her cock proudly dump her seed all over the room, bathing the girls and herms worshipping at her feet, some having started to fuck each other as the aura the Demon gave off was powerful and intoxicating.  Grabbing a new slave with one hand, she was turned into another fuck toy, this time staying awake and screaming in extacy as she fucked that pierced Koopa cock, another girl hefted into the air, Vusty's mouth pressed to her pussy lips and eating her out as her neverending tongue slithered into the girls insides and swam around, filling her with the writhing mass, drinking the girls juices as she felt she could fuck everything that moved right now.

Slowly the Queen awoke, her normal, yet still curvy self.  She looked down to see that she had a cock between her legs, a nice floppy foot long piece of piece, and she wondered when she had taken the shroom for it.  She remembered that she had done the spell for her powers, but then nothing.  Something moved at her feet and she realized she was laying atop a pile of her harem.  There were girls and herms, even a few bois laying around in a jizz covered mess.  The air reaked of sex and she didn't think a hole had not been fucked here.  A few girls were still kissing her feet, one suckling on her pierced tit like a baby wanting milk, wondering what had happened.  She managed to get away from the pile of sluts and was standing in a puddle of semen.  Even some of her her powerful muscle bitches were passed out or asleep, covered in her jizz. She looked at the time and realized that it was the next day and her whole body ached.  Not sure what had happened, she made her way back to her room, noticing small things like her mohawk seemed taller, her claws longer, even her tits abit more full and heavy.  Thinking she just had a wild orgy and not even cleaning off her own sweat and cum, she flopped onto bed and went to sleep, her thoughts filled with more sex and lust than usual, a faint laughing coming from deep within her dreams, almost involuntarily and quietly saying..."Wicked..."