Meeting Destiny

Story by ArtixBear on SoFurry

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#1 of Dean and Vance

Ok, so this is my first story like ever so I know there...

*BEEP BEEP BEEP!* Dean sighed as the alarm continued. *BEEP BE- BOOM!* He slammed the dismiss button as he began the struggle to get out of bed. The problem wasn't physical; it was just every day there seemed to be less and less of a reason to get out of it. After a ten minute back and forth he managed to pull himself to his feet, but instantly regretted it. The heat had been shut off in his apartment a few weeks ago, plus it didn't help much that it was the middle of winter. He scratched the snow white fur on his bare stomach, as he lumbered to the bathroom.

"At least the water still works" Dean mumbled to nobody while he waited for the shower to warm up.

He had always been a spacy person, probably because he would rather spend time in his own head than deal with the reality of his life. The bad part is whenever he spaces out his mind usually takes him back to a moment in his life that he isn't particularly fond of. In this instance he was around seven or eight years old, and walking to 'baseball practice' with his old man, John. Actual practice didn't start for quite some time, but as is father saw it:

"It's a great time to get a leg up on the competition." John explained, as he walked at a brisk pace down the street, toward the field,

Dean jogging lightly to keep up, "Dad, the league doesn't even start for a long time."

"This way, by the time it does start you'll be way ahead of the pack." He countered.

The cub only managed a groan of defeat as he continued to follow his father. Eventually they both slowed to a more leisurely pace. The air was hot and heavy as the march trudged on. As they were nearing the park a Bengal tiger and a cheetah came into view. They were holding hands and the Bengal tiger leaned over to plant a smooch on the cheetah's muzzle. Normally that wouldn't have been a big deal but on second glance the cub realized they were both males.

John grunted when he saw what was distracting his son, "Faggots." He mumbled under his breath as they passed by the couple.

He managed to keep the two lovers from hearing it but Dean caught the word, "What did you call them?"

John glanced down, "They're homos." He said, choosing a less offensive word this time, but Dean had already made the connection that the two words were probably one and the same.

"Is that bad?"

"No, it's sad and wrong." He said with a small sigh.

His impatience confused the younger bear, "Why, they look like they're happy."

John stopped walking but didn't look to his son "No, they are confused. What they do is an insult to nature and an affront to the lord." He explained with a low growl.


"But what, Dean?!" His father yelled, spinning around to lock eyes with the cub, "Why are you defending those... those freaks?! From now on for every one of those freaks that you try and defend is another five laps around the field." Dean stopped talking about it but his mind refused to let it go.

For the next few years he managed to push it to the back of his mind, until he was around 10 or 11, when he began to realize that he was one of the people his father seemed to hate so much. Dean stopped conversing as much, he stopped hanging out with his friends, and he just started generally pushing people away. He continued the pattern throughout middle school, high school, and collage. Even now, as the bear found himself glowering at his own reflection, wishing he was different.

The glare was broken when steam obscured the mirror. He let out a sigh and closed his eyes as the warm water rushed through his matted fur. He let it numb his brain, making it easier to push his conflicting thoughts to the far recesses of his mind.

The theme to "The office" (One of his favorite shows) rang through his apartment; he recognized it as his ringtone and jumped out of the shower to begin rooting through piles of laundry on the floor, searching for his cell phone. But by the time he found the ringer was silent.

"Figures." the bear mumbled when he saw the name on the missed calls screen. It was from Spencer, an artic fox that Dean worked with. The fox was also the closest anyone had come to the bear but the only reason for that was because a few months ago Dean got wasted and rambled through all his problems to the fox. The amount of alcohol prevented Dean from remembering the incident but Spencer had tried to set Dean up with a few girls since then so apparently he hadn't been drunk enough to tell the fox he was gay. It's not like he hadn't thought about telling the fox, he just didn't really feel like there was a need to.

After slipping into his street clothes Dean left the apartment and jogged the three blocks to his work at the hospital, through the half inch of new fallen snow. He had a car but he decided for money's sake it would be easier to go on foot, plus that way it was easier to give money to Frank. Frank was a homeless fur Dean had met his first week out here, giving him a dollar every time he walked by became a daily ritual of sorts. After Frank thanked him Dean continued to his job. Inside the hospital it was warm, but the warmth wasn't the only thing Dean was greeted by.

"IT'S ABOUT TIME!" Dean only had time to look up before he was assaulted with playful punches and questions, "Where've you been? Strip club? Why didn't you invite me? Meet anyone? Were the BJ's expensive?"

"Spencer, stop." The bear complained, which was hard to do between the seemingly endless barrage of questions. But eventually he stopped,

"Seriously though, I've been calling you all morning, Alan had been searching for a head to rip off all day and you've given him an excuse."

"Alan doesn't need excuses to rip my head off; he will have done it anyway, regardless of the time I came in."

Spencer was silent and looking to the ground. The bear heard someone give an angry snort right behind him and groaned as he realized who it must be,

"You're damn right I don't, and don't worry about your patients by the way, I told them to hold off on dying another hour so they could look into your eyes as they died. I hope the extra time it took you to look pretty was worth it, you asshole."

Dean turned around but was unable to meet the bull's chestnut eyes. Alan was a massive bull, about a head taller than Dean, not including the horns. He had brown fur everywhere, and had a thick muscular build. And when he saw he wasn't going to get any reaction out of the already defeated bear, he could only give another angry snort and heaved Dean's caseload for the day into his arms. Then he shoved past him with more force than was really necessary.

"He has a point you know." Spencer said quietly once the bull had rounded a corner.

"Yeah I get it!" Snarled Dean irritably, but he instantly regretted it. The bear was not usually an angry person; in fact he was usually quite the opposite. It used to be hard to find a time when he didn't have a smile across his face, but like many things, time and life faded that aspect of him to almost nothing.

The rest of the day past quickly and for the most part was uneventful; the bear visited all of his patients, worked down in the free clinic for a while, and then assisted in surgery for the rest of the day. It was rare for an intern to have so much responsibility but Dean had been top of his class in med school so he was allowed, even though it's still his first year of actual hands-on work. Before he knew it he was changing out of his scrubs, walking out the door, until he felt a paw clamp down on his shoulder, preventing escape,

"Hey Dean,"

"What now, Alan?" Sighed the bear, still not completely over this morning.

"The psychologist left for the day. The moron forgot to evaluate that gunshot victim upstairs, they passed it to me and so I'm passing it to you. Get it done before you leave." He replied coldly as he passed the chart to Dean.

"Why me?"

"Because you... deserve it the most." He replied, putting emphasis on the word 'deserve' to make it clear that this was a punishment.


Vance lay in the itchy bed as he waited for sleep to take him. The day had been filled with nothing but cold emotionless doctors who probably had already forgot his name. Vance is a wolf with a firm athletic build. His fur is black everywhere except his chest and belly area, which is a gray-ish white color.

Just when sleep was about to reclaim him he herd the door open again. Looking up he examined the new face, a polar bear with a lot of natural muscle but at the same time was slightly chubby. The doctor stood at the door for a few seconds just observing the wolf. Vance shifted uncomfortably under the bears gaze. The bear, noticing how weird he must have been acting, approached the bed and introduced himself,

"Hello, I'm Dr. Dean Andrews but call me D.", He with a hollow smile. Vance just stared, waiting for the doctor to get to the point, "I will be conducting your phyc eval now."

"It's like one o'clock, can't we do it tomorrow?" Vance groaned.

"I know it's late but could you just bare through this with me, it will be done before you know it, I promise."

"Fine, Whatever,"

"Alrighty, first question, what is your name?"

"Are you kidding me?" Dean shrugged his shoulders. "Vance Embers.", Sighed Vance.

"Where do you live?"

Vance raised his eyebrows, but Dean only looked back with a sheepish grin on his face, "Seattle."

"Where are you now?"

"In the firey pits of hell."

"Close enough." Laughed Dean, "Can you tell me how to start a car?"

"Umm, you turn the key and slam on the gas till you hit someone." Vance said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I'm not sure, but that one might be incorrect."

"It's not my fault; you people didn't give me time to study." Vance replied and they shared a laugh,

"Now, can you count backwards from 100 by sevens?" Dean asked before a frown crossed his face, "What the heck, I can't even do that." He added, rereading the question to make sure he got it right.

"Maybe you should be the one in this bed." Vance said with a light chuckle.

Dean paused and then replied with obvious skepticism, "What... You're telling me you can?"

Vance grinned sheepishly, "Umm, 100, 93, 86 ...umm, 79, 71?" Vance replied hesitantly, looking to the bear for approval.

Dean was still staring at the evaluation sheet, "I think that's a trick question, cause there is no way any normal person could know that." He said looking up to the wolf chuckling.

They talked and joked around for a while even after the eval was done. The weirdest thing was, Dean found himself actually enjoying his conversation with the wolf.

"What happened to you...? I mean how did you get shot?" Dean asked, after they had been talking for well over an hour.

"It's... a long story." Vance said, avoiding eye contact.

"So, give me the short version, besides you're not going anywhere, for a while at least."

Vance sighed and looked back up to the bear as he began the story, "Well... I'm a cop, well more like a trainee. My job was to watch and observe my partner. Well while we were out patrolling we heard screams coming from that old abandoned warehouse down on the pier. We walked in to find 'Samson the Slasher' standing over his latest, and also last, victim."

"Hang on, who?"

"Don't tell me you haven't heard of the 'Samson the Slasher'."

Dean shrugged, "Sorry, my TV is broken."

"He's the killer that seduces women, lures them to an unpopulated area where he rapes, murders, and robs them. Not necessarily in that order.... well anyway we walk in there, he sees us, pulls a gun. Next thing I know bullets are flying everywhere. Stan, my partner, gets hit. I managed to shoot Samson but before I can get to Stan someone shoots me from behind... They still won't tell me what happened to Stan..." Vance explained frowning.

"Well I tell you what, tomorrow I'll look into it. Plus that gives me an excuse to come back here and bug you tomorrow." The bear said with a slight chuckle.

"I have no problem with that. You're the one doctor in this place that isn't a total robot."

"What? Most doctors here are pretty cool," Dean said with a frown, "Who is yours?"

"Some bull named Alan."

"...That actually explains a lot, Alan hates me."

Before Vance could reply loud thud shook the wall outside, "What the heck was that?" Vance yelled.

"No idea," Dean said as he jumped from his seat, "Let me go check it out," Dean poked his head into the hall, but found it to be barren. He was just about to move back in when something caught his eye. There was a small crack in the drywall. But before he could consider it the wolf called him back,

"What was it?"

"No idea," The bear said as he looked back to the wolf from the doorway, that's when he saw the clock, "Maybe it was a sign that we better wrap this up here."

"Aww, so soon?" The wolf groaned, he found himself wishing the bear would stay.

"Yeah, it's late...well before I head out is there anything you need or any problems?"

"Hmm, well the area around the gunshot is feeling a little numb."

Dean frowned and touched the area, located on Vance's hip, lightly with his paw.

"That hurt?"

"No, it hasn't hurt all day."

"What probably happened is the blood flow hasn't returned completely yet." The bear said thoughtfully as he began to massage the area with both his paws. "It needs to be re-established, but not too quickly, the rush of blood could damage the nerves."

"Oh, the blood is rushing somewhere alright." Was the only thing Vance could think as he tried to hide his growing erection. But the bear was too good looking and he was massaging to close to his cock that Vance couldn't help but let out a small whimper of pleasure. Thank god the bear mistook it for one of pain, and pulled away.

"Sorry, but anyway it should be fine." Then Dean looked at the clock again. "Holy crap, it's going on to four o' clock, I need to get home and you need to get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." Dean said as he hurried out the door.

Vance frowned; sad to see the bear go. Then let out a sigh as his cock retreated back into its sheath. Yeah, he was gay, but he wasn't about to tell anyone, especially not someone who he just met and had his hands literally inches away from his gents'. He really liked the bear and didn't want to mess it up so early with something as little as the fact he was gay...


BEEP BEE- BOOM! The bear leapt out of bed and right into the shower, not caring that water was freezing. He was ready to go and out the door in a record time of 15 minutes.

"Well, look who's finally on time." Alan sneered as he pushed Dean's patient charts into his reluctant arms.

"I've kinda got some stuff I need to take care of first..."

"Is this 'stuff' more important than the lives of your patients?"

After considering it for a second, Dean replied "Not really."

"Thought so,"

Dean grabbed the charts, slipped into his scrubs, and then went to the computer lab. It wasn't so much a 'lab'; it was more like a room containing nothing more than a table and five computers. Dean had asked around, but all he could find out was the name of Vance's partner, Stan Anders. But the computer wouldn't pull anything up on Stan or Vance; the bear didn't have enough clearance which was odd considering the hospital rarely put locks on info. Out of the corner of his eye though he saw Alan hadn't closed his account, after a quick glance around the room Dean moved to the bulls computer where he proceeded to pull up the file. After scanning it, the bear's suspicions were confirmed, the Bengal tiger, Stan, had passed away on the operating table.

He didn't even know Stan but when he thought about how this might hurt the wolf, he considered not even telling him. Dean was so involved in his thoughts he didn't hear the bull approach from behind,

"Can I help you with something?" Snarled the deep voice from right behind Dean.

The bear almost jumped out of his skin, he was still recovering as he attempted to form a sentence, "N-No, I was j-just... umm..."

"Leave, NOW."

D didn't need to be told twice. He went to his first patient's room, deciding he would get all his other jobs done first in order to avoid the news. They went by quickly, but it was still around noon by the time he was done. There was a small sandwich shop right next to the hospital, so in a split second decision the bear ran down and got two ham sandwiches.


The fork was almost to Vance's lips when the door slammed open and a paw smacked it to the ground.

"Dude, what the he-"

"Trust me you don't want to eat that. It's disgusting." The bear chuckled as he tossed a sandwich to Vance.

"Sweet, I love ham." The wolf replied, tail wagging lightly, more at the sight of the bear than the actual sandwich.

"Awesome, So do I."

They chatted and joked around casually as they ate, until the dreaded subject came up.

"So... have you found out anything about Stan?"

Dean crumpled up the wrapper his sandwich came in as he thought for a second on how to answer," I sorry, he didn't survive the surgery, the wounds were too severe."

"...Oh..." Vance choked out.

Dean was not a believer of luck but in all honesty he had the worst. Because before the bear could even begin to comfort Vance the door swung open,

An uptight female nurse approached Dean "Dr. Andrews, Ms. Cooper is asking for you, I mean, Donnie again."

Kate Cooper is a sweet tabby cat who had sort of alztimers disease, brought on by her immense age and stress. Donnie was her son that died in a car crash 20 years ago on his way to work at his dad's restaurant. The alztimers has caused her to forget this and now she believes Dean to be the son she had lost.

Dean groaned as he gripped his temples.

"Listen Ven, I will be right back, don't go anywhere."

Vance just nodded as he stared at the uneaten half of his sandwich.


"Donnie! There you are sweetie." The tabby smiled as Dean entered the room.

"Hello Ms.Cooper, how are you?"

"Donald, I told you to call me mom." Frowned Kate, "and I'm doing fine, I feel like I'm 20 years old again."

"Well why did you call for me then?"

"I never called you. Donnie, are you feeling alright?"

Dean considered the question, he thought about his life, he thought about the wolf that had recently entered his life, and he found a smile across his face. Now Kate might be old and may be a touch crazy, but she was still extremely sharp and as inquisitive as a mom should be. One look at the face Dean/Donnie was sporting and she knew.

"Oh my goodness, you met someone," She said excitedly, and clapped her paws together; "My little Donnie is growing up. Of course I will want to meet 'em."

"I will think about it." Dean chuckled.

"That's marvoules, now you better leave, your father will be angry if you're late for work again."

"Alright, I will see you later Ms. C.", Smiled Dean as he began to walk out.

"And be careful, while driving on those roads, they can be quite dangerous."

"I will."

"D-do you promise?" She stuttered, somewhere in the back of her mind she remembered the accident, and was terrified whenever the bear left the room.

"Of course, I will be fine." Dean assured her gently, he decided to wait till the drugs took effect, sending her gently off to sleep, before leaving the room.


Ven sniffled. He hadn't cried, deep down he had guessed that's what had happened but it was still a shock. Now that he was alone his mind wandered back to this morning. His official doctor, a bull named Alan, was in the room. They had been having a hollow conversation while the bull steered it toward the subject he had come to talk about. But the conversation was short lived when Alan gave up and just came straight out with the news.

"I'm sorry but your medical insurance is up. No matter how you are feeling you need to check out by midnight tonight. Unfortunately, you do not seem fit to live on your own, do you have friends or family you can stay with?"

"Well I was rooming with Stan but you people won't tell me what happened!"

"Anyway you just need to find somewhere else to stay by tonight." Alan said, ignoring the comment.


"Look I really am truly sorry, but I can't help you." The bull said softly, as he placed a box on the table, "These are your clothes and personal effects; everything you came in with is in this box. Good luck, and I'm glad you are feeling better" he said with genuine emotion.


Vance was brought back to reality by the closing of the door.

"Hey, how are you doing?"

"I'll be fine, I think I knew the answer down inside."

Dean finally saw the box. "Are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah, the hospital's kicking me out."

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know yet. I was staying at Stan's but now..."

"Well if you don't have anywhere else, I have a spare room at my apartment. You're welcome to it if you want."

"Really?!... No I don't want to be any trouble."

"It's fine... actually a roommate would be nice to have."

"Well... if you're sure, I would be really grateful."

"It's settled then. When I get off my shift I will come up here and walk you to my apartment. Tomorrow we can get you stuff from Stan's." Dean said as he walked backwards out the door.

"Looking forward to it,"

The second the door closed Dean started jumping up and down, punching the air. He hadn't felt this good in years. Not only did he get to keep talking to the wolf, he got to room with him too. As soon as Dean calmed down enough he bit hard into his thumb. That was just a habit he started when he was little. Whenever he got too emotional he bit his thumb, focusing on the pain helped him get back control over himself.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the door the wolf was just a happy only he was having a harder time expressing it, the only way he could without hurting himself was with his tail and that was going 1000mph. The rest of the day passed slowly, but eventually the bear was helping Vance out of the bed. The wolf had to use crutches so the walk was slow and cold. They talked casually as they treded through the snow. When they arrived D set down Ven's box of stuff and opened the door, but only wide enough for him to slide through. He turned back to say;

"Wait here for a second." Without waiting for a response Dean ran inside and began madly cleaning the apartment; throwing away trash, picking up laundry, and making the bed. He was cleaning for a solid five minutes before he realized Vance was watching from the doorway.

"I told you to wait, how long have you been watching?" Dean said trying to hide his face that had turned a bright shade red.

"Dude, it's freezing outside and you told me to wait for 'a second', so I waited for 'one second'." Laughed the wolf when he saw Dean's face, "I hate to do this but do you mind if I take a shower."

"That's fine; you can do whatever you want. It's your apartment too now." The bear waited till he heard the shower start to run before he lost himself in thought. The wolf was going to be living with him, obviously, and it wouldn't have usually been a problem. Through collage he hadn't had problems with roommates, but his roommates didn't make him feel the way Vance did. Actually nobody made him feel the way Vance did, throughout his life the bear never felt any attraction to anyone, he usually stayed away from those subjects with his friends but when it did come up he would just make up some story about his girlfriend. But that wouldn't work here; eventually it would come up so Dean decided to deal with it now before it came up by accident and made everything really awkward.

The wolf finished showering, slipped on his pants and walked out to find the bear pacing back and forth, gnawing on his finger like he hadn't eaten in months.

"You ok?" The wolf asked, slightly nervous.

"Oh, Vance... listen, I need to talk for a second..."

"O-ok" Vance said growing more nervous.

"If you're going to stay here I feel like there is something you should know... Umm... Vance,... I'm... I'm uhhh..." Dean closed his eyes and took a deep breath "Vance, I am gay."

The wolf's jaw dropped as the new information processed. Dean opened one eye to try and gauge the wolf's reaction. A few seconds passed in silence and Dean grew uncomfortable. A few more seconds passed and Dean grew angry.

"Hey, if you don't like it then you can jus-"

"No, it's not that... it's just umm... it's just... aww screw it!" Exclaimed the wolf as he wrapped his arms around Dean and brought him into a kiss. After the shock subsided Dean let his jaw down to allow the wolf's tongue into his maw. Vance groaned and began rubbing his sheath against the Bears as the kiss grew in passion.

Still kissing, the bear moved to the bed, where he lay on top of the wolf. They broke to give each other time to breathe, but the bear didn't resume the kiss instead he gave a mischievous smile and slide down so his maw was right above Vance's cock. The bear undid the pants and slide them off, revealing the wolves fully erect member.

Wasting no time Dean licked the member from the tip to the wolf's balls, earning him growls of satisfaction. Then the bear took the length into his muzzle causing a gasp to escape the wolf's lips. Vance gripped the white fur on the back of Dean's head as he slowly began to thrust into the bear's mouth. The pre tasted sweet and Dean swallowed greedily, loving every gulp.

Slowly the thrusts became deeper and more uncontrolled, as the wolf lost it. He let out a howl as he buried his cock in Dean's maw and shot load after load into the back of his maw. Dean pulled off; gagging and the last shot caught him in the face. Vance leaned forward to lick his own cum off the bears face.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"Don't be." He smiled back panting.

"You want to have a go?"

"I thought you'd never ask." Dean whispered as he got up, stood at the foot of the bed, and let his clothes fall to the ground, revealing his pulsing, jet black cock.

"Think we could try something a little different?" Vance asked seepishly.

"Sure what do you have in mind?"

Blushing, the wolf got up and put his paw in front of the bears face.

"Spit." He said.


"You herd me. Just do it." Replied the wolf as his face turned a deeper shade of red. Still not getting it, Dean did as he was instructed. Then the wolf got onto his knees and began rubbing the bear's meat with the saliva. Dean gasped but it quickly turned into a low growl as the pleasure enveloped him. Dean began thrusting into his paws as his swollen cock began leaking pre. Just when the bear started to really enjoy himself, Vance stopped.

The wolf got up and turned around. While keeping his feet on the ground he bent over and laid his stomach on the bed.

"What are yo-" Was all Dean could say before Vance backed his rump up so the tip of Dean's straining cock entered the wolf's ass."Oooohhhh..." Sighed Dean as he landed on cloud nine.

Vance let out a gasp when Dean pressed in another inch.

"Sorry, I'll go slow." And he did until the tip of the bear's meat was rubbing the wolf's prostate, sending shudders of pure pleasure through both of their bodies. Slowly Dean pulled out, and then slowly began to push back in. The spit and pre acted as good lube but it didn't stop the burning pleasure Vance felt throughout his body.

"Faster" he moaned.

Dean was only too happy to oblige. Faster and faster he thrusted until the burning left and only pleasure remained. Dean's balls slapped the wolves with each thrust forcing small huffs out of Vance's lips.

The bear grabbed Vance's shoulders as his thrusts became primal. Then he pulled back with his arms and pushed forward with his hips, forcing his meat to go in as far as it could while he let out a bellowing roar and shot torrents of his seed into the wolf's ass. Vance let out a gasp as he felt the hot seed fill him

The bear gave one final thrust, coaxing the last of his seed out, and collapsed next to Vance on the bed.

"That was incredible." The bear gasped.

"You can say that again." Vance mumbled as he crawled up, laid his muzzle on Dean's shoulder, and planted a kiss on the side of the bear's maw.

Dean wrapped an arm around the wolf and stared into his eyes as they slowly began to close. Dean bit his thumb while he watched the wolf sleep for a second before it claimed him also.... Yeah things were finally starting to look up.