Office Conflict: Part 4 - Thursday

Story by Ghosty on SoFurry

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#4 of Office Conflict

This story and all characters within are the property of the user Ghosty on SoFurry (Ghostwolf36 on Furaffinity)

Do not copy or redistribute this work in any way!

This story involves strong sexual themes, if you are not comfortable with such themes in your reading please leave this page now. Further themes will be explored in later chapters.

Enjoy your reading and please leave comments.


Gentle ripples in the water took Lisa to a wild place in her imagination; it was why she enjoyed taking baths at least twice a week. Today was different though; usually she would take them of an evening to wind down from the stresses of the days work. Today however she had woken early and taken the time to prepare herself for what her work colleague had in mind for her.

He had wanted her to look sexy today for a secret lunch in her office where she knew she would either be rewarded for following James' instructions, or punished for trying to take control again. The last two days of humiliation at James' paws had brought her a new understanding regarding those she worked with and the one she desired. More often than not her actions had been more and more abusive and damaging than productive, especially towards James.

Change was needed, of that she was certain; so she had taken special measures to reaffirm her position as sector manager; not just as a figurehead, but as a person who could be looked up to and even desired. She lay back and let her mind wonder some more she still had an hour before she needed to dress herself. Lisa smiled to herself; she might be James' play toy behind closed doors, but she would still have her dignity during work; she even wondered if she might have a little fun during the day.

* * *

James stood talking with Dave, Cathy, Gerry and Owen; they were joking about an earlier botched project because their client hadn't known exactly what they had wanted, and the evidence of this had prevented a law suit against their company. They enjoyed their early morning coffee before starting the days work and the relaxed atmosphere they had created.

"So what do you think the 'Ice Queen' will land on us today? It's been two days since the last incident, so I'd be expecting something soon." Dave said with a jocular smile on his face; the weasel always had a knack for making light of difficult situations.

James smiled. "I'm not so sure she will."

Cathy raised and eyebrow. "Oh, and what makes you say that?" The blonde rabbit asked.

James shrugged. "I've spoken to her a few times this week. I think she might just give us some breathing space; lets face it, we could all use it right now."

"Now that you mention it, she's definitely been a bit more cautious around the office these last few days." Owen chimed in to add his two cents worth. "What ever you said or did, keep it up!"

James smiled at the badger and nodded. "I'm sure I have a lunch time meeting with her so I'll keep the heat on her and get us some more space, if I can." It took all of his effort not to let a wide suggestive grin cross his muzzle before Gerry offered his opinion.

"Well whatever you're doing looks like its working, just keep her sweet if you can; I'm enjoying not having three work loads to deal with this week. Just don't push too hard, she'll snap back to being our slave driver in no time." Gerry grumbled. The older lynx had been a part of the team the longest next to James and was growing tired of the constant pressure.

"I'll do my best. It's certainly the most enjoyable time I've had since Lisa got here." James said hiding a wry smile.

"Speaking of enjoyable..." Owen coughed and nodded towards the elevator. "Check out the Ice Queen."

The group turned slowly to see Lisa stepping out of the elevator wearing a dark, fiery red skirt and blazer with matching heels and black silk blouse. Her normally long flowing hair had two thin braids tied into it that met at the back of her head and tied down over the top of her remaining hair. She looked around James' team's area to see a few of them there then turned her gaze towards the kitchen area. She smiled and approached the group of colleagues with long strides and a sway in her hips that they were sure they hadn't seen since she had started working with them.

Cathy rolled her eyes and grumbled out of the corner of her mouth "Males!"

Dave chuckled to himself and whispered back "Yeah, great aren't we, double standards and not a care in the world." Cathy stifled a giggle as Lisa approached.

"Morning everyone." Lisa said, in a rather more cheery voice than usual. The greetings were returned but somewhat more hesitantly than Lisa had offered hers. "Just so you guys know, I've checked the project schedules and it looks like the next two weeks are going to be an easy ride. However if we can get things wrapped up by Wednesday or Thursday next week I'll arrange for a team party the following Friday. James if you could take suggestions for where the team would like to go for a meal and some drinks and take it to our working lunch meeting that would be great."

James blinked several times, not quite sure of what just happened. "Umm sure. I think we can manage that." He said in a bit of a confused stupor.

"Excellent. I'll be around with the end of stage report sheets later this morning, so long as they're done before the completion date I see no need to rush. Talk to you all later." Lisa said with a smile then turned and strode away flicking her hair and humming softly to herself.

The group of co-workers stared at each other for a moment before any of them spoke. "What just happened?" Gerry blurted out

Dave shook his head and let a confused smile cross his face. "Was she actually being nice for once?"

"Looks like it." Cathy said softly. "James I don't know what you did, but for all that's good and holy, keep it up!"

For the briefest instant a smile crossed James' muzzle and was gone again before anyone noticed. He watched Lisa move to her office and actually stop to talk to others every now and then; he even caught an occasional glance back to him and a smile that he knew was directed at him. "Oh don't worry I will." He said quietly as the group began to break up and headed to their work stations. "The game just got interesting." James muttered to himself and smiled as he returned to his desk.

* * *

The morning seemed to fly by. Lisa was out of her office mingling with other teams in the sector, offering genuine encouragement and advice when and wherever it was needed. She had taken the opportunity during her time on the office floor to make several passes near to James' cubical where she knew he could see her and watch her every move. It had almost seemed like she was flirting with several other male colleagues, bending over desks, leaning back against walls, holding a pose when talking to others. James was no fool though, he saw her eyes turn to him at every opportunity, he knew it was a show just for him and in every sense he could think of; he was loving it.

James had guessed Lisa was now acting on things he had told her, and it seemed to be for the better. Every team leader was commenting on how much friendlier and unaggressive the office felt today, and James knew why. He had made an offer to Lisa at the close of their work yesterday, and she was doing everything she could to make sure he followed through. James smirked as he watched Lisa slowly pass his cubical again; he took in her exquisite curves and posture, every pose she held while around him was done simply to excite him and distract others. He chuckled to himself and decided that he would indulge her today; her playful manner was keeping everyone else happy, so he saw no reason to bring her down from that high point just yet.

* * *

James watched carefully as the office cleared for lunch; making sure everyone had left, he picked up his rucksack and headed to Lisa's office. He had barely got within two steps of the door when he heard Lisa's voice beckoning him in.

James grinned as he opened the door to see Lisa sitting on her desk, her legs crossed high to expose as much of her lower body as possible while removing none of her clothes. Her black silk blouse had the top few buttons undone to tease the wolf with her ample cleavage. "Seems you've had a change in personality Lisa; you look more like a Playful Devil than an Ice Queen."

"Interesting how a little bit of input from your staff can change things isn't it Mister Leonard?" Lisa purred softly and tilted her head up and to the side exposing the collar she had grown accustomed to wearing.

James closed the door and approached the husky, letting his paw lightly trail up and along Lisa's legs. "Indeed it does Miss Snow." He growled playfully. "I'll admit I didn't expect what you did this morning, but it is certainly a step in the right direction."

Lisa stood up from the desk and pressed herself to the wolf's chest. "Well I can always try to make things better James." She shivered lightly as she felt one of James' fingers trail down her spine.

"So it seems Lisa." He said softly, brushing his muzzle close to hers as if to kiss her before pulling away again. "Today's lesson then?" Lisa looked a little disappointed as James moved back but she kept hope in the back of her mind for the time being that he might yet kiss her properly. Take off your jacket, blouse and skirt. Let's see what you've got for me.

Lisa drew out the removal of her clothes, peeling each piece away slowly, to reveal her body and underwear. James knew what she was up to; she wanted a measure of control back, for now he was willing to let her have it. As her slow strip tease ended James was quite surprised at her choice of under garments, but it explained why she had chosen a darker work suit for the day. She stood wearing only her dark red heels a matching pair of panties, a bra that looked to be made of wet-effect lycra and her collar. "Will this do?" She asked playfully.

James nodded and stepped up to her again letting his paws roam over her body and extracting soft breathy moans from her. With a sharp click Lisa knew it was time to resume her role as the one being punished as she felt a gentle tug on her collar; her leash was back on.

"You changed my mind today Lisa, I thought you might need some more serious dressing down, but today I think we'll have a bit of fun." Lisa looked into the wolf's eyes expectantly. "Get on your paws and knees." James said calmly. Lisa did as she was commanded and got on all fours. "Let's take a quick walk around the office shall we?"

"You can't mean?" She barked in shock.

James smiled. "Yup, I do." And with that, James walked her to the door and then out onto the main floor. For several minutes he walked her around the empty cubicles and work stations as he told her how much of a positive effect she was having on all the staff today. Then he stopped her at the elevator and took the leash off.

"What are you doing?" Lisa asked nervously.

"I want you to crawl back to your office where I'll be waiting. Take your time; I want to see how sexy you can make it look, but don't move until I say."

"What if someone comes?"

"Then I suggest you hide as fast as possible." James said with a wink. "Unless you'd rather they see you like this."

Lisa shuddered at the thought and nearly panicked as she heard the elevator going down behind her. She looked around to see for herself that the elevator was descending and breathed a sigh of relief, when she turned back James had already ran off to her office. And was standing in the door way watching the main walkway, which she had to move along.

Lisa sighed heavily then took a deep breath as she saw James make a beckoning gesture. Leaning forward she stretched herself out on all fours and began crawling her way towards her office, her eyes never leaving James' for a second. Every few feet she managed, she found herself becoming bolder; occasionally stopping to lick the back of her wrist and paw like a pet cat might before brushing her fingers over her breasts or combing her claws through her hair. One way or another she was going to enjoy this, and as she caught sight of his crotch, she could tell she was having the desired effect on James.

As she crawled back into her office, she shut the door with a gentle kick and crawled up to James, who stood leaning back against her desk. She sat back on her knees and lightly placed her paws on his thighs, and feeling a little tightness in the material. "Was it good for you?" She purred.

James nodded and smiled as he opened a box of Tupperware that he had taken from his rucksack. "It was Puppy." He said softly; the statement made Lisa blush. "Now beg for me and I'll give you your lunch. Then we can have some real fun."

Lisa bit her bottom lip in excitement as she sat back on her knees and pulled her paws up as if she were a pet dog begging for a treat or scraps from the table. James smiled; she looked so different like this, more fun loving, free of consequences, and open to new ideas. He hoped to see more of this side of her in the future, provided everything went according to his plan and he remained working with her.

For the next ten minutes James fed Lisa as if she were his pet, having her catch food or eat it from his hand and lick it clean. Handing her a bottle of water, James told her to have five minutes to herself as a reward. Lisa sat back on one of the couches in her office and watched James intently. "Do you get a kick out of this kind of thing James?" She asked curiously.

James looked back at her and chuckled. "Well I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying myself Lisa, but this isn't my normal turn on. I must say though, I'm quite impressed you're sticking with me on this."

"Well I want to keep you working here, but I have..." Was all she managed before James cut her off mid sentence.

"Five minutes is up Puppy." He said with a grin. "Time to take some real meat again."

Lisa closed the bottle of water and got back on all fours, then slowly prowled up to the wolf. She knelt in front of him and slowly opened his trousers and slid them down then off his legs. Without any prompting, Lisa took a hold of the wolf's cock and began a slow and steady pumping motion with her paw to bring him to his full hardness. Her ministrations were rewarded with a firm but tender rubbing of her ears; she moaned loudly, then nuzzled and lapped at the wolf's shaft and balls.

"Good Puppy." James panted. "Now suck on it Lisa."

Lisa didn't waste any time. She knew the clock was ticking and that they only had around thirty minutes before lunch was over and perhaps only twenty minutes before people started returning from lunch. She opened her mouth and took him all in one go; she began bobbing her head along his length and teasing his flesh with her teeth. James growled his approval and gently gripped her hair and began a slow rhythmic thrusting into her mouth.

Lisa gave a soft throaty growl of her own as she took him in deeper, the extra stimulation making him twitch in pleasure. Wanting to please him further and make him see her further worth as a lover she began pressing his shaft to the roof of her mouth, the ridges of her mouth bumping over his flesh made him groan in delight.

All too quickly it was over. Lisa felt herself being pulled off the wolf's shaft and her head being tipped back to look up at him. "Not yet Lisa." he growled softly. "Bend over your desk." He ordered firmly. Lisa quickly moved around the wolf and lowered her torso to her desk and spreading her legs as he moved out of her way.

With a gentle tug Lisa felt her panties being pulled to the side, a sensation quickly followed by James' hot breath on her already moist pussy. She shivered as she felt the wolf's paws firmly grip and massage her backside before pulling her butt cheeks apart exposing her completely to him. A gasp escaped her mouth as his tongue slipped along the length of her slit before plunging into her depths.

Lisa did her best to keep her voice down even though no-one else was around; she called out in a soft pleading tone to James again and again. "Take me James, please. I need this, I... I need..." was all James allowed her to say before he sucked firmly on her clit making her draw raspy breaths and firmly grip her desk; her claws digging into the underside of the wood surface.

Several flicks of his tongue nearly sent her over the edge as he repeatedly lapped against her overly sensitive flesh. With a sigh of regret he pulled away and stood behind her. James stood behind her for a moment and brushed the tip of his cock against her entrance. "Looks like you can have your wish today Lisa." He whispered as he leaned over her prone body.

Lisa gave a sigh of relief as she felt her companions shaft part the soft lips of her pussy and slide into her depths. James gave a soft growl and gently nipped her ear tip. "Damn it Lisa your tight. Been a while has it?"

"Hell yes." She panted. "I've wanted this for... OH GOD!" She squealed as James' paws found her hips and he began a slow and steady thrusting in and out of the husky. As they moved together Lisa found herself pushing back more and more forcefully against the wolf. James suspected that for her after so long alone, she wanted more than just sex; she wanted a mate. He grinned as he let the thought dance across his mind and how she would react if he said yes or no. It was no time to tie with her though, their co-workers would be returning in around ten minutes and being knotted would be a complication they couldn't afford.

James began to slow her down and moved his paws to firmly grasp her heavy breasts. Every touch he made on her body seemed to stoke her passion even further, even though he had slowed their love making down to an easy pace. Lisa leaned forward putting her full weight on her desk and lifted her legs, trapping James behind her. "James, give me more!" She panted heavily, demanding his attention.

James smirked to himself; Lisa had clearly forgotten the situation at hand. Lisa squealed loudly as James gave her hair a sharp tug. "You don't give orders when you're like this Lisa. You'd do well to remember that."

Lisa gave a pleasured but uncertain moan as she listened to the wolf's low growl. "I... I'm s... Sorry James..." She stammered as he picked up the pace and took the large husky harder and faster.

Lisa felt the wolf grab her arms and pull them back. A moment later he was holding her wrists and ploughing her hard and fast over her desk; her shallow howls and moans barely audible through her office door. James forcibly moved her back and forth across the desk, the lightly grained surface stimulating her nipples as the were brushed against the wood through the thin lycra barrier.

Quickly James pulled out from Lisa and broke the grip of her legs; he quickly moved around the desk and presented Lisa with his cock which she took in her mouth again without a word and sucked on him reverently. In mere seconds Lisa felt James' cum shoot to the back of her throat and paint her tongue. She drank it down without a second's hesitation and sucked harder to get as much as she could from him.

After almost a full minute of the husky sucking down his seed, James pulled away and softly rubbed behind her ear again. There were a few minutes of silence between them as they calmed down; James quickly grabbed his trousers and boxer shorts and dressed himself again before helping Lisa back to her feet.

"You can do that again if you want James." Lisa said with a husky purr in her voice.

James smirked and handed Lisa her blouse. "I intend to, but you're going to have to take the rough with the smooth now Lisa."

Lisa had just slipped into her blouse when she froze at his statement. "What do you mean James?" She asked, dreading his answer.

"Well you made a demand of me, tried to take control back during our lesson." He grinned wickedly. "Today I was hoping you'd learn patience and how to be a little more humble. You were doing well right up until you demanded I give you more."

Lisa pulled on her skirt not quite sure how he was turning the situation against her. "But that... I was... You were doing something I've wanted for..."

James raised his paw to silence her again. "Excuses, excuses Lisa. I'll make sure tomorrow's lesson is appropriate for you." He said as he approached the curvy husky and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek as she finished straightening her cloths up. "You did do really well today though." He whispered softly before turning to pick up his bag.

Lisa sighed and slowly removed her collar as she turned away from the wolf. She wondered if there really would be an end to his game, or if he was just stringing her along for kicks.

As James picked up his rucksack and lunch things he caught a glimpse of a clothing catalogue that Lisa had been looking at, he assumed on her break. Quickly and silently he slipped it into his rucksack with his lunch containers and made to leave the office; he stopped briefly at the door and saw Lisa with a heavily disheartening look on her face. "Hey." He said softly as he stood in the door.

She slowly turned her head to look at the wolf; sniffing back a tear she met his gaze. "What is it?"

James just smiled and gave her a pleasant wink. It didn't seem like much but it brought her paws to her chest and a smile to her muzzle. She wasn't sure what he had in mind but she hoped it would be another opportunity to be close to him again.

* * *

The remainder of the day had passed peacefully; Lisa had been relatively undisturbed and had allowed her to mask the scent of her recent activities without any hindrance. James had continued his day as if nothing had happened and actually seemed to enjoy his work day. Lisa mused at how much more alive he seemed today than any other time she could call to memory. She wondered how he would be if they had knotted on her desk and had willingly taken her as his mate.

Time passed and the work day drew to a close; Lisa looked at her clock and saw that she had stayed slightly later than expected and looked out across the office. James had already gone and hadn't given her any further instructions or hint at what was to come.

She had just gathered her personal effects and was about to turn off her computer when she saw an email alert. She rolled her eyes and opened her inbox to check this last message for the day. She went wide eyed when she saw it was from James' personal email and had been encrypted so that only she could read it. Her heart beat raced as she opened and read his message.

Lisa - 6am Tomorrow morning, meet me at the server room in the basement, wear something casual and sexy, It'll be Friday after all. By the way, you look stunning in red.


Curiosity got the better of her. She sat back down and wondered what the wily wolf was planning for her. While she couldn't be sure she guessed it would keep her on her toes after such a small transgression earlier that day. She smiled, knowing he would be up to no good, but she was starting to enjoy that more and more. She shivered with anticipation and let her mind wonder what 'punishment' she would receive tomorrow.