The Pier - Intro

Story by Delryn on SoFurry

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#1 of The Pier

Author's Note

_ So thanks to a few of my friends I got motivated to write furry stories again. _

_ Thanks to this new found inspiration I wrote this, it's just the intro to the story. If things go well I'll continue this story. _

_ At the very least maybe I'll make a couple more chapters. _

_ So here it is!! _

Sitting on the docks he leaned against a large wooden pole for support, he was tired and didn't have the energy nor desire to hold himself up on his own. A soft sigh escaped his maw as he slowly blinked while gazing out at the water, leaning down to stare at his own reflection on that murky greenish bank of water, it was polluted with the city smog and the inconsiderate citizens who walked past these docks every day. He stared at his own reflection, his brown fur swirling in the water, his large brown eyes staring back at him, long whiskers extending from his smallish muzzle, opening his maw to yawn a bulky yawn quickly shutting it closed whilst looking at his reflection as a plastic bottle casually drifted by his head over the water, as his focused changed from his own reflection to the plastic water bottle floating to the left in the grime.

"Closest thing to an actual ocean I have..." he murmured to himself as his eyes carefully followed the path the water bottle was taking along the foul murky water "meh, although I never really liked the ocean that much... too salty..." he continued before closing his eyes.

He kept his eyes closed for some time, feeling the cool night air on his fur, the soft swoosh of the breeze filled his ears, the delicate ghost-like sounds of the wind. When suddenly he stood up.

The otter stood on both his hind paws over the dock, not too tall, not too short. He had a slightly goofy and unbalanced stance to him, his legs just slightly too short and his torso just slightly too long, however a quite ordinary physique for an otter. His long broad rudder-like tail hanging behind him, resting down against the old rotting wood of the dock he stood on. Step after step he walked away from the docks hanging over the water and back towards the city, he had gone to visit the pier at night, it was almost midnight and barely anyone else was out around that area at this hour.

This was the harbor of the city he lived in, the city had no beaches, none you would ever dare dream of entering the waters of, unless you didn't fear walking away from those waters with some sort of disease. Boats came to and from here, it was a big city with long tall buildings and a bustling city life, he rather enjoyed that. The otter could never see himself living in a small town, or secluded in a more woodsy area, he'd never dare of living in a beach house or anything of the like, this heavily populated suburban life-style of his was perfect for his liking.

He slowly creeped down the halls of the large apartment building as the lights would light up when he approached them. Looking door by door until he finally saw it; room 403. Reaching into his front pocket the otter took out a small silver key.

The old door behind him closed shut as he reached his paw down towards the key and turned it once, locking the door behind him as he removed the key from its slot then quickly sliding it back in his front pocket. The otter was back in his apartment room, it was an old place, however it wasn't run down or falling apart, nonetheless it wasn't very pretty to look at. It was small and cramped, had a relatively small living room with a slightly worn out beige sofa facing a relatively large television. The flooring was a dark tainted wood which managed to add a rather tasteful appearance to the place.

The living room was conjoined to a small kitchen which was separated from the living room by a row of counters, the place didn't have a table, no decent table would fit here, instead the counters were used as a table with three matching stool seats placed behind it. Moving along the living room you'd come across two doors, the door to the right wall led to a bathroom which like the rest of the apartment; was undersized. In spite of it's minuscule size the bathroom was very neatly kept. The door to the left of the bathroom led to a small square bed room.

As the otter slowly creeped into the bed room, gently opening and closing the door behind him, he saw his room. The bed room was softly lit up by the city lights coming in from the half opened window, the room was a rather tiny box with a door in a corner leading to a walk-in closet. In the room there were two beds, one of said beds was empty, with the sheets half on the bed half on the floor while the other bed held a sleeping german shepherd, his lower body was covered by the thin layer of white blankets, with one leg uncovered almost falling off the side of the bed. The german shepherd had a tanned color to his fur all through his body with dark patches on his barely visible back connecting to the back of his arms as well as extending to his thighs, with a separate blotch of black on the top of his muzzle. He laid there asleep, lazily snoring with one paw resting over his belly half covered by the sheets.

Clear bright waters surrounded him, the otter swam slowly whilst gracefully sliding through the crystal clear waters looking up at the golden reflection of the sun from within the water. The otter then turned around focusing his gaze down, he could see everything with clarity. He skillfully glided through the waters as it gently caressed his short fur, he swam down to the river's bed, it wasn't very deep however. Seeing him walk on dry land and seeing him swim in his natural habitat you could tell the difference, you could tell he really was an elegant, nimble aquatic creature. He had complete grace and poise, fully aware of himself and his body while underwater, yet on dry land he was clumsy and had no composure.

Suddenly his ears picked up a sound, he looked around for a brief moment trying to identify what it was, he heard it one more time when he realized it was a voice calling out;

"Lekin..." the otter confused kept searching as he swam up when he suddenly heard the voice again "Lekin!" but the otter couldn't focus on where the voice came from, when all of a sudden his vision started blurring up until everything around him went pitch black.


The otter stumbled around, feeling his own hands in the darkness as he realized his eyes were closed, he raised his paws up to his eyes and rubbed them gently, then gradually opening his eyes trying to adjust to the bright light which surrounded him, when once again he hears that same voice;

"Lekin, get up dammit, you're gonna be late!" slowly focusing on the large figure standing over him, the otter finally realized it was the same german shepherd from before, his roommate; Stephan.

He sat up on his bed, 'it was a dream' he thought as he became lucid once more now recognizing the room he was in. Even though the otter adored the city life, he would love to be able to get away every now and again just to relax and unwind away from the loud traffic sounds and grey skies. Lekin moved both his paws to his face holding himself like that for a while as he sat on the bed, the sheets just barely covering his lower body.

Lekin was a 22 year old otter who lived in a crappy and minuscule apartment with Stephan, his german shepherd friend who was 26.

"Late for what...?" Lekin mumbled barely audible still half asleep, hoping he could go back to his dream if he just shut his eyes tight enough and tried ignoring the annoying barking dog standing next to him.

"Your job interview, didn't you say it was today at 1pm? It's already way past noon you know, and you're still in bed." the german shepherd leaned down to grab on the sheets covering Lekin, he pulled them off him, trying to motivate him to get him off of the bed.

"Fucking hell... ahh I need to get that job!" the otter clumsily stumbled off the bed as he tripped on his own feet almost falling face first on the floor, dashing past the canine he rushed into the closet. Stephan took the opportunity to sit down on Lekin's bed as he stared at the closet door for what seemed like a lengthy two minutes, when the otter without warning came out wearing a t-shirt with a short sleeved dress shirt over it accompanied by a pair of black jeans. Stephan looked him over, pointing down to Lekin's feet, the otter looked down and realized he was wearing a white sock and an orange sock.

"Oh damn!" the otter then sighed going back in to look for a matching pair of socks, then the german shepherd continued talking;

"...Why do you even have orange socks anyway? When is it okay to wear orange socks?"

"Shut up Stephan, it's really nice and fun to wear!" the otter's voice came from the closet, as Stephan just casually chuckled in amusement.

Step after step the otter's stubby feet move along the streets outside, one after another, step after step. He dragged his body over the pavement that hot day, sweat dripping down the side of his head. His body slouched as he slowly walked down the street, subconsciously avoiding the mass of people walking in opposite direction to him.

"Meh, Stephan will understand, he must understand, sure it's the third time just this month... but better luck next time you know...", quietly mumbling to himself as he sighed.

Lekin barely kept his focus on the street as he walked onward, when out of the blue he felt a hug coming from behind, wrapping their arms around his chest from behind him while a loud pitched voice joyfully shouted;

"Lekin!!" Lekin knew that voice well enough, as he turned around to find out he was right;

"Sarah, didn't expect to see you here at this hour, shouldn't you be at work?" the otter smiled to the small squirrel standing in front of him as she happily smiled a white toothy smile back to him.

"I took a day off, it's a beautiful day... well actually I called in sick, besides I never miss work I'm sure it's okay!"

She finally let go of her embrace as she hid both her arms and paws behind her back. The tiny squirrel did this often, she had the habit of holding her arms behind her back when she was talking to someone.

"Wanna have lunch together?" her oversized fluffy tail gracefully curled up behind her. Lekin looking down at the petite figure as he simply nodded.

The two sat across from each other at a local diner, it was one of those places based on a theme. This particular diner had an 80's theme, with the old commercial posters on the wall. It had bright red plastic booth seats, with bright red plastic stools on the bar. The waitresses here all wore their hair curled up high, with vertically stripped white and red uniforms. Sarah had both her elbows leaning on the tabletop using her paws as support while she rested her head on them. Lekin leaned back against his seat, the two of them chatting joyfully.

Sarah was Stephan's girlfriend, the two of them were going out for almost a year now. Sarah was 25, she and Stephan had met through friends of friends, the two of them at first innocently started talking one night when they first met at a gathering. The two later began to hang out more, until one thing led to another, and now the two of them have been together for almost a year. She was a joyful cheerful tiny squirrel who was rarely ever seen to be in a bad mood. Being that Stephan and Lekin lived together, she had seen a lot of the otter throughout her's and Stephan's time together, so she and Lekin grew to become very good friends. They called each other to hang out, have lunch together, drink coffee together, they became close friends in a short time. Though a lot of people would find Sarah's upbeat personality a little tiring at times, Lekin always enjoyed spending time with her as he generally liked cheerful people.

"So you didn't get the job eh?" Sarah said as a frown came across her face.

"Nah, I didn't make a really good first impression being that I arrived almost 20 minutes late... heh..." he smiled a guilty smile.

"Stephan's been paying the bills for what, three months now? You're really lucky you're a good friend of his" Sarah giggled, and it was true, it's been three months since Lekin last had a job and last put in a penny towards rent, he was unemployed and without even the slightest hint of money, he was completely dependent on Stephan for pretty much everything, and Lekin hated that. He hated not having his own money and not being able to just do what he wished when he wished it, but for now there was nothing he could do other than look for employment.

Lekin's eyes were focused on the flashing TV screen in front of him while he sat on the couch back at his apartment. It was late and Stephan was bound to show up at any moment now from his job. Stephan was a business supervisor of a reasonably successful small company that made financial software for banks and the like, it was a well paying job and thanks to that they didn't have to struggle much on rent, food, and the occasional self gifts Stephan and Lekin bought, even though Lekin didn't add a penny to the household funds. The two of them had known each other since high school, Lekin was a freshman in high school while Stephan was a senior when they first met. They had quickly become close friends through a series of events.

Stephan having a decent job payed most of the rent even when Lekin was employed, Stephan didn't mind much having to pay for most of it being that he understood the otter's difficult situation. In fact Stephan was living alone in this very same apartment when he offered Lekin to live with him while the otter was going through a difficult time in his life, and now it's been two years that they've been living together under the same roof.

All of a sudden the door opened up and the tall german shepherd walked in as the two noticed each other's presence and met eyes;

"So, got the job?" the dog asked as he casually closed the door behind him.

"I knew you'd ask that!" the otter replied trying not to give away the bad news so suddenly.

"So I see you didn't get the job", they've known each other for so long that they could tell these kinds of things, they knew when the other was lying, when one was trying to evade the subject, or covering up for something.

"Heh... I'll start looking again tomorrow..." the otter lowered his face a bit worried and ashamed, he didn't want Stephan to get upset.

The german shepherd just laughed it off saying he expected as much, and for the otter not to worry and that he could take his time trying to find a half decent job. Stephan took off his shoes with his own hind paws, his paw pads pressing against the cold wood flooring of the apartment as he made his way to the sofa plopping down by the otter's side placing his gaze upon the TV.

"I saw Sarah today, we had lunch" Lekin started a casual conversation with the german shepherd, Lekin had his both legs up on the couch wrapped around each other with each of his paws on his own knees, Stephan on the other hand was more laid back, leaning back against the couch with one arm laying against the back of the couch.

"Yeah she told me, she called me today during work, tomorrow being saturday she wants me to take her out" Stephan looked down at the otter and smiled politely, he moved his rather large paw to rest on the otter's head as he ruffled the otter's head fur lightly.

The two of them continued watching TV for a few more minutes while neither of them were really planning on going to sleep, when Stephan opened his maw once more and started talking again;

"Hey, next week I'm having the whole week off from work, and I was planning on going on a trip or something of the sort, a small vacation if you would, what do you say?"

"I'm coming along?" Lekin said joking, already well aware of the answer.

"Duh, we could leave on sunday morning, maybe even tomorrow night, just gotta think of where to go then I can call everyone" Stephan smiled feeling happy of himself for the idea, he needed a break, and Lekin needed to get away.

"Awesome, whatever it is if it's away from here, I'm up for it" Lekin grinned a big happy smile as well, Stephan with his paw still on the otter's head petted him again smiling a toothy grin to the otter.

Stephan wrapped his arm around the otter's neck and pulled the smaller figure in close making the otter's head rest against his chest. The german shepherd sighed;

"Had a tiresome day, I need to relax..." he said as he switched his glance from the TV down to the otter whilst slowly moving his paw down the otter's arm, then placing his large paw on the otter's hip and sliding a couple of fingers into Lekin's shirt. Lekin leaned up and gave the german shepherd's muzzle a lick knowing exactly what Stephan meant by that, the dog's paw casually and slyly moved to the otter's butt, pressing on it tenderly as Lekin moved to sit on his lap.

Lekin pressed his muzzle down against Stephan's neck while opening his maw and biting down on the canine's soft neck gently. He knew how much the german shepherd enjoyed attention to his neck, as he expectedly leaned his head back and moaned softly, letting the otter continue. Throughout the years Lekin became familiar with every inch of the german shepherd's body, what he liked and what he disliked, what made his toes curl and so on.

Stephan slowly slid his paw up the otter's back, holding the back of his neck as he pulled the otter's attention to him, meeting his own lips with Lekin's, pressing his muzzle tightly against the otter's own muzzle as they both automatically opened their maws to the other, their tongues meeting as they locked lips. Lekin felt the long flat canine tongue pressing against his own, the soft taste of the other's maw filling their senses. Lekin could feel the bulge on Stephan's pants gradually growing when without warning Stephan breaks the kiss;

"Hmm, you have a nice mouth otter... why don't you put it to some good use?" he spoke softly while giving the otter's lips a quick lick with his flat canine tongue. Lekin grinned as he slid down the dog's body, making his way down the couch kneeling in front of Stephan who was sitting slouched back against the couch keeping his eyes on the small otter's movements, he casually spread apart his legs making room for the otter.

Lekin moved a paw of his to the dog's hefty bulge, he gently stroked it through the dog's pants pressing his paw pads firmly on the enlargement, he could feel the dog's length growing tightly under his pants as the bulge grew larger under his touch. Lekin carefully moved his finger and thumb to unbutton and then quickly unzip the german shepherd's pants, revealing his white underwear already stained on the tip with a drop of pre, the strong musky scent filling the otter's nostrils as his mouth began to water, instinctively he pulled down both the canine's pants and underwear finally revealing that familiar canine shaft in front of his face, the strong scent even more overpowering now.

The otter loved the german shepherd's scent, he knew it all too well and it never got old. Lekin pressed his muzzle against the dog's already fully hardened shaft pinning the length against the dog's own crotch hair as he sticks out his tongue to press it against the sensitive underside of Stephan's cock.

Licking up the fleshy rod from base up tip, he licks up a drop of pre as the otter wraps his lips tightly around Stephan's cock tip and slides his cock bit by bit inside his warm wet maw, wrapping his tongue against the underside as he slips it into his maw, making sure not to press his pointy teeth against the thick shaft.

Lekin moves a paw to wrap around the base feeling his knot starting to grow as he pushes back Stephan's sheath to fully reveal the canine's well endowed member.

"Mnnrr... even after all this time, that muzzle of yours feels just as good as the first time you did that for me..." Stephan mumbles looking down at his own cock being swallowed whole inside the otter's smallish maw as me moves his paw to rest against Lekin's head, carefully pushing Lekin's head down further on his shaft, encouraging the otter to take his entire member.

Lekin happily abides to the german shepherd's motions, swallowing the dog's member as his cock tip presses against the otter's throat sliding down, making the german shepherd moan in pleasure

"I always loved that... how you slide it down your throat..." he panted, his breathing gradually becoming heavier as he bucked his hips up into the otter's mouth.

With the large paw placed against the otter's head he guided Lekin up and down his member, Lekin bobbing his head along the large lengthy meat. Stephan could feel that warm maw engulfing him, the otter's tongue pressing firmly against his shaft. The canine lost in pleasure closed his eyes as the otter continued working on his cock, pre would continuously leak down from the tip of the shaft. Lekin enjoyed this about Stephan, he had never been with someone who pre'd so much, the salty wet taste filling his maw. It was so familiar to him yet he craved it more each time.

Stephan leaned his head back against the couch, eyes closed as he tried relaxing, tried losing himself in the moment letting the otter suckle on him, milking his cock. He knew Lekin loved this as much as he did, and that just turned him on even more. Getting a blowjob can be completely dull if the one doing the act isn't interested and doesn't enjoy doing so, and happily for him, the otter took a great deal of pleasure out of pleasuring him, this was extremely attractive to Stephan.

Stephan felt the warm mouth continuously pumping him, the otter's tongue wrapped around him as he felt his cock tip sliding in and out of the small otter's throat, Lekin's lips wrapped firmly around the long thick dog shaft, his lips pressing around the dog's now fully formed knot every time he would take the whole length. Stephan moaned lowly feeling his orgasm getting closer and closer as the otter moved faster and faster around his cock, when suddenly;

"F-Fuck... otter I'm..."

His eyes shut tight as he clenched the back of the otter's head with both hands and rammed his cock deep in Lekin's throat. Rope after rope of hot cum hit the back of Lekin's throat, Stephan still held him in place as he lifted his hips unloading himself down the otter's throat, when suddenly he fell back against the couch, panting heavily and moaning loudly, eyes still closed enjoying the afterglow.

Lekin felt a few more drops of the canine's cum dribbling onto his tongue as he tasted the somewhat bitter seed before swallowing, moving back away from Stephan, and sitting on the floor in front of the panting german shepherd, he always enjoyed seeing Stephan like this, drained and in ecstasy from the job well done.

"You're the best... you know that..." Stephan said in between breaths finally opening his eyes to look down at the otter. Leaning forward on the couch, making a gesture asking for the otter to come up to him, Lekin did so as Stephan grabbed him by the back of his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.