Getting Out of a Funk 2

Story by rovean on SoFurry

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Seeing if I can keep this story going lol, please enjoy

The floor creaked with every step as the large cat attempted to sneak up on the person lying on the couch. Grinning he pounced and was greeted with cry of surprise, "Hey Tom, wake up!" The orange cat flipped the lion off of him and glared at the larger cat. James decided to slowly back away as Tom got up. He grumbled the entire walk to his bathroom and after a few minutes James heard the shower turn on. "Do you ever get tired of messing with him?" Valerie grinned across the table from a lion in "stealth mode". She sighed and poured herself a bowl of cereal, "You know if you're gonna stay in 'stealth mode' you might as well go out and get us some food, oh great hunter." She calmly walked back to the table and grinned like a demon at James, who was currently unemployed. "You play to rough; I think I'll stick to Tom." She looked him in the eyes and said, "Maybe ask him for help getting a job?" James groaned loudly at this, "I don't need help, I can do it!" Tom quickly walked out of the bathroom, his fur pointing in every direction at once, and a hastily wrapped towel around his waist, "Dude, what is this I found on the floor?!" James stared at the scrap of paper and suddenly remembered, "Oh yeah, that really nice girl gave me her number." His smile faded when he saw his girlfriend, "To give to you."

Tom stared at him. He felt his blood flow quicken as he crossed into the living room and unplugged the TV. As he carried the TV into his room he looked at James, "You really should have remembered this yesterday. Because you forgot I'm taking this, it should help you remember things." James was practically in tears as he "sobbed" into his girlfriend, "You are such a drama queen James, it's not that bad. If you think it is that bad, I could always move in with you?" James immediately stood up and acted as though the past ten minutes had never happened. As Tom left for work he took a rolled up news paper and hit his napping friend right on the nose, "Now we're even." As Tom left he felt like skipping out on work today, but of course he just kept walking. Tom was wearing his uniform; he was a server at a local restaurant. He felt extremely uncomfortable in his work clothes; he'd rather be in his jeans and a t-shirt, instead of a shirt and tie.

Tom's shit passed extremely slowly, and the tips were all bad. During his break the cat sat behind the restaurant and felt his hand pat his left breast pocket for his cigarettes. He sighed as he dropped his hand and said, "Quitting sucks." He looked up and saw the new hostess step out of the restaurant. He smiled as she waved at him, "What's up Tom? How long do you have left on your break?" Tom looked at his watch and sighed, "About five minutes and then it's back to smiling at everyone." The female skunk sat down next to him, and she pat his shoulder. He turned to look at her and was surprised at being greeted with her mouth. His brain stopped working as his senses of modesty, or even right and wrong, were surrounded by a fog. As she pulled back she smiled, stood up and left him sitting there, until his watches alarm went off. The night seemed to fly by now, and Tom wondered what had changed? His mind kept going back to his encounter with Ashley the new hostess. She was cute; she had short straight hair pulled to the side, blue eyes, and an average body for someone 5ft 5in tall.

The thought of her well rounded rear pressed against him caused Tom to feel a familiar yet foreign feeling. His walk home was quick, and when Tom entered the apartment headed straight for his room. He sighed as he sat down in his chair. He looked down at his front and saw the outline of his 6in penis. He couldn't get the thought of her from his mind, and gradually his thoughts became more perverse. His hand slowly rubbed his clothed crotch on instinct, but he pulled his hand back. He had gone 9 whole months without a girlfriend, and lots of nights spent alone. As he calmed down he changed into lounging clothes. He threw on cargo shorts and a gray t-shirt and headed for the kitchen. A voice came from the living room as he passed it, "Hey Tom." Tom did a double take and saw that Ashley was sitting in his living room with Valerie. Tom blushed at the sight of the skunk in a red tank top and a denim skirt. He immediately felt his body reacting and continued towards the kitchen, "Don't worry dear he's just a bit shy." Tom blushed deeply as he pulled out a beer and a leftover cheese burger. Taking a few seconds to compose himself, Tom then walked into the living room. He quickly sat down on the couch and reached for the TV, and then remembered it was in his room, but how did it get back up on the wall? Valerie chuckled at his puzzled look, "This is my friend Ashley, she moved here a few weeks ago and just got a job, I hope you don't mind but she was just telling me about this hot guy she knows. What was his name again?" Tom practically drained his beer and felt extremely uncomfortable, "James let us up and went out 'looking for work', and I thought it'd be nice to have a TV in here. I hope you don't mind." At this point Tom got up, pretending to have to go to the bathroom. He heard the girls however, "How can you do this to me, you recommended this job, and you even brought me here on purpose!" Tom could practically hear the satisfaction in Valerie's reply, "Well you have needs to don't you? How long has it been since your last man? That and Tom is a pretty good guy." Tom took a few seconds to look at himself in the mirror, and barely recognized the cat looking at him. He had bags under his eyes, and he looked extremely skinny.

Walking into the kitchen he grabbed another beer and walked to the living room. Valerie and Ashley were deep in conversation until he sat down. Valerie looked at Tom and grinned, "Tom, who's boobs do you think are bigger?" Tom chocked out his response, "How would I know!? I barely know her, and you're my best friend's girlfriend!" Valerie chuckled as she whispered to Ashley, "Told you." The door then opened and a mildly intoxicated lion stood there for a minute before walking inside "tripping" and falling onto his lioness girlfriend, "Oh dear it seems as though I have fallen down, thank you for breaking my fall." With that he kissed her deeply and passionately. Her immediate response was to struggle, but it soon gave way to her passionate response to his kiss. She began to moan and move her hands across his back and stopping at his waistline.

She purred into their kiss as she lifted his shirt off, and finally they broke their kiss. Tom was still in shock, "You know we're still here right?" Ashley then looked at Tom, stood up, and pulled him to his room. Tom was taken aback when the skunk pushed him onto his bed. She was eyeing him hungrily, and she was out of her top in a matter of seconds. Just as he was about to say something she spoke, "It has been a really long time since I've been with anyone, but Valerie won't shut up about you, and you look really cute." As she said this she slowly rubbed her hands down his body, any complaint he could have mustered was quickly quieted by his loud purring. Her hands stopped at his pants, and she looked at him for any sign to proceed. He reached down and gently cupped her face in his hand and brought her lips to his. As she pulled away she grinned and quickly undid his pants, and pulled her skirt down. The air was immediately filled with the smell of her arousal.

With a slight growl, Ashley got on top of Tom and started to kiss him passionately. After a few desperate and passionate kisses she lowered herself onto his waiting shaft. Tom was in heaven. As she slowly built up momentum Tom started to thrust his hips in time to hers. Ashley suddenly picked up her pace, and Tom decided to move one of his hands and start rubbing her exposed clitoris. With this act Ashley yelled out and stopped moving momentarily. The sudden change in pressure made Tom purr yet again, and he decided to change positions. He proceeded to get on top of her and move his hips as quickly as he could. Ashley could barely breathe as Tom thrust himself even deeper. Just as he felt himself reaching his limit he started pulling his shaft out, only to have it greeted by Ashley's waiting mouth. Tom could not last any longer, and he came. Ashley looked up at him as she quickly swallowed as much as she could. "So, I know this is bad timing, but wanna go out some time?" Ashley blushed after Tom asked his question; she quickly stood and kissed him, "What do you think?"