Neko Mimi Chapter 2: A Mysterious Masked Man?!

Story by LunaMoonstone on SoFurry

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Hello everyone. Here' s the next chapter for Neko Mimi. Any constructive critism is welcome, and feel free to stop by the Den of Dreams, where the hypno-file that inspired this chapter is available. Also, check out the den IRC chat at, channel #TheDen. Enjoy!.

Edit: Took out the extra copy that accidently got posted.

"Born of radiance, created to fight. Power good and right. Power cast in light. Crystal Star... Crystal Star..."

I let out a sigh as I gently twirled the heart shaped pink crystal hanging from the necklace around my neck, sprawled out on the couch in my rented little one bedroom apartment. It'd be a few days since the incident at the anime convention, and for the most part things had settled back to normal. Thankfully no one had been killed, and the injuries most people suffered were from the panic the monster started. No one called it a monster, of course; the police and the little media coverage that the story got seemed to chalk it up to some sort of prank that got out of hand. Some people swore up and down that some real, terrible monster came out of the film and started attacking people, and they got hauled away for psychological evaluations or drug tests.

It must have sucked for them, but you can't really blame the police for acting how they did. It first came out of a dark room, most people were panicked and scared, and there was no body or any real evidence anything strange happened besides some property damage. The choices they were left with were boiled down to, "giant monster came out of nowhere and attacked people, and we have nothing to support this other than some wild stories", or, "people in weird costumes at nerd convention over-reacted". They skipped over asking Rachel and I any questions, and we both agreed that we'd just look crazy if we told them what we saw. If anyone asked, we were going to stick with our stories of being unconscious for most of the incident.

Well, for her it was the truth. I was awake for most of it, though, and I remembered everything. The monster was real, and when Rachel got knocked out in the stampede, it went after her. I drew its attention off Rachel when I started throwing stuff at it and yelling at it, which was great, until it decided I was a better target. I ran from it as long as I could, but it caught up with me and threw me around like a ragdoll. I thought I was dead, until the Sentella showed up and rescued me.

You'd expect to see magical girl groups at a anime convention, and while I wasn't sure why they seemed to have been following Rachel and I for a good portion of it, I was content to let the cos-players with animal features do what they wanted, so long as they didn't bother us. When they started firing energy blasts at the monster and throwing heavy objects with about as much effort as it would take the average person to throw a baseball, I realized they weren't just cos-players. They were real, and they we're supposed to be taking a break from their superhero activities until their crystals started reacting. They believed they'd found another member of the Sentella, and they had been trying to separate me and Rachel so they could attempt to recruit her.

It was a good plan, but there were two little problems. First was the monster; when it appeared, the recruitment drive got scuttled in favor of a rescue mission. They couldn't exactly explain to her the dark evil that's threatening to take over the planet while she was out cold, and when they had seen the beast chasing me, they shifted focus to the one who was in more immediate danger. Their attacks distracted the beast from me, and I was able to crawl away to relative safety. When the leader, Sera, got knocked back next to me, the second problem in their plan to recruit Rachel presented itself.

Rachel wasn't the one their crystals were reacting to. It was me. Dan. I'm a guy, and a member of a group of magical animal girls.

Let that sink in for a minute. Take all the time you need; believe me, it's been a couple of days and I'm still trying to absorb it all, and I lived it!

When Sera told me I could help, and thinking about what could happen if I didn't, I didn't really see much of a choice. She slipped a crystal necklace around my neck, spoke the words I just said earlier and a little more, and then I transformed. Gone was the human guy; in its place stood a catgirl with long blond hair, blue eyes, catgirl fangs and orange ears and tail. She wore a pink, long sleeved dress that covered the entire upper half of her body from the neck down but barely covered anything below her butt, plus high heeled pink boots, and a pink collar with a heart shaped pink crystal. She was beautiful, shapely, and most surprisingly, me. After some initial shock, I leapt right into the fray with the rest of the girls, and together we'd finished off the monster.

Once it was dead and its body disappeared to... well, wherever it disappeared to, Sera gave me a quick explanation about the Sentella. Each of the girls came from different planets, all of whom had faced monsters like the one we'd just defeated. Some of them were still fighting the darkness, and some, like Sera's planet, had already lost. Now Earth is the target, and the Sentella hoped to keep it from falling victim to it as well. It was a lot to take in, on top of finding out I was a magical catgirl to begin with. Maybe that's why they hadn't tried to contact me since; they wanted to give me some time to digest it all.

Or maybe having a guy being a part of the Sentella freaked them out. Apparently that's a first; Sera did mention something about a man never having a pure enough heart to be of the Sentella before, though I've got no clue where exactly that came from. It's not like I spend my free time doing charity work or give half my income to needy causes, and while I can't think of anything really evil I've done that would disqualify me from being considered pure of heart, by the same token I can't think of anything amazingly good I've done to be nominated for such a title either.

So where did this catgirl come from? I've always been open to all sorts of kinks and ideas when it comes to sexuality; being a self-confessed furry, it kinda comes with the territory. I've certainly wondered what it would be like to become a woman and have sex as one, but it was always just a fantasy idea. It's quite another when a fantasy suddenly becomes real. Catgirls have had some appeal to me as well, often being portrayed as playful, strong, and sometimes a little silly, a lot of the things I'm not. Even then, though, I only ever imagined what it would be like to be with one, not actually be one.

I blushed a little as I remembered how that I experienced that feeling with Sera, along with several others. After I tapped out my power supply and didn't have enough to change back and go check on Rachel, Sera send the rest of the team out and spent some time alone with me. She explained that our crystals charge up based on emotions like joy, happiness and determination, and as she started to remove my panties, she added pleasure as a source of power. She then proceeded to give me a very hands-on demonstration of how to feel pleasure as a woman, followed by an oral lesson that had nothing to do with speaking. After what felt like an earth shattering orgasm, Sera deactivated my crystal, and when I came to Rachel had found me as my normal human self.

That day contained a lot of first time experiences. Went to an anime convention, joined a group of magical girls, battled a giant monster, and felt sexual pleasure both with and as a woman.

...Is it a bad sign that I had to become a woman myself before having a sexual experience with one?

One more dilemma to mull over for another time. I glanced over at the clock, noting it was way past midnight. With a sigh I rose from the couch and started to make my way toward the bedroom to get some sleep.

<We need your help...>

"Huh? Sera?" I lifted up the crystal around my neck, feeling it start to pulse and grow warm in my hand. Sera's voice had suddenly popped into my head like a thought, going right past my ears and directly into my brain. "Is that you?"

<A new Shadowed One has appeared. It's rampaging; hurry!>

A brief moment of panic set in as I realized what she was asking me to do. The first time, neither she nor I knew what to expect when the crystal activated and I turned into a catgirl. I could have blamed how good it felt on the rush of the transformation, or the desire to protect Rachel and everyone else, or feeling so powerful and strong at a time when I was really vulnerable, and most people probably wouldn't think it was too weird for me to enjoy the feeling of going from guy to catgirl. Those excuses were gone; I'd be walking into this knowing exactly what would happen now. If I helped them now, I might as well consider myself a permanent member of the Sentella and admit that on some level, I truly enjoyed being a woman instead of the man I was born as.

I could say no. I don't think the girls would try to force me to help them, even though they know I could. The strangers from other planets could fight for the Earth on their own while maybe the only one from this planet that could help them sits on the sidelines because he's worried about how he might enjoy becoming a catgirl again. They could probably handle it on their own, anyway...even if Sera did just say they needed my help...right?...

"...Born of radiance, created to fight..."

Well, a normal life for me was probably shot a long time ago anyway...

"Power good and right. Power cast in light. Crystal Star, activate!"

The glow of the crystal grew larger and brighter as I spoke, until my entire body was enveloped like a cocoon. The first changes occurred in my hands and feet as they felt like they were shrinking down, becoming slimmer and daintier. The slimming feeling continued up my legs and arms, the pants and shirt I was wearing seeming to scatter and dissipate as the changes crawled up my limbs. A new wave of energy wrapped itself around my feet and legs once they had become the appropriate feminine shape and size, becoming a pair of pink, high heeled boots.

The feelings progressed up to my rear end, which started to shrink and slim down as well, and along with my widening hips was reshaped into a feminine ideal. My genitals started to recede into my body like someone reeling in a fishing line, until all that was left was the tip of my cock, which reshaped into a clit as my vagina formed inside me and opened up between my legs. At the same time my chest begin to fill out and grow rounder, stretching against my shirt before the rest of my clothes vanished off my body.

The changes spread up to my neck and into my core from there. My Crystal Star, which had slid between my breasts for the moment, suddenly started to slide up closer to my slightly longer neck. The chain of the necklace tightened up and remolded into a pink collar while my love handles and slightly pudgy belly melted away, down to a taut, slim stomach. The imperfections and manly shape of my face felt like it was being washed away as the changes moved to my face, a warmth overtaking it as it became the shape of the beautiful woman I'd seen in that piece of glass a few nights ago.

I couldn't help but smile a little as my hair started to grow longer and blond. I shook my head a little from side to side, loving the feeling of it cascading down my neck and shoulders as it grew longer and fuller. It almost drew my attention away from the important parts every good catgirl needs to have, like the long orange tail that grew from the base of my back, or the teeth that started to grow a little longer and sharper than the rest until I had a perfect pair of fangs on each row of teeth. There was a brief moment where I grew deaf as my human ears receded into my head, but things became much clearer a moment later as my orange cat ears started to poke up through the hair on the top of my head, growing to the appropriate size and shape. One more wave of energy washed over the upper half of my body, similar to the one that formed my boots, and soon became the pale pink uniform that, along with my catgirl features, made me a member of the Sentella.

The light disappeared from around me, and I felt like I could move again. I moved my limbs slowly, loving how smoothly and gracefully they moved, making my human self seem almost clumsy by comparison. My entire body felt powerful, not just in sheer physical strength, but also emotionally. I felt proud, ready to take on whatever the darkness could throw at me if it. I knew I was beautiful, and I was ready to show the world that not only was I a beautiful woman on the outside, but on the inside as well. I would be caring, understanding, and show them how to help themselves with the problems they could handle, and protect them from the ones that they couldn't.

"Yeah! I'm gonna be a great superhero for everyone!" It sounded kind of silly and weird to say it out loud like that, but it felt like the truth. I'm beautiful, strong, happy, and ready to help those in needed. I felt... well, magical, for lack of a better word. Before the transformation I was worried about enjoying this feeling too much; now I can't imagine why I would have ever wanted to resist this. Sure, it still felt kinda weird to know that my true self was a guy compared to this magical catgirl, but secret identities are secret for a reason after all. I did a little twirl of happiness, giggling softly at the sheer joy of everything.

I steadied myself; I had to get serious. The girls needed my help, and I could feel a link to my team-mates crystals as they gathered somewhere in the city. It would take me an hour or more to drive there from my suburban apartment, but somehow I knew I wouldn't have to rely on such a slow form of transportation. I closed my eyes and gently folded my hands over my Crystal Star, concentrating on my team-mates crystals. Wind seemed to swirl around me as I focused, and the outside world became a blur. The distance between my team and me felt shorter and shorter, until it felt like I was practically on top of them and the spinning wind died down.

Removing my hands from my crystal and opening my eyes, I noticed my surroundings were much different now. I seemed to be on a rooftop of some sort of skyscraper, with a few other buildings of equal or similar height surrounding it. Down below the sounds of honking cars filled the streets, suggesting that I was in a fairly populated area of the city.

"Huh?" A new sound hit my ears as a blue-black crackling ball of some sort of energy went flying through the air. Sera leapt away from it as it came at her, the ball leaving a scorch mark in the roof where it landed. I noticed the rest of the girls forming up behind her as more crackling filled my ears, and I turned to see another ball of that strange energy... coming for me! I barely leapt away from the blast, but though I had avoided a direct hit, I still felt a sharp, electric-like zap briefly run through my body as it flew by.

"About time!" I shook off the pain as Sera called out to me, quickly forming up behind her as we stared down our new foe. I've seen scorpions in the zoo before, but they've always been brown or tan, and small enough they could've fit in the palm of my hands. The one that stood across the roof from us was an ugly purple-black color, and probably would have still fit in the palm of my hand, if I was about as huge as one of the skyscrapers that surrounded us. It had to be at least 20 or 25 feet long, and judging from the way it hissed and snapped its claws at us, it was not a gentle giant.

"Spread out, girls! And watch that tail; I'm pretty sure it's poisonous!" Looking carefully, I could see some sort of black fluid dripping from the tip of its tail. If the foot-long spine didn't take care of us, the poison would finish the job.

We scattered across the rooftops, firing our energy blasts at the creature. The creature responded in kind, launching more of those black-blue energy balls and striking out with its tail. The creature was fast, but we were faster, and we kept enough distance from it that we had more than enough time to dodge its attacks. By contrast, the thing was so huge it was hard to miss, and it wasn't very mobile. Unfortunately, it didn't need to be.

"My shots are just bouncing off!" called out the wolf girl in blue(I really gotta get everyone's names). The scorpion was using its claws defensively, shielding its face from our shots. Other than a couple of scorch marks, it seemed none the worse for wear for all the attacks it had been hit with.

"Mine too! Dammit; keep aiming for different spots! Try and find a weak point!" Sera called out, a hint of frustration in her voice.

"Maybe up there! Take this!" I fired a blast towards its tail, which it clearly did not like. It let out a hiss that sounded monstrous and alien, and responded with a blast of its own. I quickly leapt back to avoid the shot, feeling the tips of my boots on the rooftop as I landed, the heels following and hitting... nothing!

"W-Whoa!" I wind milled my arms wildly as I tried to hold my precarious perch. I didn't realize how close to the edge of the roof I was until I leapt back, and with the awkward landing my weight was threatening to throw me off the edge. "G-girls! Help!"

"Oh no!" The monkey girl in yellow(I REALLY need to get everyone's names...) was the closest and moved quick to my aid, but was forced back when a energy ball came right between us. The close blast sent another electric zap through me, and I felt myself starting to tip over the edge.

"I got you!" Sera made a leap for me, her hand reaching toward mine and grasping... the air as gravity claimed me as its victim.

"YYYYAAAAHHHHHH!" I closed my eyes as the ground thousands of feet below seemed to rise up, ready to take me as a permanent part of the street below. Even with my super body, simple physics said that a few thousand foot drop onto concrete was going to turn me into a sidewalk pancake. Please, just let it be quick and painless, and...

"I got you!"


The feeling of plummeting ended abruptly, replaced with the feeling of being carried and rising back up through the air. My heart was still racing at a million miles an hour, and I didn't chance opening an eye until I had stopped moving altogether. When I did, my heart continued to race, but for an entirely different reason.

"Are you alright, Milady?" My handsome young savior asked, a few strands of his long platinum blond hair brushing against me as he held me in his arms. A silver mask obscured the top half of his face, and I wouldn't have been able to see his blue eyes underneath it if it wasn't holding me so close to him. What I could see of his face was smooth, handsome and flawless. I blushed a little and nodded as he guided me to my feet on another rooftop near where I had fallen, and his smile of relief showed a set of wolf fangs that matched the pair of black wolf ears atop his head.

"T-Thank you." I managed to get out, feeling my face starting to turn a shade of pink similar to my uniform. He wore a suit of armor similar to plate mail, with a metallic vest, solid metal bracers on his forearms, and pants made of the same material. He wore nothing on his feet, though if the gravel of the roof caused him any sort of discomfort it didn't show. A gap between the vest and bracers gave me a good look at his bare arms, which showed the muscled tone of someone who cared about his body and may have spent a couple hours a week in the gym. Between that and his height that I put somewhere in the neighborhood of 6'4" or 6'5", he came off as a very strong, powerful man.

"Please, allow me to introduce myself." He bowed slightly to me as he spoke. I expected to hear some metallic clinking as he moved in his armor, but the only sound I heard was his voice, deep and soothing. "I am Silver Wolf, and I have been assigned by my goddess Lupa to aid the Sentella as a guardian in their battle against the darkness."

"L-Lupa? Goddess?" Well, judging by the ears, fangs and his name, Lupa must be some sort of wolf goddess. For a brief second I didn't believe what he was telling me. I mean, his ears and fangs looked as real as my own, but did Silver Wolf seriously expect me to believe that he served a real, true goddess?

And this is coming from a magical catgirl who got her powers from a crystal made of pure starlight that was given to her from a being from another planet. It felt kind of stupid to doubt his story in light of my own reality.

As I pondered that, I took note of the weapon that hung at Silver Wolf's side. The sword sheath was made of some sort of deep polished wood, with woodland scenes of wolves etched all along it. It was hard to look at it in detail, but the end of his sword was clearly visible and had the intricately detailed head of a wolf carved in a silver material that looked like the same material as his armor. For some reason it struck me as the look of a wolf watching over pack, alert but calm. My eyes traveled up to the handle of his sword, and what I saw tied there made me pause for a moment.

"Silver Wolf? Did Lupa give you that too?" I asked, motioning toward the hot pink ribbon wrapped around the hilt of his sword. With all the silver and manly features he carried about him, the ribbon seemed a bit out of place.

Silver Wolf smiled and held the sword by its sheath, reaching the handle toward me. "This is a gift my goddess tasked me with giving to the Earth-born Sentella defender, and I do believe that is you, Milady."

I fought down another blush when Silver Wolf called me Milady again. It's not like I'm used to being called a lady to begin with, and being called that sounded so formal and endearing. Instead I tried to focus on the ribbon in front of me, and couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow in surprise. That's a gift from a goddess; a ribbon? I mean, it is kinda cute, but still....well, maybe I could work it into my hair somehow. The ribbon had some ideas of its own, however.

"Huh?!" The ribbon suddenly became animated as I touched it, unfurling itself from the sword and sliding across my hand. The ribbon seemed to have a mind of its own as it glided along, moving in circles around my body before sliding its way down my tail. It went almost to the end before stopping near the end of it, where it proceeded to tie itself quickly into a simple bow.

"That is my goddess' Ribbon Whip." Silver Wolf explained as I swished my tail back and forth a bit, testing how securely the bow was in place. "Simply untie it from your tail, and it can strike with the force of any whip made of leather or iron."

"Thank you, Silver Wolf." I smiled up at him again, trying hard not to blush again when he returned my smile with one of his own. Sure, the long silvery hair and mask sort of made him look like a stereotypical anime pretty-boy, but that didn't change the fact that he was very handsome looking, and he seemed genuinely concerned for my well being. He was tall, strong, and the idea of having such a man watching my back both literally and figuratively was quite appealing.

Wait, what am I thinking?! I just met this stranger and I'm feeling like a school girl with her first crush. This about a hundred different reasons why this was a bad idea, the most important of which is that I'm not really a girl. I'm mean, right now I am, sure, but Silver Wolf doesn't know the truth, and he'd probably be pretty grossed out if he found out I was a guy normally... n-not that I'm concerned about what he thinks about me personally or anything! A-and what about how the rest of the Sentella would feel about him?

"The Sentella! I gotta get back!" I turned and leapt the gap that separated the buildings between me and the rest of the girls, thankfully for the distraction to get away from Silver Wolf for the moment. I landed softly on the other side, and was followed a second later by Silver Wolf. He drew his blade, a slightly cured sword at least a good two feet in length and started to charge toward the scorpion. Its tail attacks were focused on the girls, but it still had its claws free to swipe at him, forcing him back as he searched for an opening.

"Are you alright?! And who's the... whoa!" Sera's questions were interrupted as she was force to roll away from another tail blast. "Never mind; save it for later! Give us a hand!"

"Right!" I prepared to fire a blast of my own, then stopped. Our energy shots had be doing next to nothing so far. Sure, it didn't like the blast to its tail, but that was a hard target to hit, and I don't know how much more energy the girls have. If this came down to a battle of endurance, we might not make it. Silver Wolf was trying to keep its attention on him, but it only needed one claw to deflect his attacks, and it still had one free to protect itself from the energy shots.

"Well, let's give this a try!' I reached behind me and tugged at the end of the Ribbon Whip. As I gripped it I felt the ribbon thicken and grow larger under my hand into a proper grip, and as the ribbon unfurled, much more material than the two feet or so of length that had been there to begin with spilled out onto the ground behind me. When it was all said and done, I had at least a good ten feet of hot pink whip to work with.

"Nice!" I tugged at the ends of the whip with all my might, but my super strength didn't seem to be any threat to destroying it. Strong and durable, that's good. Still, I'll have to get pretty close to use it, and that scorpion seems pretty quick with its claws. Even while it was deflecting Silver Wolf's slashes, it was still able to sneak in a quick snip or two with the same claw, keeping him on the move. If I try and get close enough to use the whip, I'll be in the same spot.

"That's it!" I started to charge in closer to the beast, moving off to the side opposite the one Silver was on. "Girls, cover me! I got an idea!"

The tail started to focus on me as I drew close, but a couple of energy blasts from the girls kept its tail on the move and from getting a bead on me. When I was close enough I swung the whip as hard as I could, smiling at the sharp crack it made as it connected against the scorpions claw.

"Hey there!" I pulled the whip back, hoping no one noticed I'd almost hit myself in the face with it as I readied for another strike. "Come on, I've seen bigger claws on my plate at seafood restaurants! Come and get me!"

"Milady, why are you here?! You should stay back and..." Silver Wolf smiled as he saw me keeping to the side of the creature, keeping its claw away from its face as it tried to fend off the whip. "...and continue what you're doing!"

Silver Wolf moved to stand almost directly opposite me of the creature, continuing to swing his sword and keep the other claw focused on him. The scorpion was able to keep us both from landing any hits on anything but its claws, but that worked just fine for me.

"Aim for its head, girls!"

The scorpion let out something that resembled a hiss as one of Sera's blasts caught it right in the face. It bought its claw back around to block the next couple, but then I landed a shot from the whip in one of its legs. That bought its claw back on me, and kept his face open for attacks.

Under our assault, the scorpion was simply outnumbered and outmatched. After a few more blasts to its face, it stopped firing back with its own shots, and it seemed to focus entirely on defending itself as it backed towards a corner of the roof.

"You're not getting away from me that easy!" I struck out with the Ribbon Whip again, but instead of just hitting the whip wrapped itself around the beasts claw. I pulled back hard, digging my heels in as the two of us entered a tug of war. "That's my gift!"

"Begone, foul beast!" While I had kept its claw tied up, Silver Wolf had moved in to the gap that had been created. The scorpion tried to swipe at him with its free claw, but its movement was slowed from all the damage it had taken, and Silver Wolf leapt over it with ease. In a flash his sword sunk deep into its side, and black smoke started to rise up from its mouth. He nodded solemnly as the scorpion started to go limp, turning his back on the dying monster. "May your taint be forever removed from this world."

"Alright! Nice job, Silver Wolf!" I cheered happily as I pulled back the Ribbon Whip and touched it to my tail, where it retied itself back into a bow. We did it! Another monster lay defeated before us, going to where it couldn't do anymore harm to anyone. Especially not that nasty tail that was firing energy blasts and had that mean, nasty spike and... and was still moving!

"LOOK OUT!" I practically flew toward Silver Wolf as the tail aimed toward him, the beast trying to get one last death-blow in. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion; I leapt toward him, the tail lashed toward him, I wrapped my arms around him tight and tackled him to the ground, right as a searing hot pain tore into my arm as the spike grazed me and I bit back a yelp of pain.

The creature finally finished dissipating as I examined the wound on my arm. It'd torn right through the sleeve of my uniform and made a deep, ugly purple-black wound that looked as painful as it felt. I glanced down at Silver Wolf, who seemed a little stunned from the tackle and was slow getting up. I couldn't let him see me like this! I don't want him to think I got hurt because of him; that would make him feel terrible! But I couldn't hide this; one glance at my arm would clearly show where I got hit.

As if on cue the Ribbon Whip started to move again, flowing up my side and down my arm before wrapping itself around my wound and torn uniform like a giant pink bandage. There was a burning sensation across the wound as it felt like it was being seared closed and forcing me to hold back another cry of pain. Before I could question what had happened the ribbon returned to its place on my tail, and my uniform looked undamaged. A few prods with my finger where the wound had been confirmed that the flesh underneath was as good as new as well.

"Milady, why did you save me?" Silver Wolf's voice turned my attention upward toward him, now back on his feet. I took the hand he extended and rose to my own feet. "That was very reckless of you; you could've been injured."

"Well, yeah... but I wasn't!" I did a slow little twirl for Silver Wolf, showing him my unwounded body. "And besides, I was just returning the favor."

Silver Wolf smiled a little at that. "Well then, I suppose we can call it even. I would feel terrible about letting such a beautiful woman feel indebted to me." I really hoped it was too dark for him to see how bad I blushed when he called me beautiful.

"So, are you going to introduce us?" I let out a little mew of surprise when I heard Sera speaking and turned to see the rest of the Sentella had gathered behind me.

"O-Oh! Sure!" I tried to gather myself as I stepped back a little, letting the girls get a better view of our guardian. "This is Silver Wolf. The goddess Lupa assigned him to help us in our fight against the darkness."

"A pleasure to meet you, Silver Wolf. I am Seraphine, the leader of the Sentella." Sera(which must be a nickname) said with a slight bow.

"Hi there, Silver Wolf! I'm Vixie!" The monkey girl in yellow waved slightly as she introduced herself.

"I'm Merit. Thank you for your aid tonight, Silver Wolf." The dolphin girl in green said with a slight smile.

"Regina. Another warrior against the darkness is always a welcome sight." The wolf girl in blue said as her eyes scanned up and down Silver Wolf slowly.

"Yes, thank you, Silver Wolf. I'm Astrid." The bird girl in purple said, mimicking Seraphine's bow.

"And I'm D-uuuhhhhh..." I barely caught myself in time to keep from spilling my real name to Silver Wolf. I couldn't go telling him my name and blow my secret identity! My brain scrambled to come up with something as Silver Wolf gave me a confused look. "U-Um..."


"Huh?" Silver Wolf and I spoke in unison as we turned to look at Sera.

"Sorry, the cat seems to have gotten her own tongue. That's Aerilla, the newest member of the Sentella." Sera's voice was calm and smooth as she spoke, though I caught a brief glimpse of a quirked eyebrow as she seemed to pick up on my nervousness.

"Um, yup! That's me; I'm Aerilla!" I smiled up at Silver Wolf, hoping my enthusiasm would cover my earlier stumble. I'd have to remember to thank Sera later for giving me such a beautiful name.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you all you brave women." Silver Wolf presented his sheathed sword to us. "I should retire for now, but my blade will always be ready to serve you in your fight against the darkness."

He started to turn and make his leave, but stopped and gave a smile that felt like it was meant specifically for me.

"And please, just call me Silver. All my friends do."

With that, he leapt across to the next rooftop, and then another with ease, until he was out of sight a few seconds later.

My heart still felt like it was pounding as I watched Silver go. He was tall, strong, handsome and caring; everything a girl looks for in a man. I mean, sure, I'm only a girl on a part-time basis, but Silver didn't know that, and it's not like I could tell him the truth. Besides, it's not like this is the first time I've had feelings for a guy... but that's a story for another time.

Seriously, though, I gotta chill out a little. My heart is starting to feel like it's gonna explode out my chest, and I still feel really weak in the knees. Actually, I feel kinda weak all over, and dizzy too. I think I'm gonna be sick...

"G-Girls, I don't feel too good..." I moaned before my legs gave out, falling to my knees and breathing hard. I could hear the girls calling my name and asking what was wrong, but they sounded like they were miles away as the edges of my vision started to go dark.

"You idiot!" Sera's tone and words were harsh, but her face betrayed her concern as she knelt down in front of me, gripping my shoulders and propping me upright as she looked into my eyes. "Why didn't you tell us you've been poisoned?!"

"S-Silver..." That was the last thing I remember saying before everything went dark.

I've heard stories before about what people see and think when they're close to death. Some see their life flash before their eyes, some see lost loved ones waiting for them in heaven, and some think about the things they should've done differently or regret their past mistakes.

I remember bring thirsty. Really, really thirsty. I licked my dry lips, an action that felt like it took every ounce of strength I had left.

"Awaken, kitten."

Something wet and cool dripped onto my tongue as I licked my lips. The drop slid right past my lips and down my throat, cool, refreshing and like...

"Milk?" My strength slowly felt like it was coming back as I opened my eyes, things starting to become clear again as I pushed myself into a sitting position.

The first thing I noticed was the hard stone under my hand as I rose up. The somewhat warm night air of the skyscraper had been replaced with a much hotter air and brown stone walls, with an occasional column here and there as well. The art style on the walls were simple but colorful, displaying scenes of women kneeling and worshipping a tan skinned woman with large horns on either side of her head. Some of the women at her feet were human, but most seemed to be covered in white and brown or black fur, and looking closely I could see horns similar to the woman they worshipped as well. That and the long ropey tails suggested they were cow women of some sort.

"Hello, kitten." My attention was drawn to the speaker standing next to me by her voice, but something else kept it once my eyes fell on her. I noticed certain things about her; the tan skin, the long black hair adorned with golden jewelry that flowed down her head, the white wrap-like material that covered her from the waist down, and the long slightly curved horns that rose up from her head and held between a large disk that resembled a sun between them. Somehow I noted all this, even though my eyes were locked on two things in particular.

Her breasts were HUGE, and she made no effort to hide them. Each one was seemed to be almost the same size as her head, if not as big. They were the same color as the rest of her skin, and each was topped with a large, brown nipple that sat almost proudly on her bountiful chest. Somewhere in the back of my mind I wondered how she was even able to sit up straight with such weight on the front of her body. I mean, I like big breasts as much as the next guy, when I am a guy, but hers were almost TOO big.


"I am Hathor." With a supreme effort of will, I drew my attention away from her chest and to her face as she spoke. "I, along with the other gods, have decided to aid you in your quest to protect Earth."

"Gods? As in, more than one?" Between the drawings on the wall and her accent, I guessed Hathor was an Egyptian goddess of some sort. The hieroglyphics were kinda a giveaway, too.

A million questions raced through my head that I wanted to ask her as a pleasant warmth spread throughout my body. How did I get here? Where were the rest of the Sentella? Who were these other gods? What did they know about me? How do I get back home? Then my eyes drifted back down to her chest, and suddenly all those questions disappeared.

"Thank you, Hathor." I tore my gaze away from her chest as I stood up from the altar I had been lying on. Now I felted indebted to two goddess; Lupa for giving me my Ribbon Whip and Silver Wolf, and Hathor for curing me of the poison. I wish I could have given them something to thank them for their help, but it's not like I have a purse or anything, and a quick search of my uniform revealed no pockets that could've held anything I could have given her.

"The thought is appreciated, but we have little use for money or most riches that mortals treasure." How'd she know... oh geez, can she read my mind? Well, she's a goddess, so it's not out of the question. "Although, most mortals that come before me end up as my life long servants, minds filled with nothing but thoughts of pleasure and giving milk."

"Giving milk?" My eyes skirted back to the drawings that adorned the walls briefly as I, with a sudden feeling of dread, realized what she meant. "Y-You turn them into cowgirls?!"

Hathor smiled and nodded slightly. "Indeed, for it is the milk of my loyal servants that I treasure. The more milk they give in tribute and the more pleasure they feel, the more their loyalty that gives me strength grows. But, defender, your true purpose is elsewhere, and as much as it pains me to do so, I must release you."

I let out a sigh of relief at that. With a life full of responsibilities, decisions and stress, the thought of being able to just let it all go and live a life filled with pleasure certainly had some appeal. Still, Hathor was right. The rest of the Sentella and the people of Earth were counting on me, even if they didn't know they were. Hell, even the gods seem willing to give me a hand.

Speaking of the Sentella, I needed to get back and get out of this heat. I was feeling flush from the heat, and my uniform suddenly felt constrictive around my chest, almost clinging to me like a second skin. I panted a little and fanned myself, trying to ignore the feeling of warmth that seemed to grow and grow, focusing in my chest and spreading outward from there. I needed to go, shower, change my clothes, fill my pussy with something...

"Wait, what did I just...O-Oh!" Before I could question where that last thought came from, my empty vagina clenched with a sudden need to be filled as the tightness around my chest grew almost unbearable. Without thinking I started working off my uniform, almost cumming from the electric bolts of pleasure that shot from my nipples as the fabric rubbed against them. Finally I was free of the restrictive material, only in my panties and boots now as I looked over my changing body.

Well, there truly wasn't much I could see past my breasts that swelled and grew a little with each beat of my heart, my nipples seeming to stretch and grow fuller in proportion. My soft hands brushed over the growing flesh, and I let out something between a mew and a moan as pleasure flooded my brain and pussy. They kept growing until they started to push against each other, and continued to grow out beyond that. My hands went to my nipples as I tried to contain them, both my hands and panties being soaked with fluid as a small orgasm ripped through me.

"Milk?!" Sure enough, a familiar looking white substance was on my hands, and though my breasts had stopped growing bigger, they felt like they were being pumped full of milky fluid. They had gone from being a bit bigger than softballs to being almost the size of basketballs in a matter of a minute. I glanced up at Hathor, a pleading, confused look on my face as I tried to keep my hands off myself. "I thought you said you were going to release me!"

"Oh, I am going to release you, defender." Hathor smiled a pair of cowgirls with white fur and brown spots that were stacked almost as much as I was now suddenly stepped out from behind her and moved around either side of the altar toward me. "However, I will collect tribute for my services."

The girls moved to either side of me and lowered me to my knees, licking their lips as they looked at my leaking nipples. Nipples was an understatement; given their size and the way the protruded from my chest, they looked more like teats.

"Moooo..." The girls smiled as they knelt down with me, licking their lips as they looked at my leaking chest. Before I could think to protest they each wrapped their lips around a nipple, eagerly sucking down my milk. The pleasure I felt before paled in comparison to the feelings running through me now. Each suck, each flick of their tongue drowned my mind in sexual bliss, wiping away almost all coherent thought.

I panted and mewed as I watched the girls in front of me, my mind swimming with simple, content pleasure. Why shouldn't I be happy with what was happening? A good hero always helps those in need, and clearly these girls were very thirsty. I had these huge, milk filled breasts that needed to be drained; it was a perfect fit. The mind numbing sexual pleasure was just an added benefit.

"Meeeewwwwwwoooooo!" The mix of mew and moo that escaped my throat seemed to echo throughout the room, and masked the approach of the third cowgirl who moved behind me. It wasn't until I felt her mooing softly in my ear, nuzzling my hair as her softly hands slid down my body did I notice her arrival. I leaned back into her, her breasts cushioning my back as I helped her remove my panties, now down to just my boots. Her hand stroked my hair as she leaned down, and I felt my tail brushing against her face as she leaned down and started to lap at my leaking pussy.

"Drink deep, girls." Hathor smiled as she stepped over to us, surveying the scene at her feet. Her hands glided gently through my hair as the new cowgirl's tongue poked and probed into my pussy, occasionally slipping out and flicking over my clit. I could feel my breasts starting to grow empty, a pleasant feeling of warmth and contentment filling its place, and I squeezed my breasts as I tried to help the girls get the last of the milk out of me.

The girls all pulled away for a moment, and their hands helped guide me to my hands and knees. The tongue that was in my pussy was replaced with a set of fingers as more hands squeezed my breasts and tugged at my nipples. The last of my milk was being drained into a pair of golden chalices by the girls, my chest being emptied as my pussy was filled again and again. All the attention, the milking, and pleasure chemicals flooding my brain were simply too much, and as the very last drop of milk fell from each of my breasts, a mind shatter orgasm hit me like a truck, my tail standing out like a board as I came.

"MMMMEEEEEEWWWWWWWOOOOOO!" My pussy clenched tight around the fingers of the cowgirl, soaking her hand and part of her forearm with my cream. I held her hand tight in me as I came, not letting her pull out an inch while an orgasm that seemed to last for an eternity sent every inch of my body awash with bliss and pleasure. My arms couldn't remain steady and collapsed, sending me crashing to the stone floor. With a mind full of pleasure and the soft landing my now huge chest provided me, I barely noticed.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I worried about what Silver would think of me like this as I lay in a small puddle of my own fluids. I mean, I look almost perverted now, all wet and with these huge breasts. Surely he wouldn't like that; he seemed way too much of a gentleman for such weird stuff. I couldn't imagine his strong, gentle hands running over my huge chest, squeezing it, kneading it, slowly lapping up my milk as he started to remove his armor... no; couldn't imagine that at all.

I smiled dimly up at the women that surrounded me. A slight moment of worry for the poor girl I had crushed in my pussy passed through my mind, but she seemed none the worse for wear. In fact, judging from the way she was licking her fingers clean, she seemed more than happy. Another of the girls offered one of the chalices to Hathor, which she took and sipped from slowly.

"Mmm... kitty milk. How delightfully perverse. " Hathor knelt before me, her hand lightly scratching behind my ears and making me mew softly. "Sleep now, defender. You've earned your rest."

"If you insist..." I smiled, stifling a slight yawn before sleep overcame me.

I awoke to the sensation of sunlight in my eyes. For a brief moment I thought I was still with Hathor, but a quick glance around confirmed I was back in my apartment, and a quick inspection of my body revealed that I was also back to my normal self.

"Well, last night was... certainly something." Mere words didn't seem adequate to describe everything that had happened. We defeated another monster, met our new guardian, I nearly got poisoned to death, and I got to meet a real goddess who did some very unique things to me. "Gah! And apparently I held an impromptu sleepover as well!"

Sera let out a little grunt as I had accidently booted her a little trying to get out of bed, but she stayed in dreamland with the rest of the Sentella who had spread themselves out around the floor of my bedroom. They must have bought me home after my meeting with Hathor and deactivated my crystal, and must have stayed with me to make sure I was O.K.

"Aw, thanks girls." I guess having a guy being a part of the Sentella must not have freaked them out too much if they were looking after me like this. "The first time I able to bring a woman home, and I get five at once. And it only took me nearly dying to do it."

I carefully made my way over the girls to my closet and changed into a fresh set of clothes. The least I could do was get them all some breakfast to thank them for looking out for me. After changing and grabbing my keys and wallet from my desk, I paused and scribbled out a quick message on a sticky note.

Went to get breakfast for everyone. BRB- Dan/Aerilla.

Now, where to put it? They might worry if I'm gone and they don't see the note right away, so where...? Ah; perfect!

Feeling some catgirl silliness bleed through to my human self, I knelt down over Sera and gently pasted the note to her forehead. Her head turned a little as she slept, but the note held fast. I smiled and made my way out of the apartment to the nearby bagel shop.

I stretched out as I stepped into the morning sun, feeling energized and refreshed despite all the action last night. Now that I knew the girls were good with having me be a part of the team, and that even gods were willing to help us, I felt more ready than ever to battle the darkness, to save my world for the sake of my friends, my family, and everyone else. Plus, I'll probably see Silver again...

... N-Not that I have a crush on him or anything...