bioshock quarantine

Story by inferno the fire ant on SoFurry

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Bioshock quarantine

Adam I need Adam I scrounge around this cold leaky place looking for the one thing that matters. I pass bob on the way I raise a hand in greeting and he waves me off the asshole still owes me money. Ah forget him I feel good about today. I walk through the tubes leading to the funtaine futuristic building I heard a rumor that some of those little brats were there and that means Adam glorious Adam. I'm really pumped now so I run through the door. Most of the lights are gone and the few that are left cast weird shadows in the dark and there she is the little sister and I'm in luck she's all by herself I run right up to her then I think of caution I look around for the big daddy that should be there but nothing not a thing today is really my day. I reach for her syringe but she doesn't have one. Wait whats with a little sister alone and with no tool for Adam what the fuck.

That's when she looked at me those yellow eyes almost looked innocent.her blue dress is bloody and ruined nothing unusal about that, The next thing I know I'm on my back and she's on my chest she smiles then opens her mouth but it's wrong it opens impossibly wide and there's nothing but sharp needle like teeth but those eyes are still almost innocent I yell and push her off me I crawl back trying to get away but she's already getting back up in the few seconds it took her to get up and lunge at me I drew my gun and shot her right between those eyes. I get up my hearts pounding in my chest but I survived ya take that ya little bitch I yell aloud and that's when I heard it "you want to play" I turned around slowly to see only yellow eyes staring at me from the darkness ten or twenty of them in total I hear a hiss from one of them I'm frozen in fear a cold sweat was running through my body I gulped as my terrified brain tried to think of what to do I chose run and I did I bolted for the door as quick as I could good thing I got that sports boost gene tonic yesterday. But more of them were blocking my exit they were on all fours and they hissed at me through those horrible mouths. I skid to a halt but one knocked me down from behind I have enough time to turn over to look into its face before it sunk its teeth into my collar bone I screamed as more jumped in for the feast I was losing consciousness when one looked me in the eyes those innocent eyes she tilted her head and I knew they were biting my legs but I couldn't feel them I was almost peaceful the last thing I say was her go for my neck and blood spurting everywhere as I faded into that peaceful dark.....

splicing in the boys room

SPLICING IN THE BOYS ROOM (TEASER) I saw the splicers before they saw I and the last thing they saw was the bullet enter their brain and I got to paint the walls a nice red you know liven up the place. Damn two solid head shots right off the bat...

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Aftermath Disclaimer= this is a pure porn with some reliance to the actual story you have been warned \* They kissed passionately on the bed Fox buried his hands in her hair as Veronica took each kiss and retuned it in full their tongues explored...

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leaving my corner

Leaving my corner Fox was mid-sentence as I saw the shadow move up behind him I didn't have time to warn him as the gun fired and blood sprayed my face. I've had blood on me a lot in the last hours but this time it made me sick and it destroyed me I...

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