Irresistible Scent

Story by Keane Ironheart on SoFurry

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A bunny finds a way to make himself more attractive to the same sex, but when he tries his concoction out, will he get more than he expected? The following story is intended for adults only.

Irresistible Scent

By Keane Ironheart

It was already half past two in the morning and Reg was still wide awake in a tiny lab in the basement of the science department. He had been working on a new chemical, well, more accurately a new catalyst. It was a way to force pheromones to be more potent, much more affective at attracting its target. It was something that had come to him in a dream, of sorts, it was also something he was working on for his own use.

The bunny was lithe, without much muscle on his bones at all. He had a pair of silver-rimmed glasses that sat on his muzzle, the rounded rectangular lenses were as thin as they could get with his bad eyesight. He was also socially awkward when he was around a large crowd. All in all, it made him really bad at picking up a guy at the bar.

Sure, there were a couple times when he had managed. The first was an orca who had been much too drunk. The moment they got back to his dorm, the orca fell on top of him on the bed and immediately went to sleep. Reg was stuck all night because the guy had been much to big for him to move.

The second time had gone no better with bull who had turned out to be a little older than he expected. In fact, the guy had was older than Reg's father. It was not that he minded the attention, but he just was not into that kind of thing. He faked an emergency phone call before things went too far and had not seen the guy sense.

So here he was trying to create a chemical that would help him pick up guys at the bar. It was very geeky of him, and maybe a little bit questionable morally, but he was in college! It was a time to explore one's sexuality and get laid on a regular basis. Yet he was still holding his V-card and very eager to do whatever it took to change that.

The timer on the centrifuge went off and the bunny beamed a smile as he bounced his way over to it. The solution had separated quite nicely with a fuchsia mass clinging to the bottom and nearly clear, viscus oil on top. It was exactly what he had been looking for. Finally, he could put the pheromones to the test!

He had almost forgotten how late it was though. He supposed a proper test would have to wait until the morning, but who to test it on? He had given it some thought all night and wanted to try it out on a control first. That meant a straight guy, someone who normally would not be attracted to him. That way he could work out any of the kinks without any unwanted advancements.

His mind went back to his best friend, an otter by the name of Wade who was studying to be a computer scientist. He had the right additive for the job, but he wondered if it was wise. There was no way the chemical was powerful enough to make things weird between them, though.

So he added the otter pheromones to the chemical catalyst and shook the vial vigorously after capping it off. He would give it a try tomorrow and see how well it went. It was only a few days to the weekend, and hopefully it would be a very good weekend.

* * * *

Reg was a bit nervous as he walked up the stairs to the third floor of the dorm. He had his backpack on filled with heavy books, a loose pair of jeans and a thick hoodie. He found wearing baggy clothes made him look a little bigger than he was. In the pocket of his hoodie was the vial he had made the night before.

He was still unsure about using it by the time that he knocked on his friend's door, but when the otter opened it, his mind changed instantly. Wade was beyond handsome. He had a head full of unruly black hair that covered his short, rounded ears, and a patch of black fuzz on his chin to match. Through his left eyebrow was a single barbell piercing that made him look a little like a punk, but the otter had such a kind smile and beautiful green eyes that drew Reg in and threatened not to let go.

Wade was wearing a tan tank top and a pair of black shorts, a pair of sandals protecting the bottoms of his feet. The otter had more definition to his musculature than Reg, but that was not saying much on his part. The only thing he was missing was a six-pack, a thin layer of fat covering that up. He had sandy fur and a creamy underside that contrasted starkly with his dark hair.

"Reggy! C'mon in, bro." Even the way the otter spoke with a very soft Islander accent made Reg's toes curl and sometimes sent a shiver down his spine and to his powder puff tail. "There's this new anime you just gotta see. I swear! Most. Violence. Ever." Wade laughed

"And breasts the size of watermelons?" Reg replied.

"Pft, bigger than that!"

"Sounds neat." Reg lied as he sat at the edge of the otter's bed.

Reg had always be a little bit of a neat freak, though he liked to think himself as being organized. Wade, on the other hand, never seemed to keep a place tidy for long. There was a pile of clothes on the other side of the bed as well as one on top of his dresser. At least it smelled like air freshener in here, and a hint of otter musk.

Not that Reg minded that last part.

Wade flopped down beside him on the bed and restarted the video. It was only subbed, but somehow Reg doubted the otter minded. Or even that he was reading the dialog. It certainly was violent though, and the bunny could not help but laugh each time the otter said "Oh dude, check this next part out" or "Oh, this is really cool!"

When the first show was over, Reg excused himself to go to the restroom.

"Tissues are in the drawer nearest to the toilet, bro!" The otter called after him and Reg just shook his head.

It was hard to believe he had been friends with the otter since they were in high school. He had been much more immature back then, which was saying a lot. Somehow though, Reg just got along with him. It made him second guess himself once again, but he had to try this stuff out and Wade was the perfect guy to try it out on.

The bunny stepped over to the mirror and looked at himself, his large ears folding back against his head. He gave a heavy sigh and took the vial from his pocket before popping the top. He pressed his finger over the opening and upended the vial, then applied the small dab to one side of his neck like he would cologne.

Reg was unsure how much to use, so he applied another dab on the other side and hoped it would be enough. After capping the vial, he placed it back into his pocket and stared at himself for a little while longer. There was no turning back now.

He washed his paws and dried them on the only towel in the room before he pushed the door open and took his seat on the bed. The otter had sprawled out on his tummy while he was gone, propping his head up on his fists and elbows.

"You rubbed that one out quick." The otter quipped.

"Just had to think about your mom and..." Reg made his best orgasm face, only stopping when he was punched in the arm. "Ow, hey!"

"That's gross dude, and to think I had half a chub going." Wade replied as he rolled his eyes and started in on the second episode.

Reg was disappointed by the results already. He thought the catalyst would work faster than this. He kept looking to his friend, but the otter's eyes were transfixed by the show, never once did he even show an ounce of effect. Reg wondered if the chemical failed because the otter was straight, or because there was a problem with his formula.

They had started the third episode and were almost halfway through it. The otter had sat up between the two shows and now sat with a small distance away from Reg. That distance was closed when Wade scooted over on the bed, his hip touching Reg's. He turned his head to his friend, but the otter's eyes were still locked on the screen in front of him. Reg sighed and turned back to the television.

"What's the matter, bored already?" The otter asked without pulling away from the screen.

"Huh?" Reg perked his ears then shook his head. "Oh, no, nothing like that. Just thinking about lab work."

Wade barked a laugh and once again punched Reg in the arm. "Will you stop being smart all the time and just enjoy the show already?"

The bunny winced and rubbed his arm again. His concoction clearly wasn't working and he quite disappointed in that. He wondered just how much work he would have to redo now. Maybe the whole thing was a pipe dream and he would never get it right.

He decided to forget about it and relaxed as they watched another two episodes. He laughed at all the needless violence and the excessive blood and even shot a few grins when a particularly big-breasted character bounced around on screen. Yup, he had acting straight down to a tee. Though, he had to admit, he enjoyed the show.

"I think that's it for today." Wade said as he turned off the television and stood up from his bed. "As much as I love dicking around, there's more important things to get to tonight."

"Yeah, I got my half of a lab report to write, so I guess I should get to that." Reg said, rubbing the back of his head and behind his ears before he stood up from the bed and grabbed his bag. "Take care, man, I'll see you tomorrow sometime."

The bunny shuffled his feet to the door, feeling his stomach growl softly. He supposed he would stop by the cafeteria and grab him something to eat really quick. He reached for the door when he felt Wade press up behind him and grab his wrist. Reg was stunned when the otter nibbled on his neck.

"Wh--what...?" He stammered as his friend cooed loudly behind him.

"I told you, I have more important things to do tonight." Wade interrupted and took a deep breath of the bunny's neck. It was where Reg had dabbed the pheromones.

"St...stop a second. I gotta tell you--" Reg was interrupted again, but this time by a kiss to his lips. He stared with wide eyes at the otter and tried his best to back away from the kiss. He only managed to back into a wall, which made him easier for the otter to pin down.

Reg grabbed his friend's shoulders and tried his best to push him away, but the otter was much too strong and the bunny much too weak. He barely even budged his friend at all and was quickly wearing himself out. He had to think of what to do.

His mind was conflicted though. In a way, this is what he had always wanted. He had his first wet dream about this otter back when they were in high school together. He snuck his fair share of glances when they would shower after gym class. He had even shared the dorm with him the first year before they got separated into different rooms. Wade was lucky enough to have the place to himself at least.

But all of this was wrong, and Reg knew it. It would change the nature of their relationship. It would even destroy it when the effects of the pheromones wore off and the otter finally came to his senses. He would lose his best friend over this stupid act. Why had he not thought about it earlier?

Probably because deep down, he wanted this to happen.

No, he had to fight it off and get out of there! He let his body go limp and managed to slip between the otter's legs, but Wade blocked the doorway as he panted softly, licking his lips. The otter's gaze was intent on his prize and Reg was not going to escape the room easily.

Even if he did, how far would the otter go to track him down? His heart skipped at that. By leaving the room, others might see the way the otter was acting. He wasn't sure if he could out run the otter, but he could probably wait for the effects to wear off!

He turned on his heels and ran for the bathroom door, only to grabbed by the hood and pressed against the frame. He felt a snap at his belly as the glass vial in his pocket shattered under the pressure of the otter who held him firmly. His hoodie was thick enough the glass had no chance to penetrate and cut him, but he could feel the liquid against his belly and spilling down him.

The otter let up for a moment, raising his head to sniff the air around him. He must have been intoxicated by the scent of those pheromones because his body went limp just long enough for Reg to squeeze out of his grip once again and into the bathroom. He did not make it far, however.

He was grabbed by his wrist and tugged out of the bathroom, then pushed back against the bed. He was on his back with his legs hanging off the side, dazed as the otter climbed up on him. His webbed paws slid under his hoodie and slowly, he lifted the garment up. He sat on the bunny's hips as he tugged the hoodie off and tossed it to the side. Those pheromones wafted off his wet fur and tingled the otter's nose as he twitched his whiskers. It would have been cute had a sizable bulge in the otter's shorts not been pressing into Reg's belly.

"You don't know what you're doing, Wade." Reg tried to plead to his friend as the otter removed his t-shirt, leaving the bunny's brown and tan fur exposed. "You gotta stop this, get a hold of yourself man!"

The otter just laughed, tracing his finger down the bunny's chest and through the soft fur of his belly. His dull claw scratched at the skin underneath, circling around the bunny's belly button. "I know exactly what I'm doing." He said in a distant voice as his lips curled into a grin. "Or should I say, who I'm doing?"

Even in a chemical-induced stupor Wade made corny jokes. Reg could only watch as his friend disrobed. He had to admit though, staring up at that perfect stomach and chest, those tight, round nipples poking out of rich, creamy fur and curves of his arm muscles; he could almost let the guy take him for one pleasureful night. No, it was wrong.

But if it was so wrong, why were his jeans tented so painfully against his erection?

The bunny did nothing as his friend unzipped his jeans and tugged them down. He had on a pair of lime green briefs, the elastic band pulled off his waist because of the bulge inside. He gasped when it was exposed to the cool air of the room and then warmed by his friend's webbed paw.

Reg rolled his eyes back and pushed his hips up into the otter's paw, chewing his lower lip as he tried to restrain himself. Things had gone much too far for his comfort now, and the way the otter was stroking his cock, he doubted it would stop short of copulation. He would just have to wait for the right moment.

His eyes shot open when he felt hot breath against the tip of his member. Reg pushed his glasses back into place and lifted his head in time to watch the otter take his shaft into his muzzle. It was so hot and moist, his tongue so smooth as it cupped the underside of his bunnyhood and stroked back and forth. Reg could not hold back the moan that escaped from him lips and soon, melted back onto the bed.

Wade was pulling down his undies, over his large, bare feetpaws, all the while his tongue rolled around the head of his cock and very gently slide along the slit at the tip. Reg's moment to escape had come and gone while he was grabbing the sheets of the bed in his paws and trying his hardest not to fuck back into his best friend's muzzle.

He wrapped his legs around the otter who wiggled for a moment as he reached under the bed. Reg was still lost in his lust to care what the otter was doing, so long as he did not remove that wonderful muzzle from his shaft. He was amazed the otter used no teeth at all, yet managed to tilt his cock just right to slide along the ridges of his hard pallet. The bunny curled his toes into the thin, corse carpet when he planted his feetpaws.

"Wade...there's something I gotta tell you." It took all of his willpower to utter those words, especially without moaning between each one. He looked to the otter who was rubbing the tip of his tail in one paw like a cock. He guessed his friend got off on that. No, he had to concentrate, he had to stop this!

"Wade, listen to me and stop sucking my cock!" Reg yelled in an uncharacteristic display of aplomb. He was shocked, and a slightly disappointed when his friend complied. His cock was now exposed to the cool air of room and it bounced slightly with each beat of his heart. It glistened with a mix of sweat and pre-seminal fluid and it was the first time the bunny realized just how close he had come to blowing his wad into Wade's muzzle.

The otter crawled back up on top of him, grabbing his wrists as he pulled them over the bunny's head and held them against the mattress. He still had a stupid look on his face, and that cocky grin that seemed unphased by anything. The way he looked at Reg somehow reminded him of an animal who had captured his pray.

"Look, I did something I shouldn't have and tried a new chemical--" Reg stopped in this middle of his sentence to clench his teeth and let out a squeaky grunt. It was about then he realized one hand on his wrist was slick, and the scent wafting off it was very familiar. It was the same type of personal lube he used!

"What did I tell you about being a nerd all the time? Just shut up and enjoy this." Wade said as he gripped the bunny's wrists firmer in his paws.

The muscles of Reg's tailhole clamped around the tip of the otter's tail. That was why he was rubbing it like that. The thing was so slicked it easily pressed inside of Reg; maybe his use of toys had something to do it too. He just blinked at the otter, his eyes wide as more and more of that rudder tail slid into him. He tried his best to hold his grunts, but to be honest to himself, the discomfort of being so suddenly speared was quickly diminishing, replaced by pleasure.

Reg rolled his eyes to the back of his head and let out a shaky sigh as a shiver ran down his spine and to the tip of his tail. It was like using a trainer on himself, that tail was tapered at the end but grew thicker the further it slid into his passage. He was surprised at the amount of control the otter had, though he supposed they had a great deal of muscles to control their rudders for a reason.

He felt the otter evacuate his tail to the tip before he slid it back into place. It hit that spot of pleasure which earned another moan, this time he did little to silence it. He hardly noticed Wade moving closer to him until he felt that hot breath over his muzzle then the soft, warm lips against his. Reg opened his muzzle, accepting the otter's thin tongue into his muzzle as his best friend kissed him passionately.

No, lustfully.

As more of that tail spread his hole, Reg was beginning to lose that distinction. He was more willing to accept the damage had been done and to go along with whatever the otter had planned. He could do very little against it really, the otter would easily force it upon him if he resisted further. Maybe that was fair, he was forcing Wade in a way, after all.

Reg opened his lids and stared back into Wade's green eyes. He could feel the tuft of black fuzz on his chin tickling his fur, and the otter's hair was already falling forward. He was so cute, and the way he held his wrists down and took exactly what he wanted made him so manly. Reg pressed deeper into the kiss, squeezing his lips around that moist tongue flicking around in his muzzle and suckling on it.

He let out a moan into his friend's muzzle as Wade pressed his tail further into his ass. His ass was being stretched almost as wide as the largest toy he had. He could feel the pressure of his muscles trying to resist the tail, but he only wrapped his legs around the otter and stroked his paws along his sides as he used his body language to urge his friend further.

In and out, in and out the tail went with a little quicker pace and a little more force each time. It only registered just how deep that tail went when it forced out of him, leaving his passage feeling empty. He tilted his head up into the kiss as far as he could before he otter finally broke away.

"I had no idea how stretchy you were. Most girls can't fit but a couple inches in." He said as he slid back. Reg could feel his hot, throbbing cock against his own, so much thicker than the one he had. It even drooled onto his flesh and along his balls.

He almost had his eyes closed before he realized just what Wade was doing. He felt himself being pushed up the mattress so his ass was no longer hanging off the edge. Wade had grabbed his knees and was bending his legs upward, exposing his ass in the process. He held one leg in the crook of one elbow as he used his slick webbed paw to rub a little bit of lube on his shaft.

"Dammit, Wade, this isn't right!" Reg said in a calm, but intense voice as he squirmed about, managing to get one leg free.

"You can't just tease me like that!" The otter yelled back and grabbed Wade's leg, this time being a little more forceful as he bent the bunny until he could slide his cock under that spade-shaped tail. He licked his lips, bringing the head of his cock to the loosened opening. "Besides, never met anybody who didn't love my cock."

With that, Wade shoved his hips forward. It was not a particularly smooth experience, not like when he was using his tail. It was more like a jab, but Reg could hardly complain. The otters cock throbbed inside of him and his ass did the best it could to clamp around the thick otter shaft. He was glad the otter had used his tail with how thick he was. He had no idea just how great of a gift mother nature had given his friend.

He felt the head pass his prostate and throb against it, shattering the rest of his defenses. It might not have been the way he had imagined he would lose his virginity, but he was not about to complain. Instead, he let himself relax and grabbed on to the tip of his cock, stroking as the otter went to work. He could feel the curve of his friend's shaft as it slid in and out of his body.

It touched all the right spots effortlessly, rendering Reg unable to resist as his body filled to the brim with pleasure. There was still a tinge of pain in there somewhere though as the otter worked the rest of his cock in there down to the root. He enjoyed the feeling of his friend's fuzzy sac slapping against his rear each time the otter thrust in.

"Fuck, you're so tight..." Wade muttered under his breath as he leaned in to kiss the bunny on the nose.

The pace quickened, the otter was getting rougher too. Occasionally, he would grunt or even squeak softly as he pounded Reg's ass. Not that the bunny was being any less vocal. He tried his best to hold back his moans - he knew how thin the walls could be - but sometimes he could not help himself.

The otter shifted, holding onto Reg's thigh as he worked a better angle. His cock rubbed along the contours of the bunny's passage as he fucked him roughly. His cock would sometimes slide out from that ass though, and he could have to do his best to find his mark again, but even that felt amazing. He could not remember sex ever being this great.

Reg gripped his cock tight, using his own precum to smear his cock in slippery fluid, letting his fist glide up and down the shaft. His sac bounced with each thrust into him, hanging over the base of his shaft. He stroked with the timing of Wade's thrusts and with his free paw, he reached up to stroke behind the otter's ear.

Wade closed his eyes and even relaxed a little with his thrusting, the motion becoming smoother and much more pleasureful for Reg who picked up the pace of his masturbation. Each time the head of the otter's cock pressed against his prostate, his own shaft would ooze precum over his paw. His pawing created a wet, lewd noise.

He could feel his balls tensing, his body overwhelmed with pleasure from being mounted so thoroughly. He wrapped his legs around the otter and let his head roll to one side as he panted and moaned. His glasses were all out of place and his hair was a mess by the time his body tensed up and he felt himself orgasm.

"Oh gods...!" He said through clenched teeth as his tailhole clamped around the otter's thick shaft and his prostate throbbed, pumping fluid that sprayed from the tip of the bunny's cock. His cum flew in ribbons and splattered somewhere above his head, then against his muzzle and chest.

Wade gasped at just how tight the bunny's rear had gotten, it felt like it was trying to pull him in even further. He only lasted a few more thrusts before he slammed his dick to the hilt inside of the bunny. He moaned something incomprehensible and gripped Reg's legs tight, bucking his hips against his ass as he came.

The thick, hot otter cum splattered against his silky smooth walls, warming his entire lower body as he was filled quickly enough it started to dribble out around the otter's shaft. He could feel cum dripping down his cleft and to the base of his tail and he could smell the potent musk of the otter's cum as it filled the air round them.

The last bit of Reg's orgasm left cum oozing from his shaft onto his belly. It ran down to join the rest on his chest as he panted heavily, trying to catch his breath after such an intense orgasm. Wade looked to be doing the same, barely even able to hold his legs up any more as all the energy drained from the otter's body.

They were both spent, and they were both happy, for the most part. A tinge of regret threatened to ruin the moment for Reg as he felt the otter pull out then roll to lay beside him. Wade sprawled out with his muzzle hanging open, his tongue hanging to one side. His quickly softening cock rest against his belly and shined with cum and lube.

Reg let his legs fall back against the bed. He had not felt any fatigue while he was being fucked, but his muscles ached now. After a moment of stretching them though, he started to set up. He was stopped by a paw on his shoulder and he smiled softly to himself, laying his head against that paw before he turned to look at Wade.

The otter was still smiling and pulled the bunny to him. "Don't ruin the post-sex cuddling, that's the best part." He said in a soft voice and Reg could feel his ears flushing, but he turned to lay by the otter's side, still a mess of cum, and laid his head on his friend's chest.

* * * *

Reg could not tell how long he had been asleep, but by the light shining outside the window, it looked like it was just after dawn. He had slept the whole night! Thankfully, so had Wade by the looks of it. His chest heaved as he started to panic and he tried his best to slide out of bed without waking the otter. He had to get his clothes on and get out of there.

The bed squeaked as the bunny slid off it and Wade stirred in his sleep. He let out a groan, blinking his eyes as he bought a paw up to rub at one. Reg just stood there, completely naked and unsure of what exactly to do until his eyes met the otter's.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." It was all he could think to say. He half expected to fly out of bed at him and throw punches, or at least to yell at him or something!

"Sorry?" Wade asked, still a bit groggy before he threw back the covers he had grabbed at some point during the night. "Oh, right, don't worry. I'll just have to clean the sheets after class."

Reg was taken aback for a moment until he saw his friend's nose twitch a bit. One of his ears perked up and looked down at his belly. The scent was still there, he thought it would have dissipated by now, but he supposed it lasted longer than expected. When he looked up, he saw the otter stroking the base of his cock, a grin still on his face.

"C'mon, don't make me have to beg." Wade said as he dribbled some lube onto the head of his cock and let it roll down to the base.

Reg had given up already on his moral dilemma. He would have to face the consequences when the pheromones finally stopped working. Until then, there was no harm in one more fuck; besides he had always been horny in the morning. Without a word, he climbed back into bed and straddled the otter's hips.

"Best way to wake up ever." Reg muttered as he leaned in to kiss the otter square on the lips.