A Place Called Home

Story by Asrayl on SoFurry

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#1 of Place Called Home

My name is Liam, and I want to tell you my story.

I can't promise it will be clean, I can't promise it will be pretty.

In the end, I still think it's worth telling.

I remember the circumstances of my departure. I was seventeen, and hot-headed. When

my father and I finally got into our last fight, I simply decided I'd had enough. I was always

the black-sheep son.

He had come home drunk, and wanted to throw his fists around. I wasn't as easy a target as

I was when I was twelve. I'd learned a lot about fighting, a lot about how to stand up for

myself. I suppose I should thank him. In the end it's he who unlocked that part of me. The

part that stopped caring.

I don't remember hitting him. I don't remember him falling. I remember standing over him

screaming. "I hate you!" I remember being proud of myself for not cussing at him for all the

terrible years he gave me.

It was mid-summer, hotter than hell, and I missed the snow, so, grabbing the few hundred

dollars I had to my name, I hopped a greyhound bus with a pack geared entirely around

survival. I had everything I needed. My bow, my tent, my combat knife. Flint, steel, a good

sleeping bag. I was amazed that I got that all stowed on the bus. It helps that they didn't

check my bag. Six stops and they never once opened it up. All the way from Nevada to


I slept through the days, was awake at night. There was an older woman sitting next to me

for the last half of the trip. We conversed, and she admired my tenacity. That's about the

time I start remembering specifics.

Her voice was soft, warm, a bit of a tendancy to roll her R's. She introduced herself as

Rachel. She asked me why one as young as myself would travel so far alone, so I explained

my situation.

"I'm sorry your father was so cruel." She told me. "But it is good to see someone strong

enough to overcome it. What made you decide on Alaska?"

I told her I didn't know. Even now I wonder.

"Perhaps it is because you seek the solitude of the vast wilderness... I left for that reason."

She fell asleep leaning against me, so I held her close. I wasn't thinking much of it, and I fell

asleep too. It was comforting, relaxing in a way I hadn't been able to in years. She woke me

up the next morning.

"We aren't far now. I have a cabin in the woods. If you don't mind the howling of the wolves,

you're welcome to stay with me."

I smiled. "I think it would be a blissful reprieve from my father's drunken yelling, the

squeaky brakes of this bus, and the snoring of the man behind us. I would love to stay with


She nodded and stared out the window. Her graying hair cascaded over her shoulders,

coming to rest at the top of the curve of her breast. I looked out the window when I realized

I'd been checking her out. In the glass I saw her reflection, she had a few lines with her age

but all in all was an attractive woman. Perhaps in her early fifties. Inwardly I wondered if she

was married, not because I was interested, but because I had a feeling I wouldn't get along

with any man at the moment.

We arrived at the bus station and I picked up my pack, daring to step in and claim it myself

before they could throw it. They didn't appreciate it much but since it was my departure they

couldn't exactly stop me. I checked the contents just outside the terminal, and satisfied,

proceded to help Rachel with her bags. A taxi driver by name of Diego dropped us off at the

edge of the woods. "Good to see you home, Rachel." He said in parting.

It was a bit of a trek through the woods, but it was not unpleasant. I carried the bags and

Rachel led the way. She followed no path, but knew where she was going. A half-hour in I

was a little concerned. I knew nothing of what awaited me.

When we finally arrived at her cabin, I was impressed. It sat near a small lake, nestled

between trees as though it had always been there. There was a cutting block, a stack of

firewood, and a tarp sitting along the side, and an old fashioned well in front. I asked her if

she drew her water from the well and she laughed.

"When I was younger, but I'm afraid my old bones just don't have it anymore. I had a

proper pump installed. The water's fresh enough, so don't you fret, young one."

I smiled and without thinking replied. "I don't doubt it. Everything here looks beautiful."

I had been staring into her eyes when I said it, and she blushed. She didn't say a word but

simply led me inside.

"Guest room is second door on the left, bathroom's third door on the left straight down the

hall. Follow me and I'll show you where to put my bags."

The interior decorating was a little on the plain side, but very tasteful. Earthtones, and well

kept houseplants. A nice fireplace in the livingroom. A sunroom with a hot tub. The view

from the back porch was exquisite.

"It's lovely." I said, as we passed down the hall to her room. "You must have devoted a lot

of time to this place..."

She nodded and sat on her bed. "Yes, quite a bit of time. Tomorrow I'm going to have some

guests over for dinner, I want you to join us. I'm sure they'd love to meet you."

I set her bags up against the wall, and she excused herself for a shower.

The guest bedroom was small, functional, and very clean. There was a scent to the room

that I couldn't identify, but it was different from the rest of the house. I unpacked, putting

my bow and arrows in the corner, my knife under the pillow, and my tent under the bed. I

intended to stay a while, if she'd let me. I still hadn't decided how to make myself useful.

"When in doubt, time is a good option." I said to myself, as I drifted off to sleep.

The howling of wolves woke me. One was very close, others were far away. It was beautiful,

and I went outside. I could hear their cries on the wind, I added my own to it. I recieved a

response. The one that was closest howled back, and then came out of the edge of the

woods. I could see the lighter colors in the moonlight, but not much by way of detail. I

howled, and saw a flicker of movement and bright eyes. Another exchange of howls between

the wolves, and then everything was quiet again. I went back to sleep.

I awoke the next morning to the smell of meat cooking. I yawned and stretched as Rachel

knocked on the door. "I hope you're hungry, because I cooked for us. Did you hear the

wolves last night? Weren't they beautiful?"

Breakfast was meat, which I didn't mind a bit. The venison was wonderfully prepared, the

tea she served it with complimented the meal well.

I complimented her on her cooking, and she smiled. "I hope our guests think as highly of it

as you do, because this is going to be dinner, too."

I couldn't help but smile. She'd been wanting to use me as a soundboard for the meal she'd

planned. It was flattering, really. I split some fresh wood and prepared the fireplace for it,

coming in early to shower and change into my more decent clothes.

Rachel came out in a simple black dress, and wore it well. Not so much flaunting her

femininity, as not being afraid of it. It wasn't long before dinner was prepared and the guests

had arrived. Diego, the cab driver, showed up first.

"Rachel, you're looking lovely as usual." He gave her a peck on the cheek, and shook my

hand. "You're still here, that's good. She needs someone to look after her in her old age."

I laughed. "Now now, Diego. Be nice." He went into the living room with a grin.

A young woman showed up next, Rachel introduced us.

"Holly, this is Liam. Liam, this is Holly, she works at a diner in town. She taught me most of

what I know about cooking." Rachel gave her a hug, and went off to check dessert.

"You must be an excellent cook. It's a pleasure to meet you, Holly." I extended my hand, but

she embraced me.

"No need to be stiff and formal with me, Liam. I won't bite..." She trailed off and winked at

me. I got the message.

I answered the door for the next arrival, an elderly man who handed me his coat without

introducing himself. I bowed slightly and hung it up, before tapping him on the shoulder and

introducing myself.

"Sorry to bother you, I'm not just the door greeter, but a guest in the home as well. My

name is Liam, and you are?"

"Pardon me." He replied, shaking my hand. "How rude of me. My name is Erik, and it's nice

to meet you. If you don't mind, I'm going to rest my tired bones. It was a long walk getting

here, harder to make the trip every time."

I waited by the door for a few minutes, when Rachel found me. "The others won't be able to

make it tonight, but I'm sure we'll see them soon. Erik runs the theater, and I saw the entire

exchange. You handled yourself like a proper gentleman and I appreciate it. He can be a bit


We started with light chatter in the living room, the meal was ready but everyone had just

arrived and I suppose it was probably better. Most of the conversation floated around me. A

few questions, a lot of banter, and eventually Diego and I got into a conversation about


"So, Liam, what do you know about totem animals?" Diego asked. All eyes were on me.

"In truth, not a lot. I know that certain so called 'primitive cultures'," I hesitated, and Diego

nodded his acceptance of my disapproval of the term. "not just in the Americas but around

the world, often find an affinity with a particular animal, or type thereof. That they see

certain traits in the animals they seek to emulate, and that there are a lot of practices based

around that affinity." It was a well reasoned response, fortunately for me the question was in

a field that interested me.

"So what would you say your animal is?" He asked.

"I hadn't thought about it. I'd have to say the wolf, but that's only because I feel like I can

understand them." Not untrue.

"What do you mean?" Was the natural response.

"Wolf looks after his own, the entire pack stands together, or falls apart. Everyone has a

place, whether the strongest or the weakest, and every place has a purpose. They listen to

the wind, which carries their cry across the darkened sky. They hunt as they need to and

survive as they are able. They do not return to humanity the same cruelty they are shown,

not because they are unable, but because their noble spirits won't allow them to betray.

When the rift between man and animal was formed, the wolf was there. As the rift grew, wolf

jumped across to join us. From the largest mastiff to the smallest chihuahua, all of our

closest companions come from the same noble stock. I am not the only wolf here. Rachel is

wolf, she is alpha, this is her den, and we have all gathered at her summons." I paused a

moment as I realized they were all smiling. "I must sound insane."

Rachel laughed first, then Holly who hugged me tight with her response.

"Nonsense. That's the best answer I've ever heard. Fifty points right there, look at Diego,

he's speechless."

"Ok, I think it's time for dinner." Rachel said, rising slowly. "Liam, your answer was beautiful.

It's a joy to hear someone so well reasoned in their youth."

I don't rememember much of the dinner conversation. I kept listening to my answer, in my

own mind. I don't know where it came from, just that I knew I was right.

Diego left with Erik, shortly after dessert. Erik had to get home, and Diego had night shift to

run. Holly stayed.

Rachel went to bed early. Holly stayed up with me. We sat in front of the fireplace in silence

for a long time.

"Liam?" She asked me softly.

I looked up, her light hair was catching the flickering oranges of the firelight. "Yes?"

"Do you really believe in all of that? In the totem animals?" She was hesitant.

"I don't know if it's quite like that, more that... I don't think I should be human sometimes. I

don't understand people, they're complicated and full of contradiction." I replied.

She hugged me. "You're not the only one. I gave up on finding someone I could understand,

until I met Rachel. You're right about her, you know. She's definately a wolf. Definately an

alpha. She likes you, I think we all do. If you ever need a place to go, come find me, I'll

take care of you. Wolves look after their own."

I held her close for a long while, eventually drifting off to sleep.

I woke up to the howling of the wolves again. Holly was gone. Must have left after I fell

asleep. I wished she'd woken me. I would've walked her out.

I went outside, and howled again, confident this time.

I recieved a reply, two wolves howled back at me from different places, a third chimed in. I

listened in silence as they continued their back and forth howls.

"They listen to the wind, which carries their cry across the darkened sky." I mused to myself

as I went back inside.

I fell asleep in front of the fireplace.

"Liam..." the whisper came in my ear.

"Hmm?" I responded opening my eyes slowly.

"There's something I want to show you. Get your bow."

It was Diego, up early, and dressed casually. I quickly changed into something better suited,

and slung my arrows across the small of my back before stringing my bow and joining Diego


"Walk with me, quietly, we're going to the far side of the pond. A gift for the wolves from us,

I'm sure they will appreciate it." He said with a smirk.

We went quickly, I was not as quiet as Diego, but I gave it my best effort. He held up his

hand and I stopped, placing an arrow to the string.

"Sixty paces. Big buck. Bet you can't hit him in the eye." Diego said with a grin.

"Left or right?" I asked, taking aim.

"Right. Now."

I fired, I was a decent shot for all of my practice, not a snipe by any measure, I hit the buck

in the neck and he didn't manage three steps.

"You missed."

"The eye, yes. The kill, no."

"Ok, let's go back."

"What about my arrow? The meat?"

"Leave it... part of what I want to show you."

We sat around in the cabin all day, and Diego left for his shift at work by nightfall.

"Tonight, stay awake and watch." Those were his parting words.

Rachel stayed awake with me, conversing. She nodded as I explained what happened and

why I was staying awake.

"Diego..." She whispered. "Didn't realize you were such a good shot, Liam. Right through the

neck, sixty paces?" She laughed when I said I was going for the right eye. "Luck serves as

well as talent sometimes. Glad to hear you didn't back away from Diego's little challenge."

The howling started right on cue, and drew closer slowly. I saw the eyes first, two sets,

pausing as they approached, sniffing here and there where Diego and I had walked before.

They walked up to the back porch, and looked in on us. One had my arrow, the other a big

piece of meat. They set them down, and sat for just a minute.

One was white, the other dark grey. The white was definately a female, younger and though

a little on the heavy side, still looked lithe and graceful. The grey was male, and looked to be

getting on in years.

They howled, I slid open the door and howled back softly. They walked back to the woods,

and I howled one more time, recieving a response, the pair that walked off, and one more

deeper in the woods.

Rachel laughed when I picked up my arrow.

"Rachel... up to now I was simply accepting of my current place." I said. She placed a finger

to my lips and put the meat in the freezer.

"I know, Liam. I know. It's time to explain a few things to you."

She stepped outside and howled, it sounded natural. A unanimous response came, and three

wolves came from the forest. I joined her outside.

"You were exactly right last night. Wolves look after their own. I am wolf, you are wolf...

Holly..." She gestured at the white wolf who brought me my arrow.

"Come again?" I said but stepped forward and knelt before the white wolf, who nuzzled me.

"We are wolves, and though it is rare that a new male is invited in so readily, I think you

have shown your merit." She said. "Everyone, greet Liam properly."

It only took a few seconds, the wolves that came out of the forest stood before me,

completely human, and completely nude.

Rachel smiled as she stepped forward, giving Holly a peck on the cheek.

"I think we finally caught him off guard." She said, drawing a chuckle out of everyone.

"A bit cold out here for bare skin, let's go inside." Diego said, leading the way.

We gathered around the fireplace. Holly held me close as I took it all in.

"So how the transformation?" I asked after I got over my shock.

Rachel responded first. "At first it was old magic, native magic. Generations of ceremony and

faith became power. Manifested in changes. Uncontrolled at first, but over time those

affected understood how and adapted. Now... do you want in?"

I nodded.

A collective laugh.

Holly spoke. "You have to become part of the family, the pack. There's a price to be payed."

I nodded. "What price?"

Diego smiled. "A little blood, a lot of sweat."

Erik stretched. "Nothing too terrible, you might even enjoy it. I'm sure Holly and Rachel will

be happy to show you. The rest of us have a hunt to attend. It's rude to keep neighboring

packs waiting so long. They understand though. They will meet you soon."


The ritual


Rachel transformed first, and I recognized her as the bright eyed wolf I saw the first night.

She nipped at me and I reached out to caress her. I couldn't help it. My hand ran along her

sleek side, through the soft fur. She leaned into my caress. Holly rubbed up against me from

behind, her soft fur tickling the back of my neck. She nipped at my shirt, and pulled just

slightly. I took the hint, and stripped free of it.

They circled me for a moment, I reached out to run my hands over them. I could smell the

fur, my own sweat, the soft fire. Everything seemed brighter, more intense. Rachel stood in

front of me and licked over my neck softly. Holly nipped at my shoulder. I reached up with

both hands to scratch softly behind their ears.

Rachel nipped at my forearm, and I pressed my arm into her teeth gently. She bit down. It

hurt a little but she was gentle. She licked at the blood and then licked my lips. Her tongue

was warm, soft. I could taste my blood. I scratched her side a little firmly.

Holly bit me next, my shoulder. Just hard enough to puncture. She held still. I could feel her

breath on my shoulder, her tongue grazing against the fresh wounds. She licked softly, and

then licked my lips. Her breath was sweet, her tongue slipped between my lips, grazing

against my own. I returned the tender kiss.

Rachel and Holly circled eachother in front of me, first one direction then the other. Holly

bowed her head, Rachel bit her shoulder. Holly whimpered just slightly but held still. Rachel

licked my lips, and pressed close to me. I could taste Holly's blood, my hands slid over

Rachel's side, and belly slowly. She leaned into my touch, I could feel her nipples beneath

my fingertips as I slid over them.

Holly came close to me, and I brought my tongue to her shoulder. My hands slid across her

belly, she shook softly as I touched her. I licked the blood from her wound and kissed her

nose softly. She kissed me back, her tongue warm against my neck.

She turned to Rachel, and they circled one another. I felt warm, not just from the fire, but

from their movements, their fur as they rubbed against me. I knew it was coming, and I was

enjoying the show. Holly bit Rachel's shoulder, Rachel whined and then sighed softly as Holly

licked the wound. She came up to kiss me, I kissed first. I tasted the blood, her tongue, her

teeth. She leaned on me for a moment before Rachel approached. I licked the wound softly,

slid my hands across her belly to her hind legs and back up.

She kissed me, I kissed back. I felt warm so I stripped free of my pants. I was erect and it

had not gone unnoticed. Holly licked over me first, her soft tongue caressing me from base

to tip. She opened her mouth and slipped over me. I felt her teeth graze over my shaft

softly. It felt good. She licked the tip as she pulled away.

Rachel licked me next, soft, long strokes over my shaft that made me quiver in delight. Holly

kissed me, my hands found their way to her belly, I caressed her nipples softly with one

hand, the other rubbed against the base of her tail.

Holly arched against my touch. I could smell her scent clearly. She loved my touch and

made sure I knew it. She brought herself up, her forepaws on my shoulders. Her belly was

close to my face so I kissed it softly, drawing more of her weight onto me.

Rachel was still licking softly, up my side, along my ribs. She nuzzled me, and rubbed

against my back with her tail. I felt my tongue caress Holly's belly, and then a nipple. My

hands found their way to her sex, soft, and silky. Wonderfully moist. She panted softly,

arching against my touch. Rachel nipped at my shoulder and then at Holly, who got off of my

chest and went back to licking me, her tongue felt wonderful against my throbbing shaft.

Rachel brought herself up on me next, and I gave her the same gentle attentions, slowly

licking over her belly, flicking my tongue across a nipple. I brought my hands to her tail, and

squeezed softly. She arched and I felt her tail brush against my hand. I slid my fingertips

down to her sex, and rubbed softly. She panted slightly and thrust herself against my hand,

taking two fingers within her. She was hot, and very tight. Not as wet as Holly was, but

getting there quickly.

I thrust my fingertips in her slowly, I could feel her squeezing them. Holly licked at my shaft

and slowly slid her belly across it. I felt her tongue flick over my hand as I slipped it within

Rachel again. I withdrew, and Holly brought her tongue to Rachel's sex. Rachel got off of my

shoulders, and lowered her head to the floor, arching her rear end as Holly slipped her

tongue over her. I watched, fascinated for a few long moments.

Holly looked up at me, Rachel next, and the two approached me. Holly slid along side

Rachel, who returned the caress. Rachel turned around, and offered herself to me. Holly

licked the tip of my shaft, preparing it.

I knelt before Rachel, who shook softly in anticipation. Her tail was raised I could see her

sex, glistening with moisture. I could smell her. A light musk that would compliment my own

sweat beautifully. Her fur was sleek, shiny, well cared for. I placed one hand on her

shoulder, holding her down on the floor. My other hand braced myself so she wouldn't be

supporting my weight awkwardly.

I slipped myself into her tight, warm channel. I felt her walls caress me as I entered her.

She panted and held still as I thrust into her. She felt wonderful, hot and tight as I gave

myself to her. Holly circled us slowly, howling softly as she made a pass in one direction,

howling softly as she made a pass in the other.

I thrust into Rachel harder as she tightened around me. I was going to come, I knew it, and

so did she. She started rocking back against me, adding to the pressure as I filled her. Her

howl filled the room as I came, my seed filling her. I continued thrusting, and she howled

louder. Holly added her own howl, and I too, though it was difficult to howl and not moan.

Rachel held still as I slowly withdrew myself, teasing a little by thrusting back in before

exiting fully. She licked me clean, and stood before me.

Holly stepped in, and presented herself. I slid my hands along her side, and she shivered. I

pressed my tip against her, and Rachel began her pacing. Starting the opposite direction as

Holly. Howling as she made each pass.

I thrust into her, her walls were silky smooth, not so tight as Rachel a lot hotter and a lot

more wet. My hands found their way to her nipples and I squeezed them softly, making her

pant and shake beneath me as I gave myself to her.

She tightened up slowly, her walls gripping me as I thrust into her. I could smell her

strongly. She had a heavy scent, almost earthy, delightful, and worth remembering. I buried

myself in her snatch, thrusting firmly into her. She wasn't too old for a thorough mating.

She arched against me, panting softly. She wanted my seed, and rocked back and forth in

an effort to bring me to my peak. I felt myself building, felt my need growing and I gave

myself to her. I wanted to fill her, just as I'd filled Rachel. I thrust into her, her walls gripping

at me, tensing up as I withdrew, trying to hold me in.

I thrust harder, I felt it, needed it. I started to howl as I found release within her. She joined

me, loudly. Rachel followed suit, She was so hot, so tight. I never wanted it to end, I kept


I woke up to Holly licking me. I went to sit up, but Rachel held me down with a paw and

spoke to me.

"Liam..." She whispered to me. I thought I was dreaming but she was insistant. "Liam... don't

be too shocked... look at yourself in the window."

The colors were a bit distorted, the firelight was playing tricks on my eyes. I looked away,

and blinked my vision back to center. I was on all fours. Without even realizing I'd done so, I

had stood and walked to the window. I was a wolf, jet black fur, fangs, and glittering golden

eyes. I listened to the wind, I could hear it through the trees. The door was open so I

stepped outside. I could smell the fire intensely, the wildlife moved about, a rabbit hopped

and I could hear the faint rustle of grass beneath it.

Holly stood beside me, nuzzling me gently. "Hey there, handsome." She whispered.

Rachel stood on my other side. "Handsome indeed... big, too." She added, licking my lips


"It's good to be home..." I whispered before howling it aloud.