Rebirth of Reemon

Story by Vee_Stitch on SoFurry

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#12 of Season 7:Total Recall

Rebirth of Reemon

Our darkest dreams came true. Our reality became bent by the very fabric of time. When did we lose ourselves? We dive into the brink of insanity. We search for answers that fall into darkness. We let our minds slip away by a simple phrase. Everything becomes so tedious. Repetition is our only escape; but that does mean were all insane? We try to escape and only find out we've become more lost. The answer is too simple to see, and now it seems it's beyond our grasp. A world now so divided that the only way to win is to conquer everyone. To control each individual to a rulers bidding and yet loneliness will always settle in. It is that simple compassion that keeps us attached. Once we lose that our last instinct is to kill. We try to fill that void in with some occupation no matter who else it hurts. We declare it's our divine right to rule and yet we become crippled by our own system. Everything betrays us until we are nothing. This is where darkness thrives; it feeds off of greedy ambition. The sad fact is that that ambition never truly fades it just moves on into another soul. That soul gets ripped apart until it is just an empty vessel. There are those who found a way to escape. It the end though it always ends up being temporary. No matter how far you go the darkness will find a way to pull you back in. Escaping the darkness has become impossible and the simple idea that it's just too hard. It's apparently so much harder to get along than just blow each other up out of existence. That is our deepest regret is that believing that darkness will always remain. Darkness thrives on our weaknesses.

Reemon now had full control. His was no longer some weak floating substance or memory. He was complete. He was no longer bound to anything, no longer just an experiment. He exploited ever chance to dive into the darkness to obtain this. The body he so rightfully thought was his to begin with. His world was back for him to take. He was a true master of darkness. He had only one goal and it was to get back Gatomon. He was as already making plans to trick her. He knew how to manipulate others masterfully. In his case he was prepared to use any other creature to do his bidding. He didn't need to struggle. He already knew the perfect candidate. Patamon would be his vessel.

He was ready to make his move. The others were always fighting battles amongst each other. Patamon was no where near the action, which made this incredible easy. Reemon let his skin turn blue and his eyes back to a blue base to have him look like Veemon. Reemon joined him.

Patamon asked, "Hey Veemon I haven't seen you in a while, what's up."

Reemon said, "I've been thinking that I've been playing a fools game. I kept fooling myself thinking that one day I'd be with Gatomon. But that all changed and I chased after so many guys. I know how much Gatomon means too you. You deserve her after all that hardship you had to deal with. All you have to do to win her hear is to be more assertive."

Patamon asked, "Wait, are you actually trying to help me?"

Reemon said, "I know we had times were it would it would seem we were rivals but our past runs deep. We've been friends for so much longer. I've moved on and realized what I was missing. I've escaped my darkness. Now I want to help you find your light again. We should never be alone in the darkness for too long it can take forms and eat us alive if were alone."

Patamon said, "That almost sounded poetically, are you sure you ok?"

Reemon said, "I've never felt better. That is why I know who I must beg for forgiveness. I have to apologize to Impmon. We we're the closet thing to a real relationship. I fucked it up by crushing his only will to live. But I could be his reason now. He's live through as much hardships as I have. We do deserve each other and I should have realized it sooner. But before that I really do want to help you. I'll go with you."

They both left and found Gatomon in the tower she seemed to hang in regular as if it were her house now. She looked as Patamon and Reemon who was still disguised as Veemon came in.

Gatomon asked, "Patamon what are you doing here?"

Patamon said, "I want you to be with me again. You're my light. And though you haven't seen it I'm yours."

Gatomon said, "I don't need the light anymore. The darkness as suited me since birth. I can't abandon it. There needs to be someone who can live in the shadows. No one else can do it better than me. That is how I become the heroin by letting others escape the darkness while I take whatever left behind. Soon the others who still remain in darkness will realize that they can live anytime they want and I'll still be here."

Patamon said, "It's made you gone crazy. No single person should handle that much darkness. It's alive and it eats away at anything that's inside. You more than anyway have to escape right now before it's too late."

Gatomon said, "The darkness is my sanctuary. If I leave then the darkness will seep every where. There will be no more room for the light. You have guided the light. You are its personally sovereign. We are on opposite ends. We were destined to be that way. That's why I can't be with you. I need to be with some one who can step into the darkness."

Patamon cried, "I can step in. I was ready for it. There's still plenty of light left."

Gatomon said, "And you're the only one who's keeping it stable."

Patamon said, "So you would want to be alone."

Gatomon looked away, "That is what I had Veemon for. He was oblivious to how long he was in the darkness. He just thought he was in the light."

Patamon looked at Reemon who could imitate Veemon perfectly.

Reemon said, "I think Patamon..."

As soon as he started everything began to shake like an earthquake. Everything around them broke like glass.

Patamon asked, "What's going on."

Gatomon said, "I think were being transported."

Everything was pitch black and then sand was rushed beneath their feet and then an ocean appeared from the darkness.

Patamon asked, "What is this place."

Gatomon's eyes widened open, "This is where I was taken shortly I was born in the desert. This became my home in the digital world."

Reemon asked, "Why would we be taken here."

Gatomon said, "Because this is also where the light was born."

Patamon asked, "Wait you knew that?"

Gatomon said, "No I just figured it out. But I could have been the guardian of light. But I choose to walk away and was taken back into the darkness. It was the first real choice I ever made and probably the most important."

Patamon asked, "So why are we here now?"

Gatomon said, "I think whatever brought us here wants us to make the choice."

Reemon started to sniff up keeping his performance top notch, "Then I'll go into the darkness. You two should get going into the light."

Gatomon asked, "Veemon are you sure you want to do that?"

Reemon cried, "I've been in the darkness but was unaware of it all my life. Now I can step in with my eyes open. And this way you two can finally be together. If there's anyone who can handle the darkness it is me."

With nothing more to be said he ran into the cave and into the darkness. Patamon and Gatomon just sat there for a bit taking it all in.

After a while Patamon said, "I guess we should get going into the light."

Gatomon didn't budge, "I'd just like to sit here for a while. This is our limbo. This is the most calming feeling I've ever felt. This is simple."

Patamon just decided to stay, "Yeah I guess this really is all we could need. If only the whole world was like this."

Gatomon said, "It's going be strange stepping into the light for the first time."

Patamon said, "Its ok. You won't go alone."

Gatomon stood up and said, "Finally."

Patamon got up quickly and said, "Wait before we step back into the real world I think we should catch on up something else."

Gatomon asked, "What is it."

Patamon held her hands and said, "Now we can have another memory together. I love you."

He leaned in and kissed her. He brought her down gently against the sand. She let him lead as she could see where this was going. He had long waited for his passion and to see that it was his true love he went for as long as he could. They shared their love at limbo. Gatomon hadn't felt this true feeling of love for a long time. His warmth was her guide. His climax was her eternity. That pleasure seemed to last what felt like a life time. They had lost track of time just spent their just kissing. They couldn't care. Their love was rekindled at long last. He had penetrated her body and her heart. His semen was going to get her pregnant. She would love for them to share two children together. After they rested they finally got up and stepped into the water. They returned home and everything seemed unchanged except they saw Reemon wasn't there.

"Who does Fiona, Felix and Fira belong to anyway?"

"So you figured it wasn't Gatomon who did all that."

"I'm not stupid. That creator needed them to bring everyone back so he must have created a creature that looked like her."

"She was in that tower all that time after all. She only has two children?"

"Kade. He is a fighter. Then theirs Yill. Now everything is changing."

"I heard Shoutmon and the others who were stepping into the darkness but just returned back to normal. Now everyone just seems to be living in peace."

"Some one's lurking in the darkness. Some one always should be there anyway."

"What do you plan to do now?"

"Let them decide. It's not my place to get out of line."

The shores of darkness reside in a world all it's all. It calls to those who seek true change. It is ready for any who seeks a different path. The world that creatures live on now shows promise of peace, it is there will all the change makes a difference. The choices of a few affected the behaviors of all. The world was now filled with new creatures that lived among each other. They all met up in the central area which was a vast opened street. Gatomon and Patamon finally joined everyone, as soon as they did the clouds darkened and it looked as if a lighting storm was about to start. Down from the sky lowered a figure it went on a short building that everyone could see. Gatomon looked on with shock to see it was Reemon covered in dark liquid.

Gatomon said, "What are you doing here?"

Reemon told the truth, "Looks like I can fool even the mighty cat. It was I you saw in that limbo. It was I who stepped into the darkness alone bringing everyone else out. Now I am the only one who steps in the darkness."

Gatomon yelled, "Bring Veemon back."

Reemon said, "I won't go back to being a memory. I deserve more than that. Without me he wouldn't have gotten with anyone. I'm the only reason why he's done anything right. He's finally gone for the first time. He's been the hero of this story for far too long. I'm doing everyone a favor. Now a new hero can finally rise. A new world can begin but with me at the helm of darkness."

Gatomon looked at Patamon and said, "I have to go back into the darkness."

Reemon said, "Don't bother. You see as evil as I might seem I did you the biggest favor. You've truly lived in the darkness too long. I'm giving you and everyone else a permanent break from it. I took it all. I walked all the way into the darkness. So far that no one else can take anymore."

Gatomon said, "You're an idiot. That destroys the balance. This world has never had so much darkness in one place."

The clouds remained darkened as the thunder storm got worse.

Reemon said, "The world is always ready to be swallowed and yet they let fear hold them back. Yet is that very fear that fuels darkness. Don't you see this world was doomed? We've just being fucking around in the pool of darkness. We all swam in it. You see even before when those stepped into the light a peace of the darkness would follow them. That never goes away. That darkness gradually grows and thus birth is giving to a child of darkness. Kiff was the first child born in full darkness and he won't be the last. Darkness radiates every where we go. We couldn't escape it no matter how far we went. But now I have it all. And now I am the catalyst of darkness. I am the world of horror and fear."

Gatomon said, "You brought something new into the world. You don't even know if it will come alive. Whatever might come its going to be stronger than you."

Reemon growled as the black liquid around him slithered around like crazy, "There is no one stronger than me. I am the bringer of darkness."

Another side on another build it was Stitch who stood tall.

Stitch said, "I think we need to finish what we started."

Reemon said, "You could barely keep up with me. Now I possess all the strength in the world. It would just be suicide to go up against me. Unlike you I can move on. If you wish I can just pretend that you didn't try to defy me and we'll go our separate ways."

Stitch said, "You need to be stopped before that darkness starts seeping out."

Reemon looked down at him with pity, "You poor misguided fool, very well. This should be your last day."

Another voice said, "I don't think it's going to be that simple."

Everyone looked to another side to see it was Gabumon who hadn't been seen in a long time.

Reemon said, "My god, the past really does a way of finding its way back. Perhaps I should have considered killing you too. Well I suppose I can't regret that I had less power and Veemon was still running around like an idiot. But I suppose I could take the both of you on."

Gabumon said, "Actually I know how you like to act by yourself but you really don't think you can take on all the creatures of this world. I was actually going to purpose to joining you."

Gatomon asked, "You can you even think I've siding with the darkness."

Gabumon said, "It's because I was the only Digimon to survive the chip crashing. I don't know how I was still around but I was still a part of the old world's rules. I was also one of the creatures who wasn't exposed to a human. So I was left to drift into a darkness all my own. This darkness created a haven just for me so that it couldn't be taken away. You see I think Reemon is right. Veemon didn't deserve to live around in this world. Reemon can save all of you and now I can help him."

Reemon said, "I truly didn't expect this. His mind is cleared and his willing to help, very well. Stitch our little battle will have to wait. There is one more thing I must do and that is killing a human that should have died. The one called Kennan. But don't worry too much Stitch you are next to die."

Gabumon joined Reemon as they left Stitch was the one to quickly pursue them. The blued hair boy was also able to keep his own darkness since he wasn't a creature. He also held a lot more light than most so as far as Reemon was concerned the thought this was what Gatomon was talking about as to what was the threat. He completely ignored that he could have been Stitch who would not give in. Gabumon and Reemon were able to make some distance enough to have them believe that they lost him so they stopped inside one of the houses.

Reemon said, "I can since Stitch. He came with us in the belief that he only could stop us."

Gabumon said, "He won't find us not before it's too late. We should rest here until tomorrow."

Reemon said, "Agreed. There is no need to rush this for tonight."

Reemon feel asleep before Gabumon. Gabumon stood watch as the night came. He poked Reemon to make sure he was fully asleep. Reemon shared a lot of Veemon's qualities such as being a deep sleeper. Gabumon pulled out a rope from under his fur coat. He tied Reemon's and angles so that he couldn't move. Gabumon pressed his hands against his groan and started to work at his growing bulge he waited until he was nice and stiff. He lowered down and penetrated Reemon then he finally woke up. Reemon tried to pull away but it was no use. He could see the Gabumon was inside.

Reemon said, "You fucking fool. What do you think you're doing...?"

The darkness around Reemon started to fade as well as the red skin. Veemon was still inside and it was like he was being awoken by his deeper urge to have sex. Reemon couldn't stop it and eventually he was locked away back inside Veemon as he started to moan and enjoy the warmth inside him.

Once again after reaching a lot of orgasms; Veemon was satisfied. The darkness was held back for now and the human would be safe. Stitch was still trying to catch up. However it is the mystery of how long can the darkness be repelled. It was Veemon's long birthed curse/blessing that saved the human. But they say the darkness can't be held forever. It finds a way to return into the world. And when it does it becomes much stronger than ever before.