Arcturus Prelude : Flaming Skies

Story by Beowulf1990 on SoFurry

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#2 of Arcturus

Any comments on the story are welcome, particulary constructive critisism. Any thing you Like/dislike/love/hate, things you'd like to see and things you'd hate to see. I want to know it all!

We shall assume you've not accidentally made a profile on an obviously adult site and opened this story. Let's give your intellectual capacity that much credit. Read the tags before you read in case anything offends you.

Arcturus Prelude : Flaming Skies

The Arcturus family is an old one. They are wealthy landowners in the Arcturus system. These names are of course no coincidence. The family members are the descendants of the very first colonists who came here to find a new life. Eventually they adopted the system's name as their own. Now they are the de-facto governors of the planet, managing its economy.

The system is positioned ideally for an agricultural world, such as Arcturus Prime is. Close to the heavily populated Hive planets*, in which most of the people lived. The family's estates produce large quantities of grains, vegetables, fruit and meat. These are luxury goods. The masses are generally fed with vat-grown* meat and synthetic "vegetables". They taste pretty much the same and have the same nutritional value, but it's the idea that counts among the richer citizens.

On the day of the Imperial invasion a 14 year old black wolf named Grayson Arcturus was playing with some friends in the fields. He wore his team uniform, blue pants and shirt with white trimmings. The back loudly displayed the team name (Junior Gladiators) The game was a peculiar one. The premise of this, supposedly ancient, game was as follows:

It is a game between two teams, generally of 11 members each. In essence, it is single combat, in which a "batsman" does battle against a "bowler", who has helpers known as "fielders". The bowler propels a ball from one end of the pitch in an attempt to dismiss the batsman by hitting a target known as the "wicket" at the other end, or by causing the batsman to hit the ball into the air into a fielder's grasp, or by inducing one of a number of other indiscretions. The batsman attempts to defend the wicket with the "bat" (a wooden stick, basically) and to score" runs", the currency of the game, by striking the ball to the field boundary, or far enough from the fielders to allow the batsman to run to the other end of the pitch before the ball can be returned. At least two bowlers must take turns, from alternating ends. Also, there are always two batsmen on the field, each to take a turn as required. When all but one of the batting team have been dismissed, or after an agreed period, the teams' roles are reversed. After all the players required to bat on both sides have done so either once or twice (which can take from a few hours to five days) the total number of runs accumulated determines the winner. But sometimes there isn't one... is a very needlessly complicated game.

Anyway, so Grayson (called Gray by his friends) is standing in his batting position. He stretches his neck and grips his wood tightly (I mean the bat, get you mind out of the gutter!). His team is winning and he has a chance to really get things rolling. The opponent bowler, a young fox, starts his approach. Gray feels a shot of adrenaline, his muscles tighten as he readies himself.

The bowler approached the wicket at a lope, a trot, and then a run. He suddenly exploded in a flurry of arms and legs, out of which flew a ball.

Gray swung his bat up and felt the satisfying thwack indicating contact. He sent the ball flying high, heading straight off the pitch. He grinned as he watched the small red spot shrinking in the distance, teammates cheering him on. As he did, he noticed movement in the sky.

He blinked and shielded his eyes from the sun as he watched. The clouds seemed to be parting, as if something was descending through them. Suddenly, a massive black shape emerged, slowly descending through the atmosphere. Gray's mouth fell open as he saw this monster of a ship sink. It was a long, roughly cylindrical ship. A myriad of grooves and turrets covered it, bristling with weapons. Small black spots emerged from the ship and shot down to the surface, shuttles. As the rest of the players started looking up, a titanic streak of intense flame shot out of the vessel's bow, a plasma caster*. It hurtled down to the ground beneath it, smoke hurtled up from below. Soon after, the myriad of turrets, containing railguns* started flashing as they fired slugs at various targets on the ground. The earth shook and trembled with every impact.

Panic erupted on the field as they realized they were under attack. Despite the official statement claiming they were to far removed from the front to be at risk. Everyone started screaming and running, adding to the chaos. Gray stood still as he stared at the scene. Suddenly a thought hit him.

"That's where our house is!" He exclaimed.

He started running, heading straight towards the carnage, into the town. Streaks of light emerged from the ship now as they sought their way down, curving towards hidden targets, missile fire.

He continued on, breaking out in a comfortable run his wolf body could sustain for hours. His breathing took a steady pace.

Gray ran of the pitch and started going down the path to his house. Explosions flared up in the distance, people ran in every which way. He bumped into a few people running the other way, some looked at him as if he was mad. One wolf tried to pull him back, he broke free and kept running.

Soon the people were gone and he ran down the empty streets alone.

As he turned a corner, heading down the main lane leading to the family estate, he saw a scene of devastation. Fires burning, columns of smoke billowing, walls smashed and bodies lying still on the ground. He stood frozen, shocked at the sight. He heard the sound of heavy boots and quickly ducked behind a broken wall.

He could see through a small crack in the wall as several soldiers walked by. They wore Imperial uniforms, dark grey combat suits with black body armor and open helmets. The holographic displays in front of their eyes lit up in a flickering red. Their assault rifles pointed forward as they advanced through the rubble. One of them suddenly yelled out "Over there! Get him!"

Gray froze and his heart seemed to crash through his ribcage, but soon he realized they meant an unfortunate male tiger that just emerged from the rubble. They ran over too him and kicked him down.

"Look here lads, I found us a plaything!" A wolf soldier emerged from behind the rubble with a female tiger. Judging from the male's reaction, they were related. As the tiger tried to break free, one of the soldiers hit him in the neck with his gunstock. He fell to the ground and was kicked repeatedly. The other soldiers occupied themselves with the female, holding her down to the ground.

Gray realized this might be his only chance and made a break for it. As he reached the opposite wall he heard the tigress scream but nothing else, they'd been too distracted to notice him. As he got to the Arcturus estate's outer wall he heard gunfire from within. Loud single cracks, sounding like his father's hunting rifle, were followed by rattles of machine gun fire. He assumed his father was trying to defend their home, maybe one of the servants.

He slipped through a large crack in the wall and stealthily approached the house, trying to keep the plant life in the garden between him and the source of the sounds. He saw a pair of soldiers on the ground, one still squirming whilst blood spread under him. He made it to a shattered window without being spotted. He carefully removed some of the shards stuck in the window frame, trying to keep quiet, and crawled through the opening.

He was now in the kitchen. He heard stomping and smashing sounds coming from all over, the gunfire had stopped. He snuck through the door to the servant's quarters and found the stairs. Carefully he climbed it.

It led into the upstairs hallway, through which he could get to his father's study. His father spent most of his time in there, surrounded by his antique books and an open fire burning in the wall.

As he approached he noticed the door was open, he rushed in.

The large room contained several soldiers. They wore all black armor and mirrored facemasks, the Praetorians*. The suits and masks concealed their species. One man, a large tiger, wore a red cape around his dark grey uniform. Golden insignia studded his shoulders and chest, obviously he was a high-ranking officer. His mother, sister and father were in the centre of the room, guns pointed menacingly in their direction. Gray screamed as a powerful paw grabbed his shoulder. He tried to wriggle free, getting a knee to the stomach for his efforts.

"Well, well! So now the whole merry family is united then?" said the tiger officer. "Good, always nice such a....gathering." He grinned sadistically.

"You keep your filthy paws off my son!" This was his father speaking. He was just as black as his son and quite imposingly large. He was on his knees in the middle of the room, hands shackled behind him. His gun leant against the wall.

His mother and younger sister were standing to the side, two white wolves holding each other tightly. His sister was crying, tears running down her face.

"You've had your say, Julius. I think it's about time you shut up.", responded the tiger. He showed his teeth menacingly.

"You're not getting away with this you miserable excuse for a cat! I'm going to tear your throat out and piss down your windpipe!" His father was screaming at the top of his lungs.

The tiger stepped forward and drew a short blade from his side. He placed it against the wolf's throat, smiling demonically.

"I think I've had quite enough of those outbursts."

He cut his throat in one swift stroke. Julius' eyes grew large as blood spurt out from the wound. He fell to the ground as his wife and daughter screamed and howled. Gray looked at his father, completely stunned. He saw the life leave his eyes as convulsed on the ground, a pool of blood building on the floor. He couldn't process it properly. His father lay dead on the ground, killed in front of him.

"Dad?......DAD!?" The cub started screaming himself. Tears rolled down his face as he felt his heart wrench with gruesome realization. He tried to break free again, but a strong paw grabbed his throat and held him steady, choking him.

"Shut up those wailing banshees!" The tiger gestured at the mother and daughter.

They were promptly tied and gagged.

"I shall take the females as slaves, bring them to my ship. I will return to coordinate the response to the oncoming boys can do what you like with the boy, he's of no use to me."

He left the room with the women dragged along by a pair of soldiers. The remaining two men grabbed the wolf cub.

"So, what shall we do with this little runt?", began one of the faceless men. "Shall we bleed him out like his father?" He ran his hand over the blade at his side, stroking it.

"Or, we could have some fun with him first", suggested the other as he gestured suggestively. "I haven't had a nice tight one for ages."

The men laughed loudly.

"Alright, sounds like a plan!"

Gray had been paralyzed with shock, but as he felt a paw tugging on his uniform shirt, he started struggling again. One of the men kneed him in the stomach again. He collapsed on his knees.

"Stop fighting kid. Don't make us cut you up like your daddy." He accentuated the point by drawing his blade and placing it on the cub's throat. Gray froze as he felt the cold metal bite into his skin. The men proceed to tear his clothes off. He was completely naked as he was pulled up by his scruff and carried to his father's desk. They placed him on top of it on his stomach. The blade found its way to his face as its owner crawled on the desk in front of him, sitting on his knees.

"Now you're going to do exactly what I say or I'm going to cut your face up, understood cub?"

Gray nodded timidly. At which point the male undid the zip on his combat trousers and reached in with one paw. He pulled out his canine sheath and pulled back, his cock emerging and pushed it in the cub's face.

"Lick it."

When Gray hesitated, he felt the metal bite into his cheek, he quickly stuck out his tongue and licked the red flesh in front of him.

"Keep going."

Gray complied and ran his tongue over the growing member. As it reached its full size a drop of pre collected at the tip.

"Oh yeah....lick that shaft bitch. Keep going, just like that. You ready Jamal?" He looked up at his companion, who had been stroking his own cock behind the cub. His barbed feline meat stood up proudly as he replied. "Yeah, time to fuck this little bitch!"

He took a step forward and placed his tip at the virgin cub's entrance. As he started pushing forward, Gray yipped, he tried to move forward. "Stay still little wolf." The blade pushed against his face again, blood dripped down from the blade. He whimpered as the hard cock forced open his tailhole. The feline thrust forward, pulling back on his hips. He gasped as the barbed invader impaled him. The canine shoved his cock in the boy's muzzle. He moaned around it in surprise.

"Keep licking it cub, use that tongue!", he thrust forward as he said it. The cub moved his tongue again, stroking the throbbing cock. Tears were streaming down his face as the soldier behind him hilted his cock.

"FUCK!...this bitch is tight!", groaned the feline. He started rocking back and forth. Every time he went forward he pushed the cub with him, forcing him to move against the meat in his mouth.

The canine felt his knot swell and started moving. Every time his companion thrust forward, he joined him. He nudged the cub's throat and grabbed hold of the wolf's ear as he began thrusting harder, he forced his way into the juvenile throat and felt his knot hit the wolf's muzzle. Gray gagged around the invading flesh, unwillingly he swallowed around it and massaged it.

The feline increased the force of his thrusts. He pounded the cub, feeling his barbs scrape wonderfully on his velvet insides. He growled as his balled slapped against his bitch. Gray whimpered under the sustained assault. He felt the hard cock rubbing inside him, barbs scraping. Despite his shock and his pain, he felt his own cock grow hard at the sensations. It rubbed into the desk as he was pushed back and forth. He'd masturbated before, but this wasn't like that. He was being forced into it, it was humiliating.

"Ok Jamal, my turn to fuck the cub's ass. Switch places."

The feline stopped slowly and pulled out. "Fine, but let's turn him over first." He lifted the cub and flipped him on his back.

"Look at that! Looks like this bitch is enjoying getting bred!" Gray's hardened wolf cock stood upright in the air.

"Good for him, now move aside!"

The canine took up position and wasted no time. He lined up and slammed forward, hilting himself in one thrust. Gray yipped loudly. The feline got up on the cub's chest and leant forward, inserting his barbed cock into the unwilling wolf's muzzle. He held himself up with his arms and thrust down, fucking his bitch's throat.

As the canine increased his pace, his knot started hitting the tight entrance. Gray felt the bulge hammer his sore ring as the soldier grabbed his cock and started roughly jerking it.

"Hehehe, you like getting ass fucked don't you little one?"

The feline started getting wilder, thrusting more fiercely into the cub's throat. His balls slapped against his bitch's maw. He growled loudly. His cock throbbed and pulsed, hetrust forward into the wolf's throat as he came, squirting his hot cum into his stomach. He pulled out and rubbed himself roughly as he shot strands of thick cum over the cub's face. Gray felt the hot fluids splash over his maw.

The canine was still pounding at the tight ring, trying to knot. He growled as he thrust harder and harder. He felt the tight muscle slowly start giving way. He jerked the cub's cock roughly as he renewed his efforts. Gray felt the rough glove running over his length and the hard cock furiously pumping his tailhole. He felt his orgasm come on rapidly. He jerked his hips up and throbbed in the soldier rough glove as he shot his load all over himself, the cum splashing across his chest. He contracted around the canine member in his tailhole

"Oh yeah, you love it you little slut!.... Here it comes!"

He rammed his knot through, breaking through the tight seal. His cock shot hot strands of cum, coating the cub's insides. The hard meat pulsed inside of Gray and he felt every detail of it moving inside him. The canine didn't wait, but just ripped his knot out of the tight hole, still spraying cum. Gray screamed at the shooting pain. The pair cleaned of their cocks on the cub's fur.

"Now that was entertaining!", said the canine, doing up his zip. "Let's head back to the ship Jamal."

"What about the cub?"

"Bah, just leave him."

They left. The naked, raped cub curled up on the desk and slipped into a dreamless, shock induced unconsciousness.

An hour or two later, the shuttles ascended back to the massive, black ship and it rose from the planet to join the rest of the fleet.

An hour after that, 2 small ships came rushing down from the hillside. They were small, grey vessels. They probably carried about a dozen crew each, small cargo vessels.

As they landed in the rubble, people swarmed out in all directions. A vixen stepped out and looked around. Her name was Elisabeth, but everyone called her Lisa. She wore practical clothes, strong leather boots under a pair of sturdy workman trousers along with a grey T-shirt. Her fur was white, like an arctic fox in winter, with black tips on her ears. She was 20 years old.

She yelled loudly, "Alright people, get a move on! Get anything we can use, anything we can sell. We can't wait around to see if the Imperials feel like making another pass."

Her authority over the group was quite clear.

They scavenged the remains of the town for anything valuable while she looked around from atop a half-broken wall. She spotted the smoking mansion of the Arcturus family.

"There's bound to be something in there we can use, you two come with me!" She pointed at a pair of male foxes.

They ran over to the mansion and rifled through it in expert fashion. Silverware was valuable and could be sold, food was always useful, medicine invaluable and some devices could have useful parts in them. When they arrived at the study they professionally ignored the body of Julius Arcturus, nothing they hadn't seen before. The hunting rifle placed against the wall was taken.

One of the foxes approached the naked cub. He smelled the unmistakable scent of cum on him. "Those bloody animals, looks like they had their way with this one." This was unfortunately not entirely unusual. He reached over and stroked the cub's head. He moved.

That was unusual.

"He's alive!" The fox dropped his satchel and picked up the wolf. Lisa rushed over. She ran her paws over him, checking for wounds. He didn't have any, besides a cut in his cheek.

"Looks like he's in shock, give him to me.", she took over the cub from the fox.

I'll take him to the ship, you guys keep finish up here. She lifted the, quite heavy, 14 year old over her shoulder and walked out, trying not to jolt him too much.

As she arrived at the ship, she shouted out for help, "Get the doctor out here! I have a survivor!", she place the cub onto a metal table that was set up outside.

A white and red feathered avian landed next to her. He had the typical smaller, slight build of an avian. His head was that of a falcon, a curved gleaming beak being the dominant feature. He had large white wings, red along the edges. Strong talons carried him. He wore nothing, as clothes greatly hindered flight.

"Let's have a look shall we?"

His hands ran over the cub, prodding this and that. As he came across the cut in his cheek he disinfected it, "That's going to leave a mark, I think.", he searched the whole body thoroughly. "Hmmm, sexually assaulted, some significant damage."

He checked his portable diagnostics device, attached a lead to the cub and pressed some buttons. He then reached into his satchel and retrieved a syringe in sterile packaging. He took a small bottle in one hand and tore open the package. Holding up the bottle, he inserted the syringe and pulled back.

"This will give him some energy, along with a general antibiotic. We'll give him an IV back in camp. I'd say he'll get back on his feet soon enough, physically at least. He'll be out for a few more hours though."

He tapped the cub's arm, found a vein and injected him.

"Thanks Doc."

"All in a day's work."

The various teams returned with their spoils and got back into the cargo vessels. They took off and headed back into the hills, where they'd made temporary camp. They'd wait there until the Imperials had left the vicinity of the planet and they could make their way back to their ship, in orbit behind the planet where Imperial ships couldn't detect it. This ship was a larger craft, home to a few hundred people. Its name was "Survivor". The ship and its inhabitants travelled the stars in a nomadic lifestyle, scavenging and trading for the necessities of life. This made them as free as could get, independent from any government, but also open targets to raiders and pirates. Life was never certain.

Lisa sat beside the cub's bunk in a softly lit room as he finally opened his eyes. He looked around confused and startled. She stroked his cheek as she comforted him.

"Don't worry little guy, you're safe. Go back to sleep."

Gray calmed down and looked up at the vixen. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. The ships' engines hummed deeply as they prepared to travel to a nearby star.