Fates of the Unicorns 46 - Educational Pain

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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#46 of Fates of the Unicorns

Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 46 - Educational Pain

_ SPOILER WARNING : If you are new to the story, this chapter contains plot and character development spoilers for the over all story. This is an onging story, and this chapter assumes you know the story and characters_.

Oara stretched stiffly as she woke. She lifted her head of her arms, blinking and getting to her hooves. After all this time she had never gotten used to sleeping on stone. The second she woke she knew where she was, and what she was. A slave. She made her way over to the back of the cave where the food was. She saw it was Nella and Tamira at the guard station instead of the two felines that had been watching them since their arrival. She nodded to another mare and frowned as the mare looked alarmed and hurried out of her way. What was her problem?

It took Oara a minute to remember what had gone on the previous day. She shook her head, she must have slept ON her head to have forgotten it. Her Master had made her to things to other slaves. Painful things. She shivered in delight at the memory, feeling both guilty and aroused. He had also ordered her to practice those things today, with the promise of being instructed in them later. He said it like it was a terrible thing, and to the other mares it was, and should have been for her. But it wasn't. She had found that she LIKED the idea of hurting them. She had thought a lot about that last night. She looked into herself, looked into her past and had finally recognized, and accepted what she was. She was a mean, cruel bitch. She had always enjoyed tattling as a child, and seeing others get punished. She could see now she didn't just like getting them in trouble, but enjoyed watching them get punished. Enjoyed being the reason for it. She had always liked stallions that were bullies. Watching them pick on others, sometimes picking on other girls. But she was never good at it and often got back much more than she could dish out. All her life she kept those feelings as suppressed as possible, all the time never realizing what she was doing.

She knew what she was doing now. Now she was surrounded by all the things she secretly desired. Up until last night she had managed to hide that from herself. It helped that a lot of the torture and pain she liked to see had been directed at HER. Kneeling for long periods, being naked, forced to lick the dragons feet and suck his cock. The feel of being slapped and hit, yelled at, trained like an animal. Treated not like a slave.. but AS a slave, for they were all slaves in reality, not just pretending to go along with it. The dragon had them all by the nipples, that was sure. She still wasn't sure what to think about this new turn her life had taken. On one hand... the feel of trembling flesh under her fingers had been amazing. She wanted more! But it was wrong to hurt others. She knew that. The only reason she could was because her Master had ordered it. He had threatened to do far, far worse to her AND the other mares if she didn't obey.

She stared down at the bales of hay, lost in thought. She shook herself out of it and grabbed a fistful to munch on, seeing other mares were avoiding her. She didn't like that. She was a unicorn after all. Being part of a herd was important to her. She said, "Don't look at me that way..."

Several of the unicorns looked at each other for support, some shuffling their hooves.

Tamira spoke up from behind Oara, "They know you have to pick one of them to... experiment on. None of them want to be picked, so they are trying to avoid you. Trust me, I know how it feels to be singled out by our Master and made to do thinks we would rather not do."

Sabeth gave a snort at that, but amazingly for once, didn't say anything else. She had a visibly reddened crotch from her torture last night and when she turned to stalk off, she walked with a slight waddle.

Oara snorted right back at her. Bitch! She saw the wounds Tamira came back with after she had fought in the arena to keep Dana safe. She knew their Master took Tamira off to train, and to fuck ever since Tamira accepted a position as one of his guards. Not to mention nearly dying trying to stop the dragon raids and getting captured and enslaved as a reward. Sabeth was one unicorn that she was looking FORWARD to getting her hands on. It was the others she was ambivalent about. As much as she liked the idea... the reality of picking one was less pleasing.

Nella spoke up, not willing to let Tamira get a word in without speaking her own opinion. "You should be HAPPY to have caught Masters attention, girl! You get to please him by learning to torture others. Would you rather be picked to be his pain slut?"

"Of course not" said Oara! She meant it too. She might like giving it, but taking it was a different story.

Nella said, "Then stop your 'Don't hate me' whining and get on with your orders. You are to spend time practicing your new skills on Sabeth and another unicorn of your choosing. You best do it before Master shows up or he will certainly give you a beating. Just pick any of them, like her."

Oara followed her gaze and saw she was pointing at Dana. Oara didn't miss the withering glare Tamira gave Nella. Those two were going to have it our one of these days. They had a scuffle earlier, but it had not lasted long. Tamira had gotten the best of the kitty but Nella clearly thought she could do better next time. One thing she did NOT want was to get on Tamira's bad side. She didn't think Tamira was one to take revenge or hold grudges, but still... she could kick some serious ass. "No... not her," she said quickly.

Nella pushed, "Why not? One mare is better than another. You have to pick someone!"

Oara winced and nodded. She did have to pick.. and she would be making an enemy of whoever she chose, and her friends. Maybe she could pick one of Sabeth's supporters? But Sabeth had few of those these days. Not like at the beginning where her royal heritage carried some weight. She had annoyed, talked down to or otherwise offended pretty much everyone in the small herd at one point. She looked around, nobody would meet her gaze.

Telly shuffled forward, "I... I have an idea."

Oara looked at Telly with a sinking feeling. Oh no. As much as she liked the idea of being able to play, she could do it to Telly. The poor girl had been through a lot, and nobody could miss her swollen belly that was growing a dragon egg. From what she heard, getting pregnant had been a terrible experience. Having seen what the dragon could do with his cock, making it all spiky.. she shuddered. No, she couldn't hurt Telly. She was just too sweet and nice. Besides, everyone would HATE her for sure! "No... no I don't think so" she said.

Telly looked downcast, "I'm sorry.. I just thought.. maybe you would want to hear a way to pick fairly."

Oara perked up, "Wait... fairly?" She suddenly realized what Telly must have been thinking, "Oh.. like a lottery?"

Telly smiled and nodded, "Yes!" She didn't know why Oara hadn't wanted to listen to her at first, but was glad she changed her mind. She pointed at a bale of hay, "Draw straws. We used to do that to decide who did chores back home." She bit her lip and tried not to think about the life she had left. That was long gone and she had to make the best of things now. All she could do was try to make herself, and others as happy as possible. Most of all, make her Master happy. He could make them all suffer or be comfortable. They had to keep him pleased, keep him from selling them. They just had to!

Oara thought about it... "I think thats a great idea!" It was the perfect solution. She could get her victim and not have to feel bad about picking them. She looked up and saw the other mares were considering the idea grudgingly, but were not thrilled like she was. Oh, of course. One of them was going to suffer at her hands. She had to remember that. "So..." she said solemnly. "I guess we should do it now. Everyone... please come up here?"

Nella who never gave up a chance to order slaves around said, "That means all of you, slaves! Get up here NOW and form a line! Move it!" She gave a quick snap of her riding lash and made it snap in the air. Several unicorns jumped at the noise and they all hurried to line up. She frowned to see one unicorn out of line, "Get over here, cunt!"

Sabeth glared at the cat. Oooh how she hated her. Almost as much as she hated Tamira and her fucking blue dragon. She said primly, "Since I'm to be involved in her little game anyway, I don't need to get in line."

Nella hissed and shook her head, "You will get in line because I SAID you will! You want another ride on the horsey?"

Sabeth clenched her legs together. Twice now she had been forced to sit on that torture device, and it hurt worse the second time. She glanced at it, the innocent triangle of wood that Rahmor had made her straddle, and then side down on the painful edge. Her poor pussy still throbbed in discomfort. "Fine..." she said and moved into line.

Nella said, "I know how this works." She pilled out eleven straws of hay from a bale and used her claws to snip them all to an even length. She then turned around and cut one of them in half before evening them all out at the top and holding them by the bottom, hiding which straw was the short one. She turned around and held out her hand to the first unicorn in line, "Take one."

The unicorn eyed the straws carefully and holding her breath picked one and pulled it out. It wasn't the short one. She phewed and stepped back in relief. Nella moved to the next, and the next.

Both Tamira and Oara tensed when it got to Dana. Oara didn't think Tamira would blame her, but she would still prefer to not have to worry about it.

Dana bit her lip and reached out...

"You SURE you want that one?" said Nella.

Dana froze, suddenly unsure. "Err..." she said, eying the straws.. they all looked the same.

Tamira took a step forward and let out a short, but sharp snort. "Just let her pick, Nella."

Nella giggled, enjoying Tamira and Dana's discomfort. Everyone knew Tamira was hot for the curvy little slut. Just as they all knew Dana was as straight as one of these straws and had no interest in being Tamira's love toy. Nella made sure to harass Dana at every opportunity. She willed Dana to pick the short one. Go on... do it!

Dana swallowed and picked.. pulling it out.. and out. Phew! It wasn't a short one. She didn't dare stick her tongue out at Nella. Tamira was a guard too now, but Dana didn't know exactly what that meant, or how far Tamira could go in protecting her. At the very least she had to make sure it didn't upset Master Rahmor, and Nella knew a LOT more about how to play THAT game.

The next unicorn in line reached out and picked one of the remaining straws. "Oh fuck" she said.

Nella hooked a finger in the ring of the unlucky mare's collar and pulled her forward, "We have a winner!"

Hamoi stumbled forward and let out a whimper. She had always done her best to try and not be noticed by the dragon or his guards. Being noticed never seemed to end well, and now she was destined to spend some intimate time with her Master. It was the last thing she wanted, even worse than knowing she was about to be abused. By another mare!

Oara said, "Hi Hamoi." She swished her tail nervously. She said, "I'm not really sure what to say..."

Hamoi wasn't sure either, other than a lot of swearing and screaming. She noticed the other mares had backed off. None of them wanted to watch was was going to happen. She soon found herself only with Oara, Tamira and Nella as company. She sighed, "Might as well get it over with... dragging it out is only going to make it worse."

Oara nodded, "Umm, yeah. I guess." She was a bit taken back with how forward Hamoi was being. She had expected tears, or pleading or something. But then again, Hamoi had always been like that. Her bluntness had not always endeared her to the other mares. Oara felt like there was a war going on inside her. On one hoof she didn't want to do anything to hurt the mare too much... she didn't want to be hated, and still felt unsure about actually DOING things she had only thought about. On the other hoof, here was a helpless mare who she could do, well, anything she wanted to. She decided to start out with something easy. She didn't think she could do any permanent damage, not to a unicorn, but starting slow sounded like a good idea nonetheless. "So... can you, bend over?"

Hamoi nodded with a grimace, spreading her hooves and bending over, planting her hands on the rough wall of the cave.

"Lift your tall too please?" said Oara. Just watching the mare getting into position was making her wet. She hoped nobody else noticed. There were so many strange smells here, specially from the dragon that she didn't think anyone would notice. Nobody was close enough at least. Once she saw Hamoi's tail was out of the way she took a stance behind her and gave the unicorn a hesitant smack to her white bottom.

Hamoi grunted at the hit. It wasn't a very good spank, but she didn't care. Maybe Oara was going to just pretend to hurt her. Would their Master know if she did? If so... should she tell Oara not to go easy on her? The second smack knocked the thoughts right out of her head. THAT one wasn't pulled. It stung! So did the next, and the next.. her ass heating up from the pounding. She clenched her teeth as she was punished for nothing more than picking the wrong damn straw. She could take it. If she didn't react, if she was as boring as possible then maybe her Master would continue to ignore her. Ow! She almost yelled at Oara to watch where she was hitting, that one came way to close to her sex. But the whole point was to practice giving pain, so it wasn't like she could ask her to ease up.

Oara winced and rubbed her hand, sore from the smacking. Spanking was hard on her palm and fingers. She was probably hurting her own hand worse than Hamoi's butt! But it didn't matter. Her hand could be bleeding and broken and she would still have wanted to keep doing it. There was just.. something about what she was doing that touched her deep inside like nothing else could. Even great sex with a skilled stallion didn't make her this excited.

Nella said, "Terrible, just terrible. You hurt your hand already? Try this.. instead of hitting harder, hit something more sensitive. Give her pussy a few good smacks to let your hand recover."

Oara tried not to let her knees quiver in her excitement. Oh, she had wanted to do that.. but had not been too unsure to get TOO close. But Nella gave her a perfect opening. "If you say so..." she said in a reluctant voice. The smack she delivered was not reluctant in the least, and she felt her victim's soft pussy absorb the punishment of her fingers.

Hamoi nnnnnghed and gasped as she was struck squarely in the cunt. "Motherfucker!" she swore. She trembled with the effort it took to hold her position. She wanted to straighten up and turn around, putting her vulnerable ass to the wall. She wanted to punch Oara in the nose, even though she knew the mare had no choice. It didn't matter, that fucking hurt! The next one hurt just as bad and she howled as her pelvic bone was given a hard thumping. "Cocksucker!" she said through gritted teeth, her backside and crotch a mix of both sharp pain and dull throbbing aches.

Oara completely ignored the insults and went back to spanking the mares ass. She wanted to put her fingers between her own legs now, and knew she was wet. She hoped nobody would notice. She could smell herself.. a hot, wet heat rising up from between her legs. But nobody else seemed to have noticed. The smell of sex wafting around, and unbathed bodies seemed to mask it. Finally she stopped, her fingers throbbing.

Hamoi whined softly, gasping for breath. She turned her head back and looked miserably at Oara, "No more?"

Conflicting emotions ran through Oara again. She felt bad for the mare, but was turned on by her suffering. She didn't want to make her feel bad, but DID want to smack her around more. A lot more. It was like the first time she had learned to masturbate. Before she did it she had no idea what she was missing. Now... desires had woken in her. And they burned.

Nella said, "As far as I am concerned, there can NEVER be enough unicorn abuse. I think your hand has had enough. You should start practicing with tools. This is called a flogger, and it would be best to use a fresh ass to work on. Master said you were to work with Sabeth too." She handed it over to Oara who took it, looking it over curiously. It was a wooden handle with a bunch of thin leather straps attached to one end. It kinda looked like a model of a horse tail a child would make. Except for the leather wrapping on the handle and metal studs.

Sabeth had been watching with disgusted, and had also not forgotten that her turn would come. She had been happy to let the other girl take the first session, hoping it would tire Oara out, but it was looking like that plan would backfire. "No... no you should use it on her. She's already bent over and everything!"

Hamoi stood up, turning away from the wall and crossing her arms. "Fuck you!" she said to Sabeth. "Come over here and I'll use the damn thing on face you miserable cunt!"

Sabeth was a slave, naked and decorated with rings and chains. She had been tortured, ass-raped and forced to suck dirty dragon cock. None of it really matter, as she was STILL royalty and commoners simply didn't speak like that to their betters! All she had was her royal blood, the dragons had taken everything else away from her. She would never have put up with such talk before, and wasn't going to start now. She stomped forward and lifted her hand, "How DARE you call me such terrible things you.. .you... peasant!" She stalked forward, and then came to a sudden halt at a horrible pain in her nipple. She screamed. "Aaahhhhhhhhhheeehhhieee!"

Nella held one of Sabeth's large nipple rings in her hand, the nipple tugged hard due to her grip. The rings were really large pendants with big rubies attached to them. They were meant to hang from a chain around the neck, and were from Sabeth's royal line. Priceless. Now they hung from her nipples, heavy, and very easy to grab. Nella took the other one and held both as she stood before Sabeth, "Stand still and take your beating like a good bitch. No fighting!"

Sabeth whined and whinneyed piteously, her hands hanging limply at her sides. She tried not to move... the cat was holding her rings in place and any movement at all hurt!

Oara said, "So.. what do I DO with it?"

Nella smirked, "You hold the handle and you swing it. Like you were beating a dirty rug with it, but in this case, it's a dirty bitch!"

Sabeth gritted her teeth and stared at Nella, knowing she couldn't say anything back or she would get a beating. She didn't want to get beat, so she kept her mouth shut... until the first swing of the flogger hit her ass and the side of her hip. "OWWWW!" she screamed, jerking at the hit, then screamed again as the movement pulled on her nipples! She cried out, balling her hands into fists.

Oara oooed to herself softly. She LIKED this. It didn't hurt her hand at all, and was pretty easy to aim. She smacked it across Sabeth's bottom again and was rewarded with a howl of pain from the uppity unicorn. "Make her spread her legs" she said. She had eyes only for Sabeth, ignoring the other unicorns as some watched and others avoided looking. Nobody looked at all sympathetic. Sabeth had made a few enemies with her attitude and insults. She watched the braided bitch's ass slowly turning a bright, then dark red as she struck the firm, rounded rump.. the red showing nicely through the fine white unicorn fur. When she finally stopped, Sabeth was whimpering and clawing at the stone.

Nella smirked, "Not bad for a beginner. Now... let me show you something else that would please Master."

Oara was disappointed and fought not to show it. That had been fun, and far better than when she had been hurting Hamoi. Sabeth DESERVED to get smacked around.

Nella grabbed Sabeth and spun her around, pushing her back against the wall.

Sabeth owed as her red and sore ass brushed up against the rough stone of the wall. "Watch it" she snapped.

Nella tsk tsked the unicorn and pulled a ball gag off her belt. "Open!" she ordered. When Sabeth hesitated, Nella simply pushed against her, making the unicorns ass once more hit the wall. When Sabeth opened her mouth to yell in pain, Nella shoved in the gag and strapped it into place. "There, that will shut you up, bitch."

Sabeth knew better than to lift a hand to one of Rahmor's guards, so she held her hands at her sides as her mouth was filled. "Mmmmmph!" She hated being gagged. They should all be sitting down listening to her, following her. She was royalty! She stomped a hoof at being called a bitch, her anger as hot as her paddled ass.

Nella grinned evilly and said, "This might make her squirm, so she will need to be kept from jerking away. Tamira dear... could you hold her for us?"

Tamira frowned and looked from Nella to Sabeth. She knew Nella was trying to get her involved just to annoy her, and it was working. She HAD told Rahmor she would serve him, and she knew he would not be pleased if she refused Nella's request. She sighed and pulled Sabeth from the wall to hold her from behind, pinning her arms behind her back. She snorted as Sabeth struggled and said in annoyance, "Just hold still, I don't like this any more than you do!"

Sabeth wanted to KILL that so-called warrior cunt. How dare she hold her! She always knew that big ugly brute was no good. Now she showed her true colors once again, doing that dragon's bidding. She tried to break loose but her arms were pinned behind her and she couldn't do a damn thing. She finally stopped when her struggled made her bump her ass against Tamira's thighs. Ow, dammit!

Nella motioned Oara to watch, "This is a good one... Master loves this." She lowered herself until she was face to face with one of Sabeth's breasts and examined Sabeth's nipple pendants. They were formed from large golden hoops with big red tinted diamonds hanging from them. Nella thought they looked much better hanging from a unicorn's tit than from her neck. Master had good taste! She opened her mouth and bit down over the front of Sabeth's breast. Her lower jaw fit neatly through the ring, her upper coming down over the top.

Sabeth mmmmmmphed as she watched the cat nuzzle at her breast, then open and bite! She struggled again, trying to break free as the cat's jaws clamped down on her poor breast. It hurt to have her tit squeezed like that, not to mention the teeth pressing in painfully. She groaned as her tit was slowly clamped down on painfully.

Nella mmmmmed and licked at the nipple with her cat tongue. It wasn't as rough as a feral feline tongue, she was a civilized cat after all! But it was not a smooth as a unicorns, and she knew that a hard licking would not feel pleasant. Her hand reached down between her legs and she stroked herself, sliding a finger into her sex... masturbating as she worked her jaws. She squeezed her jaws harder and was rewarded with a squirt of milk. She lapped at the sweet unicorn cream, so proud of her Master for the engineered seeds that forced all these bitches to produce milk. Sabeth had already been milked, as did the rest of the mares... it was one of the first things they did every morning. Even so, there was still some left if she squeezed hard enough with her teeth, and she made sure to bite hard enough! Master gave her sips of the milk but she loved every taste she could get. She grinned cruelly as Sabeth let out a muffled yelp at the rough biting.

Oara watched and tried not to groan, and envied Sabeth for her freedom to squirm and moan. She could see Sabeth tearing up from the pain, the cat's jaw muscles working as she 'chewed' on Sabeth's tit. Oara licked her lips, trying to hold still. She remembered how it felt to bite the other unicorn in the neck last night, and wanted to feel Sabeth's tender tit between her jaws.

Nella wished she could play more, but Master did want the unicorn trained, so after demonstrating she let go and pulled back. She did take a moment to admire her handiwork. Sabeth's breast had a line of red marks in the shape of a cat's mouth on her breast. She smirked, "There.. luckily she had another for you to practice on, slave. Bite her!"

Oara nodded and moved into place, "Sorry Sabeth... I have to do this..." she said. She didn't wait for a response to her lie before she pressed her muzzle to the other breast, her lower jaw also fitting into the hoop. She stretched her mouth as wide as it would go, and pressed it to Sabeth's tit.

Sabeth snorted, all she could do while being gagged and held. Her poor breast hurt, and her nipple felt like it had been worked over with sandpaper! She looked down in distaste as that bitch began to mouth her other breast. Disgusting. She winced as teeth came down, and the unicorns strong jaw applied harsher and harsher pressure. "MMmmrrrrrrraghh!" she cried out into the gag. Her breast felt like it was clamped in a vice this time.. the unicorn putting a LOT more pressure into it. She struggled against Tamira behind her, pulling back and then shoving her sore ass against Tamira's thighs and hips, trying to back up from the pain.

Tamira held Sabeth still, trying to ignore Sabeth's ass grinding into her crotch. Sometimes she wished she had been sold to a dragon that didn't have such good taste in equine females. Ever single mare here was HOT and had a body she would LOVE to roll around in the hay with. For a long time simply being a slave, and knowing the rest were equally helpless victims of dragon cruelty and rape had kept her libido suppressed. Slowly though that was changing. It was like she was being desensitised to the idea that she and the rest of the mares were slaves. As if being a slave was NORMAL. And if things were normal, then it wasn't wrong to be attracted to, and fantasize about some burning hot mare that was standing around naked in front of her. Not liking Sabeth helped, but it was still a VERY nice piece of ass that was trying to make a home in her lap. She thought if she had been a male, there would be no hiding her arousal, and Sabeth would very quickly stop pressing against her. She almost laughed at the image of Sabeth backing up into a big stallion dick. She shook her head to make the picture go away. What was she thinking. That wasn't funny at all! The damn dragon and his little guard bitch and moons of being a slave were taking their tool. Twisting her perceptions of what was right, and what was wrong. Sabeth was a bitch, but didn't deserve to be tortured! She promised herself not to forget was was important here. She had to do whatever she could, whatever she was allowed to make things BETTER for the rest of her sister mares.

Oara bit down eagerly, feeling the firm flesh of Sabeth's tit being crushed between her hard teeth. She didn't have fangs like the cat, but could easily match her in jaw power! She mmmped as she felt a hand on her wrist, turning an eye to look at Nella. She let Nella guide her hand, wondering what she had in mind, and then eeeeped into the furry breast in her mouth as Nella made her touch herself! She could feel her wet sex between her fingers and blushed deeply.

Nella said, "Do EVERYTHING I did... bite down.. lick her nipple, and finger-fuck yourself." She knew the playing was turning the unicorn girl on. The others couldn't see it because Oara hid it well, and they were not LOOKING like she was. Master said sex was a powerful motivator. It made a wonderful reward, and could often be used to encourage desired behaviours in a slave. She thought back to all the times Master had fucked and played with her and agreed. It worked GREAT!"

Oara whimpered a bit, but did as she was told. She tastes drops of unicorn mare milk as she licked, unsure of what she thought of it. Her own breasts were still sore from the morning milking, and she never though she would be tasting it when she woke this morning. It came to her that Nella's order was a great excuse if anyone DID notice she was wet between the legs. She was being forced to do this, just like the punishment training. She worked her jaws back and forth and felt Sabeth moan in pain, and her fingers worked just as hard.. rubbing and playing with her clit. Her body shivered and arched in pleasure and between the gnawing on Sabeth's breast and her own fingers, she came very close to a climax. She bit down even harder as she struggled to contain herself, and finally let out a breath as she pulled back from the edge.

Nella fingered herself as well, but it was out of duty, not shame that she refrained from bringing herself to climax. Plenty of time for that in her off hours, but she was WORKING now, and would not do anything to displease, or disappoint her Master. She sighed and tapped Oara on the head, deciding it was enough biting. Master wanted to do any serious teaching and training himself. Today's practice was just to whet her appetite and set the stage for the real session he would give her. "You have done enough, slave. You may stop now."

Oara did not WANT to stop, but didn't want anyone else to know that, so she nodded and tried to look grateful as she pulled away, the taste of Sabeth's milk still on her tongue. She stood and gratefully pulled her hand from her crotch.

Tamira let go of Sabeth, moving away quickly before the dumb mare could get any ideas. If Sabeth tried to hit her... she would have no choice but to punish her. She knew that with Nella watching they would BOTH get in trouble if she didn't punish Sabeth properly. She glared at Nella. She would figure out a way to put that cat in her place! She bit her lip as she realised she sounded like a dragon. They were obsessed with everyone fitting in and finding their place, and staying in it. But this was different. As a warrior before her capture she followed orders, and gave them to others. There was nothing inherently wrong with having a place... it was just that the damn dragons picked that place FOR you, and put you there whether you liked it or not!

Nella slid up to Tamira and purrred, "Such a good girl. Master would be proud." She patted the glaring uniocorn on her back and whispered, "One day you will be the one torturing them, and loving it. You are Masters slave and property.. and nobody can resist a dragon's will forever. Not even a stubborn bitch like you. You will snap... eventually"

Tamira balled her fists, coming very close to showing her what 'snapping' would really mean. But she swallowed her temper. No. Loosing control is what her Master would WANT. She was never going to be like Nella. NEVER!

Sabeth stomped off, hurt and humiliated. She pulled out the ball gag and spit in disgust, but carefully put it back in place. She remembered what happened to that poor mare who had thrown hers off the ledge. She shuddered. Dragons were not as bad as those insects, but it wasn't for lack of trying! She looked at the door to the cave with worry. Rahmor said he would be back today, and would be taking her to his dungeon with Oara for lessons. She shivered. She didn't want to go. It wasn't right, she was a princess, not a commoner to be TORTURED. She whined and wanted to sit and curl up, but her poor ass hurt too much. Damn that bitch. Did she have to hit so hard? It was like she enjoyed it. She should have tried harder to go easy on her poor rump. It was a delicate, ROYAL rump! Unable to think of anything she could do, she simply pouted. And waited.