Every Second Counts

Story by sonicfreak_2753 on SoFurry

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An Iron Author commission from Jeeves the Roo. The characters belong to me and my mate, the story is done by Jeeves the Roo.

Every Second Counts

When you've been apart from the man you love for as long as Sammy and Todd had been apart, every moment between kisses, between feverish embraces, and indeed between sexual eruptions in the case of these two rather excitable males, seemed to stretch out for an eternity. Even after their reunion rendezvous in the airport bathroom, it was a race against time for Todd and Sammy to find another spot to share themselves fully, completely and passionately with one another. They left the restroom carefully, as silently and swiftly as they could manage. Sure one or two passing furs gave the two fully active and healthy males emerging from this single disabled restroom a funny glance, some disapproving, some of outright disgust, and one or two even sharing a brief knowing smirk of understanding or admiration, but all in all their getaway was clean. They'd tidied up whatever mess they'd made from their activities together with paper towels and tap water, re-donned the now slightly crumpled clothing that had been cast aside during their brief interlude, and emerged with Sammy's luggage held before them, disguising the still semi-erect state of their members, tenting the fronts of their lower garments.

From airport to car it took almost forty minutes, and that was without any problems at customs and immigration. Sammy had visited his dear boyfriend enough times to know just what to say, and what to pack or not pack in his luggage in order to minimise any need for time consuming baggage checks or background searches. When he and Todd finally made it to the blushing kangaroo's car though, sharing a brief but infinitely tender kiss as they loaded Sammy's suitcases into the trunk, it was with almost unbelievable care and precision that Todd slipped behind the wheel and began to drive them out of the airport parking lot, towards his home. He'd heard too many horror stories of families or lovers being caught up in some horrific, often fatal accident on their hurried way to some joyous event, and was in no hurry to add himself and Sammy to that unfortunate number.

By the time Todd pulled up at the underground parking garage of his apartment complex, it had been one hour, fifteen minutes and seven seconds since Sammy had erupted within his muzzle. The fox's fingers were clutching at the fabric of the passenger seat beside Todd, and as the marsupial male shut off the engine of the car and thumbed the button to open the trunk he let slip a soft groan, squeezing at the steering wheel rather violently one last time before unclipping his safety belt and slipping out of the driver-side door.

Barely a word had passed between Sammy and Todd on the way home, indeed between their silence and the stony, intense expressions upon their faces an outside observer may have thought that they were in the midst of a fight, anger and tension boiling just beneath the surface of both their minds. The truth of the matter however was that both males were so worked up, so happy, so eager, so excited at the simple fact that they were together once again, that they dared not address one another whilst in a public place. A word. A sound. A single glance could tip them over the edge, and come hell or high water, whether alone in Todd's apartment or pulled over on the highway, they would end up locked in a savagely beautiful embrace, kissing, clutching, and most likely fucking too. They didn't speak because they were too much in love, too aroused to even look at one another!

It took five minutes, thirty one seconds and fifty nine milliseconds to get from the parking garage to Todd's front door, then another three minutes and fourteen seconds of introducing the nine-tailed fox, Todd's 'good friend', to the neighbours who just happened to be heading out of their door at the same time. Finally though, one hour, twenty four minutes, fifty two seconds and nineteen milliseconds after their first sexual encounter reached its climax, the door to Todd's apartment slammed shut behind the both of them, and two suitcases hit the floor with a careless thud.

"I love you!"

Sammy and Todd were running, running as fast as their legs could carry them, to the bedroom in which they had shared so many conversations through internet messenger and webcam since their last visit together. Sammy leapt, whimpering loudly, onto the double bed in which he'd seen Todd lying time after time, pleasuring himself to pictures of Todd, videos which his mate had made him, or recordings of the fun they'd had when Todd rented them a video camera for a long, romantic weekend.

"I love you too, Sammy. S-so much! Ohh g-god, yes..."

The kangaroo tumbled onto his bed beside his lover, crying out as he was set upon, the canid male straddling his body and physically tearing at the front of his t-shirt, claws piercing the fabric and strong arms ripping it open. Sammy's face buried itself in the marsupial's chest, kissing, licking, biting teasingly at Todd's nipples. His muzzle moved up, travelling north with each kiss, until he was biting at Todd's neck, the kangaroo tilting his head back and exposing his throat with a groan of shameless arousal. Then, at last, they were kissing. Sammy's arms pinned Todd's own limbs to the bed, and the fox's myriad of tails whipped wildly back and forth behind him as his tongue speared Todd's maw, wrestling with the pink muscle of his lover's own, eager muzzle.

Any couple could say I love you, whether they meant it or not, but to be able to show it through any number of wordless processes, be they simple acts of affection like getting a cup of tea for your partner in the mornings, or fevered acts of passion such as this, were far harder to replicate unless there was true feeling behind the actions. Todd and Sammy had long since figured this out, and that was why even though they'd barely spoken to one another since their reunion, neither one of them felt guilty or in any way shallow for having headed straight for the bedroom. To them personally love and sex were inseparably interlinked, and while love could easily be shared and enjoyed without sex, neither one of them could engage in any sexual act without falling head over heels for their mate all over again.

"Yes. Yes! D-do it!!"

With every second that passed bringing them closer together, every action, every breath, every thought drawing them deeper and deeper in love, Todd and Sammy found themselves wrestling, kissing, tearing and clawing at one another until somehow, what could have been five minutes or an hour after first falling onto the bed together, they were naked. Todd lay on his back, legs sky-high and spread wide apart, with his face stricken by a savage grin and his rump glistening with a thick coating of lubricant, much the same as the shimmering coat upon Sammy's throbbing, knotted member and indeed still twinkling on the grinning, panting fox's hands. Sammy knelt over him, grinning, trembling from top to bottom, and nodding eagerly. He stared down at Todd's body, the kangaroo's lean, beautiful form driving him absolutely wild. His long, lithe paws. His soft fur. His handsome, smiling face. His cock and balls, deliciously unique in true kangaroo fashion, with the cock beneath the swollen, ponderous orbs of his furred ballsac. They both knew what was about to happen, just as Todd's heated pleas suggested. At last, they didn't have to wait anymore.

Sammy's body dropped down, smothering his lover, and with a harsh yelp of pleasure from the fox's muzzle Todd felt the pointed tip of Sammy's member driving its way into his body. It had been so long for the kangaroo that he was unprepared for the force and passion with which his lover pressed inward, and so as Sammy buried himself within Todd's rump the kangaroo's legs and arms alike wrapped tightly around his beloved mate's body. He squeezed and clutched and howled in a combination of discomfort and pure, exalted delight as he was penetrated, filled, and fucked by his boyfriend, the vulpine male's cock sliding deeper and deeper until its semi-swollen knot bumped up against Todd's cheeks.

Hot breath washed down over Todd, and up over Sammy as the two lovers stared at one another, shaking violently and whimpering loudly with pleasure stricken exhilaration. At last, they were together. As intimately connected as two men could physically and emotionally become. They were primed, ready and eager to hump, to howl and to mate until they each erupted into ecstasy. And yet, now that they were here, not just together, not just alone but literally, physically in the midst of beginning to make love... all that need, all that overwhelming desire which had swept over them at the airport, it was completely and utterly satisfied. Love and sex, for Sammy and Todd, were as one. Love was present in their hearts and minds each time they fucked, and now that they found themselves doing just that, the potent force of their love had quite simply overwhelmed them both.

Todd's strong legs and trembling arms wrapped tightly around the body of the man whose cock was buried deep inside his ass, its knot pressing between the cheeks of his rump. Sammy meanwhile felt Todd's own erection straining up against his stomach as he planted yet another hungry kiss upon the kangaroo's muzzle. They held one another, and kissed, and whimpered, and moaned oh so long and oh so loud. Their furious fucking had stalled though, and for now the two of them were perfectly happy just to lie there together. Locked in sex, drinking in every instant they spent lost in this act together, but not having sex.

Every second they were to spend together on this visit counted, and this, their first fuck of that visit, was one thing they were in no hurry whatsoever to bring to its end.