Plush - Chapter 3: Sleepin' Over

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#2 of Plush

Hey Everybody

I'd like to apologize for the long wait on this one ive went through everything from laptop problems to connection issues to internet explorer logging me onto a completely different person's account here and not letting me post my story on my own account. Thankfully i ditched IE and have picked up "Google Chrome" shout out to google for making a brower that works!!!!

But this story was tough to write I kinda lost writers momentum and i wrote this one in blocks on my cellphone than the usual just write everything in one LONG sitting but i did proof read this time (even surprised myself for doing that) you may find a few errors but I hope nothing too bad cause its way better than the original version I CAN TELL YOU THAT!!!

Also i'd like to thank a big fan of mine and a future friend of mine:

<a href="">LongWolf_1024</a>


He gave me some inspiration to power through this and get it out for fans like him So Shout out to you Wuffybutt


Id like to say sorry for the wait and ENJOY PLUSH 3!!!!!


Tony was antsy as he waited for the lunch bell to ring. He hated school a bit because he had to wait to see Oden. It killed him to have to wait eight hours each day before he could see his friend. He sighed watching the clock tick away as he sipped on his chocolate milk. "Is that Super Dog"? Asked a voice from behind the pup, breaking him from his anxious thinking. Tony looked up to see a husky looking down at him a smile bright across his muzzle. He was just a bit bigger than Tony and his fur was still getting some of it's grey coloring, but his smile was warm and welcoming and Tony couldn't help but to smile back. "Yeah, He's my favorite superhero". Said Tony presenting his lunchbox to the Husky who oogled it a bit before looking back at Tony. "He's cool but my favorite is Speedie Shepard". Said the husky. "I wish I was that fast, I'd run to Disneyland". He continued while extending his paw to Tony. "I'm Michael but my friends call me Mikey". He said as Tony shook it back and smilied. "I'm Tony nice to meet you". "Hey Tony wanna come sit with me and my friends we gotta fill this extra seat"? Asked the husky tail wagging idly behind him. "Yeah, cool"! Said Tony jumping outta his seat and quickly following behind the husky. They went to the otherside of the lunchroom to find a half table with 2 other furs. "Hey guys meet Tony, he likes Super Dog". Said Mikey sitting down in his seat across from the other two furs. "SWEET! It's about time. Now we have one for every super fur". Said a fox who smiled happily. His fur fluffed and bristling orange, his tail twitching out the vulpines curiousity at the new canine. "I'm Casey". said the fox looking the dalmatian over before shaking with the pup. Tony smiled back as he turned his attention to the much quiter horse colt who sat next to the fox. He was fairly silent and was looking down a bit ears twitching as the others got aquinted. The fox noticed this and slung his arm arund the Horse instantly sending a blush across his muzzle. "This guy right here is Xander, but we call him X cause it's all cool and mysterious like him". Casey lifted the collar of his shirt up over his muzzle to make himself look like a ninja. All the fox cub did was giggle as the horse blushed more. "Come on X say something before lunch ends". The horse seemed to struggle with it for a mintue before he finally squeezed out a small, "Hi". It surprised Tony because his voice was deep and rumbled outta his throat with a slight uncertain rasp that showed he didn't use his voice much. It was odd to Tony's ears to hear it come from someone a half head or so taller than him but Tony only smiled and returned the greeting looking over the foal. He was brown with white down to his black nose and pretty big, he could easily have been a year or two older than the other three furs at the table. Everyone was nice and he had seen them all in a few of his classes even Xander opened up to him somewhat after awhile. By the end of lunch Tony was intergrated into the group and friends with all. It felt great to have friends at school that he could actually talk to. Tony went to his next class actually happy to see someone in there.


After a month with the group the four had become unseperable. They went everywhere they could together and Tony was really starting to get close to all of them. But his time with Oden was cut short by this and Tony didn't quite like that. It kept him busy for weeks trying to figure out a way to get all of them together with Oden in private. Finally, Tony made a desicion to invite them all over for a sleepover. Everyone was exstatic, all making plans about what they should do. Even Xander contributed a few ideas. It was decided that they would all use they're super fur camping gear and camp out all night in Tony's attic. The afternoon before te sleepover was full of Tony getting everything ready. He had his dad help him set up a TV in the attic along with his Zstation. He also got his mom to get the materials for smore and they'd cook the marshmellows in the oven before the sleepover. Tony also made sure to order pizza for everyone too. His parent couldn't be happier to see Tony smiling again so they did everything they could to make sure the sleepover went off without even the tiniest hitch or hiccup. The day of the sleepover was Friday and each of them gossiped about what would happen that night. Casey doing most of the talking as usual for the group but everyone got a word in. Each just as excited as the next. Tony just giggled to himself inside his head his own plans taking shape inside brain.


Casey was the first to show up, ten mintues early too. He was standing at the door holding his favorite super fur's gear. His was Iron Falcon and the Falcon's golden colors were over every inch of his things down to his shoes. "Hey Tony". The fox said to Tony waving his paw at the small canine before letting himself in. Tony blushed as he padded to the side and allowed the fox to enter. Casey as usual wasn't shy about letting his opinions known. He ooo'ed and aww'ed all over Tony's house. Peaking here and there asking a few questions before Tony could hurd the curious kit upstairs. Next was Xander exactly on time wearing green all over just like the fox had worn gold. His favorite super fur was Torto a huge rock tortise with super strength. Xander smiled an politely waited for Tony to invite him in. Tony stepped to the side and lifted his paw inside inviting in the colt. Xander stepped in eyeing everything warely but easied up once he was led upstairs greeting Casey quietly. After the dalmatian got both of his guests settled about 10 minutes fashionably late Mikey arrived. He smiled happily and hugged Tony as he padded in. "Wow dude sweet diggs". Said Mikey chuckling as he walked around looking at a few things before being lead up the stairs up to the attic. Xander and Casey were chatting (meaning Casey was talking and Xander was listening and nodding his head a bit) as they entered the attic. "Hey all". Mikey said while climbing up and into the attic. "Mikey"! Yelled out Casey hopping up and hugging the husky starling Xander slightly. Everyone was happy to see everyone and a video game tournment insued. The group all messed around and laughed, joked, watched Super Fur cartoons, and eat pizza for dinner. "K guys I'm going to get the S'mores". Tony said looking back over his shoulder as he began to climb down stairs. "Awesome I LOVE S'mores". Yelled Casey giggling as he swung a pillow playfully at Mikey head, who ducked and sent his flying at the kit. But Casey dodged and it hit Xander making even him join in the fray. Tony chuckled as he padded down the ladder to the attic and trotted down the stairs to the kitchen. He got the now gooey marshmellows the chocolate and the gram crackers carefully carring them upstairs. As he passed his room he put the food on the floor and ran into his room. He quickly grabbed a plushed Oden from his room, giving a small smile at the black button eyes of the Great Dane. He then took him and the S'more ingredients back upstairs to his friends. "YAY, S'MORES". Yelled Casey scrambling up and over to Tony grabbing one of everything and padding back to his seat while Mikey helped Tony set up the rest for their group. When everyones paws were gradually getting sticky Tony desided this was as good a time as any. "Hey um guys wanna see something cool"? He asked looking around as he reached for Oden. "Ooooo sounds mysterious". Said Casey attention instantly pulled from licking his fingers. Everyone looked on curious as Tony sat Oden down on the floor. "Um Tony, no offense but that's just a plushie". Said Mikey a bit confused just like his other two companions. "Oh quiet and watch". Tony said rolling his eyes and giggling. He then took a deep breath an hoped his friends would take this the right way. "Oden Oden Oden". Tony said stepping back and sheilding his eyes as light almost instantly filled the room. The group gasped as the looked on at the plushie's transformation. As the light finally subsided and the room returned to it's normal lighting the furs gasped more as they saw the Great Dane on the floor smile on his muzzle as he looked around. Oden barked a deep loud woof as he pounced at Tony knocking him to the floor and scaring all the young cubs before his tongue attacked the young dalmatian's face. "HAHAHEHEH Odie come on off down boy". Tony chuckled as he squirmed happily against the large canine's tongue. Oden smiled and let the smaller dog up looking at the group instantly information on each rushed into his mind from Tony. "Everybody meet Oden". Said Tony nerviously introducing the intimidateingly large Dane. "Hello everyone nice to met you". Said Oden smiling at the cubs infront of him. They all stared back blankly in shock. An awkward silence slowly falling over all of them. Thankfully Casey's curiousity got the better of his nervousness and the questions from him and the rest of the group statted to pour out. "OMG what is he"? Casey yelled hurring over to the Dane looking all over his body making Oden blush. "How old I he? Why can he come to life? Is he liked Ponnochio"? As he started up the rest of the group made they're way over forming a curiosity circle around Oden. Casey bagan poking Oden making him yip a bit. Mikey just looked over the spotted canine, examining each inch of the dane for the stitches he once had. Xander silence ever present even stared at the furs as they looked over Oden. "Okay, Okay give him some space guys." Said Tony clearing alittle more breathing room for Oden as he he looked over his friends expressions. He was thankful his friends hadn't freaked out and alerted his parents. It was obvious they were curious about Oden. Hell Tony was still confused on how Oden could exist as well, but it was hard to see much further than their curiosity. "Well Hi Oden, I'm...." "Casey I know hi". Said Oden shaking paws with the now once again confused fox. "Oden knows everything that I do. It's like telepathy or something". Said Tony filling in the informaton hole Oden had created. "Then you know I'm Mikey". Said the husky shaking paws next with the dane. "Yep. And your Xander right"? Xander only nodding matching Oden's ever present smile with his ever present quiet shyness to new furs this time mixed with a bit of dumbfoundedness. "Nice to finally met all of you, heard a lot". Oden smilied pleased to meet so many people he felt he already knew. "So does he do anything else"? Asked Casey tail whisking around behind him. "Well he's really strong and stuff. He can learn anything ad everything. And sometims we kinda play a game together". Responded Tony blush slowly emerging out from under the white of his fur. "Game? Like what"? Casey tail going still as his unsatible curiosity peaked again. "Well it's not really a game we kinda um..... It'll be easier if we showed you". Tony said nervousness quickly returning. "SHOW ME"! Casey said instantly volunteering himself to Oden smiling at the Harlequin's blushing muzzle. Oden looked over to Tony for guidance who was winging this as well so he just kinda shrug. Oden took a deep calming breath his complete knowledge of sex was helpful he just hoped the kit would enjoy it. Oden reached out and gave gripped Casey by the crotch squeezing his sheath gently but firmly in his large paw. Using that grip he pull the vulpine closer connecting they're muzzles with all the skill he could muster. Casey was shocked at first, a yip of surprise exiting his muzzle but also opening his maw just wide enough for Oden's tongue to slip through. It filled the young kits muzzle keeping any protests the cub had at bay long enoug for the feelings to take effect. Casey felt the subtle squeezes and small near strokes the Dane's paw was giving making him melt. Murrs filed his muzzled as he suckled on the tongue, eyes closed and breathless. Tony watched and felt his own pants tighten. He hadn't seen a whole lot of sex in his life but he knew this would rank up there as one of the sexiest things he ever witnessed. Mikey and Xander stared on with faces if possible even more astounded than before. As oden broke the kiss Tony saw Casey speechless for the first time. He just stood there eyes closed and mouth open just a bit. "Wow". Was all that escaped the fox's muzzle after a long pause, till he finally processed everything and exploded, "MIKEY you gotta try it"! The kit yelled pushing the young and anxious pup infront of the dane. Mikey almost protested but his protests were run over by the frieght train of enthusiam of the fox. So he found himself infront of Oden waiting nervous. Oden thought again looking over the pup his tension obvious. Oden searched his mind for the perfect thing to loosen him up. Finding his solution he crawled for and licked Mikey's face smiling. Mikey couldn't help to smile at such a big fur acting like a feral. He was a bit surprised as the licks continued down to his neck slowly passing all over his neck. The cool tongue of the dane and small nips worked some tension from the pup while a paw slowly sliding a paw up his thigh, running it up under his crotch pressing against his sack through his pants. Mikey murred taking a deep breath and relaxing into the senations the large dog was giving him. As Oden slowly slid back Mikey whinned unconciously before he could stop himself. "Wow that was, well, great". Blushed the grey pup taking a seat on the floor and taking the experience in. "It can get better". Tony said before for he knew he said it. They all looked to him wondering what he meant. "But for that you'll have to uh get um n-naked". Everyone blushed at those words. They all looked at one another waiting for someone to do something. "I'll do it". Said Mikey taking a deep breath and removing his shirt revealing his chest. He was fairly well muscled nothing special but no slouch either. He then hesitated at his pants as everyone watched till he quickly unzipped them and slid them off to the floor revealing his blue Speedie shepard undies. Casey giggled at the sight making blush and discard them quickly leaving the pup naked infront of his friends. "MY TURN"! Blurted out Casey who was already half outta his shirt. He tosses it to the ground revealing his lithe form. He wasn't quiet as built as Mikey but still had a bit of muscle on him. He then ditched his pants sliding them off his hips without needing to unzip them. His own yellow Iron Falcon undies, slipping outta them before, looking at Tony. Tony blushed realizing it was his turn. He pulled his shirt over his head and then stepped outta his pants and underwear at the same time, leaving everyone naked but Xander. Xander looked around at the rest of the group. He gulped he never really had been naked infront of anyone else so the blush he's had through this entire event grew even larger from the pressure. He almost ran but they were his friends and he wanted to trust them. So he started with his shirt pulling it over his head slowly. He was fairly well muscled, not as well as Oden but in great shape. He was lithe as well but his strong build widened him up a bit. As he moved to his zipper he almost hesistated but made himself continue so he wouldn't stop and chicken out. Pulling his pants down he blushed everyone realizing he was going commando. Now everybody was naked wondering what was gonna happen next. "Your turn right X". Said Mikey smiling as the horse warmly. Xander just nodded and took a deep brave breath and stepped forward waiting for Oden to start. Oden returned to his thoughts for his next act of sexiness, mulling a few things over before he decided one one or two ideas. Crawling forward Oden slid his tongue across one of Xander's nipples. Circling around the edge slowly and dart across the sensitive nub every now and then till it rose from the colt's chest. Then he gave it slowly circling licks right on the button of his nipple sometimes nipping it slightly with his teeth careful not to be too rough. This made a shiver slid up Xander's spine tail whipping slightly. While his tongue worked Xander's chest his paws went back to work. One paw found its way to the horse's fairly hefty sack, cupping the balls and rolling them slowly back and forth. The other ran back behind Xander kneed and squeezing his ass maybe twisting at the meat just a bit. Xander moaned openly his inabitions lost for a second as he waded in the new sensations. Oden worked harder switching nipples quickly getting the other to follow suit with the first while he squeezed and massaged the colts sack. When Oden pulled off Xander was as relaxed as he'd ever been just taking a seat to mull over the experience. "Is there anymore we can do"? Asked Casey giddy at his discover of this game. "Yeah actually tons if everybodies game for it it". Said Tony looking around at everyone's nodding and smiling faces. "Awesome! Oden we're all yours". Said Tony waiting for the instructions of the dane. Oden didn't even have to think for a second before the knowledge burst into his brain. "Okay we need to get you four up and at em". Oden said while standing and walking over to a sturdy pile of boxes sitting down against it while motioning the group over. "Alright let's see what I can do". Oden said calling apon his knowledge once again. Tony and Casey were in the middle so he made them turn sideways just a bit. Then he pushed them together grinding both of their sheathes against each other while he wedged his muzzle in the little space between them and started to lap at the sides of both of their furry sheathes. The two moaned grinding against each other and against Odens hot tongue, which traced over every inch of sheath it could get at. While Oden licked the two pup in the middle he began to fondle the sheathes of the to furs on either end. Mikey murred and grinded against Ode's welcome paw, while Xander let Oden have most of the control. Oden squeezed just under the lump of Mikey's knot making him moan instantly. He started stoking the small space behind his knot making the pup's sheath swell on que. With Xander's Oden squeezed and pressed at the sheath stroking pinching and grinding it's way to swelling larger. Mikey was the first to poke up outta his sheath, crimson tip pressing out into the open. Tony and Casey were next on the list. They moaned even louder feeling both of their slick tips collied and grind against one another. Oden's tongue lapping between them only making them louder. Finally Xander poked outt his sheath flat head dripping just a bit off pre off the tip. Now oden went to work he start to lick and stroke faster switching his licks between all of the furs. On Mikey suckled on the tip and circled his tongue around the head slowly coaxing moans from the Husky. With Tony and and Casey he went lower lapping a both of the cubs sacks which were rubbing against each other. He used his tongue to light flick and roll at both of them and even press them together. For Xander Oden dragged the flat of his tonge over the flat of the horses head while squeezing tight around his sheath making Xander moan and wiggle around a bit in pleasure. By the time he was finished all four pups where at attention. Casey was the smallest at 5 inches. Next in line where Tony and Mikey at a solid 6 inches. The biggest was Xander his horse genes doing him well and leaving him at 8 inches. "Mmmmmm what now"? Casey murred stroking himself and eyeing everyones equipment. "Well......" Pondered Oden thinking of what to do many possible and almost impossible postions ran through his mind but one stuck out to him. He stood and fished out the bottle of lube the stashed up here and looked at the pups. "Alright um Tony, Casey on all fours facing each other and Mikey you on ur knees in between them". Said Oden they all followed his instructions Casey and Tony's tail wagging in anticipation. Oden poured lube into his paw and turned got behind Casey. "Lift your tail up high okay". He said Casey complying imediately but yipped as he felt the cold lube covered fingers of Oden spread him open slowly. Oden made sure to strech him slowly and pressed his fingers against the little fox's sweet spot when he could. Casey loved the attention moaning as he felt his prostate being prodded by the skilled paw of the dane. Oden worked in two finger spreading them apart further till he could get in a third. When felt Casey was streched he pressed the bottle against his loosened hole and gave a squeeze sending more cold lube inside of the fox and a shiver up Casey's spine. "Good to go." Smilied then stood and walked over to Xander. He reached out grabbing the colt's shaft, squeezing the base a bit but stroking it making Xander moan more. Oden chuckled at the look on his face as he lubbed up the the horses cock. "When I'm done just walk over then get behind him and push this inside got it. Slowly at first so you don't hurt him though but he's a natural so you won't have to wait long till he relaxes and go as fast you want". He whimpered in Xander's ear. Xander didn't know exactly what he meant but he did get the gist of what Oden was saying. He gulped as Oden stopped lubing him and looked over at Casey. The sight of him on all fours sturred up something inside of Xander. He wasn't sure what but he did know he wanted inside that tailhole. He walked over to Casey getting behind him. Casey looked curious but smilied expecting more fingers this time from the horse. Casey yipped in surprise as he felt the flat head of Xander's cock slowly spreading him open. It streched Casey hard who gritted his teeth but gasped as it popped in along with half of Xander's cock. He moaned pressing back as Xander's head found his prostate sending te fox's hormones in a frenzy. "Hey Casey give Mikey's shaft a taste I think you'll like it". Chuckled Oden as he watched the sight his own sheath sturring at the scene. Casey looked up at a warm but nervous smile from Mikey. Casey looked at his friend's tapered tip then leaned forward a bit giving the very tip a lick finding alittle pre on it. "Hhmmmm saltly". Casey mumbled to himself before starting to suckle on the head of Mikey's cock while getting scurred deeper on Xander's. Mikey loved the feel of tongue on his cock he just looked down murred and moaned at the new sensation. He could help but hump into his friends muzle some pushing it deeper his paw finding the back of Casey's head to slowly but firmly pull him down. Casey murred more at the light musky flavor running across his tongue. The moans from Xander's fucking vibrating Mikey's shaft for added pleasure. Mikey loved the feel of tongue on his shaft. He eventually pushed too deep though causing Casey to gag and accidentally and drag his a tooth very slightly against Mikey's shaft. "Oooooo um watch your teeth okay". Said Mikey cringing slightly. Casey nodded and slowly focused back on slathering his tongue on every inch of shaft he possibly could. Meanwhile Oden was bent over Tony nipping and licking at the back of his neck lighly with two finger embedded deep down inside the dalmatian. The dane murred as he slowly rubbed around and on the pup's sweet spot. Tony could only moan and clench down around the lubed fingers. Tony even had a single strand of pre leaking down to the floor. Slowly Oden pressed another finger in along with the other two streching him out further. Tony just moaned and pressed back onto the dane's paw. "That's it pup jut relax". Oden whispered into Tony's ear. Dirty finding its way seemingly outta nowhere into his mind. He spread the three digits wide grinding them around to strech out Tony completely "Ooooooooh O-Odie". Moaned out Tony clenching tighter down on the fingers, while he whispered to the pup some more. "Why don't you give the husky some help with your tongue". Pushing forward with his fingers and pressing Tony's muzzle up under Mikey's tail. The husky pup yipped when he felt the dalmatian's cold nose press up against his tailhole looking back in surprise, but couldn't help but moan as his tongue draped across it. The husky yipped at the touch of the cold nose but couldn't help but moan at the now duel stumilation. Tony circled his tongue around Mikey's tailhole laping back and forth over it as he ground back on Oden's paw. Oden smilied as he postioned himself behind. His own swollen cock twitching at the sight of his finger slipping outta the loosened and well lubed hole of the spotted pup. He stroked the last of the lube onto himself murring a bit as he lined up. Then pressed the tapered tip of his shaft up against Tony's hole then grinded in. Tony gasped and buried his muzzle deeper under Mikey's tail tongue sliding around and writhing as he moaned into Mikey's cheeks. Tony felt Oden spread him nice and deep hitting all the right spots on his way in. Tony arched his back lifting his tail higher into the air hoping to get the large fur deeper till Oden hilted in the little moaning canine. Oden grinded in rotating his hips slowly to slide back and forth at different angles. It made Tony go wild moaning uncontrollable while he slid his tongue past Mikey's ring causing the Husky to moan as well. While Oden and Tony had their fun Xander was only getting started. He had never felt something like Casey's ass before. It was tight, warm, and wet. It squeezed his shaft in ways that just made him want to bray. He tried to be gently like Oden had said but self-control was failing him. He was thrusting harder and faster with each slap of his balls against the fox's. His thrusts were deep and fast. Casey wasn't complaining at all though because he was in heaven. His shaft throbbed under him each time Xander hilted inside him. He could feel every throb and twitch the horse gave him and could tell Xander was flaring out and gettin bigger. That's just what Casey wanted.....more. With each thrust his prostate went crazy sending him on overload while he navigated his tongue around Mikey's cock. He loved the taste of his pre which was flowing harder now leaking down his throat and feeding his greedy appetite. Mikey loved this. He had never imagined something like this could be so awesome. He would thrust into Casey's maw for a bit then pull back and grind down on Tony's probing tongue. Moans wouldn't stop coming outta the young pup mouth. Tony was harder than ever alittle dribble of pre had made a tiny puddle under him. The thrusts Oden was giving now were hitting his spots perfectly. Oden was thrusting hard deep and slow just like the puppy liked it. Each one slamming his prostate with the force of a hammer. It sent Tony's mind in to fits of pleasure he had to focus on rimming Mikey just to stay from writhing around. Oden loved watching Tony squirm around in pleasure it made him smile so he did his best to hit Tony's buttons just right to get him like this. But he also knew Tony liked it fast so he was slowly increasing his speed. Each thrust making him moan from the grindin clenching and wiggling around the dalmatian was doing. It was hard to keep from blitzing Tony' ass all out but it wouldn't be too much longer till he couldn't help himself. Xander let go and start to relentlessly pound into Casey which sent him into a moaning fit he pushed back against the thrusts but most just took it the momentum of the thrusts forcing him deeper onto Mikey's cock. Xander grunted and panted leaning down and pulling back each thrust of his now flared cock punched Casey's prostate hard. Casey's toes curled and his cock leaked along with Tony's. He couldn't believe it felt this good to have something inside him. He tried to focus on sucking Mikey but his mind fluttered each time Xander thrusted in. Mikey didn't mind as he used Casey's muzzle as a fuck toy. Casey was out of it enough that his throat relaxed a bit letting him hilt into his throat stuffing his muzzle full of shaft with every thrust.

He moaned and pushed back on Tony's tongue which was twisting around as deep as possible inside his ass. He reached down and grabbed his knot sending a wave of pleasure through his body and a shiver up his spine. As he reveled in his new discoveries Tony was moaning up his tailhole. Tony was clenching down hard on Oden's shaft. He panted as he felt another thrust land balls deep against his prostate. Moaning filled most of the air now mixing with the scent of sex and musk only making the orgy that more intoxicating. Oden was loving this, his senses where picking up everything and it just made his blood pump faster as he pounded down into Tony's hungry tailhole. He could the pressure building inside him. He was gettng close and fast. He didn't care he just pounded in faster moaning and growling in near feral lust. Mikey was the first to get sent over the edge. He moaned and pulled Casey down onto his shaft past his swollen knot locking the fox's jaws in a tie while pushing back and pulling Tony's head as far as possible up under his tail. He almost howled but his forearm moaning out his orgasm as he started to pump cum down Casey's throat. Casey moaned as his teeth passed over Mikey's knot and cum flooded into his muzzle. He had no other option than to swallow. Gulping down the Husky's seed murring at the stronger flavor. Xander was the next to get set off. He was thrusting as fast as possible now grunting everytime hips connected with the young kits no longer virgin ass. He felt his balls pull up and he whinnied into the air and stuffed every last inch into Casey filling the fox as with his tailhole. Some even leaking out around Xander's cock. Casey couldn't take all the stimulation and feeling himself get filled from both ends sent him plumeting over the edge. He moaned loudly around Mikey's knot and splattered his load down under him. Tony was next to cum pushing back on Oden's shaft. He was extremely close licking up under Mikey's tail and Oden cock just kept hitting his spot perfectly. Oden was thrusting harder than ever trying to force his knot past Tony's ring. He kept pushing harder till Tony relaxed just enough to let his knot pop in and stretching his tailhole open wide. When his knot wedged down deep up against Tony's prostate all he could do is give a small bark and moan. His cock throbbed then exploded sending strings of puppy cum down onto the floor below him. His ass spasmed around Oden's shaft and knot clamping around it tight sending him over the edge. To keep from making to much nose he bite the scruff of the dalmatians neck, howling a moan of pleasure into his neck fur. His knot expanded letting his cum flow up the spotted pup's canine. They all moaned and pant falling slowly into afterglow. "Wow that was amazing". Said Mikey panting tail wagging a bit in Tony's face. Tony swatted his tail away and sputter a bit laughing. He was just about to respond when everyone heard the ladder of the attic drop.